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/lit/ - Literature

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9279024 No.9279024 [Reply] [Original]

How is /lit/'s semester going? Studying hard?

>> No.9279030

Hardly, I stopped trying. My student life consists of bullshitting the reading and starting my assignments the morning they are do.

>> No.9279037

i'm drunk. i just finished a project, and now i only have 20 pages to write in the next two weeks, so im taking a night for myself

>> No.9279056
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Im planning to drop out.

>> No.9279072

i think this attitude can only come from going straight into college/uni out of high school, and not really appreciating the opportunity you have. even if you don't end up liking what you're doing you're miles better off seeing it to the end.

>> No.9279074

I regret not going to trade-school.


>> No.9279076

stayed home today because I couldn't stop sneezing

>> No.9279114

You're right. If I were to do it over, I wouldn't have gone to university with such haste and my undergrad probably wouldn't be the mess that it is. I have full intention of finishing, I just have an unmotivated, half assed mentality towards it. I'm doubtful of its usefulness - I'll probably end up going to a 2 year college for a more practical skill following graduation.

>> No.9279122

Sorta. I do all of my assignments early so I get more time to read my own stuff. I barely show up on campus unless it's absolutely necessary.

Sounds sad but I'm in my last year anyways so I'm gonna have to find a career before I graduate

wtf can you do with a general English degree lol

>> No.9279132

I'm soon to graduate with the same degree, and I don't intend on using it. Thank god my parents paid or it, hahaha.

>> No.9279142
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mines on loan

>> No.9279169
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>Taking out a loan for an English degree
What were you thinking?

>> No.9279176

dropped my classes but my next quarter starts in april :3

>> No.9279177

Grad school is going well. I spent all afternoon yesterday madly finishing Moby-Dick for a Hawthorne/Melville class, and got it done. Recently turned in a paper on Julius Caesar for my Shakespeare class, in which we today began Richard II. It's my first go through most of the English history plays, so I'm intrigued.

>> No.9279181

Student loan, it's interest free

>> No.9279182

>this thread
/lit/ is literally just /undergrad/ isn't it.

>> No.9279199

actually yes, a bit

>> No.9279207

Please take a minute to think about how stupid you are, thank you.

>> No.9279212

>t. literal child

>> No.9279216

About to obtain my PhD. Feels good

>> No.9279218

in what

>> No.9279219

What are you going to do instead.

>> No.9279224

Obviously a thread like this is going to attract students

I graduated two years ago and truly miss my undergrad days, despite being miserable during them

>> No.9279231

That's a great play, anon-- I read it in a Shakespeare Tragedies Class in which we also read the 4 History Play sequence from R2 to H5-- because I actually liked doing research and writing papers I sometimes find myself missing school. R2, at any rate, is definitely in my top 5 so far as 'the plays of Shakespeare' are concerned.

>> No.9279236

Me too desu, on my final semester and really struggling to find the motivation to get my final projects done. Doesn't help knowing that my degree leaves me with absoloutely zero decent prospects (Sociology, kek). Got some I.T experience before coming here so considering getting into networking again.

>> No.9279238

gender studies

>> No.9279257

I fucking hate uni but at least I have lots of free time and relative anonymity around campus

>> No.9279259

i gotta choose between reading kafka's the process and kundera's unbereable lightness etc then take a test about the book i chose
i feel kinda confused. what do you guys think?

>> No.9279263
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Are people at the top tier universities really more interesting and capable?
I am finishing undergrad at a pleb tier "yoonay" and going to into basically my dream program for postgraduate, will people actually be smart? Will there be people who have things to talk about other than "haha i drank so many vodkas last night and then I THREW UP ALL OVER THE PLACE haha"

>> No.9279284

Also finishing course at a pleb tier uni, the teaching has been dreadful.. my lectures/seminars make up one and a half days of the week, da fuq am i paying for? What kind of postgrad are you getting into desu?

>> No.9279290

Low Tier Unis = normies, dudebros and failures

High Tier Unis = psueds, posturers and SJWs

>> No.9279291

No actually I am just like that other anon and I spent 2 years at a CC before transferring to state. I commute and live at home to save my parents monies

>> No.9279304

Computational physics, switching from CS
Same on my course, I had to lie on all my postgraduate applications about the requirements because my uni just didnt teach anything beyond extremely basic, qualitative things, we literally didnt even learn boolean logic because people couldnt handle a "for" loop in Java
I learned more from reading internet programming tutorials than university

>> No.9279314

Unbearable Lightness is nice, and it's the more popular of the two, so you're more likely to meet someone else who's read it and be able to discuss it with them.

