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9260860 No.9260860 [Reply] [Original]


Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

>> No.9260920
File: 14 KB, 207x300, Lucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for explosive levels of discernible talent.

>> No.9260976

Any romance fantasy novels with a girl protag?

>> No.9261022

well, I was going to recommend daggerspell by katherine kerr, but I honestly can't remember if it has a female protag, although I think so, but either way I enjoyed it.

>> No.9261027


>> No.9261040

Thanks mate.

>> No.9261061

Holy shit thanks to whichever anon told me to read The Dark Forest

Just got to bit where they announce the Wallfacers, and holy shit my heart is racing. It's like HFY but not written by autists, and actually grounded in reality. So much better translated than Three Body Prob as well.


>> No.9261098

You were answered in the last thread
>reading video game novelizations

>> No.9261114

What's that? And while I'm at it what's The Dark Forest? And if it's so exciting why are you posting on /lit/ instead of reading it?

>> No.9261209

I'm guess I should read the hobbit and lotr before reading children of hurin?

>> No.9261212

Thonre of glass isn't too bad

>> No.9261221

I ignore posts with pictures of that nature.

>> No.9261241

Oi, the Wallfacers were anime-tier my man. Like literally shounen manga level writing.

Logical? Maybe. But still.

>> No.9261254

Is it better than Three Body Problem? That was kinda mediocre IMO.

>> No.9261265

Humanity fuck year, old /tg/ meme about how badass we are

So far, yeah

>> No.9261267

>What's that?
"humanity fuck yeah", usually implies humans are portrayed as extremely tough, inventive and reckless (in a positive way) compared to other sentient species. I believe it's a /tg/ meme mostly.

>> No.9261411


>> No.9261444
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What companion did Rothfuss write in Tides of Numenera?

>> No.9261464
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You wouldn't happen to be in the Torment thread on /v/ right now would you?

>> No.9261467

Any decent fantasy set in Babylon?

>> No.9261471

Patrick Rothfuss is the best fantasy author since Homer.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.9261473
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Of course that's me. I really want to finish this piece of shit.

>> No.9261489

>“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.”

>> No.9261493

What is this shit about brent weeks and tight pussy problems

>> No.9261557


>> No.9261558
File: 21 KB, 455x350, Not even worth 12 talents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking three talent whore.
Please tell me she dies arc anon.

>> No.9261570
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Read blood mirror and find out.

>> No.9261621

I read them in that order, but I can't remember whether the order had anything to it.

>> No.9261678

Probably the best one, considering the game is written by a YA romance author.

>> No.9261842
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None of you give Hubbard the time of day because of your biases and you're no better than the sort of person that tries to get HP Lovecraft banned because of his racist views. If it weren't for his religion he would be revered as a science fiction icon.

>> No.9261849

nigga he made the """""""religion"""""""" because nobody wanted to read his sf

>> No.9261852

.... what?

>> No.9261862


Amazon says it comes with "original lyrics for the novel written by L. Ron Hubbard." I have no idea what that means.

>> No.9261883

Is he the jesus/prophet for Tom cruise and will Smith's scientology church?

>> No.9261907

Hubbard didn't publish Battlefield Earth until after Scientology was successful though and his earlier pulp was moderately successful and widely praised.

>> No.9261948
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Appendix N, the list of inspirational reading materials from the original D&D 1979 with many fantasy titles. What holds up and what doesn't?

IMO Moorcock's Hawkmoon isn't very good.

>> No.9261981

I want cyberpunk recs. I'm looking for themes of societal decay and reformation (akin to Akira) and utopia turning into dystopia (akin to Itoh's Harmony). Existentialism of MCs in a transhumanist society is a bonus. Should delve heavily in the philosophy of cyberpunkian themes, I don't mind characters turning into mouthpieces if what they're saying is unique or interesting.

>> No.9261995

Fritz Leiber's stuff hasn't aged well, Gray Mouser subverted a trend in fantasy which was on its last legs when he wrote the books and then wrote Our Lady of Darkness which was so stereotypical of its time it requires a lot of effort to get past the cringe.

>> No.9262013

Leiber is a time traveller who decided to publish everything at the worst possible times to achieve the least impact, book about a corrupt church ran by the illuminati elite? better publish that at the exact same time every other author is publishing similar books.

>> No.9262032

>a corrupt church ran by the illuminati elite

cool jrpg bro.

>> No.9262373

I thought you guys hated Steven Brust tho.

>> No.9262443

I plan to soon read Leiber. I like a few of the writers of his pulp vintage like Lovecraft and Howard, whose stories vary in quality. Lovecraft's inclusion seems out of place, but then I have never played D&D.

Whereas I've read a few things by Jack Vance, and his use of wizards, demons, monsters and magic objects coheres very well with my idea of what D&D is, and it's a good read. Stuff like The Dying Earth, The Eyes Of The Overworld, and The Miracle Workers is still imaginative, witty, and sometimes humorous.

>> No.9262485

What the fuck is wrong with Asimov?
Why won't he use sex in his books?
He tries so hard to avoid even mentioning sex

>> No.9262496

I just got to the part where Tool kills himself. Oh fuck, bad shit is gonna happen to Hetan and their kids now right?

>> No.9262532

I like Andre Norton, but maybe that's because it's some of the first sci-fi I read back in middle school.

>> No.9262539
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I'm in the mood to just blast through something easy and fun. What's pic related like?

>> No.9262540

He was a antinatalist.

>> No.9262558

I really like the first book

It's very typical Sanderson but it also has some proper thematic stuff driving it.

It's the only book in the recent trend of deconstructionist fantasy that I actually enjoy. Mainly because the deconstruction isn't just the "instead of heroes everyone is sad and edgy" shit others pull

>> No.9262561

Shit targeted at children.

Read Acts of Caine for "easy and fun".

>> No.9262565

The romance is horrifically bad to read tho

>> No.9262572

>call something childish
>recommend a star wars EU author

I like acts of caine but you have to see the irony here

>> No.9262619
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Is he the GOAT fantasy protagonist?

>> No.9262690

when was the last time SEX came up in modern politics, lol.

>> No.9262797

I was binging through a lot of tamora pierce's stuff, I love her circle of magic series.

>> No.9262818

Read the first book. Didn't care enough to read the rest desu

>> No.9262819


She's quite obviously dead by the end of TGO

Maybe her soul skates by on magic handwavey shit.

>> No.9262923
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Most dystopias are pretty collectivist by design: they portray countries where citizens are forced to wear the same clothes, think the same thoughts and live the same lives as everyone else, with harsh consequences for non-conformism.

