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/lit/ - Literature

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9261140 No.9261140 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most based philosophy to live one's life by?

>> No.9261147


>> No.9261151

Whichever one you devise yourself.

>> No.9261166

Deny yourself the fear of change desu.

>> No.9261167


>> No.9261184

let me put it this way. when i play an elder scrolls game, which havent been as good since morrowind on pc, i dont choose one of the classes that *they* put together for all the gamers without any creativity. i make my own class. i customize the game. i make it mine. i choose the attributes and i give it a name, and i become the class i want to be, not what they shove down your throat. so if you're trying to become a platonist, or a stoic, or an existentialist, or a nihilist, you're basically choosing a premade class in an rpg, when oyu should be making up your own. thats why i dont read philosophers. i am a philosopher. i make up my own philosophy. i write my own books and read them. they're good. i go for walks and think about my own problems and work them out philosophically. that's what i do. im a real gamer, and im gaming life. because life is a game. don't be a luh luh luh ... loser.

>> No.9261204

Damn straight.

No point in reading the works of past and present philosophers, since they'll only build a frame in which your original thoughts will be corrupted.

The same way a degree in art is meaningless since beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is an evolving concept,
taking on a prefabricated view of the world and life itself is an organ ready to be rejected.

Just make your own.

>> No.9261226

anti natilism


>> No.9261229

>i dont read philosophers. i am a philosopher. make up my own philosophy. i write my own books and read them. they're good.

i bet they are


>> No.9261240

>No point in reading the works of past and present philosophers, since they'll only build a frame in which your original thoughts will be corrupted.

Rarely have I read such a blatant rationalization for wanting to remain a lazy, illiterate dunce

>> No.9261268

Alright, granted.
Let me rephrase:

No point in taking any of the existing philosophies as subject of vocation.
Some people tend to read works of philosophy as a Bible, while they shouldn't blindly adopt anything with such a profound effect on the perception of life.

Personally, I don't so much as dabble in it.
I might find something I agree with, and start to lose a healthy dose of skepticism regarding other theories.

>> No.9261293
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Life is what it is, not what you say it is. The moments that will require more of you, emotionally, intelectually, morally, are the ones that escape your vision at the time, the accidents and surprises you didn't see coming and the points that will make you fail and deal with this failure. Sometimes when you are looking way too much into a way of thinking that can help you through life you also become dependent of it, you want it to work at all circumstances, and when you stumble upon its breaking point, it can be very frustrating.

Philosophy is not countable. There is no one or two or three philosophies. Philosophy is a never ending exercise, something you can do and something you can continue to do even when you are completely lost, which is perhaps when it is most needed. It's not something that predates you and to which you respond, it's not your foundation. It is an invention, the bringing up of names that are useful and that help you understand the world, but nevertheless an invention.

How hard it is to live life as it is, that we must feel we need to live it "by" something else. As we face new things everyday, there is no one to provide us with certainty, no advice that is definitive, no choice that is without loss. Maybe that's what makes it so attractive to find guidelines to live life by, even if these lines invented, but at least you can count on them to measure all things, in science, religion, philosophy or art. And how hard it is to admit, that your parents didn't taught you everything (or knew everything), that there is no rule book to the world, that all certainty is made up, that science, philosophy, religion and art are not enough, are never enough. No thought or feeing will ever suffice the metamorphosis to which we are subjects, the everchanging experiences of life. There is no better position to learn about life than the one in which we accept and deal with this hole in the middle of our thinking, without looking away or pretending we have found what is not there to be find.

>> No.9261305

Meh, I read M. Aurelius and enjoyed it enough to try other Stoic philosophers. I read both Seneca and Epictetus and I realized it was basically a more pretentious Christianity. No thanks

>> No.9261316

Whatever it is called what Socrates vouched for in the Apology.