>> No.9279330
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all my professors are so great this semester. i honestly almost dislike it, i'm not used to feeling anxiety about disappointing my instructors

that's not too bad anon, you can bang that out in the first week and spend the next revising. i believe in you tbqh

being retarded

confused by the choice? i would honestly pick whichever text you think you like more, it will make it easier to research opinions and context which may appear on the test. there is probably more stuff out there about lightness than process but definitely way more about kafka than kundera. you could try talking to your professor, too, and ask for his advise. don't necessarily follow it, but it'll help as a guide. also, if possible, ask other students who have taken the class what the test looked like (was it mostly about theory or content, etc.)

>> No.9279352

>Computational physics
Ah well, congrats on getting a decent postgrad sorted anyway. I made the mistake of taking Sociology so my options are pretty sparse. I completed a hardware/networking apprenticeship before uni, so i'm hoping I can get back into the networking field.

>> No.9279360

Studied English studies for 4 years and now I'm getting my teaching degree (FLT)


>> No.9279397

where did you go

>> No.9279414

aw, thanks for the useful reply :3

>> No.9279706

Learning ultra basic math shit so I maybe get into a carreer next year
Already dropped out once because my bipolar disorder started existing and I was barely an human being
I don't want to get into anything because I see no meaning (besides not being a parasite to my parents)
Life is great!

>> No.9279724

if you'd like a math tutor i'll do it for free compadre

>> No.9279729

i have an essay due in like 12 hours about afrofuturism and Black Panther. the comic character

>> No.9279737

Who /mathfag/ here. I'm in differential equations and linear algebra, and all the "I want to be like the big bang theory" types and the autismos have been filtered out. The remaining people(math and engineering students) are super chill, even to a weirdo like me. The other day, I was invited to a study
group, and we all got columbian food after. Feels good man.

>> No.9279748

I don't even know where to start. I got As all the way through HS math until I finished Calc and when I went to take Calc II I didn't know anything, I went back to review like way back to trig and couldn't remember a fucking thing. I want to do proofs. They're so cool ;_;

>> No.9279752

I stopped due to depression and now I'm a NEET st the moment.

>> No.9279754

I had a fantastic grade average in the first semester, but this one isn't going so good (not that it's going bad, just not as good as the first one). Guess I got a little bit too cocky after how well the first semester went and I slacked off a bit.

>> No.9279762

Got a speech I'm giving about diogenes tomorrow and I have yet to have one successful practice run. Also I keep shitting.

>> No.9279776
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As someone who's attended community college as well as a high tier uni: pretty much this, desu. Although you will find plenty of smart people at high tier unis, they're often horrible to be around for some other reason (pretentious, posturing, obsessed with their own intellect, social deficient, etc.).

Hell is other people. You'll never stumble or work your way into some perfect community of "intellectuals" who totally understand you. My years at the high tier uni were some of the loneliest of my life, despite the fact that I was surrounded by people who were just as, if not much more, intelligent than me.

>> No.9279790

Same. Life sucks and I wish I was another individual completely. I'm really useless.

>> No.9279798

believe it or not, it gets worse

this, except high tier also has plenty of normies, dudebros and failures

>> No.9279812

hi this guy>>9279748 isn't me
where do you live and why are you doing stuff for free, what is your endgame
>I got As all the way through HS math
normalfag tier

>> No.9279822

How do you deal with not being the most intelligent person in your circle?

I was easily the most intelligent person in my course last semester, but this semester a chick came from the other side of the country. And she's taking the spotlight away from me.

Normally, it wouldn't bother me, but I have to talk with these people every day and having a fucking know-it-all who, for the first time in my life, is superior to me in every way in terms of intellect is infuriating.

I feel like I should expect this, since I was depressed for a majority of my teen years and did nothing besides lay in bed all day and cutting classes, whilst she spent all that time studying and reading. But now that I feel better about my life, I was ready to realize my potential. And yet I'm faced with this obstacle already.

What's the point in doing something if you're not the best at it?

>> No.9279830

have a circle of one
only hang out with stupid people / under achieve
be eccentric enough that you're not directly comparable with anyone

>> No.9279840

>normalfag tier
Why does it matter if I'm not you mate? Why are you so crazed?

