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/lit/ - Literature

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9268097 No.9268097 [Reply] [Original]

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but what's the difference between prose and non-rhyming, enjambed poetry?

Both can have deeper meaning, select words of phrases for aesthetic content, and so on. It seems that the only difference is that the poetry has an arbitrary meter that doesn't really serve any purpose.

>> No.9268460


>> No.9268840

Well that would be prose poetry, no issue here I believe. There's no difference (depending on what you call "enjambed" though).
"Prose" and "poetry" are not contraries and do not have contraries. And that's pretty normal, since only adjectives have contraries. (I think so)

The surface of a crusty bread is marvelous, first because of the almost panoramic impression it makes: as though one had the Alps, the Taurus or the Andes at one’s fingertips.

It so happened that an amorphous mass about to explode was slid into the celestial oven for us where it hardened and formed valleys, summits, rolling hills, crevasses . . . And from then on, all those planes so neatly joined, those fine slabs where light carefully beds down its rays – without a thought for the unspeakable mush underneath.

That cold flaccid substratum is made up of sponge-like tissue: leaves or flowers like Siamese twins soldered together elbow to elbow. When bread grows stale, these flowers fade and wither; they fall away from each other and the mass becomes crumbly ...

But now let’s break it up: for in our mouths bread should be less an object of respect than one of consumption.

>> No.9268865

Blank verse is not prose poetry.
If it's enjambed it is likely metered.
The difference is meter OP.

>> No.9269062

Yeah, but why is the meter important if it's enjambed?

>> No.9270187

Holy...I want more

>> No.9270210

You're going to get a bunch of very well thought out responses to this, but the ultimately true answer is that one has paragraph breaks for no reason

>> No.9270216
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>> No.9270233

the paragraph breaks aren't what makes this a bad poem

>> No.9270297

Thank you herr doktor "I have a PhD in subjective interperations and catagorizations of words in sequence"

It's not a great poem.

>> No.9271253

that was a poem by Francis Ponge, nice example of prose poerty. He wrote several short texts of the same kind, about meat, crawfish, oyster, crate etc.
My reply to OP sucked though

>> No.9271290
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mfw never even researched prose vs poetry because poems are boring asf