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/lit/ - Literature

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9278985 No.9278985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind ;)

>> No.9279015

That redhead clerk I met at the bookstore today. She was a real cutie.

>> No.9279020

I want to fuck Amanda O'Neill

>> No.9279036
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>lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc.

>> No.9279039
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The slow suicide of Western civilization from poisoning. We were too kind to the lesser races. We were too beautiful for this Earth. We were Gods.

>> No.9279042
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>> No.9279051

Nice damage control, libcuck.

>> No.9279057

This is creative writing bucko

>> No.9279058

girl did not answer my text. going to probably off myself.

>> No.9279063


Take your off-topic shilling/spam elsewhere

>> No.9279070

Keep this Muslim related, libshits

>> No.9279092

that lady looks terrified. I don't understand the memes about her

>> No.9279101

different guy, but good retort nevertheless

>> No.9279118


What do Muslims wear in the summer? It must be fucking stifling.

And they come from the desert too, wtf?

>> No.9279126

their simply inferior

>> No.9279129

I have a sore throat, fever and my chest feels like it's burning. Death could have been more subtle.

>> No.9279133
File: 1.95 MB, 1060x1883, 2017-03-22 17.39.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to London, they said. Walk once over Westminster Bridge. Find a pub, step in and sip some ale. Play with pigeons behind Westminster. Then terrorism were declared.

Pic related. It was the pelicans I saw at the time of the attack.

>> No.9279137

i want to write literature where i demonstrate how my enemies are villains;

>> No.9279143

Hang in there anon

>> No.9279153

I just threw up some yellow goo. I love you /lit/, you guys were true friends to me.

>> No.9279164

Terrible post.

>> No.9279187


im looking at this picture

i want to fuck that arab bitch in the throat with my dick and cum on her face and use the hijab as a towel to wipe my salty spunk from the tip of her nose and i think that dude is fucking dead on the ground and has a feminine sense of boot style

bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon grills and oregano and bacon

imagining a woman who has the sexual endurance to cum four times in a row and let me take a shot of everclear out of her pussy and bellybutton

need substances that induce chemical alterations to my body such as caffeine, nictoine, alcohol or other narcotics i am reduced to nothing more than a sea slug braving the coral reefs on cloud nine

perplexed why dreamed about driving a school bus into a dump truck, pulling an asian man out of the driver seat and trying to shoot him in the face but then my pistol jammed so i threw it at his head and we had a cage match and then i woke up and ate a brownie and smoked a cigarette

i live like a fucking train-jumping tramp with no future

getting shot at is a heck of a hoot

welcome my son
welcome to the machine

>> No.9279223

Wow. So I was at a theater, seeing a play, and in the audience, on a balcony, there was an ex-prime minister of my country (which is the highest function in our government).
I wonder what he thought of the play (it was shit imo) and wether he actually gives a flying fuck about art or just wants to be seen (that theater is a pretty prestigious place).

>> No.9279234


>> No.9279240

i want to punch my friend's face so hard his beautiful lips will look like a gang-banged anus

>> No.9279242


>> No.9279250

which are the chances of someone stopping him to complain about something he did? i know i'm assuming he's made mistakes but how do usually people in ur country deal w politicians in public?
a few months ago a politician involved in a corruption scandal had his ass kicked by an old lady as he in a check-in line in the airport

>> No.9279251


>> No.9279261

tfw the coffee is good

>> No.9279268

is being voluntarily celibate truly achievable? are relationships more difficult nowadays?

>> No.9279274
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>> No.9279276

we're doing this project together for university so today we had to show up because the teacher would give some tips about it etc
yesterday i text him asking: "8am, bus stop" he texts back: "right"
i wait him there for a while, he doesn't show up, i get to uni & call him... nothing
he just texted back a few hours ago, around 7pm
this shit's important and he's acting like he doesn't care
i could simply kick him out and do it by myself but our time is short and i NEED him
that's it

>> No.9279285

this board is usually full of libshits constantly whining about pol

are they too embarrassed to show themselves after it has (yet again) been shown that their weakness and naivete is leading the west down the path of catastrophe and ruin?

>> No.9279294
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tfw the coffee is bad and has been giving me diarrhea for three days straight

>> No.9279296

the white race is simply being genocided and these cucks are revelling in it

>> No.9279313

This is terrible, how do you make your coffee

>> No.9279316

I told myself I was going to the gym today but look at that, I'm taking a shit and the gym closes in two hours and I need to buy food. Also this shit is a mixture between fire and diarrhea. Why can't I focus on shit. I was supposed to finish Portrait of the Artist this weekend but I'm only on page 76. I'm wasting my time on 4chan and, well would you look at that, the shit has dried to my asshole. Now I'll have to use wetnaps to clean my fucking bunghole.

>> No.9279317

Doubt that could happen here. It was a classy place and a theatergoer just wouldn't do something like that. I think people mostly did like I did, thrown a look at him if he passed by and nothing more. He was (maybe still is) accused of serious corruption like your example but the shitstorm has calmed down long ago and nobody cares that much about him anymore. He's just a Facebook meme at this point.

Elsewhere, regarding other politicians? I honestly can't remember anything like what you described. Some milder stuff, drowning out a speech with whistling, but that's it.

>> No.9279318


>> No.9279343

mayocide now desu

>> No.9279939

how do we save the white race!!!!

>> No.9279948
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feels buzzy man

>> No.9279965

Anyone else here constantly paranoid about their own deep psychological biases, insecurities, tendencies, habits and desires?
I guess it's good to be aware that we have powerful hidden complexes, but I can never tell if I'm correctly judging my thoughts and intentions. I'm just going to assume that I'm overly self conscious and try to care less.

>> No.9279967

not having sex is easy i can do it without every trying

>> No.9279969

I don't understand why universities do this kind of crap. It punishes good students and rewards bad students

>> No.9279992



Like a cancer ffs

least furries and loli and even brony fucks keep to themselves, /pol/ faggots just gotta tell everyone

>> No.9280315


>> No.9280338

Conform yourself to the laws of the universe my dude. Would you want to be in a one-sided relationship? That was a good thing that just happened.