>> No.9279841

>is an undercover r9k thread episode
Yeah I know that feel but it really is a retarded feel, so stop feeling it, being intelligent or not doesn't matter, tell the girl you think she is smart and ask her for help in whatever faggy shit you do so you 1) might learn something 2) might get some pussy (of course this is impossible because you are here posting about feeling bad because other people are more intelligent than you which means you are a narcissistic insecure idiot who was never intelligent or anything related to something "good" in the first place but I trying to be nice here so get her tiger!)
tl;dr: stop being a 12 years old

>> No.9279844

I have to write a ten page paper on Putnam's brain in a vat paper. I thought it was going to be a better version of the Cartesian skepticism argument but it is actually about semantics and externalism, a subject I don't know well other than Frege's sense and reference which even then is pretty primitive comparatively speaking. I also think the philosophy department at my school is a joke and the students as well. It's forcing me to be a math major when I'm not even really that great at math even though I do enjoy it mostly speaking. But I hate committing to something that I know I'll never be great at.

>> No.9279846

It was a joke you autist
>Why are you so crazed?
I was born this way

>> No.9279848

read more than her? What kinds of courses are you talking about?

>> No.9279858

Last semester was shit. I focused on 2 difficult classes I had risk of fucking up and saved them, but lost another one, much easier. I just stopped giving a fuck about that class. So now, I can't receive the two important classes I saved because of that one I lost. Basically I just made my career half a year longer. I'm 20, about to turn 21 and in second year of architecture. Wanted to kill myself because I didn't want to graduate at 25.

Now I have another problem. I also lost math, but at least that doesn't block any other class for one semester. However, some bitch working for the university fucked up my assignment to the class, so basically I'm not receiving it. But if don't receive it, it will indeed block another class later, so I would lose anotheer 6 months, making it one whole year I'd lose. She wants me to pay a shitton money to make an extraordinary shit so I can be included in the class, which I can't pay.

My life feels empty because I am not having the most interesting classes.

>> No.9279864

proofs come a pretty long way after remembering trig, friend

the type of math you need, and subsequently the order you need to learn foundational math in, depends on what you're doing and what proficiency it requires

i've got "math tutor" on my resume, gotta get that internship credibility

>> No.9279867

Realize that there's always someone who is better than you in life, you were just unlucky enough to meet them face to face.

In other words, shit happens.

>> No.9279872

Grow & sell weed

>> No.9279873

>proofs come a pretty long way after remembering trig, friend
I meant nothing to imply it didn't, just that at some point I realized I have no real mathematical grounding and would like to change that. I just don't know where to start.

>> No.9279875

what's it like being an architecture student? I have recently been doing some research into the feasibility of going to grad school for the first architecture degree track. However it seems like being an architect involves little design and spending a lot of time doing paperwork and talking on the phone.

>> No.9279879

start with the greeks

>> No.9279882


>> No.9279883

just go to khan academy and learn whatever you've forgotten. Once you get to calculus get stewart (which is the engineer intro calc book) or spivak/apostol which are more mathy and proofy albeit much harder

>> No.9279889

/math-eng/ fag here.

I think you're right. There were some serious reddit-tier people in 1st & 2nd year.

In the higher level math classes i've taken i've still found there're definitely some autismo's and a couple of wierdish people but they're the good kind. Chill and refreshing people even if they have some eccentricities

>> No.9279892

is john mcdowell cool?

>> No.9279897

I would, if I also didn't have the need to attach myself to people.

It's childish, I certainly agree, but it's not something I can get rid of so easily. I'm naturally competitive now since I was made to feel like shit all my life. I can only get personal satisfaction if I feel superior to the people around me. And I'm an asshole, so no use in taking the moral route. My body is pathetic, so no athletics either. Intelligence will have to do.

I would read more than her, but she has a headstart and feels like she has read everything in existence already.

>> No.9279899

Most classes in first semester are about learning how to draw, using CADs, dominating perspectives and shit like that. Pretty boring.

Second semester is much more interesting. You actually start designing houses and shit like that and get to draw plans, and know a bit about materials and so.

Third semester (which I am right now) is great desu (if you're receiving all classes which I am not). Mostly I'm learning about stuff like concrete and steel, shit like that. Pretty interesting.

Later you have to learn how to quantify all the materials and shit you have to use in your projects and more boring stuff about money and talking on the phone...

If by paperwork you refer to drawing plans, it can get boring after spending whole days doing exactly the same stuff, but in the end it's rewarding.

>> No.9279900

I've done this, but I guess if you're suggesting I'm somewhat close.

>> No.9279905

figure out what you have over her (it has to be something) and feel satisfied in that, attributing the rest to life experience differences

>> No.9279906

>Student loan, it's interest free
Lol read that again faggot, student loans are only subsidized while you are still in college, Start lubing your asshole and figure out how high your rates are.