>> No.9261369

Adherence to objective list theory on intrinsic value
Belief in Walton's categories and Danto's theory of the artworld
Belief in the nature of Spinoza's affectations
Practical implementation of virtue-ethics
Recognizing the history of societal constructions (but not being obnoxious about it) a la Foucault
Belief in Fichte's abstraction of experience
Belief in the theory behind the forms but not their metaphysical existence
Belief in a desert-adjusted value of a world

>> No.9261448

low iq lol

>> No.9261453

>realized it was basically a more pretentious Christianity.
The bible is a masochistic fanfic of stoicism.

>> No.9261463



>> No.9261481
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>> No.9261659

I've only read God's Zeal, it was breddy gud. What next?

>> No.9261681

A doctor wont be able to perform surgery if he has no knowledge on human body, if he does the patients life is at risk.

Not everyone can fly a plane , not everyone can steer a ship. It requires knowledge which can be acquired only through reading and practical skills.

>> No.9261686

What are neo-Aristotleanism and neo-Platonism?

do they differ from just liking Plato/Aristotle in 2017?

>> No.9261843

This pasta is good pasta right here, very pastosa pasta.

>> No.9262278

No, no, they're reformations of their philosophies. Plotinus was a Neo-Platonist. If you 'like plato in 2017' you're just a Platonist

>> No.9262319

Are we seriously going to pretend like any answer other than epicureanism is acceptable?

Grow the fuck up

>> No.9262352

wow nej tack...

>> No.9262366

“Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else ... Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it"

>> No.9262367


>> No.9262377
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>> No.9262472

>believing in ghosts

>> No.9262478

>not believing in spirits and daemons because you fell for the "science" meme

>> No.9262483

what's with all the hate stoicism is getting on /lit/ lately?

>> No.9262488

I'd say absurdism.

>> No.9262564

I don't know but Gnosticism is the best one to die by.

>> No.9262587

Tell me about Gnosticism

it sounds boscure and spooky

>> No.9262610

Pyhrronian Scepticism x Stoicism x Rational Egoism

>> No.9262616


Schadenfreude is my life.

>> No.9262637

Ever had gnocchi? Imagine that being your entire life.

>> No.9262639

how the fuck do you combine stoicism and pyrrhonism? stoicism involves cognitive commitments

>> No.9262646

Remove those bits :^)

>> No.9262649

occhi (/ˈnjɒki, ˈnɒ-, ˈnoʊ-, ˈnɔː-/[1][2][3] N(Y)OK-ee or NOH-kee, NAW-kee; Italian: [ˈɲɔkki], singular gnocco) are various thick, soft dough dumplings that may be made from semolina,[4] ordinary wheat flour,[5] egg,[6] cheese,[7] potato,[8] breadcrumbs,[9] cornmeal,[10] or similar ingredients,[11][12][13] with or without flavourings of herbs, vegetables, cocoa, or prunes.[10]


>> No.9262740

Too dumb to post here, m8

>> No.9262759

Reality exists as an objective absolute—facts are facts, independent of man’s feelings, wishes, hopes or fears.
Reason (the faculty which identifies and integrates the material provided by man’s senses) is man’s only means of perceiving reality, his only source of knowledge, his only guide to action, and his basic means of survival.
Man—every man—is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of others. He must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. The pursuit of his own rational self-interest and of his own happiness is the highest moral purpose of his life.
The ideal political-economic system is laissez-faire capitalism. It is a system where men deal with one another, not as victims and executioners, nor as masters and slaves, but as traders, by free, voluntary exchange to mutual benefit. It is a system where no man may obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force, and no man may initiate the use of physical force against others. The government acts only as a policeman that protects man’s rights; it uses physical force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use, such as criminals or foreign invaders. In a system of full capitalism, there should be (but, historically, has not yet been) a complete separation of state and economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as the separation of state and church."

