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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 121 KB, 510x382, 1212926866483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
926336 No.926336 [Reply] [Original]

You suddenly die, and you discover what lies beyond this mortal world.

The last book you read serves as your personal Book of the Dead and reveals the Truth about the Universe and the Afterlife.

How would that turn out for you? Pic unrelated

>> No.926344
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Tortured for all eternity by a vengeful she-demon

The secret about the Universe can be attained by writing fanfiction over and over again

>> No.926354
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Shit, cat

>> No.926355
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>> No.926356
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Well, fuck.

>> No.926363
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Prediction for haters:

You shall hate.

>> No.926383

Just finished starship troopers

Fuck this will be great

>> No.926384
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Could be worse.

>> No.926385

Brave New World? I'm ok with this.

>> No.926394

Tacitus's Germania.
I'm stuck with a horde of hairy, drunk compulsive gamblers who live in mudhuts.

>> No.926403 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.926404
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Last book I finished was Dead Until Dark. Otherwise it would have been Notes from Underground. Thank God.

>> No.926407

The Judgement.
Well, shit.

>> No.926449

one day in the life of ivan denisovich

>> No.926453

the last book I read was 40 short stories exploring different possible afterlives

so, fuck. no idea

>> No.926456

One hundred years of Solitude.
My future is ANTS

>> No.926462
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well that was surprisingly fitting

>> No.926464

i love sum :)

>> No.926492


shit, i should've gone for it

>> No.926505

lovecraft's "the nameless city" ... fuck

>> No.926508

cannot find this fucking book anywhere (cept internet)

A rebours, tho, I'm not that happy

>> No.926520

Sorrows of Young Werther.

Dizzying mood swings for all of eternity.

>> No.926536


Congratulations, my dear boy! You're going to have a lightning tour of the many afterlives! The only way you could have lucked out even more would have been if you somehow became a god!

>> No.926537

(Spoilers gallore)
It turns out the only way I can find God is within myself and suffering the most diabolical happenings that defy time and space. Only to be rescued by a former super model.

>> No.926545


That's what you get for reading Leaves.

>> No.926558
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>My face when the last book I read was Shadows Over Innsmouth

>> No.926560

I fimished it an hour ago and I regret reading it, but not for the reason you suppose (hurdur bad book, strange, pretentouos) but because I am scared to death. I tought I have seen terrible things but nothing was as terrible as the path drawn from the book to my imagination.

>> No.926566
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>Doesn't know how spoiler tags work

>> No.926574
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Ha! I win!

>> No.926579
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Like a burnt out science fiction writer's philosophical quest for a spiritual meaning or something... I don't know. My brain is full of fuck and I'm tired....

>> No.926591

Fountains, fountains everywhere... Or wait. Are they mountains? Well, fuck this, either way.

>> No.926595

Last book read: The Dark Tower 3: The Waste Lands
Last fanfic read: Lez-Slave
Last movie I saw: Chocolate (2008)

Now if I can combine all this together into the BEST ULTIMATE AFTER-LIFE EVER!!!!!

>> No.926610


>Dark Tower: The Wastelands

I was just going to post this....Count me in on your ka-tet!

>> No.926616

My lesbian ass-kicking ka-tet LOL

>> No.926621

The ultimate truth about the universe is a boot stamping on a human face, forever.

Why did I have to re-read that book?

>> No.926635
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>> No.926665

prepare for a downhill turn

>> No.926680

Accelerando. So, yeah, umm. It won't be boring, at least.

>> No.926684

Last book I read was Thonger in the City of Magicians. I'm in for a shitty afterlife.

>> No.926688

Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are Dead. I'd be confused and ripping off Waiting for Godot, nice.

>> No.926697
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Don Quixote.

The afterlife is gonna be bitchin'

>> No.926709

>Reading the Eddas
Brofist! If you haven't read the Icelandic sagas, read those next.

Also, my afterlife would involve lots of swords... fighting the Cardinal and his goons by day, and wooing a beautiful woman at night.
I'm okay with this.

>> No.926721

House of Leaves...ohgod.

>> No.926729

The Power and The Glory. JESUS WINS!

>> No.926732

Fuck my face please.

>> No.926746

Gravity's Rainbow.

Uh... right.

>> No.926961

Egil's saga and Njál's saga and Grettir's Saga recommended.

>> No.926979


This could be epic.

>> No.926980

The Crack-Up With Other Pieces And Stories

Fuck yeah! Jazz Age afterlife!

>> No.926993

I guess I'll be living underground, writing notes about how much I hate being myself and how much I hate everyone else.

>> No.927123

The Picture of Dorian Gray?

Thank goodness I'm attractive.

>> No.927152

Same here!

Mind you, I'm probably headed for Folkvang. I'm a lover, not a warrior.

>> No.927175

clockwork orange
the after life is in nadsat

>> No.927182

The Silmarillion, TOLKIEN WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!

>> No.927213

Wing Chun

Shit, my afterlife will be a kung-fu movie!

