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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 213x159, blocks your path..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9266567 No.9266567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he the only /moderndaygenius/ to exist?

>> No.9266575

no just some old guy who has taken milo's place as the champ for the alt-right with no fathers

>> No.9266588
File: 1.35 MB, 852x492, dealing with communists 5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am detecting large amounts of left wing butthurt emanating from this post.

Sort yourself out.

>> No.9266591

im right wing dumbass

>> No.9266598

I wish /lit/ could address this guy on the basis of the work that he devoted 90% of his life to, instead of this one political controversy that only just materialized, but I guess /pol/hate-boners are too strong. Which is understandable, but unfortunate.

>> No.9266604

of course you are

>> No.9266620
File: 37 KB, 350x350, 0b2b602a3b5b8ffc4cd9f4c2069cd41c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Sean Bean

>> No.9266632
File: 14 KB, 320x294, monalmaosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im right wing dumbass
>the champ for the alt-right with no fathers
linguistically you're the kind of person who uses "problematic" at least once in every conversation.

>> No.9266634

have you actually been reading the board?

>> No.9266638

Empirically you're the type of retard who has not read a book since High school

>> No.9266642
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>> No.9266649
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>if you don't like the alt-right you can't be right wing

>> No.9266653
File: 240 KB, 1014x986, harold-bloom1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have, if you were paying attention when people started trying to move from posting about him to talking about Jung or the Gulag Archipelego his horseshit was ripped apart and laughed off the board and never spoken about since.
All that remains left for his fans are just to ironically spam him as a meme just like they did with Milo or any other alt-right sophist.

Thoroughly dispatched.

>> No.9266656

I said nothing about your preferences, only the way you talked. I'm not a fan of whatever "alt-right" is supposed to mean either, but I don't talk like a twenty year old professional blogger in a Brooklyn coffeeshop.

>> No.9266663

hilarious eggplant emoji

why are left wingers so indubitably smart? every single one i've come across in my entire life is just a shining example of true intellectualism, per se.

definitely not the sludge at the bottom of the human barrel at all.

>> No.9266666
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>> No.9266671
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>but I don't talk like a twenty year old professional blogger in a Brooklyn coffeeshop.

No instead you talk like an obnoxious manchild who unironically thinks gamergate was a significant turning point in history

>> No.9266677
File: 527 KB, 520x525, 285ea9ac2c124e712dd20d05ca2d8b294a27bc7fbf555fedbf8845d56d2a150a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those quints

The dialectic continues

>> No.9266680

>please call me "her" I'm trans
>wtf I'm famous now!

>> No.9266682

Except I just read a thread last night wherein there was actual discussion on the man (in between the political shitposting) and he clearly was not "dispatched" as you say because the thread was not a united symphony of derision against his every point. Again, regardless of your opinion on his politics he remains a modern literary figure and deserves to be addressed. Also last I checked we didn't stop talking about people because their ideas were wrong - if that's the only criteria you can come up with for who deserves a thread you might want to go back to /sci/.

>> No.9266686

>Also last I checked we didn't stop talking about people because their ideas were wrong

Of course we fucking do if we have a brain. I suggest you might gain a lot from spending time on /sci/ yourself.

>> No.9266689
File: 134 KB, 239x387, busta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obnoxious manchild
Okay. Here's a (You):

>> No.9266694
File: 192 KB, 778x1024, 1489420136132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drumpf btfo how can he recover

>> No.9266696

>resorting to pure image based reasoning

Go start with the Greeks

>> No.9266704
File: 236 KB, 506x507, pwned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the "image based thinker" autist

go and cum in some leftist dross like Baudrillard you pseud faggot

your world is going away- and it's never coming back

>> No.9266709
File: 88 KB, 326x326, smuganimu22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9266711

i can't tell if this is a parody of a /pol/ poster or legit anymore

>> No.9266713

It doesn't even matter anymore

>> No.9266715

There are three (3) reasons why /lit/ doesn't like this guy:

1) He isn't an edgy, fedora-tipping atheist,

2) He isn't a literal communist; and

3) A small fraction of his fan-base hold conservative beliefs.