What about an individualist dystopia? A society where everyone feels pressure to design an original wardrobe, live in a unique house, have contrarian opinions on politics and religion and be an adventurous entrepreneur. If you just want to go with the flow and imitate someone else - well, that's going to be hard to do.

Any works that explore this theme?
>inb4 real life
>inb4 individualist utopia but I interpret it as bad lol

>> No.9263025

>What about an individualist dystopia?
Like somalia or liberia?

>> No.9263151

Just started the Left Hand of Darkness, can already tell it's going to be a good read.

>> No.9263159

Ah, so you haven't read it then?

>> No.9263179

Obviously not, Donaldson gets shit on a lot here but I loved both Covenant and the Gap Cycle for their unique qualities. Reave the Just is a decent read too (not great but decent).
For anyone interested he's writing a new fantasy trilogy. Prologue can be found here - http://stephenrdonaldson.com/SeventhDecimatePrologue.pdf

>> No.9263206

I had this exact idea
Every time I get an idea I see it somewhere later on

>> No.9263207

I loved that book when I was a kid, read it more than once. Gurren Lagann did it better though.

>> No.9263213

I've read it and I like it but that's the main reason given for people disliking it

>> No.9263272
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Was Vodalus important at the end of the day, beyond the general introduction he "gave" Severian to the reality of things?

Also, any good commentaries / reviews on BotNS? I want to hear people talk about it.

>> No.9263278

/poul/ Anderson is incredible, he really should be the king of /sffg/. Most modern SFF authors are pale shadows of some aspect of Poul. He's my favorite from what I've read from that list.

Leigh Brackett's got some really good stuff, like Barsoom but more intimate. Great action, great tension, great Horns of Elfland.

Burroughs himself is great too. Very readable. Haven't read him in a while but he was my thing in high school.

Harold Shea and Carnelian Cube are really cute, not the best-written but some very original ideas.

Tolkien is worth all the hype and more. Don't let anyone ever tell you he isn't a good writer because he is.

Jack Vance is very very good and I've liked what I've read but for some reason I don't read him often. Cugel's boring, read Dragon Masters instead.

Manly Wade Wellman is a hidden gem. Silver John stories are short and sweet and American, it's like O Brother Where Art Thou starring Johnny Cash.

Zelazny's great too, very lyrical prose, mythic feeling. Huge quality dropoff between the Amber series. Night in the Lonesome October and For a Breath I Tarry are my other favorites. I wish we talked about Creatures of Light and Darkness.

>> No.9263283

Because his editors censored stuff because they didn't want a moral panic. When he went back to writing fiction after the 60s he wrote sex. It was awkward and terrible, even worse than Heinlein sex.

>> No.9263289

IDK but ignoring the hate Gurm receives, he can write some pretty likeable characters.

>> No.9263295

Carnelian Cube has one, actually. One of the AUs in it is the American South ruled by individualist poets that have running gun battles with each other.

>> No.9263297

I've only read the first trilogy. Was it supposed to end just like that, out of nowhere?

>> No.9263306

He was part of the Autarch-creating mechanism, creating opposition for proto-Autarchs to push back again, and he was also there to be an Emmanuel Goldstein reference.

>> No.9263324

So basically he had no REAL purpose for the story overall, he was just another piece of the big master plan, he was nothing intimate to Severian...

I mean I knew it but having it pointed to me made it all the more real. I hated the lil bitch at the end anyway.

>> No.9263338

No, he was real to Severian. He handed him the coin, Sev as a boy was super-loyal because he'd never felt that before, it carried to his adulthood but it got a bit weird because he made Sev eat Thecla.

Also Sev comments at one point that the coin was a forgery.

>> No.9263355

I know he was real to Severian as anything can be, as real as the boogeyman is to a kid, but I was hoping he was something more intimate than that, more than just another thing put in front of Severian to mold him into the next Autarch.
IDK, it made the world seem so small, like every character was the Autarch in disguise, or Father Inire in disguise, or whatever.

What is this thing called? I'm sure it has a definition somewhere.

>> No.9263374

Serendipity. His purpose in the story was to forge Sev - that's not a spoiler, that's the first thing he says, how he backed onto the throne - but he had his own purpose, he really did want to overthrow the Autarch (he was an anarchist, right? He had his own philosophy) but divine Purpose was able to take his evil and fold it to good.

>> No.9263382

Ted Chiang's Tower of Babylon. Only a short story though.

>> No.9263395

According to ~modern critics~, because 50's editors censored it.

According to Asimov, it was because he was too much of a dork.

He eventually did write some sex scenes (e.g. Robots at Dawn). They were awful.

>> No.9263579

Grab em by the pussy

>> No.9263709

no, there was the girl who revealed he molested her a week or two after that

>> No.9263809

Maybe he just didn't want to? He liked robots, spaceships and macroeconomics, everything else was mostly for context, like an excuse to let him talk about those things.

>> No.9263810
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So I know that it is more /v/ than /lit/, but what does /sffg/ think about the Elder Scrolls series?

>> No.9263830

Thin veneer over real-life events, mediaeval stasis, heavy-handedness is partly saved by background lore found within in-game books.

>> No.9263846
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I just finished pic related and am looking for similar titles, any suggestions?

>> No.9263855

Anon a few threads ago wanted me to say what I thought of Old Man's War (in my initial post I'd just started reading it and mentioned how much more I liked it so far compared to The Forever War) so here goes:

It suddenly got much more shallow after the boot camp segment. Less character interaction, briefer descriptions and generally less immersion. Never got bad per se, but didn't hold up to the earlier parts.

Armor is still my favorite military sci fi so far, and I'm still looking for something recently written about near-future warfare.

>> No.9263860

and did it matter? not a fucking bit

asimov writes about shit that matters

>> No.9263862

Yeah that was me and almost exactly what I thought to

It turns from something pretty in depth into what's pretty much a montage

>> No.9263865

Also the metaphysics aren't anything to write home about despite what fans would have you believe.

Lukyanenko's Night Watch, The Strugatsky Brothers The Doomed City and Roadside Picnic.

>> No.9263866

Roadside picnic of course
Metro 2034 was alright but didn't really go anywhere

It's fairly unrelated but I enjoyed Red Plenty by Spufford, which explores a "working" USSR if you're into that

>> No.9263884

Metro 2034 is a pretty similar title, only one number changes

>> No.9263898

Every Scalzi book I've read reminds me of a Star Trek episode, characters know way to much about things they shouldn't; you weren't there, you haven't spoken to anybody that was there, why are you suddenly acting buddy-buddy with a character you've previously met once, for half a sentence.