If it has to be fiction, though, it's The Brother's Karamazov... I don't think I deserve hell.

>> No.927247

The Flying Penis That Said Hello

>> No.927387
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A Handful of Dust.

>> No.927390

But I just finished the road.

>> No.927393

The Eisenhorn Omnibus.
I'm in for a grimdark afterlife.

>> No.927396

Heh, I just read Hitchhiker's Guide.

I'm pretty happy with that.

>> No.927400

I just finished a book this morning. a book that i stole from my niece because i hadn't read it in years.



>> No.927402

Watership Down

Everyone is actually a misogynist rabbit?

>> No.927403

"I am an Emotional Creature"

oh god.

I really don't want to be 14 again.

>> No.927407

World War Z?

...Fucking awesome.

>> No.927419
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dem rabbits

>> No.927423


You guys are awesome.

>> No.927426

The Upanishads.

I'm not sure how I feel about this

>> No.927430
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Oh god yes.

>> No.927434

The Jungle

Am I destined to work in a meat factory for eternity?


>> No.927464


So I become a flatline?

>> No.927473
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>> No.927474
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its during WW2 and everyone is an anti semite even the jews

>> No.927484
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Heaven... I'm in heaven,
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.
And I seem to find the happiness I seek,
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek.

>> No.927492

best afterlife ever

>> No.927496
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>> No.927551
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This won't end well at all. No sirree, Bob.

>> No.927561

A history of russia by john lawrence........................ I guess 2000 years of history shows me the truth in the world. For fiction it would be hamlet. I dont think my choices really flow well with the nature of the question.

>> No.927589

Mr.Shivers. Fuck yeah.

>> No.927605

I just read The Lovely Bones. So I guess I get to spy on everyone I ever knew for like a decade and then possess some weirdo who's obsessed with me postmortem and use their body to fuck an old crush.

>> No.927686
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well fuck.

>> No.927927


>> No.929429
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Eternal LSD

>> No.929441


Hey, same here! What did you think.

>> No.929447

I read Wuthering Heights for the 50th time... which is pretty much my worldview anyway, so I guess I'm no worse off.

>> No.929449

Shit. My last book was House of Leaves.

Is this place getting bigger?

>> No.929474


>the lovely bones

Fuck, dude, I just barfed. I barfed because you mentioned a book that Oprah endorsed, man.

The worst part is that I actually read it. I'll never get those precious hours back. I've heard a movie was made about it. What a terrifying thought.

>> No.929487

Sweet Jesus I'm reading Robert Anton Wilson.

I wouldn't know the difference, honestly.

>> No.929521


Didn't Oprah endorse 1000 Years of Solitude? I mean yeah, generally the Oprah's Book Club stamp is a stay-away sign, but I'm guessing not everything she's ever read is back.

On the other hand, I've only heard the premise of The Lovely Bones and it sounds like complete shit.

>> No.929527


Dude, it is so bad. It is so awful.

It offended my delicate sensibilities in every way possible.
Incidentally, it was the book that made me hate Oprah's Book Club.

>> No.929539
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Feels good man.

>> No.929548

Fall of Hyperion


>> No.929550

The last book I read was Down And Out In the Magic Kingdom.

So the afterlife is an ad-hocracy with people vying to offer the best afterlife experience and being replaced if they don't hold enough Wuffie.

>> No.929560

aren't you the one who said Alice in Wonderland was more difficult to read and understand than Finnegan's Wake?

>> No.929563



I hated that book, as well. Cory is such a smug cunt. I fucking hated Eastern Standard Tribe so much. While I was reading it, I had the urge to yell "BROOL CORY, STO" at the pages and throw my iPhone out the nearest window.

I made the mistake of thinking Magic Kingdom would be better. Fuck.

>> No.929569
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My afterlife is so freaking pretentious.

>> No.929572
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>> No.929574

Magic Kingdom is the only book of his I read, and I wasn't impressed. Interesting ideas, uninteresting characters.

Same thing happened with Stross (Singularity Sky). I expected great things, and what I got was typical British post-Douglas LOL RANDOM: The Book.

>> No.929580

Paradise Lost? Well, since I'm a devout agnostic... lake of fire it is...

>> No.929592


You should read his new book, FOR THE WIN.

I can't stop, it's like a trainwreck unfolding in slow motion.

If he writes a book about sarcastic internet people commenting about literature on a BBS, it will be so much fail that it will become win. I can't believe I just said that.

>> No.929612
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I don't know what this means for my afterlife.

>> No.929613
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Hoo boy, I'm in for one hell of a ride...

>> No.929616
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'Thus Spake Zarathustra', by Nietzsche

>> No.929632

FTW is YA, why would you expect it to be good?

>> No.929651

I love this thread.

>> No.929662

Pride and Prejudice

I am sooo ready for superficial banter and pompous romance for eternity.

>> No.929668

The Long walk. I'm in purgatory for the rest of forever. Great. woo.

