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/lit/ - Literature

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9278419 No.9278419 [Reply] [Original]

do millennials really think pop culture is this important? its like they think their childhood nostalgia carries some religious importance

>> No.9278426

The average shitposter on /lit/ is a better writer than Cline, so, yes, they do seem to think it's THAT important. The book does nothing but pander and it's been gobbled up.

>> No.9279418

Cline was smart to compile a novel that is essentially a list of popular google search terms

>> No.9279422

the future is now oldman

>> No.9279424

f/m/k: Sword Art Online, Pixels, this book

>> No.9279518

>“I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said: “Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. “Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid Deal with it.”

>> No.9279542

Woah, that's deep dude.

>> No.9279548

better than parody

>> No.9279550


>> No.9279555

Pop culture is the new religion

>> No.9279562

>Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny.

Woah, didn't know we were dealing with this kind of adult content. Keep this book away from the kids.

>> No.9279567

I though environmentalism was the new religion

>> No.9279571

it is, it does

my condolences

>> No.9279577

This was written by a Gen X, though

>> No.9279583

go to bed, Delillo

>> No.9279612

Normies should have never been made literate

>> No.9279637

Well, it made us the fuckups that we are so...


>> No.9279645

Gen x are just millennials-lite. It all started with them.

Gen x + millennials are close enough together that you might consider them a single generation. There really is no good reason to have more than one distinct "generation" as such per quarter century. Anyway, if you consider them in this way, they are the very first generation to be raised without at least one parent at home. These are the consequences.

>> No.9279652

Rush is overrated

>> No.9280005

Baby boomers are more obsessed with pop. culture than millenials.

>> No.9280036

I felt deeply insulted by this book, as someone who would fall into the demographic categories it's advertised for.
The climax is a big space battle where all the heroes and all the villains get into anime mecha's and fight.

>> No.9280282

They taught us well...

>> No.9280285

perhaps but 2112 will always be a great album

>> No.9280289

i would argue that culture, much of which stems from nostalgia might be as close to religous importance as it gets.
what'd joyce say "God is just a shout in the street?"

If you think about it God probably loves this shitty author more than you lol
i guess youre not so smart after all huh?

>> No.9280303

your first two lines were serious

then your last two lines were insulting on purpose

>> No.9280312

heh.. sorry kid... nothin personell

>> No.9280324

It's so evil to tell kids the truth about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. How dare you?

>> No.9280332

what's much more evil is let their infants watch hardcore porn on your ipad because you're too busy to "babysit" your own fucking child

>> No.9280343


>> No.9280365


>> No.9280379

Telling kids about santa and hardcore porn being fake is equally evil. How about that?

>> No.9280381


>> No.9280383


You too were a normie before you dragged yourself out. Assuming you actually did.

>> No.9280387

The fuck?

>> No.9280389

>implying I haven't been an antisocial autist from birth

>> No.9280392

This is about the point at which I stopped reading

>> No.9280430

dotty kif

>> No.9280433

holy... i want more...

>> No.9280445

Cline is gen x

>> No.9280499


Ah yes one of the most common internal paradoxes of the current age

Becoming disillusioned with the present, the future and the self, the adult turns back towards childhood
That all too familiar attempt to "recapture youth"

Yet somehow they are incapable of realizing something so simple
That in order to truly return to the mind of that childhood self you must do the very opposite of what they are attempting
For a child can only look ahead to the new and the unfamiliar
A child cannot turn back as there is nothing to turn back to
To turn back is only an adult's ability and so the more they do it the farther away they get from what they so desperately try to reach

>> No.9280714

wow, that's horrible
it can't be real...can it?

>> No.9280718

>Gen x + millennials are close enough together that you might consider them a single generation.

Gen X: born 1960's & 1970's
Millennials: Who cares?

>> No.9280721

As well as Moving Pictures.

>> No.9280731

Fuckin checked

>> No.9280752

I don't know but I wish I could find well written sci fi that isn't depressing as fuck. Trudging through New Sun atm.

>> No.9280761

A euphemism for the soul music of the slaves that the youth is missing

>> No.9280762

You tried to play nice, everybody just took advantage
You left your fridge open, somebody just took a sandwich

>> No.9281384

Gen x weighing in.... nigga you are retarded. There's a big difference. Just because your stupid ass was born in the 90's doesn't mean you have to shit on things you weren't around for.

>> No.9281406


>> No.9281558

That was euphoric! I can really see why /lit/ likes this book so much!

>> No.9281690


yeah, that's totally something exclusive to millenials


>> No.9281727

I don't think you even know what years correspond to the terms you're using.

>> No.9281992

holy...i want more

>> No.9282152

Could this be the single most reddit book ever written?

>> No.9282224

You really think this is millennial exclusive, huh?

>> No.9282251

Every generation thinks their popular culture is important. I know it's fun to bash on millenials but you're narrowly focusing on something you see with disdain and not the entirety.

The only reason you think it's millenials are because that's the only group you see marketed to, which is just completely false.

>> No.9282275


Generations are a retarded thing to judge anyone by, by the way. You really think every single person is like every single other person just because they were born around the same time? I was born in 1990 in rural NC. You think I'm the same person as someone born in metropolitan New York or San Francisco California? Hell, my interests and priorities are different from someone a county over.

It's a bourgie way to label. Through that labeling we are unpersonified and easy to attack. Argh it's the baby boomers. Argh it's the millenials!

Back up and stop falling for bullshit meant to divide us against the people that really fuck us up.

>> No.9282278
File: 151 KB, 990x655, ourguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.9282423

literally just used for homogenizing marketing demographics

>> No.9282486


No, don't say that! I must put myself into a group and be identified with it! I bet you're some kind of liberal saying that. You hate capitalism? Fuck off, commie.

>> No.9282521
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you might have autism

>> No.9282564


Nice label.

>> No.9283661

woah,,, so this is the power of /lit/

>> No.9283689
File: 78 KB, 579x672, C1TOWB7WQAA9xK9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, kid Deal with it.

>> No.9283705

>not Hitchhiker's Guide


>> No.9283710

Just finished the audiobook narrated by Wil Wheaton today.

I can't get over the way they spoke. And the fact that everyone on the planet just knew every bit of pop culture trivia no matter how mundane. Yeah I get that 200 billion was on the line, but come on now.

Ernest Cline's a fucking autist who can't talk to girls either, it's easy to tell.

>> No.9283711
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>> No.9283749

>narrated by Wil Wheaton

good lord

i'm glad you're alive man

>> No.9283764

i wish i had the guts to write trash like that and get paid. im always years too late for this kinda shit. thats why my next project is going to be about some transgender president fighting off the last brigade off the muslims in ww4.

>> No.9283801

you have to save the transgender reveal for a cryptic tweet posted nine months after the book becomes a bestseller, this is how you achieve immortality

>> No.9283845

this actually is reddit the book

>> No.9283880

>Wil Wheaton
Is it possible to make a book even more reddit? Who's going to direct the movie, Joss Whedon?

>> No.9283926

I finished it as well. Wesley Crusher was a good choice for a reader,and I am glad he's getting work as well.

The book is definitely Masterbatory. As its target audience, someone who grew up in that era,I found it evoking glee and eye-rolling every time a pop culture reference I understood was trotted out. (I played Tomb of Horrors myself,and Joust). And like jerking off, it felt good despite being slightly embarassing.

>> No.9283927

steven spielberg according to imdb so basically reddit: the movie yeah

>> No.9283933
File: 84 KB, 600x900, The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_to_the_Galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.9283963
File: 72 KB, 680x671, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, kid Deal with it.