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9279322 No.9279322 [Reply] [Original]

>Él no sabe español

>> No.9279456

> he learns spanish by learning spanish instead of learning french or portuguese and killing two birds with one stone

convince me to read past episode 1 in 2666

>> No.9279477

is the worst episode
5 is god tier

>> No.9279485

is spanish worth learning to read montaigne?

>> No.9279527
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is spanish worth learning to shitposting on 4chan?

>> No.9279566

as a native, I think spanish is worth learning, there is a good literature, but I don't judge anyone who doesn't want to because is a fucking pain in the ass
With english is so much easier to think, explain ideas, whatever, spanish is so fucking heavy, is too logical, if you don't make a sentence is a 100% perfect way, communication gets lost. There is a word for every little, insignifcant detail of a thing, and if you forget ONE of those details everything collapses

>> No.9279569
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>if you don't make a sentence is a 100% perfect way


>> No.9279574
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>No saber holandés, inglés, aleman, español y un poco de francés

>> No.9279575

but is totally worth it for reading Don Quixote tho, IMO, and a bunch of other stuff too, like Borges
spanish when done right is god-tier

>> No.9279579

meant to type say in* instead of is

>> No.9279590



>> No.9279603

>Não saber português

>> No.9279605

Hablar un poco espanol

>> No.9279621

>nisiquiera tiene la ñ
sacudiendo mi cabeza para ser honesto familia

>> No.9279648

>ese sentido cuando quiero mudarme a Chile para enseñar Ingles, pero mi español es mierda

>> No.9279655
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You're right, it is shitty.

>> No.9279658

Tienes que regresar.

>> No.9279664

"Sentimiento" hubiera sido mejor?

>> No.9279666

Ya perdiste tu oportunidad.

>> No.9279669

Cervates is discount shakespeare anyhows

>> No.9279672

Definitely. Sentido = meaning. Sentir = to feel. Sentimiento = feelings.

>> No.9279677

sentimientoS is feelings
I can't find the accurate translation for sentimiento

>> No.9279685

What are you on m8? If you add a S in the end you get plural. Don't be that retard pls.

>> No.9279690

isn't feelings plural?

>> No.9279695
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Your point being...?

>> No.9279715

That the translation should be plural too (see sentimientoS) ?

>> No.9280474

>ő nem beszél magyarul
Szar az életetek család.

>> No.9280530

¿Si aprendería español voy a adquirir una novia Latinax?

>> No.9280564

Pfffff nope.

>> No.9281040
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No leáis a autores yanquis e ingleses.

>> No.9281453
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Não falo espanhol, mas falo português.

>> No.9281518
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Thanks very much for the info portuguesebro.
Back to you Peru.

>> No.9281520

for you

>> No.9281536

>No usa el sujeto elíptico

>> No.9281636

>No parla Català

Sacsejo el meu cap, per ser honestos senpaiília.

>> No.9281648


>> No.9281650

I genuine think that english is garbage-tier because it doesn't have hidden subject.

Not to mention the non-pro-drop thing.

>> No.9281660

nobody cares what you think beaner

>> No.9281668
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t. chicano

>> No.9281734


>> No.9281745

Which language do you guys think is the ugliest: Spanish or German?

>> No.9281747


>> No.9282202

A ver, teniendo en cuenta que el español es el lenguaje supremo... Será el alemán.
But then again, I dont even speak German. But YOU, mon ami, tu seguro que hablas french AND german, because youre a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.9282561

>implying Dutch is not just some shitty dialect of German
t. Dutch anon

>> No.9282567

ke onda prros :v

>> No.9282615

porké no te callas

>> No.9282631

Me he ekibokado no bolberà ha okurir

>> No.9282730

That was kind of my point

>> No.9283309
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callate puto déjalo hacer su filo tranquilo

>> No.9283511

Yo sabo español

>> No.9283637

Que mierda este hilo Latino papus. El Castellano es una perdida due tempo y in idioma idiotico. 99% due los Latinos son feos mongolicos. La literatura tambien vale mierda. No estudien este idioms de mierda.

t. Gringo que aprendi el espanol

>> No.9283644

All the mistakes was English auto correction fucking with me.

>> No.9283647

>vale mierda
>t. Gringo
buen intento chicanito

>> No.9283659

Não preciso aprender nada para entender essa língua de chicano.

>> No.9283796

>ese sentido
Construyan el muro

>> No.9283811


>> No.9283875

Cervantes> Shakespeare

>> No.9283892

¿Cuando vamos a tener al digno sucesor de Bolaño?

>> No.9283939

Esta maldita idioma no hace sentido. Mejor aprendo francés

>> No.9283949

Don't literally translate from english to spanish my dude.

Make doesn't work in that sentence.

Es mejor decir "tiene", that means, This fucking language has no sense.

Still kinda correct in english, I think, pero no en español.

>> No.9283957

El portugués es una bastardización del español.

