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9270949 No.9270949 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a "moral philosopher can't shake their personal association between the term 'hedonism' and the image of a drug-addicted sex fiend that is only concerned with short-term and immediate pleasure and so criticizes that perceived image of hedonism as opposed to actually addressing the substance of the philosophies that encourage hedonism" chapter

>> No.9270960
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>it's a "degenerate thinks that people can actually live a hedonistic lifestyle without becoming lazy, impulsive, soulless, empty husks of human beings" episode

>> No.9270965

>it's a "Calvinist thinks there is inherant virtue in prolonging avoidable suffering" passage

>> No.9270967

>it's a "making the exact mistake pointed out in the post you're responding to" post

>> No.9270969

>It's another "pleasure is superior/preferable to pain" episode

>> No.9270973

>it's a "pseud gets all pretenious about their BDSMtest results" universe

>> No.9270976

>it's another "psued projects his excessive self regard on others when they point out his prejeduce" reply

>> No.9270977

>it's another stupid thread

>> No.9271133
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>it's another thread where normies fail to see that hedonism encompasses the sens of morality as well as going from pains to pleasures through the 5 senses

>> No.9271358

>it's another "anon doesn't realize that pain that is preferable to pleasure is just pleasure with a painful disguise" text message

>> No.9271370

Well, may you recommend some texts on Hedonism which accurately portray your thoughts on the matter?

>> No.9271385
File: 4 KB, 273x185, pleasure-pain-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another (((western))) thread

>> No.9271746

epic, simply epic

>> No.9271771

>it's a "4chan shitposter unironically calls someone else a degenerate, lazy, impulsive, soulless, empty husk of a human being" volume

>> No.9272157

>it's another "retard makes easily avoidable spelling mistakes" reply

>> No.9272804

>implying that association is just "personal"
>implying you can name a single moral philosopher who doesn't treat hedonism as an actual theory
>implying philosophical hedonism is not actually the thesis that only pleasure matters
>implying associating a thesis like that with shallowness is somehow pure prejudice

>> No.9272808

You're living the hedonist lifestyle right now

You made that post because it gave you pleasure

>> No.9273046
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>decision to make post is made at t1
>post is made at t2, causing pleasure
>decision to make the post was caused by the making of the post causing pleasure
>event in the future caused event in the past

>> No.9273126

He made that post because according to his best estimations it would bring him pleasure

Hedonism can never be anything but the pursuit of what is PERCEIVED to make you happy. A hedonist who doesn't know that his actions will cause him severe pain in the future is still a hedonist

>> No.9273350
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>He made that post because according to his best estimations it would bring him pleasure
well that sure is a contingent empirical hypothesis for which you have no evidence to offer

>> No.9273363

Ask yourself, why would you ever make a post without the assumption, conscious or sub-, that it would either bring you some element of pleasure or dispel some element of pain?

Your post was clearly smug (nothing wrong with that) so it is obvious that you drew a certain feeling of superiority out of it, or perhaps excitement to watch me try to weasel my way through an unfalsifiable topic so you can squash me like the bug I am in your next post.

>> No.9274254


>> No.9274261

He was pointing out that the way I phrased it made it sound like the ends initiated the means, he just wasn't very concise about it

>> No.9275181

>It's another "if i criticise it in a greentext then it must be wrong" episode

>> No.9275232

>it's an additional "Point out grammatical mistakes after being BTFO" post

>> No.9275252

>it's a "faggots argue about pleasure and pain, not knowing that suicide is the only acceptable answer since it eliminates both" thread

>> No.9275265

>it's a "reducing the mountains and valleys of happiness and pain to a flat line average is an improvement" carrier pigeon note

>> No.9275449

>it's a hedonist uses the no true scotsman fallacy to justify their hedonism episode

>> No.9275458

>it's yet another "layman simultaneously uses an accusation of a logical fallacy too liberally, and believes that hedonism is something that needs to be justified and isn't a constant already occurring in every human on Earth" passage