And that's that.

>> No.9266720
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>that feel when the leftist is completely demoralized and deactualized

just as planned

>> No.9266722
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>> No.9266728

/lit/ basically invented the 4chan "convert to Christianity as a reaction to modernity" and hated New Atheists even before that happened
most of /lit/ isn't Communist
A lot of /lit/ is reactionary

>> No.9266730

>he thinks that democrats are leftists

This is what happen when you're education only includes /pol/ infographics

>> No.9266731

so we don't like him because we don't like his outlook? that's pretty unfair of us!

>> No.9266732 [DELETED] 

pls be more specific

>> No.9266733
File: 28 KB, 200x200, smug pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my education is of far greater prestige than you're's my unthinking friend

>> No.9266738


And let me guess, a hundred million dead bodies has nothing to do with it also, correct?

>> No.9266740

pls be more specific

>> No.9266745

>pls be more specific
Most of /lit/ isn't Communist, how much more specific do you need to get? Communism is a more or less well-defined political ideology, unless

>pls be more specific
is a new meme

>> No.9266747

i just couldn't live with the question "what if one more had done it?"

>> No.9266753

Communism is an objectively incorrect outlook. Everyone knows this.

>> No.9266759
File: 119 KB, 500x428, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 40000000000 kulaks

>> No.9266768

Capitalism has killed more people than communism.
>inb4 "that's not real capitalism!"
>inb4 "those deaths do not count!"

>> No.9266770
File: 7 KB, 300x180, oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 6 bazillion poolaks

>> No.9266772

B-but that wasn't TRUE CAPITALISM™ Chomsky

>> No.9266776


"The obsessive hatred, bordering on psychosis, against products — i.e. against man-made objects — seems to be the hallmark of the pseudo-intellectual today. Hatred of consumption, a problem which no sane, healthy person has ever had. As if food and clothes, as if eating or dressing were bad. Such is the pseudo-intellectual's craving to appear to be raging at something, that he will rage at life's basic necessitities if need be.

The "consumer society" should have been called the "slave society", since there's nothing wrong with consuming, it is indeed the basis, the prerequisite, of all growth. Marx was at least healthy in focusing on production; Baudrillard's obsession with consumption is neurotic. Why not reduce it to zero and die of thirst in a few days, you fucking nihilistic little prick? Better yet just stop breathing; oxygen too is something that we consume.

What is "capital"? It is simply another word for money, which is a medium that facilitates exchange. Capitalism, then, is merely a state of things in which individuals are able, and allowed, to enter into exchange. That's all it is. Capitalism = Exchange. And since it is impossible for any culture and civilization at all to exist without exchange (indeed exchange is the number one prerequisite for civilization, with language itself understood as a form of exchange, the exchange of feelings), we might as well say that Capitalism = Civilization. To be against capitalism, then, means to be against civilization — which is par for the course for the kind of subhuman dreck which perpetually champions this nauseating, decadent notion. Just take a good look at them and you'll see."

How can lefturds EVER recover? (they can't)

>> No.9266777

>Haha I'm ironically implying they're subhuman and you're a jew so you're wrong

Kill yourself scum

>> No.9266785
File: 80 KB, 569x768, I wish my scarf was a noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the level of discourse this man encourages here

>> No.9266793

well if it's "more or less well-defined" then good.

'member back when Communism wasn't a more or less well-defined political ideology?

>> No.9266795
File: 212 KB, 543x768, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ahah lefties are sooooo dumb (props to capitalism! elon you rock!! \m/)

>> No.9266799
File: 200 KB, 1434x724, LMFAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful trips

awful post

and you people say pol has bad infographics

another awful post

>> No.9266803

this is worthless because it begins with misunderstanding of what it is these people criticize about "consumer society". they're not opposed to clothes or food. a complete strawman.