>> No.9263903

Read on. Read this spoiler when you've found and answer to your question.
TOR Reread of the Fallen has Erikson come in for a discussion about the events that follow. Check it out.

>> No.9263909

He's got a new book in a new series out real soon

I'll probably read it but I'll bet it's the same as it ever was

>> No.9263930

Really? I honestly thought he was finished after Tor refused to publish his latest book citing the fear of another Redshirts.

>> No.9263963

Yeah basic setup is
-weird unstable ftl travel
-everyone ftl's away from earth to create an empire that's dependent on the travel
-ftl starts to waver and empire collapses

So in short he's gone back to traditional space opera (probably at TOR's insistence).

>> No.9264119

>It turns from something pretty in depth into what's pretty much a montage
Precisely. Which is strange because the earlier parts shows the man can evidently write better than that.

I liked the galactical free for all between many different species and how it didn't turn all grimdark because of that, but the fucking high tech samurai race was a really bad idea.

>> No.9264144
File: 291 KB, 893x1360, 81WVGctitaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/poul/ Anderson is incredible
He is pretty great. Definitely deserves more love.

>> No.9264289

I find him obnoxious but that illustration is an absolutely spot on depiction of what I imagine he'd look like. Peter Dinklage doesn't look aristocratic.

>> No.9264292

mite b cool

>> No.9264302

Give me the quick rundown on Poul. What were his significant works?

>> No.9264386

The High Crusade and The Broken Sword are both worth a read IMO.

>> No.9264442

What went wrong with redshirts?

>> No.9264540

It was supposed to be a several times more successful than it was, it received a massive advertisement campaign, tor really needed a breakout success. In the end it ended up only being moderately successful selling <25k hardcovers and tanking his retirement deal with Tor.

>> No.9264559

Poul is essentially the medieval fantasy Heinlein.

>> No.9264560

I'm halfway through the ARC for Castalia's parody. It's surprisingly decent, at the beginning at least, with an Asimov parody that's so spot-on I wonder if they got Wright to write it, then it turns into a series of short stories on a collapsing empire theme. Feels like they brought in all their writers to do a little bit of it. Too bad about the copy-editing though, I hope they fix it before tomorrow.

>> No.9264565

Poul is better than Heinlein. Far more range as well.

>> No.9264605

That book is cheesy fun but his mission earth series is nearly unreadable

>> No.9264607

Can you cite a source for this? Haven't heard anything about Redshirts underperforming or of the Scalzi-Tor deal being on the rocks.

>> No.9264806

Started Walton's Among Others. So far it's just genealogies and a lot of SFF namedropping. At one point after outlining several branches of her family tree, the protag says "you don't have to know this," and I'm like, who's you? Who does she think she's addressing? I thought this was supposed to be a personal diary entry. Anyway, I hope she'll start advancing the plot soon.

>> No.9264823

Naomi Novik's Uprooted had some romance.

>> No.9264833

It would require several blog posts to explain why people came to this conclusion, but the premise is built around tor rejecting 2 of his last submissions despite them having a deal with Scalzi to publish a book a year from him.

>> No.9264970

Care to give a review?

>> No.9265082

Even though Scalzi publically posted the sales of it in some blog post about how fiction actually sells these days

>> No.9265150
File: 31 KB, 267x350, the_faces_of_capitalism1_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A society where everyone feels pressure to design an original wardrobe, live in a unique house, have contrarian opinions on politics and religion and be an adventurous entrepreneur.
I got news for you anon.

>> No.9265273

Is it science fiction if my story involves the sun just MAGICALLY SOMEHOW WHO KNOWS disappearing and the earth just goes off the rails and floats through space whilst on the surface everything is freezing and dying off and it's basically Metro 2033 sort of in a way underground?

>> No.9265292

Well, maybe the Demiurge took it. Anyway, if the sun disappeared then all the planetary orbits would change. I'm sure there's better ways to explain an ice age (volcanic ash, comet.)

>> No.9265300


That's pretty cliche though. Also, the earth would just lose its orbit. Probably crash into some stuff, but space is pretty big so who knows.

>> No.9265340
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>> No.9265356

NK Jemisin has the Moon going.
Doctor Who has a long tradition of planets vanishing and reappearing.

>> No.9265363

The Wandering Earth.

>> No.9265367

A snake and a lion? i forget what those are called - griffins, chimeras? Help me out.

On further reflection, just do it on another planet than earth, one that's cold or on an elliptical orbit so the people have to live underground.

I just read something on a storm planet where whales flew through the air on tornados for christ's sake - if you're good, what matters plausibility.

>> No.9265392

chimera is snake/lion/goat
griffin is eagle/lion

>> No.9265403
File: 59 KB, 441x539, demiurge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A snake and a lion?

>> No.9265479

Dualists have him as the OT god. The lion/snake seems to come from the myth of Sophia. Gnosticism is a nebulous thing, and my understanding is cloudy.

>> No.9265494

I've never actually read it. I'm a big fan of Voyage to Arcturus and Harold Bloom so I find its existence funny. If I ever find a copy I'll definitely read it but it doesn't seem to be available digitally.

>> No.9266131

Just finished Reaper's Gale.
What the fuck.

Here's to Beak, Trull, Rhulad, Toc and Mael.

Good night sweet princes. My soul will never be the same.

>> No.9266141

fucking awful

it was a mistake

bought all books because i liked the cover art basically, dropped after 250 pages of cringe

>> No.9266142


>> No.9266150

im thinking about buying the knight and the wizard books because its /lit/ recced

/lit/ also recced some sanderson books and i consider him as garbage tier so

are the knight, wizard books really good from genewolfe?

>> No.9266228

The first trilogy is literally just the setup for the next set of books.

Everything goes balls-to-the-wall pretty quick.

>> No.9266231

>are the knight, wizard books really good from genewolfe?

Yes, yes, yes.

>/lit/ also recced some sanderson books

/lit/ isn't one person.

>> No.9266235

>/lit/ isn't one person.
thats clear and thats why i wonder how it got through

>> No.9266285

holy shit it costs so much dosh

>> No.9266438

Then don't ask questions about the later books.

>> No.9266447

Nothing is original under the sun anymore anon. Only difference is how you execute it.
Every idea you had, someone had it before you.

>> No.9266472

Just pirate it. I never buy books.

>> No.9266485

i never pirate stuff, i love reading from books

cant stand monitor or ebook reader

>> No.9266490

Why doesn't anyone talk about Lock In? They behave like it wasn't written. Are the only ones talking about Scalzi space fags?

