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9276666 No.9276666 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: when books say the title in the book

>"Who are you?"
>I, Claudius

>> No.9276672


>"Oh please, where are we?"
>"You are in the Chronicles of Narnia, child"

Come the fuck on, Lewis

>> No.9276774

Lewis was a hack, Tolkien knew it but had to look after him.

>> No.9276779

>Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy

No wonder DFW offed himself, when he wrote lines this bad.

>> No.9276787

>I guess I really am The Hobbit
>We really are The Lord of the Rings

Fucking really Tolkien?

>> No.9276788

"Excuse me fellas, I got a phone call for Mister Stoner"


>> No.9276822


I know Tolkien criticized Lewis for taking a whole bunch of stuff from myth and folklore and simply throwing it all helter-skelter into a single world. Was there more to it than that?

>> No.9276833

Yes, taking everything else from George MacDonald including the religious aspect then changing it into a kiddie adventure where they save the world and meet Jesus and Santa instead of a deep tale of a man searching for redemption. Read the synopses of Lilith and Phantastes.

>> No.9278186

>I've made a million silmarils. A Silmarillion if you will.
Holy shit and people actually read this garbage?

>> No.9278204

>I, Robot, am here to help you, human.

Jesus Isaac

>> No.9278234

>"we came across a a circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth's surface and the terrestrial poles. It was made out of a certain body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.

>"Well," judge holden said, "looks like we got ourselves a real Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in The West by Cormac McCarthy."


>> No.9278244

>man, that sure was a real The metamorphosis

>> No.9278254

>I was Northwest of Whitehorse when she saw me, a compass in my hand, staring at the horizon. What are you looking for, she asked. I told her I was Looking for Alaska by John Green

>> No.9278281
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>In the end, I made enough money to buy the living quarters of my dreams. I now live in a Paradise Loft.

>> No.9278295

>Something they call Inherent Vice, a novel.
Pynchon is a hack.

>> No.9278301

> when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was or did supposed to be some great fellow landed off the ship

Joyce actually slips this into the last chapter of Ulysses.

>> No.9278410

>"Now, he found himself navigating the forested landscape of northern Canada, looking for Alaska."
fuck John Green

>> No.9278491