>> No.929738
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The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.929745

Oh man, I feel SO sorry for you....

>> No.929749

Nomads of Gor.

I get hot slave bitches and battles for all eternity. Fuck yeah seaking!

>> No.929751

Foucalut's Pendulum.

The absurd things I made up for fun turn out to be true for all eternity.

>> No.929775

Same here. At least souls exist. Assuming my afterlife becomes the setting of the novel that would be pretty cool too. Me and Harry would have some fun times.

Also, homosexual undertones... EVERYWHERE.

>> No.929778

i'm re-reading all of my childhood favorites in an attempt to design a sleeve tattoo based upon them...
the last book i read was "when the road ends" by jean thesman. i have no idea what this means

>> No.929786
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Already Dead: A Novel

So... The afterlife is just like the modern day, except with vampires and zombies and wraiths. I can get behind that.

>> No.929797
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This is the worst thing that could ever happen

>> No.929805
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That made me think of this.

>> No.929816
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>> No.929822

Madame Bovary

Reality sucks. Deal with it.

Good thing I already did.

>> No.929828

ctrl f: No tibetan book of the dead. Seriously? That book pretty much explains what you need to do.

>> No.929842


This is going to suck really hard.

>> No.929858
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>> No.929865

Blood Meridian.


>> No.929875
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So...I'd be in Heaven?

>> No.929885

Zombie Combat Guide.

Hell for them, heaven for me.

>> No.930089

The Sirens Of Titan.
so that'd be..?

>> No.930094
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Slaughterhouse Five.
I'm not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.930095
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would I rather live the afterlife in a tennis academy or a halfway house?

>> No.930099
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The Sound and the Fury

My all time favorite

>> No.930126

Brief interviews with hideous men.

The truth of the universe is everyone' arkward, self concious, and naccistic... and I'm going to be stuck loquaciously rambling on about this for ever?

As footnotes eat my face?

>> No.930143

Last book I finished was Literature and Revolution. Guess I'll be hearing Trotsky laying into contemporary socialist /lit/, the relative value of pre-revolutionary bourgeois art, and what the Communist future holds - forever. Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.930168
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>The Divine Comedy
Well that's extremely fucking convienient...

I was just at the part with Ulysses in the pit.

>> No.930170


shit me too. it would be, fucking brutal ;~;

>> No.930171
File: 100 KB, 800x600, fear-and-loathing-in-las-vegas-3-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now about the last book I FINISHED...aw hell...it's gonna be one hell of an afterlife.

>> No.930174
File: 27 KB, 219x350, Marcus-Aurelius-Meditations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be amazing.

>> No.930191

No, fuck you guys. I choose to make the afterlife based on The Culture.

>> No.930193

Ironically the last book i read was the god delusion.

What do?

>> No.930194
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the quality of my afterlife will be somewhat less than reassuring

>> No.930212

Moby Dick, wtf.

>> No.930215
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Muslims, Christians and Hindus are all right at the same time. To get to the afterlife you must travel in a lifeboat on the pacific from India to Mexico with a giraffe, a hyena, an orangutan and a Bengal tiger.

>> No.930222
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Hmm... I think I'd just end up with a new sleeve(body).

>> No.930226

The last one we actually finished? What if we're in the process of reading one? Which one then?

>> No.930230

The one you finished.

>> No.930236


Then I'm with this guy > >>930171

Yep. The after-life is going to be one hell of a trip.

>> No.930246
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In death as well as life, he was ruled by comic books and dick

but if I could pick, that Pitchfork review would be my Book of the Dead

>> No.930252
File: 31 KB, 331x500, 6a00d41439155c685e010980b4a5d5000b-500pi..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunk and bitchy is a pretty good way to go through death, son

>> No.930278
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Last book I read.

Pretty self-explanatory how that turns out.

>> No.930416

The Brothers Lionheart, by Astrid Lindgren.

>> No.930425
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Well, fuck.

>> No.930440

Good thing I haven't finished A Canticle for Leibonitz yet.

Unfortunately, I didn't finish either of the books I was reading before it - Lilith by George MacDonald and The Kind of Elfland's Daughter by Lord Dunsany - either of which would have made for a good afterlife. Shame they're incredibly boring to read.

... and fucked if I can remember what I read before that.

But if we can could manga volumes as books I win at the afterlife forever, because I just finished reading volume 11 of Aria. Endless happiness, here I come!

>> No.930444

Last book I read was Anthony Bourdain's Medium Raw.


>> No.930447

Your afterlife is a fattie's heaven.

>> No.930451

mite b cool

>> No.930454
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>> No.930815
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>> No.930891

Herbert West -Reanimator


>> No.930912

John Dies at the End.


>> No.930915

Sputnik Lover - Haruki Murakami


>> No.930930

I feel for ya bro :/

>> No.930944

Naked Lunch - Eternal purgatory. A huge millipede is giving me a blowjob. The millipede is screaming.