>> No.9279926

has she read the tunnel? Because she's a joke if she hasn't

>> No.9279936

Holyshit how spooked can you get, you are not competitive you are just a whiny bitch.

>> No.9279954

This is true.

This works.

>> No.9279958

meh I bet she is not that special, I think you just like her but you are such a pretentious piece of shit you have to put a veil of "intellectualism" to it

>> No.9279960

Which books would you recommend for me as an absolute beginner? I know zero about architecture

>> No.9279991


Which high tier uni

>> No.9279994

To be completely honest, I don't read books about architecture. For general knowledge, I'd suggest forums like skyscrapercity.com or skyscraperpage.com

You can see thousands of pics of ongoing projects, styles, urbanism, history, etc. That's where I get literally everything I know, and I kinda know a lot about architecture.

>> No.9280021

Alright thanks

>> No.9280038

No, you're just making really grand Canyon logical jumps here. You're just not very bright.

>> No.9280062

I want to read a book that would be entitled "A History of Defensive Architecture", if it existed. Do you know of anything like this?

>> No.9280081

Fuck moot court for taking my time up without a grade.

>> No.9280098
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Generic issues finding the motivation to finish my last two semesters, exaggerated stress and anxiety aside I do worry that I might not have the gray matter necessary to get a C in calculus.

>> No.9280139

If I can get an A in calculus so can anyone else, just do the homework problems and then the rest and then do them again

>> No.9280150

Your life is now worse?

>> No.9280169

I'm an undergrad and I'm 29, you literal fucking child.

There's a woman turning 50 this year in my degree program, too. It attracts older people.
No, they're just more insufferable, which idiots interpret as 'interesting and capable'. They replace cheap alcohol and weed with more expensive alcohol and coke.

>> No.9280180

I'm in a much better mental position. Just kind of wish I could re-do it all with my current mentality.

>> No.9280182

Personally, I'm just not very challenged.

>> No.9280185

I would also be interested in this.

>> No.9280193

Drop classes before it affected GPA...went to rehab

>> No.9280196

I never undertook any formal tertiary education

>> No.9280199
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Been making some really good breakthroughs in my readings of Husserl, Derrida, Zizek and Lacan over the past few days. Adderall is a helluva drug.

>> No.9280201

I'm not American my dude

>> No.9280205

This semester has been decent. I'm loving my poli-sci classes. Currently I'm writing a 20 page essay comparing Kant and Aquinas' views on friendship and politics.

>> No.9280210

Would you mind giving me some more info on your course. I'm 21, no tertiary education. Contemplating going to university, just want to gather weather a lit based education is for me

>> No.9280336


>> No.9280635

Well, I'm on Spring break as of a few hours ago when I turned in my Anthropology final. Otherwise I wrote a 10 page paper on Sophocles' Antigone and another 10 pager on Dostoevsky's The Double. Though, both works weren't required reading for my two literary theory classes, I decided to read The Double through a Lacanian/Freudien framework, and my Antigone paper through a few essays of Judith Butler's.
I'm a bit bummed that the term is over after taking such great lit classes, but next term should be even better if not the same.
Anyone excited for next term?

>> No.9280657
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Please don't get me wrong, I am not just trying to be a dick but am actually, genuinely interested and curious.

What's the deal with modern architecture? Raw concrete + huge glass surfaces are so extremely boring and aesthetically atrocious. What happened? Am I a pleb for thinking Art Nouveau was the last aesthetic style of architecture? Do modern architects really think that things like pic related is beautiful or interesting, and if so, why? Is there anyone with functional eyes and soundness of mind who finds that Le Corbusier is anything but a misanthropic hack whose autism became weaponized in his war against aesthetics?

>> No.9280665

Silly Americans :D:D:D:D::D

>> No.9280687


Ugly and barren just like modern life.

>> No.9280693


Some of us are adults, you know.

>> No.9280696

Feels bad when I'm in an engineering degree that for some reason attracts all the normies

>> No.9280722

Not him. Alot of the fuck ugly designs you see are because of the state of the building industry. Money grubbing cunts cheap out on development because they are allowed to because they are getting a kick back one way or another, run the cheapest most ugliest way possible get immigrant workers to build it for less then minimum wage. Sell it to foreign investors >>9280657

>> No.9280765
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dude fuck trig
you don't need to know a single thing to start proving stuff

find a good introductory discrete math book at your library and start reading and working through some of the exercises. I would recommend a book but I just listened during lecture and that was good enough. So this is prob the easiest way to become comfortable with proofs. At least thats how we we're introduced to proofs at my school.