>> No.9262789

>The ideal political-economic system is laissez-faire capitalism.

lmao read a fucking book

>> No.9262795
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>> No.9262800

>he fell for the randian meme

>> No.9262802

>The ideal political-economic system is laissez-faire capitalism. It is a system where men deal with one another, not as victims and executioners, nor as masters and slaves, but as traders, by free, voluntary exchange to mutual benefit.
Hot opinions you Kantian fuck

>> No.9262991

You mean neo-Hayekian?

>> No.9263005

>Man—every man—is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of others. He must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. The pursuit of his own rational self-interest and of his own happiness is the highest moral purpose of his life.
Based on Kantian principle brother

>> No.9263010


>> No.9263017
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I win

>> No.9263023

Gayest thing I've read today. Excellent.

>> No.9263029

I'm sorry I have low IQ and I have trouble connecting ideas and concepts across writers.

I really am below 100 iq fuck

>> No.9263037
File: 37 KB, 657x527, Nietzsche_Apustaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have (You) done to overcome man today?

>> No.9263039

>picking ideologies like candies in a store
How about thinking for yourself and developing principles from experience and knowledge?

>> No.9263071
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absurdist christian cynicism
that other post wasn't that funny until you fucking took him seriously
bls give me one example of a philosophical principle that you (1) agree with, (2) developed yourself, and (3) developed originally

>> No.9263172

Why should I share my entirely personal set of beliefs which could only make sense if taken in conjunction with decades of experiencing life, study and self-reflection with you? What end would that achieve? Sure, I could pull a Kant for you and invent a spicy new terminology that you won't be able decipher, but it will be equally as useless as reading Kant

>> No.9263175

>I really am below 100 iq fuck
85 IQ here. It's not easy reading twenty pages an hour.
We'll get by, anon. Just remember our brother, Brother Gump.

>> No.9263178

If people don't agree with you, hurt them.

>> No.9263211
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>> No.9263232

whatever one one concludes to be best

>> No.9263265

The best way to live you life is to ride the motha fuckin tiger.

I'm not saying don't study philosophy, study as much as you can and don't limit yourself. But that does not change the fact you're living, that you'll have your share of good and evil, you'll have to live with the memories of what you've done, and just live.

>> No.9263281

This is actually really funny. They should get a better artist

>> No.9263296

Egoism, clearly.

Unfortunately I am not de-spooked enough

>> No.9263305

nihilistic hedonism

>> No.9263320

Nihilism = nothing has any value
Hedonism = only pleasure has value

Sick philosophy anon, not stupid at all!

>> No.9263458

10 cents to any fags that say "to live for art, to create it and love it"

>> No.9263531

Are you retarded

>> No.9263551

To live for art, to create it, and to love it!

Now hand over the money dirtbag

>> No.9263552
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traditionalist perennialism

>> No.9263555

Any anti-natalist who doesn't commit suicide is a hypocrtie whose opinions should be discarded.

>> No.9263632

this is ... huh .... wow

>> No.9263657

Antinatalism -/-> antivitalism -/-> obligatory suicide

>> No.9263671

Post-antichristic dialectical Cohomology

>> No.9263700

Masturbating to anime girls

>> No.9263703
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Christian Existentialism

>> No.9263718
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My goal is to become the Catholic Diogenes

>> No.9263739


I tried that, ended up trussed up and shot up with haldol. The holy spirit is powerful.

>> No.9263743


>> No.9263756

But you already posted the Catholic Diogenes.

Or at least as close to Diogenes as you can get while being Catholic.

>> No.9263772
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>> No.9263778

becoming the ubermensch

>> No.9263786


>> No.9263821

This and Absurdism.

>> No.9263867

>Are we seriously going to pretend like any answer other than epicureanism is acceptable?
without the pretension but I agree

>> No.9264089

artfags don't need money they subsist on the sublime aesthetic

>> No.9264103

Nihilistic hedonism is something angst-mongers have made up. It's a great way of saying "I'm edgy as fuck but I still think pleasure is nice but it isnt valuable but for some reason but I still want it"

Nihilistic hedonism is a contradiction. Only stupid people think it's a supportable position or means anything. I'm assuming you fall into this camp, am I right?