>> No.9266805


What a fucking hack of a opinion that are way more people alive now because of capitalism.Hes sick ideology could not resist past the 50 years.

>> No.9266806
File: 127 KB, 638x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those deaths don't count!!!!

>> No.9266808

Cringiest video I've ever watched

>> No.9266809

>'member back when Communism wasn't a more or less well-defined political ideology?
So the 1800s? No. What point are you trying to make?

>> No.9266817
File: 51 KB, 640x416, thought provoking wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is worthless because well basically communism works and jews criticize capitalism so there

wtf im #FULLBLOWNPINKO now I want to genocide my own self now

>> No.9266820


>> No.9266822

there are more people alive today because of advances in industrial/agricultural infrastructure and medicine. population has been increasing worldwide, whether a country is capitalist or communist.

>> No.9266824
File: 1.82 MB, 1500x2000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, those damn jews.... Heil hitler xD

>> No.9266825

it's worthless because he assumes people are criticizing food and clothing and proceeds from there. false premise.

>> No.9266830


So we are actually in a race...hmm that makes sense now.

>> No.9266834

>nazis were corporate fascists


as long as it makes lefties mad i'll vote for it

you assume the "people" doing criticism are actual people therefore your premise s a false premise

>> No.9266838


>> No.9266839

>Any death that occurs under a capitalist system can be attributed to capitalism itself

Woah... so this the power of the left

>> No.9266841


Yes, now kys

>> No.9266843
File: 98 KB, 825x631, boinie colorised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can still win

>> No.9266845


Show me all this advances done in a communist regime?

>> No.9266846

>any death that occurs under comunist system can be attributed to comunism itself

It feels weird when the tables are turned, isn't it?

>> No.9266850

> people are unironically communist
W-what? Am I being memed?

>> No.9266854

>he knows nothing about the rapid industrialization and the avantguardistic scientific research under the USSR
>he thinks that communist under the USSR were just dumb retards plowing the soil while drunk on vodka

>> No.9266855

not the only one but I love him for bringin some more positive PR to psychology amongst right wingers

>> No.9266857

Do you know anything about communism?
>inb4 "I have larned about it in high school and on the internet :)"

>> No.9266858
File: 29 KB, 696x413, trump laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are still a few residual germs that like to lurk on lit

it does not matter as the population has been entirely inoculated with trump, just point and laugh, shitpost a little and make them squirm

those poor little snowflakes in their self-imposed ideological gulags. Sad! LOW ENERGY!

>> No.9266859

Thats not a good thing, psychology deserves every bit of ridicule it gets

>> No.9266860

that if something doesn't keep getting evolved and becomes "well-defined", it's not a legitimate ideology anymore, it's a brand.

and therefore belongs to capitalism.

and it does; in the Western world, the post-Cold War has seized it and uses it merely as a means to it's own end -- a dishonest, verbal weapon

>> No.9266866


>> No.9266873

>Dude let's kill tens of millions to get a monkey in space lmao that would be avantguardistic lmao

>> No.9266874

>and therefore belongs to capitalism.

I'm glad no university professor will ever have to put up with your pathetic reasoning

>> No.9266875

Its a pseudo-science built on assinine and naive philosophical assumptions

>> No.9266878

How so?

>> No.9266884

it didn't have enough funny reddit meme references for him to "get" it :(

>> No.9266887
File: 56 KB, 380x411, 1838047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the title of the video is a reddit tier meme movie reference

>> No.9266889

>"duuude we need more oil"
>"who cares, just fuck up some country in south america or in Africa, prop a random dictator and steal it from them"
>"duuuuude you're a genius"

Reminder that apparently most people on this thread still have not examined their ideology.