>> No.9283975

Necesito años de estudio antes de dejar de pensar en mi primer idioma. Mi español es filtrado a través de mi Inglés

>> No.9283987

Also, the Spanish academy says that "hecer sentido" is an anglicism, but it's still understandable in context:

"Aunque ambas expresiones tienen el mismo significado, se recomienda emplear tener sentido"

>> No.9284006


Larguense a cacabook imbeciles.

>> No.9284024

Oh, pero yo sí se hablar español, you fuck.

>> No.9284218

Salu2. Te digo amigo, lo unico bueno en el castellano es hablar Como unal chicano. Si quieren aprender un idioma para la literatura, mejor estudiaran el aleman o japones.

>> No.9284225
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Spanish is horrible language, as are most Romance languages, with the exception of Romanian.

>> No.9284497

>sabe español
>no dijo conoce español
>no dijo sabe hablar español

>> No.9284516

El español es una bastardización del italiano

>> No.9284626

El italiano es una bastardizacion del latin.

Y así hasta Babel.

>> No.9286252

-No se dice no sepo, ni no sabo...
-Y como de dice?
-No se.
-Y si no sabes pa ke hablas weon ctm

Jokes aside spanish is very sexy.

>> No.9286558

sabe español es más correcto que conoce español

>> No.9286658

You just have shit taste m8, Romanian is even worse than French

>> No.9286710

Even as an Englishman, I say that French is the best Romance language.

Spanish just looks... barbarous.

>> No.9286791

Maybe it's just because I'm surrounded by ghetto-ass portuguese and spanish speakers in my town, but I always felt like they were very ugly languages, at least when spoken like a retard I guess.

>> No.9288020

>Non fala Galego, a língua dos bardos e do heroe Breogán

>> No.9288070

In 10 years when I publish my first novel.

I'm chilean btw.

>> No.9288129

germanfag here, Borges is fucking godtier in spanish
totally underrated

>> No.9288148

Falo is penis.

>> No.9288163

Ok idioms, then say it without crying.

>> No.9288180

a mi me gusta tanto el español pero no tengo con quien practicar

>> No.9288203

habla conmigo

>> No.9288232


>> No.9288326


if there´s something i have noticed about spanish and english is that the spanish phonetics (and latin in general) are like more stable if can call it that way, in the sense that it´s hard that two spanish speakers have any difficult to understand each other because of the accent, all the people throughout all latin america and iberia along with spanish speaking congo and philipines regions people can understand each other perfectly.

In the other hand i´ve seen that the scottish may be have too strong accent and afaik for instance a hillbilly wouldn´t communicate too properly with a scottish, also those stories about the english asking for water in America...

The thing is that the only spanish speaking ones that get mocked about their accent are the chilean people, being serious one obviously can understand them but they manage to have such an extensive and weird argot and an extremely shortened pronunciation that there´s this general joke about chileans not speaking spanish at all.

The best spanish speaking country it´s said to be Colombia, i´m colombian, don´t really know about that but listening to our fellow hispanic neighbors they all have a more argot and specific sayings than us, they even have such a term as "neutral spanish" which i don´t quite understand very well, because precisely it apparently refers to a carefully spoken spanish, and an average colombian has not any clue about what that is which pretty much makes me think we do have a natural carefulness in speaking.

Also the chilean thing happens too into writting

-Chilean: qlo wn ctm la wea fome (they litterally speak and type like that, some of them well..)
-Good tier spanish speaker: Ya chileno comete in diccionario

>> No.9288344

>-Chilean: qlo wn ctm la wea fome (they litterally speak and type like that, some of them well..)
You guys just can't handle our powerlevel.

>> No.9288359

>sucesor de Bolaño
No me parece que la literatura se pueda dar el lujo de tener "sucesores" a estas alturas. Bolaño terminó y cerró su estilo con 2666, todo "sucesor" sería una mala copia. Solo queda abrir nuevos caminos.

>> No.9288368
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t. chicano

>> No.9288373


>> No.9288380

Go to sleep, Nicanor. You're too old already.

>> No.9288416
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, parra y bolaño.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no literary squad

>> No.9288435

That's funny, I know Spanish, English and German and I think English is the ugliest of the three.

>> No.9288788

Modern italian was not "italian" until XX century. Spanish and romance languages did spring from vulgar latin, ironically those languages especially Spanish, French and Portuguese ended up being very jealously kept from vulgarity by their people or educated people at least.

In spanish unlike in english, like anon >>9279566 kinda said, you cannot have words made up by yourself that can be well taken by your interlocutor, it´s like your way of speaking
has to have some respect for the colectively accepted narrative manner.

The english keeps this archaicness by which the compound words and sayings can generally be analized over concepts in the same language, and allows it to be more vulgar than spanish, this being what anon meant by "with english is so much easier to think, explain..." the archaicness of spanish is hidden in the latin, arabic and to a lesser extent celtic etymology, our concepts tend to be complex, and heavy as anon said, and based mainly on its general and specific use within the sentences.