>> No.9264128

It's a glorified self help philosophy. Ancient Roganposting.

>> No.9264142

>anti natilism

the average anti-natalist

>> No.9264153

Stop posting these low grade comics

>> No.9264181

Lord Henry Wotton.

>> No.9264187

>not immediately committing suicide = living forever

>> No.9264211

Not that anon, but not wanting to live forever isn't a tenant of antinatalism; they think it is better not to have been born. This has nothing to do with forever.

So if antinatalists
1. Think non-existence is preferable to existence
2. Are alive

They should probably kill themselves. Unless, for whatever illogical reason, they don't seek what is preferable (more likely, they just aren't antinatalists)

>> No.9264223
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Esoteric Kekism

>> No.9264273


>> No.9264786

Radical Anti-Islamism

>> No.9264789

What does it mean to be based?

>> No.9264803

I will once you give up your '>reads philosophy once' philosophy.

>> No.9264807

>I don't read other philosophers
I'm sure you at least implicitly understood what the philosophy of the different RPG classes were and based on this understanding you came to your own conclusions. There is nothing wrong with making informed decisions.

Everything else you said in this post is pretty cool though.

>> No.9264819

Philosophy is a set of explanation and prescriptions. Don't choose one just because it is said to be based. Go find the best parts of each one and make your philosophy based.

Stoicism isn't a bad place to start though.

>> No.9264849

Dude, why can't you just be happy sleeping on the floor and drinking rainwater for a few days?
>I need muh things to be happy

>> No.9264863

>Be a pure reactionary to anything
Literally just as bad as Social Justice, maybe worse
sage because I swallowed bait

>> No.9264893


Stop reading if you've heard of the basics of most philosophy. (Unless it's nietzsche )

The whole point is to connect this shit back to the REAL WORLD. I'm a guy who's always thinking so it's easy to spend all day playing mental chess critiquing philosophy and ideas, even if those ideas are about expressing your will or enjoying life or whatever. Most philosophers were sad dudes who sat in their rooms trying to find the "perfect" canon philosophy. Fuck that. Even nietzsche, sad as he was, was able to realize that nature has a different set of rules than what you come up with in your head. And what did he advocate? Living and creating in a way that's human; both refined and primal/destructive (appollinian and dionysian ). They say those who can't do teach so learn the cliff notes and critiques of what philosophers said, weigh it out and APPLY it. Fuck sitting in your room contemplating the best way to "live." Just do. Apply. Be.

Bruce Lee is a good example of someone who could truly live and think.

Most people are one or the other (short-sighted hedonists or detached thinkers )

Most people on this board just need to stop reading and fantasizing and go outside. (Myself included)

>> No.9264909

You can be a stoic and at the same time economize your emotions and experiences. Being a stoic is about refusing to allow your condition to harm your experience and steel yourself in the face of adversity.

To be stoic is to have a cool head, because whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened and there is no sense in being angry with that just like there is no sense in being angry with rain.

>> No.9264912


>> No.9264913

>be bruce lee
>real stronk
>get rekt by aspirin pill


>> No.9264918

Stoicism is a reddit life-hating philosophy
Yes, turn yourself into an impassionate machine. That's exactly what they want you to do, after all.

Stoicism is the West's Confucianism.

>> No.9264920


>> No.9264954

Stoicism has its limits.

I was a natural stoic at a young age and could predict what would happen and mentally brace myself for the worst.

The issue becomes that you're constantly trying to think of what could happen and that causes a rift between the present moment and your focus. Also you can't predict everything.

I find its much more liberating to actually express yourself if you're very stoic.

Instead of bracing yourself and thinking just accept the dynamic nature of life and express things as they come up with genuine rabe or genuine sadness and leverage that emotion.