Anyways, once you've got a grasp on proving basic shit its time to start proving linear algebra. I want to say Andrilli and Hecker is the most common book but I have no experience with it. We used Linear Algebra Done Right, just a phenomenal book. Through chapter 5 is one semester's worth.

From here you have the liberty to pursue whatever topics pique your interest. Well you could do that from the start but w/e
Prob and Stats are incredibly useful as we now live in a data dominated world
Algebra and Real Analysis are the proof based topics with regards to Algebra and Calculus respectively
Topology is the last 'big' topic but I can't say much here

In summary you really don't need to know shit to prove stuff. thats the point of a proof, you start with your assumptions (which are incredibly straightforward at the beginning) and using airtight logic you argue for your conclusion. Like you should be able to walk a retard through most of your proofs. And then your free to look into any kinds of maths. (Discrete Math, Number Theory, Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Geometry, Algebra, Analysis, Topology)

>> No.9280775

I dropped out.

Life has been in the shittier since then.

>> No.9280813


If only Art Deco would catch back on. The modern glass-and-steel style just isn't visually compelling.

>> No.9281239

Engineering typical has more normies then any other of the STEM fields, but that's not necessarily bad. A lot of engineering students are easy to talk to and fun to hang with. Most of my friends in college are from engineering.

>> No.9281254

I failed to pass university application test 5 times so Im not studying.

tfw 90 iq hillbilly retard redneck.

at least my name isn't Cletus

>> No.9281265
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You guys dont find this aesthetic?

>> No.9281273
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>> No.9281281
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>> No.9281296

Doing well, hanging around a 2:1, learning another language and reading whilst at it. Looked up to price to do my chosen masters degree and I feel down because I don't know how to earn that kind of money.

>> No.9281313

Have to write an analysis of the Oxford definition of "God" before 4pm today. I'll probably finish in time.

Uni is lonely. Smart people are either pretentious SJW faggots, and normies are just fucking dudebros and overgrown children who love to party and get drunk.

One of my tutors is a massively annoying atheist cunt too. He's insufferable.

Last semester was so much better and comfier.

>> No.9281619


>he cannot make friends with normie dudebros

Bro, have you tried "fun"?

>> No.9281631


Why are architects such talentless and belligerent hacks who seemingly will stop at nothing to express their hatred of humanity?

In fact, I take the talentless bit back, they're quite talented at manifesting their misanthropy.

>> No.9281643

Got sick for a week and could not work on essays or study my math. Wrote my second math midterm so sick b/c could not get it deferred and nearly failed. Other than that, trying to catch up with my essays now and starting to study for finals

>> No.9281647

I can't learn at all. I'm stupid like Forrest Gump ffs.

>> No.9281664

How long did it take you guys to find work after graduating?

I'm currently unemployed and have been living like a depressed NEET since last November. I'm a finance major by the way (and I have a great GPA).

Honestly its really fucking depressing. I have been applying to various graduate programs that all start around February 2018 and I keep getting rejected. Some I get to the video interview stages, but nothing further. Its crushing my confidence and making it harder for me to stay positive.

>> No.9281712
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I wish I was dead.

>> No.9281764

>Read about some concept.
>Don't understand shit.
>Try to repeat it so I could just memorize it.
>Can't remember it.

Why do I even bother. Let alone my writing is so shit I can't even notice the mental or logical leaps I practice in writing. Like when I skip over a definition or some such, because "I heard it in my mind" every time I proofread it and I just don't remember to write it down or when the essay is a complete mess in structure and once I'm done I realize I fucked up but its too late.


>> No.9281776
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I'm taking a course on data structures and algorithms and one on Plato. I'm doing well in both, but I feel like such a waste of space doing nothing the rest of the time. I'll try to get back into drawing, although I'm still shit at it which can be quite demoralizing.

>> No.9281779

Pretty good altogether, but fuck theory

>> No.9281789

>try to remember a simple fact because I need it in a few hours
>constantly doubt my own memory, have to look up the fact again, have to repeat it 10 times just so I can finally memorize it
>wake up next day
>forgot it all

I have a feeling that I'll have alzheimer before I turn 30.

This is not normal.

>> No.9281801

I honestly feel you. I do not believe learning is supposed to be this hard and grueling.

>> No.9281817

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.9281836

Maybe it is and people like us are just supposed to work menial shit jobs until we die, drowning our bitterness in alcohol and toiling away until we die.

Why do stupid people have to reproduce?

People with disease that their kids could potentially inherit.

They should be sterilized, it's not fucking fair.