>> No.9266891

>Gulags, death camps, famine, lynchings, cannibalism etc. is at all comparable to third-worlders dying from typhoid

Really tickles my pickle.

>> No.9266892

Yes, I've read communist works, you ironic elitist. Are you seriously convinced that people are intrinsically selfless, loving and sacrificial, and that all crime is merely forced on the criminal by circumstance?

>> No.9266896

me too, they're the pioneers in abusing theories to whip practical effects of self-defined social justice (not that Marx was much better)

you're on a thread about Jordan B Peterson, do you even know who he is?

>> No.9266898
File: 14 KB, 265x300, 1481536666757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The obsessive hatred, bordering on psychosis

Lel talk about projectio n

>> No.9266899

>classic western is reddit

i get you leftists hate our culture but please make it less obvious next time

based, cant wait to ruin more brown people countries under trump

>> No.9266900

it is one thing to greentext, but you offer no concrete example

>> No.9266907
File: 71 KB, 499x499, 1461610641774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize that the vast majority of discussions about Communism on /lit/ is caused by anti-communist posters
>We would just be talking about books and abstract philosophers otherwise

Dat thesis and anti-thesis

>> No.9266909
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1489977970260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9266912

What, that you can measure/monitor cognition?

>> No.9266915

>Clint Eastwood
>Classic Western

I'd take some time to actually learn about "your culture" before pretending you're defending it retard

>> No.9266917

She's a trotskyite

>> No.9266918

>Romans have not invented anything
>"you're an idiot"
>but you have not given me any example!!!!

Do I have to teach you everything you don't know, even if these informations are easily available?
Pick a fucking book and read.

>muh human nature
You're a walking clichè

>> No.9266920

For a start yes but thats just the icing on the cake

>> No.9266922

Peterson is letting the memes get to him... but seriously, all the exposure and support he has been receiving seems to be rapidly inflating his ego. Anyone else noticed this? Whether he had a big ego before is debatable, but now it is clearly showing.

>> No.9266923
File: 399 KB, 1152x1536, neets4her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helloooooooo reddit!

>> No.9266925
File: 53 KB, 780x520, 1407134_Peter_OTool_314846b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyshit you're dumb, you realize Conservatives used to decry against Spaghetti Westerns as being a degenerate desecration of a Christian genre

>> No.9266926

We know you know nothing about neuroscience.

>> No.9266928


>> No.9266929

>sort yourself out

but you're the fucking psychologist, that's your job not mine

>> No.9266930

Like you expect everyone to do research each time you give an argument ? this is very poor anon I feel bad for you

>> No.9266932

The current system isnt as good as this perfect utopia I read about in this book. I know a bunch of other guys tried it created a literal hell on earth every single time, but they just weren't reading the book well enough. When I'm in charge things will be better.

Commies make me sick

>> No.9266933

drumpf btfo yet again by another left wing /lit/ intellectual elite

>> No.9266936
File: 65 KB, 750x500, PETER-OTOOLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in a days work my friend

>> No.9266947

> You're a walking cliche
So that's a yes, then? Good to know.

>> No.9266948

It's the most Reddit-tier video I've ever seen.

Le good the bad n the ugly reference

>> No.9266951

>classic western is reddit

i get you leftists hate our culture but please make it less obvious next time

>> No.9266952


>Like you expect everyone to do research each time you give an argument ?
Of course. What do you expect from me? To value your arguments when their built on ignorance and apeculation? Of course I expect you to know what you're talking about.

What you're saying is that you're fine with having more people dying cause of preventable causes only because you don't like the idea of communism.

By the way those are only the preventable deaths, if you factor everything else that is still linked to the system you get a much more dreadful image.

>> No.9266953

I like Peterson but this was genuinely cringy.

>> No.9266956


Please tell us all the great things done in the Roman comunist regime.