As long as you don't succumb to escapism you can use your emotions to produce art or something productive (or just express it destructively to feel better)

Why run from yourself when the shadow and suffering are parts of the human condition?

Just accept it, embrace it and then move on to another emotion.

Of course this is my advice for detached thinkers.

The opposite need more delayed gratification and planning.

Given, I haven't read marcus aurelius yet so my understanding might be corrupted but I've heard the basics of seneca

>> No.9264959


>> No.9264974

Anti-White Afrocentrism

>> No.9264991

Islamo-Gommunism. Also full Finn-Mongolism.

>> No.9264998

>impassionate machine
Just because I refuse to be influence solely by my passions and at the same time, at my discretion, not allow them to corrupt my experience does not mean I do not have any, nor does it mean that I do not pay attention to the passions, for how could I not? The passions are ultimately my unique experience, but just because I, for example, stub my toe I experience pain and great fury directed at my negligence does not mean I ought to be "passionate" and scream in rage because of it. I allow the event to pass, account for why it happened, and then move on with my life.

In essence, I do not focus on feelies even though they impart valuable information because the feelies which I experience in that moment are fleeting and not a part of my ultimate goal to avoid stubbing my toe again.

>> No.9265027

neoplatonist Christianity

not this

definitely not this

>> No.9265040

The point of Stoicism is that you can live your life without having to mentally prepare yourself for the worst because you have already done so. It is an understanding that your condition is the result of many forces beyond your control and the emotions which constitute that condition are identical with those forces beyond your control, so if your emotions are like the weather outside your house are those emotions really some part of you?

What is the practicality in being angry with something? It can serve as motivation in doing something, but why let the anger control what you do?

Let the butthurt flow through you, for the butthurt will cease and you shall remain.

>> No.9265138

Yes it does, that is precisely what it means.

All you are is emotion, stop thinking otherwise.

>> No.9265421

eh it seems like idleness/indifference masquerading as some sort of zen detachment to me. Life is a game and it doesn't have to always be "practical"

But emotions can be practical as well, that's why I said leverage them.

Not getting flustered at all seems closer to death than to life to me.

It's in those moments where you let go and just express a feeling openly without self judgement or restraint that you feel the most alive.

Also, whenever I try to convince myself that I'm a leaf in the wind and I should be at ease I find I don't do things that can manifest positive change. Self actualization is fueled by frustration and fear not by detachment and understanding.

That's my experience anyways and the advice imparted on me by one of the few people I look up to who actually managed to become a very evolved person.

But then again, he's kind of a mix of stoicism and leveraging emotions.

He always viewed himself and his experiences in the third person as "part of the universe" and not personally. But, he would get frustrated when he didn't get what he wanted and would use that to manifest positive changes.

In other words, "negative" aspects to human nature can be leveraged for attaining better external conditions. What people don't realize is that your internal state is influenced larger than you think by external conditions. So if you put yourself in the correct environments you can change your internal state.

that's why I don't like detachment because fear and anger are great motivators to want more out of life.

Stressors in general create a more robust person. If you don't allow the stressors to stress you than you have either transcended their effect on you and welcome them, or you have stooped to escapism.

Stoicism is dangerous because if you write off every experience as something you can just not play a part of you can be rather unconscious. If you are comfortable with REALITY, that is objective reality and be unfazed, that's different entirely.

But until you reach that peak level of comfort and confidence you'd do well to confront the harsher realities of life and the present moment and deal with the emotional recoil that comes with it until you harden up.

That's what I think at least. I'm open to criticism.

>> No.9265458

Also I realize that the bottom of my post sounds like a no true scotsman but I'm finding it hard to express the wisdom of what I know into words so you'd understand.

What i've noticed is that there's people that convince themselves they're strong or happy and their eyes glaze over and they look at the floor when something happens that they're not happy about (which sadly they may not even be consciously aware of)

conversely, a stronger person would be at ease with ALL situations and welcome challenge and solve it confidently and with grace.

very rare to find people like that. But if you welcome challenge or view it as something that is a part of life that's different than self-deception disguised as strength.