Anyhow, that´s why if someone wants to learn any romance language he most look foward to learn latin and greek etymology otherwise the effort required to master spanish concepts could grow exponentially. It is highly recommended for native spanish speakers themselves too though

glad to hear that, thank god he didn´t get the nobel, it would´ve been bad for his reputation kek. He was surpraisingly interested in nordic and anglosaxon medieval literature, culture and worldview.

>> No.9288793

Looks like you're not particularly well versed in Spanish either.

>> No.9288802


>> No.9290268

We omit the subject when it's given by the verb
>No sabe español
is what works here, otherwise it is redundant.

>> No.9291374



>> No.9291576

Rate muh soneto

Rodéome de golfas y villanos
Y, con una compaña de tal guisa,
Con una voluptuosa Dionisa
Se establecerán sólo pactos vanos,

Que serán olvidados muy deprisa
En favor de aqueste vivir insano,
Quebrados por el sentenciar tirano
Del vino y de las lánguidas sonrisas.

Si algún incauto fiare sus haberes
En tal recua de putas, de basura,
Verá desesperado sus perderes.

Mas yo, que pertenezco a esta conjura
De putas y villanos, miserere,
Asistiré borracho a mi tortura.

>> No.9292312

Pretty obvious.

>> No.9292321

>learning french
>to learn spanish
Won't work, too distant, try italian.

>> No.9292331


>> No.9292437

Sólo modifica a singular para que tengas una rima exacta:

"Del vino y de una lánguida sonrisa"

Fuera de eso, bien el soneto, pero tienes que tener 18 años para postear en este sitio.

>> No.9292475

>tienes que tener 18 años para postear en este sitio.
A qué te refieres?

>> No.9292481
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gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.9292486

Pues me suena muy adolescente el soneto. Está bien escrito, buena elección de palabra y las imágenes están conectadas, pero me imagino a un muchachito de preparatoria escribiéndolo.

Mi pobre opinión, no por eso se demerita el soneto. Sólo me parece que el tema es... No sé, muy azotado.

>> No.9292542

Puede, es bastante autocomplaciente. La verdad es que lo hice medio en broma, no suelo escribir poesía y estoy agobiado porque un amigo está intentando (valiéndose de usos bastante ruines que no vale la pena detallar) camelarse a una chica que mostró interés en ambos en el pasado, pero únicamente en mí durante los últimos días. El próximo sábado los tres coincidiremos en el mismo concierto, en el que tengo previsto tomar MDMA, y me imagino que, si las cosas salen mal, tendré que tragarme, tomado por la euforia (artificial, pero genuina) de la droga, la visión deprimente y angustiosa de cómo mi amigo seduce al objeto de mis deseos. Vamos, que la gente de la que me rodeo es basura y yo lo aguantaré en éxtasis. Cocottes y horteras.

>> No.9292552

Me dan ganas de aprender francés, pero me siento como un imbécil al pronunciar la R gutural porque pareciera que voy a escupir una flema.

>> No.9292567

>un poco de francés
Eres un idiota, francés es una de las lenguas más importante para leer la literatura mundial, y holandés no vale la pena. Todos los lectores deben estar fluido en francés si quieren a comprender la literatura.

>> No.9292572
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En definitiva, un adolescente.

De eso se trata, mon ami.

>Todos los lectores deben estar fluido en francés

Y también en español, sin agraviar a los presentes.

>> No.9292585

Tengo 20. Tú?

>> No.9292594

Pronto celebro mis quinces, ¿quieres ser mi chambelán?

>> No.9292616

Sigo estando motivado para aprender la lengua toda la literatura y cantidad de francoparlantes que existen, pero el asunto de la R me incomoda bastante. A lo mejor termino aprendiendo alemán para leer al tío Niche y a Schopi.

>> No.9292618

Nada me ufanaría más.

>> No.9292621

*por toda

>> No.9292632
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Yo digo que si te interesa, persigas el idioma. Puede ser difícil, pero para eso está la práctica, y si entras a una escuela mejor todavía, porque te van a ayudar tanto tus profesores como tus compañeros.

Yo estoy aprendiendo japonés y griego antiguo y las dos lenguas son pura brujería. Pero me gustan muchísimo aunque sean difíciles, y eso me impulsa a aprenderlas más.

Sigue tus sueños, Anon.

>> No.9292722

Pero no necesitas de la pronunciación se quieres leer, cabrón. Yo leo alemán con facilidad pero no sé hablar ni un poquito.

>> No.9292728

Pero ¿Sabes como suena el idioma? ¿No pierdes la música de la poesía?

>> No.9292742

>ese sentimiento cuándo la pronunciación de la R del francés se te da completamente natural
Aún así es un idioma super jodido. O quizás solo soy un brainlet.

>> No.9292766

Si, sé, obviamente. Pero no sé hablar el idioma. Veo siempre recitaciones en el youtube. Se quieres, puedes comprar el libro German for Reading Knowledge.