>> No.9266494

But I want to know about tight pussy

>> No.9266519

My thoughts exactly.
He is one the biggest of the big in that series he just keeps a low profile. I don't even think Hood compares.

>> No.9266540

>bought all books because i liked the cover art
Autism at it's finest. The art supposed to attract your attention /catch your eye. It's then up to you to read the blurb, maybe the first chapter before you buy fagget.

You are a corporation's greatest wet dream.

>> No.9266548

whats some nice generic orcs/elves/dwarves tier fantasy

not Tolkien obviously

>> No.9266550

>/lit/ isn't one person.
>>are the knight, wizard books really good from genewolfe?
>Yes, yes, yes.
I'm glad you realized that, that makes your recommendation moot.

>> No.9266566

nah just mad rich mang

>> No.9266570

>>/lit/ isn't one person.
>thats clear and thats why i wonder how it got through
>one person out of the hundreds that passed through these hallowed html/php/java coded walls liked Sanderson, and somehow got Sanderson onto multiple charts without anyone noticing

Just neck yourself you pretentious faggot.

>> No.9266577

Some redshitor who wants upboats will probably explain it to you, just so he can deny me denying you.

>> No.9266578

oh sorry did i trigger your autism? go curl up in your sheet now and let your screech out

>> No.9266613

That would be a great premise for a book
>a god creates a world and lays down 10 rules/ideology
>everyone must choose a rule/ideology at 10 and live with it
>book is about how everyone tries to interpret the rules differently to match a way of life
>hi-jinx ensues at all the ridiculous interpretations coexisting
>book is filled with philosophical ramblings that addresses sameness and differences
>maybe some gri is thrown in to liven things up

What you cunts think? Is this a will steal /10, thanks for the idea faggot?

>> No.9266624

Are there any female fantasy authors that are actually good?

And before you name any of the usual suspects, authors like Tanith Lee/Le Guin aren't actually good.

>> No.9266627

Do you get all the puzzie? Do they practically throw their collective cunnys on your little brother when you roll through in a lambo/buggati/Porsche?

>> No.9266630

What about gnomes?

>> No.9266636

Jokes on you. I'm bedposting atm.

>> No.9266660

i bought the trilogy right away then bought the rest of the books because couldnt sleep well knowing i had something incomplete

its just money, whatever

>> No.9266672

What is it you look for in books? "Female authors" is not a category. There are different interests that people write to fulfil.
Give us what you like, and we will suggest a female author that wrote about that. Are you a degenerate that wants to read about Satan adopting a loli who is then brutally raped by someone with a spike dick in attempts to mindbreak her? Try Black Jewels Trilogy

>> No.9266796

literally nobody in the show looks how they should except for Varys and Catelyn

>> No.9266835

Some were pretty solid. Robert was a good over-the-hill hero, Viserys was a good highly-strung neurotic punk-bitch, and there are maybe a few others. Varys and Catelyn are definitely the best though.

Also CIA is a good Littlefinger for you.

>> No.9266840

>Are there any female fantasy authors that are actually good?
if you're a feminist sure, otherwise...

Fantasy stories by women are always feminist wet dreams. About some girl who defies gender stereotypes and becomes so much better than the boys yadda yadda. I don't hate this stuff it's just they do it all the time and gender roles is all they're really interested in writing about, the actual story and fantasy world seems like an afterthought. Female writers are really bad at writing a distinct culture that isn't 21st century western and suck, suuuuuuck at writing male characters, I dunno why nobody calls them out on this.

>> No.9266842

>Are there any female fantasy authors that are actually good?

There are a few who write decent YA fiction I recall from when I was a kid

>> No.9266851

>Robert was a good over-the-hill hero
he has brown hair and brown eyes, doesn't look like a Baratheon
>Viserys was a good highly-strung neurotic punk-bitch
I quite liked the actor, but they could have least given him silver eyebrows, so lazy

>> No.9266905

Diana Wynne Jones very complex, engaging, esp the Crestomanci series.

>> No.9267115

You made it sound like he had an accident I couldn't remember.

>> No.9267122

Basically all cyberpunk?

>> No.9267254

Mercedes lackey

>> No.9267317

I'm not the anon you replied to. And yes, he did have a no-no. Remember that alone place with the crack, that was away from the runny stuff?
I typed it like this because I cba to spoiler. If you read the book you would know what I'm talking about.

>> No.9267352

I dislike faggots who forget male fantasy is always different than the "layman coming hero" routine.

>> No.9267597

Please stop replying to bait. It's the same questions every couple threads. He's not interested in an answer.

>> No.9267666


>> No.9267685

Looked it up and half-remember it now.
Is it related to Mallick's rise to power?

>> No.9267699

The misogynist, they make the same post all the time it's just bait

Same with the "looking for books with a little girl doing..."

>> No.9267772

Jesus fuck
When Mael was trapped at the end of the book and left 4 for dead.

>> No.9267831

I misunderstood what I read in the reread, which said
>"Oh, so the Errant has taken Feather Witch’s idea of “worship is a weapon” and is looking to resurrect the worship of Mael?"
And later
>"And here’s the result of Bugg’s worshippers awakening: “My mind – I have been distracted. Distant worshippers, something closer to hand…”"
So that's why I thought of Mallick.

y u heff to be mad

>> No.9267911

Tehol was the best in teh book though. hands down

>> No.9268061


>> No.9268069

>I don't even think Hood compares.
Oh he definitely does, which you'll find out next book actually.

>> No.9268083

I read all 10 books buddy... my opinion still stands. Bugg is buddy material. Fuck Jaghuts

>> No.9268462

Any opinions on Jesse Bullington? Never heard of it until someone recommended to me.

>> No.9268472

>Also, a few minutes ago got confirmation of a very cool thing involving Empire that I can't yet tell you about, he said, entirely unsubtly.
>It's plushies, isn't it. Tell me it's plushies.
>Empire burritos for everybody?
>You know - that is just WRRRRRRONG. My brother used to do that to me ALL the time.

So this is the power of Scalzi.

>> No.9268856
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Am I the only one in this thread that has read this book? It's like it doesn't exist to you fags.

>> No.9268905

Nice discussion. Very constructive. A+.

>> No.9268976

What's it about then, and should I read it?

>> No.9268983

Howard Bloom, Hugo and Nebula would disagree with you on Le Guin. But of course you know better than them.

The problem is you, not the authors.

You fucking illiterate.