I don't want to be a dumb loser.

>> No.9281845


I am venting my righteous hatred of architects, who are, without fail, a bunch of talentless hacks who are completely devoid of creative spark. Further, I am claiming that the only reasonable explanation for their shitty buildings is deep-seated misanthropy. It's too atrocious to just be incompetence, there's belligerent will behind it.

If you disagree, please post a picture of one (1) building built in the style of modern architecture that does not make any reasonable man long for global nuclear annihilation.

>> No.9281858

you sound ridiculous.
would not be friends w/ you

>> No.9281863




>> No.9281878

Go for it senpai, but make sure you have rural property with decent acreage before you commit. I am likely doing a similar deal, I have access to property in either rural Cali or rural Missouri, and I am probably gonna go with Missouri because cheaper living.

>> No.9281894

Also, is it worth studying humanities at a state school if it is free? I have an academic scholarship to a decent state school, and I signed up for compE, but I don't give a shit about the field and would rather study math and whatever humanities degree I feel like pursuing(likely anthropology). I know I won't get a job, but since it's free I won't rack up debt.

>> No.9281896

sorry i'm taking so long getting back to you

i think khan academy is a fine place to "brush up" through examples, he generally explains things a couple different ways so you really understand it rather than just memorizing a problem-solving method. but he teaches from the POV of a high school/undergrad teacher which isn't really helpful unless you fall into one of those categories. i learned mostly via textbook and while the constant epiphanies were satisfying, it was also frustrating that a lot of texts never said anything like that outright. there are connections that are crucial in math that you can really only arrive at by talking to someone about it at some length

a general maths crash course would look something like general algebra into geometry into trig into calculus, stopping at calc ii. this would be sufficient for pretty much anyone who just wants to feel more confident in their understanding of math. but if you're wanting to learn math for a computer science application, there would be a lot more focus on algebra, less on geometry, only a small amount of trig and only into calc i

i know that this advice was in earnest but it's not this easy anon. have you read many proofs that weren't for your discrete class? to understand a proof in topology normally requires a solid foundation in geometry, calculus, basic algebra and linear algebra. writing a proof that is of substantial use to anyone requires a deep understanding of all relevant maths.

i took diff eq and linear algebra last semester and i'd say about 1/5 of both classes dropped because they couldn't swing it. unfortunately they were all just normies and the autismos are still reining supreme

>> No.9281933

Studying is always worth. In my country the universities classify politics and philosophy as humanity studies. So I would say under this context that studying humanities is worth it, since politics and philosophy are fucking amazing topics.

Too bad I'm too fucking retarded to get into the free unis of my country. Fucking double digit IQ.

>> No.9281951

Check out the department before you commit to any humanities degree. It's fine if the department is legit but there's nothing worse than a bad humanities dept. But if it's a respected state school it should be fine anyway.

>> No.9281986

What the fuck is columbian food?

>> No.9281999

From the cafeteria of columbia u

>> No.9282027

same here; just fuck my shit up, senpai.

>> No.9282044

I do, but I'm not an architect. Also that looks like a render. The final result will look nothing like that even if the building remains the same.

>> No.9282227

I graduated from trade school.
It's much better than uni.

AMA I guess

>> No.9282264
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>taking a class on (among other things) apartheid in south africa
>people in the class taking that situation and trying to map it onto modern american culture
worst part is I can feel myself falling for the racial hyper-awareness meme. Sometimes I wonder if all the constant obsessing over race these classes ask you to do is making me more racist
fuck, liberal arts was a mistake

>> No.9282370

I am thinking of doing this, but I have an academic scholarship that basically makes uni free, but I don't care abour STEM, and I can read books/study humanities on my own. Is it really cheaper? How quickly did you get a job.

>> No.9282389

>Sometimes I wonder if all the constant obsessing over race these classes ask you to do is making me more racist

I've begun to wonder if this is one of the explanations for /pol/'s persistent racism. Most of us here on 4chan went to elementary school during the 90s and early 00s, when we had the first big diversity push. I distinctly remember a heavy focus on different races in America, all with the goal of pointing out how America was a melting pot and we should all come together. It may not have worked for everyone.

>> No.9282603

It's cheaper if you go get a technical certificate or the certification programs, which I did. an Associates is roughly around the same as you'd get at a community college.

>How quickly did you find a job
I just graduated from welding and am still looking. most of the time, I either don't get pass the interview stage, it's frustrating and job-hunting sites aren't helping. It also doesn't help that while I do have plenty of free time during the day (I have a evening part-time job), I lack creativity to build things in my home shop.