I'm not a big fan of new age philosophy but one part I agree with is that the ego does hurt your ability to be truly happy.

>> No.9265467

The Übermensch

>> No.9265470
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Nietzschean-Neoplatonist coming through.

>> No.9265501

This post is really stupid, but in a cool way.

>> No.9265536

Unironically this, this is the train of thought of true genius. Why should you use three primary weapon skills when you only need one, thereby freeing up two slots for the invaluable skills of alchemy and mysticism?

>> No.9265649
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Thinking is gay

>> No.9265747
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No, it's not.

>> No.9265750

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.9266402

Radical autismalism

>> No.9266457

>Reality exists as an objective absolute—facts are facts, independent of man’s feelings, wishes, hopes or fears.
20 year-old

>> No.9266473


If this is pasta I agree with it somewhat. I kind of have the same philosophy with regards to some stuff. I hate CRPGs because I have done pen and paper RPGs. There's so much freedom to do almost literally whatever in a RPG that just isn't possible when held back by a video game's rules or direction. It's an illusion of choice. Pen and paper is just so malleable.

>> No.9266484
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>just follow your desire, just be your self

>> No.9266790
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Altruistic hedonism I guess.

I believe that a pleasurable/fulfilling life is the ultimate goal but I recognize that complete selfishness is harmful to our society and most likely to my own psyche. I've read a lot of philosophy and kind of came to the conclusion that forging your own meaning is the only way to go so why wouldn't I make it a positive one. There are also some biological/evolutionary guidelines that transcend philosophy and I try to incorporate those as best as I can in my modern life.

Basically I try to enjoy my limited life as much as possible and make sure to have a positive effect on everyone I interact with.


>> No.9267370

I like this post.

>> No.9267416


>> No.9267696

Died at the kierkegaard meme, 10/10

>> No.9267710


>> No.9268982

t. Brainlet

>> No.9268993

>Altruistic hedonism
>Basically I try to enjoy my limited life as much as possible and make sure to have a positive effect on everyone I interact with.
>complete selfishness is harmful to our society and most likely to my own psyche

Your problem is that you think hedonism is "selfish," which it literally is not by definition. Maybe you should read more than "a lot" of philosophy.

>> No.9269172

It is actually pretty selfish when ypu think about it

>> No.9269180

Conscious egoism/hedonism. Acknowledging that you really are only after pleasure and against pain, but that kindness and helping others may be the best method to ensure that happiness in the long run through one way or another, or sacrificing short-term pleasure for long-term.

>> No.9269199

Only if you use "selfish" to mean "overly concerned with the sensual." That is, if you use "selfish" in the linguistically perverse Christian sense, and not the literal sense.

In the former sense, yes, hedonism (a philosophy that advocates generally maximal sensual pleasure) is "selfish." But this is not, again, what the word "selfish" actually means.

>> No.9269213

There is literally nothing in concern to humans or nature that isn't selfish. The only difference the overlap between any given person's desires and the desires of others on the Venn diagram of wants

>> No.9269826

That's just utilitarianism, which is a child's philosophy.

>> No.9269847

I really am willing to change my mind but I need an actual argument, not "you sound like X and X is bad"

>> No.9269860

Also, no it isn't Utilitarianism claims that what is beneficial to the majority is just. I am still saying that you should serve only yourself, but not to the exclusion others just because you can. Sometimes, not always, helping others is the best thing to do for you. Sometimes it won't be. That isn't utilitarianism

>> No.9269861

Fucking STEMspergs.

>> No.9269862

Buddy I couldn't be further from STEM

>> No.9269875

That's utilitarianism you turd, why don't you actually read Mill? What you described is precisely what Mill argues.

Petulant fucking child.

