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9271870 No.9271870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of "philosophy" in 2017? Especially reading old authors.

STEM basically makes most of them outside very few (2-4) naive and just plain wrong.

>> No.9271873

I find it useful for making people depressed and angry

>> No.9271889

if you're going to make a bait thread please put more effort into it

>> No.9271892

I'm genuinely interested. There is no reason to read about understading of biology or maths from philosophers in these days and especially if you read older ones they're mostly proven wrong by rigorous testing by sciences.

>> No.9271894

Make some examples of philosophers who were proved wrong by science.

>> No.9271896

Hereclitus thought the world was made out of fucking fire

>> No.9271898

too many to name honestly.

>> No.9271899

This hit me hard. Is there any way out?
>Biology = philosophy XD

>> No.9271900
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Ah shit wait, I just realized theoretical physics suggests that all matter is composed of specific vibrations of energy

>> No.9271904

t. of milletus said that life started from water. he was right now fuck off you plebian piece of shit.

>> No.9271905

Read about Kant's notion of the synthetic a priori

>> No.9271911

Just name 2 or 3 of them, I only want to know where you're comig from and wether it's worth it to respond seriously.

>> No.9271914

We're fast on the way to a dystopic world, where the ruling class are unfeeling automatons of cold logic specializing in making money, and the rest slaves to the former without even the most basic human rights.

First visual arts are killed, fine arts, design, then philosophy, literature, theater, dance. Music is yet useful for controlling the masses so they suffer it, but music education is being run down around the world as we speak. Finally, only STEM remains. Since science encourages the formation of impractical theories and employ unproductive "thinkers", they'll probably shut that down too. Everything of use has been calculated, so math can be axed too. All that's needed to make money is technology and engineering.

>> No.9271917

That's not something that professors teach in High School, but philosophers such as Miletus, Earclitus and Anaxagoras were social legislators.

The way they're presented in high school is somewhat weird (they're philosophers and scientists on the side), but the truth is that through their writings on the arche they were trying to justify their societal views.
In that sense their arche should be seen as a metaphor for their political philosophy. I'm pretty sure that this notion will help you guys make sense of their philosophy.

>> No.9271920

>We're fast on the way to a dystopic world, where the ruling class are unfeeling automatons of cold logic specializing in making money, and the rest slaves to the former without even the most basic human rights.

Whats the problem with this?

>> No.9271927

Science never addresses the main fields of philosophy.
What does science itself tell me about how to organize a society, or how to be ethic, or how logic works? At best it can give you more datas to base your philosophical speculations on, but that's it.
Maybe in 2000 years from now neuroscience will solve epistemology, but it's far too esrly to even speculate on wether that's possible or not.

tl;dr: not even scientists believe that science solved philosophy

>> No.9271935
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>What does science itself tell me about how to organize a society, or how to be ethic, or how logic works? At best it can give you more datas to base your philosophical speculations on, but that's it.

Oh sweet summer child

>> No.9271938

Do you not understand that many philosophers were responsible for the most important discoveries and works in maths and physics?

One thing philosophy can't answer is why I'm replying to shitty bait or an even more retarded post

>> No.9271943

Reminder that his singoe scientific contribution is now used to show to undergrads how to not use fMRI machines
Neuroscience it's a scientific field in its infancy, and its older tools are 20 years old and the rate of falsification is astounding, since there is still no major model on which organizing scientific research. Give it a few centuries and you may get some great insight on the human mind. Maybe.

Only a retard with no education in neuroscience such as Sam Harris could have come up with such a stupid srgument.

>> No.9271950

Sorry, lots of typos:

>> No.9271960

No one cares about typos senpai and the quality of your post makes up for it

>> No.9271967

Do you not understand I don't give A FUCK about the present of the past but present of the now where these retards who thiought FUCKING SNOT IS BRAIN MATTER are fucking laughable, idiotic and FACTUALLY KNOW LESS THAN A 7 YEAR OLD KID

>> No.9271973

are you talking about Schopenhauer? Yeah, there's lots of pseudoscience in his books (which was regarded as science in his times), yet none of his major arguments are based on that.

Aristotle had a bonker idea about how gravity works: does that invalidate his ethics, logics and politics theories? No, and in fact to these days they are still as insightful as ever.