>> No.9266957

The movie isn't bad, dork but referencing it in relation to yourself with a title like that is Reddit-tier

Back to >>>/r/thedonald you go

>> No.9266960
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>> No.9266961
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>>classic western

He keeps saying this

>> No.9266962


>> No.9266965
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Huhuh 'magine being that ugly

>> No.9266966
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i love how you're proving your case, really a strong argument here



>> No.9266967
File: 335 KB, 2048x1536, 1485389094413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing we Right Wing men are so handsome

>> No.9266971
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>> No.9266973
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Agreed brother, high test to the max

>> No.9266975


>lets enforce death maybe we get rid of the preventable ones someday

Do you admit any of your ideology mistakes ever?

>> No.9266976

holy shit I am loling

>> No.9266979
File: 223 KB, 866x334, holy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greets comrade, let's embrace the asperger revolution! #FullCommutism

>> No.9266983
File: 101 KB, 660x898, 1480375033725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try commie, you'll never overcome the masterrace

>> No.9266986
File: 355 KB, 980x653, 1489166529019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say NO to hate and YES to refugees!

>> No.9266990
File: 509 KB, 1024x768, EDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, I wont let the glory of White Culture fall

>> No.9266991

this thread has to be satire.

>> No.9266992
File: 477 KB, 646x500, 1488780081546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you voting with the cool kids? I am.

>> No.9266998
File: 166 KB, 1295x849, asdfasfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, Alt-Right is the new Punk Rock

>> No.9267002
File: 134 KB, 647x684, 1482852326712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Match me on reddit.

>> No.9267007


Punk rock is controll opposition

>> No.9267020
File: 42 KB, 428x405, end me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's yet ANOTHER left wingers get btfo thread



>> No.9267026

He's literally a leftist whose entire problem is being forced to use words he doesn't want to use.

>> No.9267042

yeah nah, he's not a leftist at all. he volunteered for the NDP as a teenager, was disgusted by the people he met there, and then left to became the meme we know and love today.

>> No.9267045

What's satirical about this thread? Just a bunch of revolutionists plotting the overthrow of the upper classes and bemoaning the lack of women in our factory jobs. I for one can't wait to slaughter everyone above an arbitrary income threshold: that's the only way to save humanity! Everyone except for me, that is - I promise to give all of daddy's money to charity as soon as the revolution is complete and there's no longer any risk associated with being poor and without skill.

>> No.9267046

hindsight bias

>> No.9267101

superb thread

>> No.9267329

Leftists were always doomed to lose.

>> No.9267332

Why do you think communism is the only solution to preventable deaths? We are in the most prosperous time ever because of globalization, by every metric. The simplest solution to preventable deaths is to foster free trade so we can lift people out of poverty. Maybe you can join a charity and volunteer to go to third world countries and prevent preventable deaths. That's a much more reasonable solution than upending the entire system because it doesn't live up to the standards in your head.

>> No.9267336
File: 9 KB, 237x239, 1488142575701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by every metric

>> No.9267345

Capitalism is antithetical to freedom. I rather the world burn than live as a slave

>> No.9267363

'Oh boy, i tell ya, the Lion King, well that's about unconscious impulses which no one can access but that's what it is you know, and here's the meaning to take from it'

'Oh boy, I tell ya, we don't know enough about the unconscious to trust anyone who claims to explain it or change it'

He is the biggest hack in the world, but he is diligent, i.e. he is constantly thinking terribly about things most people can't be bothered to think about and just by virtue of having thought about these things, he's deemed wise because it is his pitiful, scrambled knowledge, teaching those with zero knowledge.

He wants to be a martyr.

Also just look at the fucking guy, even if he had good rational faculties, they're reliant upon natural inferences and understanding which are filtered through so many abstract, nonsenses he has constantly floating around him that he acts as though he's in a dream all the time.

>> No.9267373


You're just a resented faggot, if it is really so bad why don't you just kill yourself instead of wanting 'the world to burn'?