>> No.9269026

>[Reddit intensifies]

>> No.9269053

I've been in the general since the first thread, and over the years (general is about 2 years old) I've rec'd this multiple times. No one comments.

When people talk of scalzi they talk about old man's war or redshirts / w/e is it's name. No one recognizes the book, how can I have discussions when I'm apparently the only one here that read it?

>What's it about then
The movie surrogates in book form. People upload their consciousness to robots to experience the outside world. I like scifi books that show what could be done with technology and humanity (augmentation) so it appealed to me.

>and should I read it?
Up to you. Depends on what you want in scfi. The people that asked for what this contains hasn't replied to me yet if it was what they wanted or not.

>> No.9269119

>Up to you. Depends on what you want in scfi.
A good story or autistic technobabble. Either is fine.

>The people that asked for what this contains hasn't replied to me yet if it was what they wanted or not.
Well it sounds like a pretty interesting premise. I'll give it a go after I finish what I'm currently reading.

>> No.9269190
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It doesn't get discussed because Its extremely generic, literally the entire plot has been done hundreds of times before.

>> No.9269322

Well I was a surrogate virgin when I read it, so excuse me for getting hyped.

>> No.9269516

The premise sounds interesting but I've always found Scalzi's breezy tone annoying even at his best.

>> No.9269642

A Pail of Air did that with a "dark star," probably a black hole before we knew about accretion rings, yank the Earth out of the Sun's orbit.

>> No.9270072

I still can't see yaldaboath without thinking of homestuck

>> No.9270094
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sounds far out

>> No.9270229

I love her to death, I also like Tamora Pierce.

>> No.9270439

There is a head on a pole behind you
TUC excerpt when

>> No.9270822

Has any book explored the idea of "living weapon raised by genre savvy scientists"?

>> No.9270931
File: 75 KB, 510x680, Cetaganda_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking pull quote

>> No.9270993

Is there a sci fi story where humans send missinaries to an alien species to convert them to a human religion? Something a la conquistadors.

>> No.9270996


>> No.9271113

>Why won't he use sex in his books?
I wish more authors would avoid sex (or more of the human refuse that passes for readers would let stuff through that doesn't have any sex scenes). I mean, not sexual interest or implications that sex has happened, but explicit sexual descriptions, particularly descriptions of deviant sex.

If I want porn, I can get as much porn as I like, any time I want.

Porn and literature is like sewage and wine. A page of literature in a work of porn makes a book of porn, a page of porn in a work of literature makes a book of porn.

It's embarassing to recommend a book that's got porn in it, and with audiobooks it's downright painful to listen to a male reader make girly sex noises.

I want to share good books with the people in my life. I want to be able to recommend them, discuss them, read them out loud to each other. An otherwise perfectly good book becomes something I can't share with my niece when there is, for no apparent reason, a graphic three-page description of sodomy.

Same thing goes for TV. These days they just throw in a couple of completely unnecessary porn scenes for no reason. Don't people watch TV with their families any more? There's a space between "suitable for children" and "watch it alone" occupied by "suitable for visiting in-laws".

>> No.9271197

I notice sex more often in New Wave SF, where it can pop up out of the blue. One book that comes to mind is A Time Of Changes by Robert Silverberg, a Nebula winner IIRC. It's a good book, an exiled prince tale, but one way the protagonist is characterised is by his premature ejaculation when he is with women, and this is a recurring motif. And in Dying Inside, Silverberg depicts the protag inhabiting women's minds during sex. In Tower Of Glass, there is sex with androids. I'm fairly certain every of his 60s-70s books I have read has lengthy sexual passages.

But he is arguably one of the stronger writers of that era just in terms of prose, an actual stylist. Sex is used for colour, humor, texture. I think this frankness can make books of this era feel of their time and place. Whether it's a good or bad thing is a matter of taste for many.

Also, given how much some of you enjoy graphic depictions of sex, it's a wonder more of you don't read Robert Silverberg.

>> No.9271209

CJ Carella's books feature Space Mormons converting aliens, but they aren't the main event.

>> No.9271213

Got it, just didn't like it much.

At this point the thing I remember most is the weird Audible release. They made two different audiobooks of it. One with Wil Wheaton and one narrated by some chick I'd never heard of.

>> No.9271214

>>What about an individualist dystopia?
>Like somalia or liberia?
That's just general disorder.

>everyone feels pressure to design an original wardrobe, live in a unique house, have contrarian opinions on politics and religion and be an adventurous entrepreneur
This is San Francisco. It only superficially looks individualist. Scratch the surface and everyone looks like the same hipster trash, has the same SJW politics/religion, and is doing a me-too web startup.

This is the underlying reality of any "oppressive individualism", it ends up being an intense conformity where you're supposed to generate the appearance of independent confirmation of the groupthink and feed into the general feeling that all free-thinking, intelligent, compassionate people will converge to the sacred tenets.

I call them "turvists", because their whole philosophy on everything is upside-down. It signals no group loyalty or individuality to acknowledge reality, so they tend to converge on denying reality. If you won't deny the obvious, you're not one of the cool kids.

>> No.9271289
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I've been drawing cartoony eyes on SFF authors.

>> No.9271291
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>> No.9271293
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>> No.9271294
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>> No.9271298
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I couldn't figure out any way to improve this one.

>> No.9271310
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I wanted to put a :3 face on Cherryh but it looked horrifying.

>> No.9271326
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>> No.9271634

Also want this recommendation.
If someone has a good book along this line please recommend.

>> No.9271639

Had a good laugh.

>> No.9271719

i really liked the shadow trilogy
>inb4 edgy

will i like black prism?

>> No.9271739


>> No.9271762

Recently finished Asimov's Foundation series.

Disappointed by the typical Marxist ending and I grew a bit tired of the 4 layers of "THIS secret group is actually running the galaxy". I'd have preferred to stick with the original Foundation and Seldon Plan and explore the ramifications of that.

And why did the last two stories suddenly get so sexual? Endless descriptions of Bliss' wide ass

I give it 7/10

>> No.9271784

The Second Foundation trilogy implies that Galaxia is simply subsumed into the Second Empire built on the foundations of the Plan, in that there could be no possible need for the Encyclopedia Galactica in a galactic hivemind yet we know that it exists and is published in the second empire. It's basically sanctioned fanfiction though.

>> No.9271785

Who was that crazy feminist who wrote about an invading 9ft tall viking samurai african alien species who raped the main char into love and she then betrayed all humans for cock

The worst scifi I ever read

>> No.9271844

>I liked sniffing a fart. will I enjoy eating shit?