>> No.9271974

>these retards

>> No.9271984

you can't truly understand the present without understanding any of the past. You may think you understand concepts, ideas, etc., but you will never truly know them before engaging in the past, investigating the dialectic of the Notion

>> No.9271985
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Can you recommend any contemporary thinkers that discuss this development? Post-ww2 capitalism, technological development, etc. etc..

>> No.9271996

Adorno and Heidegger
Their career took place mostly between WWI and WWI, but virtually everything they've said (especially the former) turned out to be right.

>> No.9272006

Do you not believe in God or something? Get off my /lit/

>> No.9272012
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Thanks, haven't looked much into Adorno but Heidegger is on my list of philosophical thinkers to read. I've been thinking about this development and seeing how the globalized production companies are increasingly making the people of the world into rabid consumers. I think this connects into the current development of automation and "Internet of Things" trends that are developing in the production industry, and when practical AI can be implemented into the production environment, you better make sure you played your cards to be part of the elite that controls that knowledge/technology.

>> No.9272021

Its cute you think that elite and common people will have any meaning whatsoever should such a situation arrise.

>> No.9272024
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>> No.9272030

Well you should read Plato and then read about the holographic principle and the new theories based in it.

>> No.9272041
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>theoretical physics
It's not theoretical anymore, sweetie.

>> No.9272049

>What is the point of "philosophy" in 2017


>> No.9272052
File: 195 KB, 1600x900, 61457-Sigmund-Freud-Quote-The-aim-of-psychoanalysis-is-to-relieve-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to offer some boring thoughts here, as I was going to make a thread about this.

The whole thing is internal dissonance. You want to be in a place where you can mean the words that come out of your mouth, where not everything you say is freighted with existential baggage that is expected to be Heard, Understood, is speaking to God, the Patriarchy, etc. Having a good technical degree in something is going to mean that you can keep up with the Joneses.

It won't prevent your life from feeling empty and hollow sometimes. This is what psychology and only psychology can do. And the history of psychology is also the history of philosophy.

We live in a happiness-producing world. For better and for worse. Capitalism depends on the constant production of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Psychoanalysis has been good at figuring a lot of this out. There is no substitute for happiness, but happiness itself is in one sense all substitutes and in another sense a deeper understanding that there are no substitutes, the idea is to avoid getting into situations where you are compelled to produce the truth, or where you are compelling someone else to produce the truth. Because this can't be done.

So you are required to work. Everyone is. But you have a right and an opportunity - beneath this, the greatest existential need - to choose for yourself work that is going to allow your being to express and develop itself in a loving, creative, positive manner. There is for this no substitute: not alcohol, not one-night stands, not status objects. You need to be you and feel that in those moments you are not lying to yourself, that you are just fine with the silence or clamour of those moments.

You may not find these working at the hamburger stand. You may not even find them *owning* the hamburger stand. Unless you are deeply, overwhelmingly, passionately in love with the hamburger, in which case drop everything you are doing and run, don't walk, to the nearest grill and begin, letting nothing stand in your way.

The world of STEMfaggery and philosophical faggery are two necessary components of the *human lives* that are the reason why everything is the way it is here on Planet Desire. Everything around you is there because somebody wanted it to be there, even though at the same time a lot of other people who *didn't* necessarily felt the same way helped to make that happen because they were sorting out their lives and needed to make the money in the meantime. That is how it is. From the Pyramids to your local grocery store. This will not change.

What you can do in the meantime is find out where you want to be in that system. And the best place, I would say, is the one where you are required to speak the fewest number of lies. Well, that's second best. Maybe you are fortunate enough to be able to allow the truth out, which is even better. And by truth I only mean the part of your being that sincerely wants to be happy and joyful on this insane planet.

>> No.9272060

t h e o r y

>> No.9272063



>> No.9272069

praise god and tie up your camel

>> No.9272071


>> No.9272107
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That's me homes. I've been reading some analysis lately and being re-reminded of how fucking dope it is. So I'm just venting my usual brand of charmingly obnoxious and agreeably pontificating pseud- psychotherapy. Take all this with a grain if not a shaker of salt.

Nota bene: giving advice is easy. It's a bad habit. And often a hypocritical one. But I've been mulling this stuff over for a while, 'reality' and so on. Watching Peterson videos, Trump shit, etc.

My hope is that other people are able to align themselves with a trajectory in life that allows them to be happy and not tortuously introspective, because beyond a certain horizon I think an unreflective life is necessary. It may not be permanently achievable, but there has to be some self-forgetfulness involved. I could be wrong tho.