>> No.9267377
File: 150 KB, 245x320, 814206047_2019824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why don't you just kill yourself instead of wanting 'the world to burn'?

What a ridiculous question

>> No.9267385

wtf I hate JP now

Seriously, either provide proper criticism and a better alternative or fuck off. Your vague cynicism is just shitposting.

>> No.9267406

Its an expressionist rather than an analytic argument, get fucked if you're mad for it, its mostly all Peterson does.

>> No.9267413


Why be afraid of hatred?

There's nothing wrong with burning.

>> No.9267415

This. Resentment is the most authentic motivation there is. Dude needs to read Moby Dick

>> No.9267445


No, but it is comparable to third-worlders dying from those same issues lol

>> No.9267459

He has way too much faith in IQ.

>> No.9267485

For the most part, yes. I think there's spiritual issues like what
pointed out. But materialisticly speaking things are better now across the board.

To the other poster. You're making yourself a slave by calling yourself one. Besides, you're already a slave to your biological impulse, circumstances, and culture. Your ideal of freedom is arbitrary, and it's unlikely you'll accomplish anything. Clearly you're incapable of being what you want to be, otherwise you wouldn't call yourself a slave. Instead of admitting you're at fault, you blame the world. Then you channel your efforts into changing the world, and ignoring yourself, even though you're the problem. Since you were incapable of succeeding at your personal goal you're clearly incapable of accomplishing anything external, an immeasurably harder task.

Just admit that you're at fault, take on responsibility. People go to work to keep on the lights and feed their kids. You're reducing every human being who isn't a rich neet to nothing. All while pretending like you champion them. Your ideology makes me sick. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.9267515


I don't think the moral was that resentment was a good thing in cap. Ahab lol

Monomania =/= motivation

>> No.9267535

Maybe from your pleb reading but I got a different message

>> No.9267562

This was, by far, the most autistic thread I've seen in months

>> No.9267571

What is your definition of freedom, running around naked with no technology?

>> No.9267590

Not being subjected to the schizophrenic machinations of a hyper-real desire producing post-human superstructure.

>> No.9267594

that means yes btw

>> No.9267605

>I want freedom except where other people exercise freedom in ways i disagree with

Reminder that Communist tendencies are strongly correlated with autism, since Communism requires all people to behave alike and autists have no concept of mind, and therefore cannot envision people who think or behave differently from themselves.

>> No.9267807

>show him to my stupid lib friend
>He finds nothing in him insightful or challenging

Typical 22 y.o. ideological pseudo-intellectual liberal spiritual desert

>> No.9267818

If it comes to that, so be it. I embrace the tableau rasa brought by the cleansing flames

Not an argument

>> No.9267823
File: 503 KB, 1000x500, issue-30-poster1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9267833

How do you all feel about his jabs at postmodernism? Do you agree with him, or does he misunderstand it?

>> No.9267849

He at once both thinks that Derrida speaks nothing but incomprehensible nonsense yet his "movement" somehow led to the total domination of academia and society at large.

Do the math

>> No.9267851

It is when said third worldes don't have access to readily available drugs because of capitalism, and that's just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.9267854

>not a meme
way to prove you're not autistic, my dude.

I honestly don't have a problem with the notion of communism but by the time you're out of third or fourth grade you should understand that it's naive.

>> No.9267861

I'm not a Communist, I see it only as a potential means towards emancipation

>> No.9267867

Yeah but it's not that, though. So what are you doing?

>> No.9267868

Just because something won doesn't mean it's the right way.

>> No.9267888

The point is that it's deliberately obscuritanist, meant to hide points that if stated outright couldn't be said in polite conversation, let alone seem fashionable among the ivory-towered academic elites. Because it's so poorly written, adherents to the ideas don't ever have to argue or defend them, they can simply say you've misunderstood them and imply that you aren't smart enough to keep arguing with. This is a huge advantage when ideas are meant to compete through argument, in a system ostensibly designed to find the best ideas.