>> No.9271922

You mean a modern-day Frankenstein's monster? Or a bunch of scientists stealing orphans to run experiments in the hopes of making and grooming the perfect killer?

If the former try Myke Cole's Gemini cell. It's shit though.
If the latter try the halo and assassin creed video game novelization

>> No.9271951

>Porn and literature is like sewage and wine
Funny thing is, all the books praised as literary classics are cesspits of degeneracy. Lolita, cancer of tropic, hogg, eye of the world, sade's stuff, Joyce's stuff.

The truth is sex sells. The reason these old books became popular is because they were literally porn in a time when seeing a thigh would drive a man insane.

>> No.9272010

>it's a wonder more of you don't read Robert Silverberg.
Anon... you better be shilling on the up and up... because if I read Silverstein (shilling intensifies) and it doesn't deliver I will stop your future shilling at every opportunity I get.

>It's embarassing to recommend a book that's got porn in it, and with audiobooks it's downright painful to listen to a male reader make girly sex noises.
>I want to share good books with the people in my life. I want to be able to recommend them, discuss them, read them out loud to each other. An otherwise perfectly good book becomes something I can't share with my niece when there is, for no apparent reason, a graphic three-page description of sodomy.
>Same thing goes for TV. These days they just throw in a couple of completely unnecessary porn scenes for no reason. Don't people watch TV with their families any more? There's a space between "suitable for children" and "watch it alone" occupied by "suitable for visiting in-laws".

How old are you grandpa? Times have changed. There is YA and their is adult fiction. You can't want to read adult fiction and share it with your niece. Find some YA and read that with her. I don't see what the big problem is.

You are behaving just like those sjw/feminist. Wanting something out of an ADULT MEDIUM because it hurts your sensitivities. You are just one person. You don't want sex? Don't read adult. I swear to god that you must be an Americlap. You guys cry out in disbelief and disgust if a penis looks like he is hopping anywhere close to a vagina. Yet someone being: tortured, killed, dismembered, branded, eyes gouged out, genitalia cut from them, intestines cut from them and played with, babies cut from wombs and heads smashed, etc. You have no problem with that. I've read plenty of books that didn't have sex, but contained one form or the other of those listed above. I bet you have no problem reading that aloud to your niece. You fucking Americans are the worst hypocritical, double faced faggots.
Go neck yourself.

>> No.9272031

>black prism
Oh. You mean the night angel trilogy (had me thinking of another book). Yes you will like the Lightbringer series, but it doesn't have the same amount of GRI (far, far less) as night angel. There is no talking suit, no hentai spider goo under your skin, no best friends turning into walking boipuccis and offering that pucci to you.

It's completely different. You will enjoy kip.

>> No.9272032

Joyce probably tried it at least. He did love the former.

>> No.9272039

>why did the last two stories suddenly get so sexual
Yeah it was fucking weird and Trevize was someone I hated. I found the originals + prequels GOAT though.

>> No.9272043

So basically.... she lost to cock?

>> No.9272095

I read The Foundation and the Foundation and Empire and then remembered why I don't like Asimov. He's got that George R.R. Martin problem of having decent stories but simply not being a good writer. There's pretty much no reason to read his full stories over their wikipedia entries. There's nothing interesting to the telling so you might as well get the story into you in the quickest way. I read the summary of 2nd Foundation on Wikipedia and am glad I did. Only other Asimov I've read is The Gods Themselves. Same problem, it's an interesting storing but he's just a boring writer with no feel for prose.

>> No.9272116

Not him.

Well I was utterly bored out my mind by GRRM's stories (other than Fevre Dream). I found his ASOIAF to be dull, wandering and aimless in its overuse of different plot viewpoints and the characters to be utterly uninteresting.

Loved Asimov's Foundation/Robots plus Nightfall.

It's odd that I can't stand writers like Mieville though.

>> No.9272118

I'm pretty sure that was something Vox Day once posted as a joke.

>> No.9272125

>It's odd that I can't stand writers like Mieville though.
Have you tried huffing liquid Marxist plus?

>> No.9272146

>If the latter try the halo and assassin creed video game novelization
Are they good? Asked about this earlier but didn't get a decent response.

>> No.9272201

Guys I just finished the Prince of Nothing Trilogy and I have a question.
When kellhus just started traveling and he met the nonman... did he fuck it or did it fuck him? He ran away because the nonman starto love him right?

>> No.9272205

All nonmen are gay.

Kellhus was only running to preserve his anal virginity.

>> No.9272215

I don't know. Why would I read a book about those two franchises? They're both fps (first person shooter / first person stabber). I just know the plot for both of those were using kids for their Spartan / creed programs.

>> No.9272226

So he read in the nonman's face that he wanted to fuck him? Are nonmen the buggerors or the buggerees?

>> No.9272297

Female warriors ruin books.

>> No.9272502

>It's embarassing to recommend a book that's got porn in it
>An otherwise perfectly good book becomes something I can't share with my niece

Now that the cultural religious restraints have been removed, media panders to the meanest urges of their target demographics. It's somewhat ironic to bemoan it on 4chan though.

I think scifi has ground to a halt in tandem with progression into space. There's been no feedback from experience to even rehash near-future stories. Everything else has been done except perhaps hard scifi by someone who can actually write well. Scifi should be cyrogenically frozen and thawed out in a century or two when humanity has ventured further along--be it dystopia, spacefaring, apocalypse, etcetera--simply because the genre needs new material to work with.

>> No.9272518
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>be reading The Darkness That Comes Before
>get the chapters about the Nansur emperor
>read about how the first time he came was his mother giving him a handjob
Does this type of stuff continue?

>> No.9272555
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>when a space battle finally happens in The Dark Forest
Holy shit that was a rollercoaster

>> No.9272604

The entire series is a mixture of the author's rejected philosophy dissertation and his sexual kinks

so yea

>> No.9272629
File: 274 KB, 768x768, 1471145036728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying progression into space has ground to a halt
Two guys are going around the moon late next year, that'll put the boot up Clarke/Baxter-style engineering fiction.

>> No.9272639

That's literally a scam lad

>> No.9272649

I thought he had his PHD in philosophy

>> No.9272861


This, and


Moonshots by tourists are not progression. It's Rome pushing back the barbarians for a time, or would be if Elon Musk wasn't a huckster.

>> No.9272867


Those quotes should be reversed in context. Sorry.

>> No.9273011

>I like scifi books that show what could be done with technology and humanity (augmentation) so it appealed to me.
Mmm, can you recommend me some books anon?

