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9278620 No.9278620 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any ontological proof that we are a simulacrum?
Is Plato the first post-modernism theorist?
Is going back to nature the only way to end this vile age?

>> No.9278639
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I can't help you, but the demiurge thread just got deleted and this seems more relevant than whatever cartoon image you used.

>> No.9278679

By definition of how our brain operates yes consciousness is possibly only through a computerized simulation of reality.

If you mean the Universe itself, I don't know why you would care about such a thing.

>> No.9278718

But if the brain is simulating reality, then can't we say that the simulation itself is the only non-simulated thing?

>> No.9278733

simulation theory is dumb.
there is going to be a return to nature though and it's already happening. people are more alienated than ever with technology invading our lives. idk about going into forests and shit but people need fwens and to feel like they're a part of a community or life is fucking shit.

>> No.9278751

i watched few episodes of this show, and it was not very good. Bubblegum for min
simpsons > bojack horseman > rick & morty

>> No.9278757

*for mind

>> No.9278763

It's a good show although I do agree that Bojack and the Simpsons are better.

>> No.9278778

every question reveals a different side of your ignorance wrt philosophy

>> No.9278794

wrong. the themes rick and morty covers albeit superficially are way more interesting than simpsons or bojack.

>> No.9278800
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I'm asking because the simulacrum theory only became popular in the age of the internet, as if people are somehow aware that the virtual reality is nothing but regressing back to the simulation we were in before developing consciousness, which means back to the animal state. But also the internet became obsessed with taking the red pill as in breaking out of the matrix, which means the simulation. Yet we stay online, as if it's impossible to really break out of it. And I'm beginning to believe that it is.

>> No.9278834

yes it's impossible to break out of something that doesn't exist. but hey if you want to replace your god hole with electronics go ahead.

>> No.9278945

fuck. should've taken that blue pill

>> No.9278954

I know! Its so deep! I just fucking love science!!!

Might I ask... when does the Narwhal Bacon???

>> No.9278978

what is more interesting than strong self-referential, post-modern themes of simpsons seasons 5-9? It is peak of a cartoons

>> No.9278980

it's not just science dummy there are other themes too. of course they're not in-depth but it's a fucking cartoon.

>> No.9278990

what themes exactly? any examples of episodes? i've only watched simpsons on and off and never noticed any "post-modern" themes.

>> No.9279001

Oh my god how do I even explain!!! There are like multiple dimensions and life simulators, its like they scienced the SHIT out of that show!

>> No.9279005

>I'm asking because the simulacrum theory only became popular in the age of the internet,

Baudrillard wrote Simulations in 1981, but he could have written it in 1960. VR and the Web are not the compelling reasons for the theory.

Information and Media supplanting lived expierence is a trend that can be traced from a hypothetical primordial scene in prehistory, through the course of civilization.

>Such would be the successive phases of the image:
>1. It is the reflection of a profound reality;
>2. It masks and denatures a profound reality;
>3. It masks the absence of a profound reality;
>4. It has no relation to any reality whatsoever; it is its own pure simulacrum.

Baudrillard doesn't even go into the VR aspect of simulation until later writings in the 90s, like "The Perfect Crime". In "Simulations" he instead focuses on things like the artificial recreations of cave paintings, the choice to not contact amazonian tribes and the hyperreal nature of Disneyland.

I think the mistake a lot of people make about Simulation theory is conflating it with either The Matrix or the ramblings of people like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. These guys fundamentally do not grasp the idea, their arguments for the inevitably of reality simulation in a VR super computer (like the Matrix) totally miss the point. The human brain has all of the "technology" required to misconstrue reality with the image of reality, and in doing so, we have moved into a post-historical position where we can't be sure of the "realness" of things, only their appearance and signs.

I think the Ashley Madison scandal from a few years ago illustrated the phenomenon pretty clearly. Millions of men were (are still?) paying money to browse profiles of women who don't actually exist, aka "fembots". While the media focussed on the scandal of widespread adultery, they missed the bigger picture. These men could no longer tell a real woman from a fake woman. They didn't actually want "physical" adultery (penetrating a woman who was not their wife), they merely wanted "phantastic" adultery. In the end their is no longer any difference between the physical act and it's thought crime fantasy equivalent. Our desires and fantasies are just as "real" as any "encounter".

Or as Baudrillard puts it (the image, the fantasy, what is supposedly "unreal") "has no relation to any reality whatsoever; it is its own pure simulacrum."

Whereas once a fantasy or picture could relate to a "real encounter", and then later it could alude to the real, eventually it came to mask the absence of the real and today there is no longer a distinction.

>> No.9279014

>samefag autist
damn what a surprise

>> No.9279041

And what of it? Maybe people without autism cant understand a show as hella sciencin' as Rick and Morty, thats your problem, bub

>> No.9279044

simpsons spin-off showcase, itchy and scratchy and poochie, mysterious voyage of homer. I think that was moment they started to be really auto-thematic and meta

>> No.9279099

thanks i'll check it out.
means it's unsurprising that you decided to samefag your shittily expressed opinion because you're unable to communicate even on the internet.

>> No.9279115

thanks. huh I guess we're kinda stuck

>> No.9279134

I mean there are certainly other metaphysical/epistemological systems out there.

And if you do accept Baudrillard's notion of the Simulacra, there are some exciting possibilities opened up by it. Stuff like Object Oriented Ontology, Accelerationism, Theory Fiction, so called "Fatal Strategies", and the Denial of Reality in general.