>> No.9267898

The vast contradiction is though is how could he have become so successful and influencial if he is both inpenetrable and worthless?

>> No.9267933

read >>9267888 one more time. In a system where ideas are expected to be expressed clearly and accurately, Derrida's have an advantage that is totally apart from their fitness, since they are deliberately written in such a way as to avoid argumentation altogether. In a system where argumentation is what exposes flaws in ideas, Derrida's grew wildly because proponents of the idea were able to in-effect accuse any critics of stupidity (by saying they were unable to understand the ideas) and thus avoid any real argumentative selection process.

that's not to say that there isn't a superficial attraction in the notion that literally everything is a social construct and that absolute truth is impossible, but the implications of these ideas are deleterious to society, since you wind up categorizing all human interaction in terms of vicious power struggle, meaning there can be no benefit to cooperation and thus invalidating any attempt to bring people together in helpful ways, since you can always just accuse anyone trying of attempting to impose their power/will on you.

>> No.9268156

You talk as if there is some magic force that makes people believe a thinker matters. You're speaking about how he avoids scrutiny but not how he holds any appeal in the first instance before that would even matter.
Believing that Derrida's work involves "the notion that literally everything is a social construct" is fundamentally wrong and shows you have zero grasp on his significance in hermeneutics

>> No.9268247
File: 17 KB, 337x372, waow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you end up proving the point of the person you're arguing with

>> No.9268257

Okay so let's go over this in the light of how I explained the idea selection process
>you're saying it's magic
No, it's pretty clear that i'm saying it's a emergent system whereby ideas are separated from chaff through argumentation. Ideas written with the intent to dissemble their true nature have an advantage, since they can avoid the selection process by avoiding argumentation. Every published author is guaranteed to have some proponents, someone in academia will always go to bat for an idea. That's not magic, just an easy assumption to make.

And I'm gonna just say that every pomo proponent says "the fact that you summarized the idea without using any of our obscuritanist vocabulary shows you are fundamentally unable to grasp the idea" and that it's always an example of what I was saying above, and nobody can EVER explain Derrida's absolute basics in normal English in under 5 sentences, since his basic ideas are pretty hard to believe in if stated without their trappings of overwritten bullshit. Tell me where I'm wrong in my admittedly highly truncated summarization of Derrida's thought without calling on some type of pseudo-mystical undefined vocabulary that I'm "just too dumb to grasp" and that you will never ever define.

>> No.9268272
File: 350 KB, 838x554, poststructuralism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additionally if you google "epistemic charity" this will go much more smoothly.

>> No.9268318

>You put the minimum of effort into understanding why people think a thinker is important instead of just making shit up


You should know from being on 4chan for over five minutes that argumentation isn't a selection process so much as merely a force to sophisticate and polarize pre-existing positions.

Here's a simple explanation, Derrida writes about how language by its nature can not wholly represent reality and that ultimately can be analyzed to reveal it is at its foundations self referencial. That the true nature of reality can never be reached through rational discourse but rather if it can be experienced at all can only be through intuition and thus any attempts to express a conception of reality will be by definition flawed and these flaws can be revealed through a process he borrowed from Heideggar called Deconstruction.

This is well beyond the pale of your Victorian tier notion of "social constructs"

>> No.9268395

See, that's obscuritanism right there. Wittgenstein already defined language as an imperfect way to express reality in Philosophical Investigations. What does Derrida add to this?

>"Through Deconstruction, we can see the flaws in linguistic expressions of truth"
Okay, so why do people who espouse Derrida seem to behave and speak in such a way that this means there is no such thing as truth PERIOD?

>> No.9268399


>/lit/ basically invented the 4chan "convert to Christianity as a reaction to modernity" and hated New Atheists even before that happened

you do realize this has been happening for literally 150 years? did you even read Dostoevsky at all? large chunks of his books are rants against socialistic atheists and how they lack morality