>> No.9273016

No, he dropped out and became a full time writer

>> No.9273024

Do you have an ebook?

>> No.9273112

You seem to be the only bakkerfag in the thread atm (other guy only just finished the first trilogy) so please answer.

I'm reading the white luck warrior (near to finish) and a few chapters ago sorweel saw the siblings fugging.. it was like she wanted him to see so he would get in the mood. My question. Does sorweel get to fug the witch? Doesn't seem like is anything else about them after this part I just finished.

>> No.9273148
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>implying the world powers wants people with no security clearance to see the moonbase holding the aliens we have a peace treaty with
>implying the aliens won't stop them before they land because they are invading
Don't you see even the Chinese scrapped their moonlanding because our alien overlords denied their visas?

>> No.9273149

Theres a reason they wanted him to see. All of Sorweel stuff gets explained in TGO. It has to do with the non men.

>> No.9273158

He ran because the nonman could do magic and Kellhus has no idea what that was

>> No.9273165

Neal Asher, Bv Larson.

>> No.9273176

DO THEY FUG? That's allnI want to know. I'm pent up for release atm. If they do I will start tgo as soon as I'm finished here. If not it can wait a few more months.

>> No.9273189

Nah, but The ship gets a huge boost. Probably saved for TUC

>> No.9273193

Do you have your mother's bones hidden behind the head on a pole behind you on the slog of slogs, or is it salted seed across a palm?
get hyped

>> No.9273200

I wanted his pure love for her to break the dunyain conditioning, and also to break the dam in her cunny.

>> No.9273316

he made a wise decision desu

>> No.9273373
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>talented “word chef” like John Scalzi he will turn it into a SUPER read
Jesus Tor need to buy better scripts for theses shills.

>> No.9273484

I'm so glad arrogant prudes like you no longer have any influence in any form of media.

>> No.9273504
File: 26 KB, 600x375, 1484236036006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound worse than OP, stop that.

>> No.9273540

They've got a point

Like I was reading Nevernight recently and it was okay for pulpy assassin fantasy but then the author spent close to two whole chapters on sex scenes.

I could justify one of these for plot and character reasons but the second was literally just bad titillation, everything relevant to it after was already established by the first scene

>> No.9273567

I unironically like Silverberg, so I shill sincerely. He's among the best of the 60s-70s crowd, somebody who can be literary and a little experimental without being pretentious and unreadable. If I had to choose the best one it would be Downward To The Earth. Overall he's not as good as PKD but he is a better writer of characters, and in terms of prose he's as good as Le Guin..

Well, something is up with the moon. We haven't been on it for about forty years. Just what is up there, on the dark side? On that matter, what is some SF that speculates on this?

You make it sound like there is a Homeland-esque bank of sockpuppets shilling SF authors across the blogosphere. There's worse occupations I suppose. Come and get me, TOR//Baen.etc

>> No.9273634

Seriously, how can people read Rothfuss and not complain about the sexual content?

>> No.9274194


I've read some halo novels when the hype was still big. Expect some decent amusement. Nothing too deep, nothing too complicated or with a compelling story.

>> No.9274204



>muh womyn, stronger than men, lel

They seem odd and out of place. Really not digging The Expanse as far as female heroes go. Though the old lady is pretty chill doe.

>> No.9274257
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>Really not digging The Expanse

>> No.9274309

people here really really don't like abraham for some reason

>> No.9274328

Not all. And is probably just one troll who dislikes Abraham.

>> No.9274352

the third instalment wasnt great
it wound up the trilogy though, and didn't stop me loving 1 and 2

>> No.9274363

are you me?

I polished it off this mourning, and even though the ending wasn't strictly 10/10, overall the book was great. All that space stuff was excellent, heck the entire book was excellent

any cunts who read Three Body and found it "meh" (like me), power on to Dark Forest, it bangs

>> No.9274371

>except perhaps hard scifi by someone who can actually write well
just say Watts, it's not like he's TOO well known

>> No.9274419

Sounds like easy-to-read introduction to sci-fi then. Thanks.

>> No.9274426

Did you miss "genre savvy"?

>> No.9274599

Got any recommendations for sci fi with a good romance?

maybe preferably between two girls?

>> No.9274940

/sffg/ can I have a plot twist revealed by a silent film inside a book, or is that too visual to write?

I honestly liked the books less and less as they went on. The first book had an interesting and compelling mystery, the second book was pretty boring aside from the dark forest theory, and while the start of the third was interesting and I really liked the fairy tale in the middle I just hated it every time they skipped forward

maybe scifi just isn't my thing

Honestly, the future of science right now isn't in the sky, it's on the ground.

VR is finally getting its big break and AR will probably follow within the decade. Just a few weeks ago two separate scientists created a state of matter that is moving periodically in its ground state and another lab managed to make a metal out of nothing but hydrogen gas.

3d organ printing could soon lead to the end of organ shortages and could be combined with meat-cloning technology to make it possible to mass-produce kobe-quality beef without killing a single animal.

3d-printers are getting cheaper and as high quality multi-material printers become common we may finally get to the point where we can basically pirate a self-driving car

>> No.9275231

Because they're adults who don't find sex icky.

>> No.9275245

You don't have to worry about the ickiness of something when your trying to prevent your sides from entering orbit from the pure unadulterated cringe.

>> No.9275246

No not really. It's just he same maladjusted self-proclaimed "intellectuals" complaining about something they'll never experience. They'd much rather read their sterile, sex-less fantasy and sci-fi so they don't have to be reminded nobody will ever love them physically. I've never heard any of my well adjusted adult friends complain about sex scenes in any of the books they read. It's always the lonely internet snobs who act like they're above it.

>> No.9275256

Hey if laughter is how you deal with your obvious discomfort then who am I to judge? Just letting you know that the adult response is to not really give a shit.

>> No.9275276

>When you haven't read said aforementioned book but you feel like broadcasting how progressive and liberal you are
Hi leddit.

>> No.9275287

Rothfuss is fucking cringy.
And so is Brent Weeks in his latest book.

>> No.9275348
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Anyone here published their own fantasy novel on Amazon? How did it go?

>> No.9275494

What sexual content, all I remember is some terrible fucking metaphors of it and no actual details, just like most of his writing but turned up to 11.

I'd have been fine with it if it was at least hot not cringe worthy. Which is my opinion on sex scenes in books in general.

>> No.9275537

I wish, I can't even create a sensible plot after 18 months of planning and false starts and piss-poor drafts that even my parents shit on.