>> No.9282669

At least you're not actually South African. It's the worst.

>> No.9282750

I'm 18 and still in hs and I'm set to study abroad for my preliminary math courses at the university of london through the university of florida.
I got my driver's license and I finally have some friends and I've had sex with 10 different girls after losing my virginity in october.
I'm afraid I'll go back to crippling loneliness especially when I'll have much easier access to alcohol.
for the first three years of hs I didn't go out with somebody a single time.
the only reason I'm having success now is because I have a good face and I've started to dress like teenage girls like and people have mistaken my sociel ineptitude with mysteriousness.
I'm looking forward to the classes but I can't see myself not spending all my time alone.
thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.9282758

>Traveling the world while studying.
What the fuck are you worried about holy shit

fuck you

>> No.9282938
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In the process of re-enrolling for the Fall. I did STEM for one year, had an existential crisis, and dropped out. Now I'm planning to do psychology w/grad school afterwards but I'm suddenly having serious doubts and thinking it might be a better idea to major in CS.

>> No.9282955

These are the types of people we "discuss" literature with

>> No.9282961

Do both.
t. CS/English dual major

>> No.9282977

And what do you plan on doing when you graduate?

My current 4 year plan is Psychogy/Philosophy (because I've got basic knowledge of phil and I'm told it helps with grad school applications)

>> No.9283088
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Same. I'm sick of the constant requirements to submit writings on uninteresting topics and topics that simply don't need acknowledging. At this point my work is so mired in bullshit that there is no why that my professors can't detect the sarcasm and absurdist tones. I just want to enjoy a piece of literature and not be forced to spit out some fabricated analytical nonsense in the process. It ruins the experience tbqh.

>> No.9283092

no way***

>> No.9283104

only taking three classes this semster
failed my math
85% for my english class because i failed 3 quizzes in a row
95% for humanities. Not really learning anything tbqh

>> No.9283110

I just cant stand fucking med anymore
Kill me

>> No.9283116

I'm gonna get some entry level job in IT/software and live like a homeless dog until I've paid off my loans. After that I'm not sure, it'll depend on if I have a family to support. I'm leaving grad school open as an option, but that's dependent on scholarships.
But I still enjoy CS, which is why I don't mind using that as my money maker. I don't expect to get a job I enjoy, but at least I'll get a job I can be good at.
I think video games can be narrative pieces of art on the level of movies or even literature and it's only the relative novelty of the medium that prevents significant works from being rendered in game format. I want to help games mature from the level of mindless time-sinks to actual worthwhile pursuits, and that's the secret motivation behind my degree combo. It might not ever happen, it will almost certainly not happen with me and I don't build my plans around that. But that's my dream.
inb4 games can't be art pleb

>> No.9283179

games can't be art pleb

>> No.9283191

I did a cs class at my cc but had 2 withdraw cause my code kept failing over and over and it was only an 8 week class.

>> No.9283202


Why study English then? Why not become an engineer or something and read in your spare time?

>> No.9283206

I haven't been in university in six years.

>> No.9283211

This is a source of my anxiety. With most other sciences, you can half ass parts of your work if you feel so inclined. With large programming projects, if you can't figure something out, your code is completely dysfunctional. CS really requires a genuine interest in the material for you to succeed. You have to WANT to know how to do useful algorithms and such. Laziness does not bode well, and neither does a bout of suicidal depression. I'm trying not to fuck up again.

>> No.9283240

It's true, friend. I'm on my last semester anyway so I'll just stick out the degree and move on. I just want enough income to pay for rent, food and a few books here and there. This seems doable to me with a part-time job of some sort, leaving the free time for reading what I please. Cheers.

>> No.9283283

yeah my school apparently has a really good enviromental science department so I might switch to that.
nothing's worse than spending up all night trying to get the shit to work and not even stackoverflow knows the answer.

>> No.9283476

Can't complain, Im having enjoyable subjects, and I am working on my thesis. Picked my masters, and indirectly my future career.

Im becoming a meteorologist

>> No.9283655

this is completely backwards, programming allows you to easily verify your results by some objective metric while math and the sciences do not

>> No.9283729

>fucking double digit IQ
Never let that spooky number define you. I had major brain trauma as a kiddo, and have always been slow in school, whether doing math or reading. I still got that academic scholarship, because I took things slow and always kept the spirit that I could do what I set out to do, even though I may need to spend more time understanding it than other people. I haven't taken an official IQ test, but I don't think I would do that well. All that matters is what you actually do, who you actually are, what you actually know.