>> No.9269881


>> No.9269882

'mbuh abrugaments' is STEM

>> No.9269893
File: 14 KB, 312x318, Rorty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberal ironism.

>> No.9269978

I'm not expecting or wanting a fucking study, I'm asking you to defend a position
>hurr you shouldn't make cases or debate about philosophy because it's all opinion man
If you want to abstract it that far you kill philosophy. Would you say the same thing to every philosopher that has ever published a book, you fucking moron?

No, I haven't read anything on utilitarianism yet, so my apologies for my ignorance on the matter. But I'm still not hearing an argument past "that's what X says and X is bad"

>> No.9269991

I have defended it, don't punish me for your profound ignorance.

Philosophy is dead and belongs dead.

>> No.9270002

>That's just utilitarianism, which is a child's philosophy.

>Fucking STEMspergs.

>That's utilitarianism you turd, why don't you actually read Mill? What you described is precisely what Mill argues.
>Petulant fucking child.

>'mbuh abrugaments' is STEM

Well, those are all of the responses I've gotten in this thread. Please point out for defense, I seem to have come down with two simultaneous cases of blindness and retardation because I don't see it

>> No.9270006

*your defense

>> No.9270023

>anybody i dont like is stupid and also crippled haha i like making fun of the less fortunate but im totally altruistic ;cccDDDDD

>> No.9270069
File: 246 KB, 335x278, 1468975654764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, honey

>> No.9270107

Well meaning Stirnerist sociopath with a hobby.

>> No.9270280


>> No.9270305

Brilliant, mervelous, absolutely gay, but wonderful.

Thankyou anon.

>> No.9270721

>blindly following someone elses assessments on life from their own perspective
Plebe, good luck following any philosophy without living by yourself in a barrel doing nothing all day.

>> No.9270761

Nigga what the fuck are you on about?

>The only proof capable of being given that an object is visible, is that people actually see it. The only proof that a sound is audible, is that people hear it... In like manner, I apprehend, the sole evidence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable, is that people do actually desire it… No reason can be given why the general happiness is desirable, except that each person, so far as he believes it to be attainable, desires his own happiness… we have not only all the proof which the case admits of, but all which it is possible to require, that happiness is a good: that each person's happiness is a good to that person, and the general happiness, therefore, a good to the aggregate of all persons.

From Mill's "Utilitarianism." He extrapolates the "general happiness" from the "good to each person." He generalizes egoism, and hence, cannot be egoist. He rails against "selfish and base" individuals in the same work that I quoted above. If you can't tell the difference between personal goods and general personal goods, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, read a book shitfiend

>> No.9270785
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>> No.9270850
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>The only proof capable of being given that an object is visible, is that people actually see it. The only proof that a sound is audible, is that people hear it...

What is ultraviolet
What is infrared
What are ultrasonic frequencies
What are infrasonic frequencies

But thank you anon, this is the point I wanted to make to that guy (I'm the "conscious hedonism" anon)

>> No.9270898

UG doing anything physical is amusing

>> No.9271335

Orthodox Christianity

>> No.9271558


>tfw was going to go through and quote every stupid post that agreed with the first idiot but there's too many

Fucking morons, you know what the other classes are right? I doubt that you would be able to tell me in any meaningful way what any of the philosophies you've quoted actually mean

Kys senpais, also to anyone who read that bullshit post and it really made you think

>> No.9272264
File: 140 KB, 500x387, Hegeldanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hello, yes, philosophy is complete."

>> No.9272329

This is a copypasta, but if you take away:
>thats why i dont read philosophers
and everything after:
>i make up my own philosophy.
it's the correct answer.

>> No.9272388

>No point in reading the works of past and present philosophers
>Just make your own

...until you realize your life's work was done better hundreds of years ago

>> No.9272402


>> No.9272740
File: 622 KB, 729x1005, UG1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even just standing he's hilarious desu

>> No.9273099

Explain please