I've been out of school for less than a year and the harsh reality that I'm nothing but a meaningless and easily replacable screw who just happens to be above-average at programming is crushing the juice from my psyche

>> No.9275865

>upset about being a replaceable screw
>humblebragging about not being a replaced screw

>> No.9275969

Coming up with plot ideas is easy. It's only a matter of throwing together individually interesting characters, plot arcs, and settings, and writing the conflict (and its resolution) that is presented by the meeting of these aspects.

For fun I will throw up some SFF ideas.

e.g. Blind musician (protag) seeks revenge for the murder of his dog (plot) by a mad wizard (antagonist, conflict) at his magic tree house full of traps (setting, conflict)

e.g. Young man with one eye (protag) wishes to enrol in space academy to fight alien threat (plot) but his stepdad at the farm hates him (conflict/setting)

e.g. Epileptic janitor (protag) falls in love (plot) with an imprisoned alien princess with telepathic powers on board a starship (setting) with an asshole boss (conflict.) Oh, and the princess is a conceited bitch.

And so on, etc.

>> No.9276239

>Sword Art Online is the future of sci-fi
How horrifying.

>> No.9276522
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Define the
>hard sci-fi
>soft sci-fi
>low fantasy
>high fantasy

>> No.9276529

>would you download a car

>> No.9276537

soft scifi is basically science fantasy, or just scifi with less focus on scientific principles. This can get tricky as some v unscientific space operas are v jargon heavy, but at that point I just define them as "high science fantasy"

hard scifi is just scifi with more scientific emphasis, even if it's as wrong as the ideas in soft scifi. All it can take for hard scifi to be hard is lots of vocab.

Dune for example is soft scifi, and Blindsight is hard scifi.

However it gets a lot trickier to define when you examine older genre work or YA stuff

something like Hyperion or Revelation Space is probably in the border in my opinion, as while it's undeniably a space opera romp, the books sets up a very well defined set of parameters which at least sound based in fact, before continuing the plot.

idk man, just decide on a book to book basis

>> No.9276546

He is at least 4 if not shorter. I think you Americlaps throw heights out of proportions just to feel better about your no gf, virgin4lyfe status.
I need porn with that elf bitch taking di k.

>> No.9276553
File: 118 KB, 595x794, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a meme you dip.

>> No.9276569
File: 33 KB, 246x265, 1387974099674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to re-write the terminator series from a fantasy perspective and post it on amazon. I'll let you know once I'm done.

Also, can anyone remember the name of that book torrent site. The Russian library one, I've been away for a while and need to download the terminator book.

>mfw there's terminator books

>> No.9276581

No shit. Some lanket virgins do believe in it though. They feel they have a better chance to experience the pleasures of wet walls because of their height.

>> No.9276584

>animefag stealing people's shit and passing it off as his own
Not even surprised desu.

>> No.9276594

>t. manlet

There is no need to get so worked up about a few jokes my pint sized friend.

>> No.9276609

I found The Dark Forest a little strange in how the late Crisis Era Humanity could be collectively so confident their space fleet would easily win in the doomsday battle. It's like they all forgot Trisolaris could do crazy shit like unfold higher dimensions and that their own basic science had been at a standstill for 200 years.

Maybe it's a metaphor for how China believed it was the center of civilization and then got its ass kicked in the Opium Wars, or something, I dunno.

>> No.9276639

What are you cunts reading?
Would you recommend any?

>> No.9276657

I'm reading 'A Voyage to Arcturus' again. I strongly recommend it.

>> No.9276702


Just finished first two books in the Lightbringer series.

The guy really likes shitty plot twists, but it was actually pretty interesting - I enjoyed it.

Surprised I've never heard anyone here talk about it.

>> No.9276711

Looking to get into Philip k Dick. What's the best collection of his short stories, keeping price and availability in mind?

>> No.9276720

Going through Discworld now. Interesting Times is fun so far, but the pro-weapon message is striking after how strong the 'guns are literally the embodiment of evil' message was in men at arms two books earlier.

>> No.9276722

SyFy is making a Hyperion series, apparently.

Not that anon, but thanks, looks really interesting.

>> No.9276811

Until you get to book 4. Good god, why.

>> No.9276813


An odd choice for an adaption.

They're doing a good job with The Expanse, but Hyperions a very different bag.

The strength of the series was never in it's visuals, and as I recall most of what makes it interesting goes on under the surface.

Lots of jumping around in time and space, lots of slowly-paced character building, and a cacophonous wash of aesthetics that'll be be hard to reconcile.

And so much of the story relies on the implication of the Shrike and it's power, rather than the genuine article.

There are a few good set pieces and scenes that come to mind, but it's going to be tough to make it accessible (or even acceptable) for a TV audience.

>> No.9276821


I heard tell of similar hijinks occurring in his other series.

On a scale of 1 to Brandon Sanderson, how angry am I going to be?

>> No.9276826

Book 4 is Rothfuss tier cringe. It's filler as a fuck though so Book 5 has a high likelihood of being better.

>> No.9276917


That's alright, I can handle that particular brand of cringe.

As long as he doesn't go full Sanderson and turn it into an anime fanfiction crossover where everyone starts behaving like they're in a soap opera.

>> No.9276948


>> No.9277026

>good job with The Expanse
Eh, it's decent imho. I tend to not like TV series too much, tho.

Ye, TV audience generally can't handle "hidden" things, and adaptations cannot keep the books' complexities.

>> No.9277062
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x3000, Modern Fantasy Recs V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surprised I've never heard anyone here talk about it.
>shilling books for years
>people NOW start to read them
>never heard anyone here talk about it

>> No.9277077


I'm aware it's in the recs, that's how I found it.

I've just not seen anyone talking about it.

>> No.9277082

See >>9261570
We made memes for it. Book 4 was that preposterous.

>> No.9277219

>reading a book
>enjoying it
>suddenly a female warrior is introduced
>have to drop it
Why is this allowed?

>> No.9277320


lol women amirite

>> No.9277321

What did she do? Same old tough female shtick?

>> No.9277372

>Ma'am, please dismount
>Is there a problem Officer?
>Just keep your hands where I can see them. Is this your Father's charger?
>It's mine.
>I suppose the sword is also?
>Ma'am, I'm gonna have to take you in.
>What's the charge?!
>Warrioring while female

>> No.9277605

Are there any modern fantasy books where this doesn't happen?

>> No.9277679


I thought it was implied that Hines/the British wallbreakers mind-altering tech that installed full confidence in victory somehow became widespread and began to effect the civilization as a whole

>> No.9277701