>> No.9283735

Right, but what if I don't meet the deadline because I was too busy with other classes to spend 10 hours a day either debugging or figuring out how to do something my instructor hasn't taught? I get so worried about not being able to finish that the thought of even starting frightens me. Of course, written out like this, you could say the same for other sciences as well.

>> No.9283742

you can at least make measurable partial progress, knowing when you've got parts of it right, vs math etc where you just barf incoherent proofs for hours and have no idea

>> No.9283760
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>tfw getting a first-author publication and yet mostly a mediocre student
I don't know what wrong with me, I got an A in quantum mechanics and graduate-level courses but only passed my required courses by the skin of my teeth.

>> No.9284003

So many people here oddly fell for the STEM meme.

>> No.9284041

I find that most autistic/ aspergers people tend to fall into the "smart but lazy" catagory, and start to fail once they reach classes that take significant effort to pass.

>> No.9284231
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>on an ordinary schedule I should be graduating this semester (or maybe even last because AP credits)
>fucked up a core class and the mandatory elective schedule was off so for just my current major I'll be finishing up in fall maybe
>I'm a fucking sperg who can't interview so #1 career services in Burgerland couldn't help me find a co-op (my major is fucking mechanical engineering which bragged of a 100% placement rate)
>gonna stay an extra 2 years for CS, best case scenario I'll have a summer internship under my belt

And yet mostly I'm glad to have a "second chance" of sorts, especially considering the ridiculous opportunities my CS friend at RIT reports.

>> No.9284240

I'm in a STEM field.

Anyone else just fall behind and then fall further behind? Can you even come back from that?

>> No.9284280

If can't keep up with the work, either change the amount of time you work or dropout.
Because you're in STEM, I'm assuming you work above 40 hours a week on your subject already.
If not, then what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.9284283

A lot of people here probably went STEM and got disillusioned; the cliche is starting CS majors getting fed up with other starting CS majors.

I still maintain I'd be a terrible English major from my "advanced composition" and mandatory lit class, and to be frank some of the stereotypes there seem to be true (I thought my instructor for the latter was wearing a flowery undershirt for a week or two until I realized it was a tattoo), but goddamn engineering programs can get vapid when they're not covering applied math and physics.

>taking senior ME design class
>lectures are about a series of buzzwords and border on TEDtalks at times
>Dilbert is fucking real

>> No.9284914

Just dropped out of Mathematics and Computer Science. Feels good man.

>> No.9284919

I hate what I'm doing, but I'm too invested to change. I want to rip my hair out during my classes.

>> No.9285273

>intelligent but spent the majority of teen years lying in bed not doing anything, afraid that you might not be able to make up for it and will always be second rate
Hello past me.

Since you seem to be torturing yourself over the time you think you have wasted I recommend you read Momo (and F451 if you haven't already). Take an honest look at yourself, ask what you wish to accomplish in life, not whom you want to be recognized by, or where you want to stand in society. Those are just outside motivators, and ultimately you won't be able to find meaning in them. Once you're able to get over yourself you could try to get to know that girl. You'll be unable to grow in any substantial way as long as you're addicted to feeling like you're already number one. lrn2humility.

>> No.9286953

I'm currently reading Being and Time, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and Go Down, Moses, and I just finished Absalom, Absalom!

Most rewarding semester I've ever had.

>> No.9287495

>tfw wasted my teenage years by skipping school and literally just sitting in front of my computer all day
>also spent three years in different hospitals
>lots of time lost forever
>now trying to finish school
>at 21

I actually think I'm too retarded for university or a job so I don't even know why I'm still doing this.

>> No.9287503

>same course

>> No.9287571

>missed almost all my second to last year of high school due to dire mental and physical health
>wasted the last year pursuing a girl i thought i was in love with but who abandoned me out of nowhere

shit is hard man.
honestly though i'm surprised i got any qualifications out of high school at all. it was something i always neglected for one reason or another. i'm dealing with the consequences now.

>> No.9287634

not him but using my superior human intelligence I would guess it was two different courses.

>> No.9287694


I do 1/3 of the readings at best. What a waste of an education. What's worse is I get good grades. I can't imagine how little work people with lower grades are getting. It's an useless system and I'm a useless person. I look forward to my useless degree.

>> No.9288058

Heidegger is for my Existentialism course and the other is a course just on Faulkner.

>> No.9288241

well meme'd

>> No.9288254

Because you're American.

>> No.9288271

i'm doing my master's degree in philosophy and have been doing nonstop work for the past 8 months, think i may die of malnourishment.

>> No.9288402

Why were you miserable?