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/lit/ - Literature

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9259276 No.9259276 [Reply] [Original]

Alright kind strangers, let's have a favorite book thread. A good friend of mine recommended that I do this and he promised me you wouldn't bully me for my tastes. Let's see if that's true.

1. Starship Troopers
2. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
3. Johnny Got His Gun
4. Catch-22
5. To Kill a Mocking Bird
6. Ender's Game
7. Fahrenheit 451
8. 1984
9. Freakonomics
10. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

And you?

>> No.9259342

This looks like a crypto-sci fi thread

>> No.9259361

You should read Julius Evola

and then kill yourself

>> No.9259475

No I just like Sci Fi personally, what are your favorite books?

Taken under advisement.

>> No.9260317

jean rhys - after leaving mr. mackenzie
jane bowles - two serious ladies
ronald firbank - the flower beneath the foot
william morris - the roots of the mountains
frank o'hara - lunch poems
john wheelwright - collected poems
christina stead - the man who loved children
cao xueqin - dream of the red chamber
murasaki shikibu - tale of genji
ted hughes - selected early poems

>> No.9261043

Moon is a harsh mistress-- Heinlein
Shop class as Soulcraft -- Crawford
Storm of Steel-- Juenger
To Hell and Back-- Murphy
Space Trilogy-- CS Lewis
Mere Christianity-- CS Lewis
Brs Karamazov-- Dostoyevsky
War and Peace-- Tolstoy
Confessions of St. Augustine
Enemy at the Gates-- William Craig

>> No.9261826
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>Starship Troopers

This is notoriously one of the worst well known sci-fi books of all time. The fact that it got an award was a huge meme back in the day and triggered a lot of people. And then it was all spaghetti'd up because a lot of people misinterpreted the criticism into being just a reactionary bias against fascism, when in fact the novel just fails to be a fucking decent novel on a technical standpoint, fascism or not.

The characters are non-entities, nothing happens except just a bunch of political ideology being spouted in a fucking bootcamp. There is no forward pace, the prose is cardboard. It SUCKS.

The movie is great because it's a perfect parody of the source material, while at the same time doing what the source material should have done in the first place. More bug killing and human comradery.

>> No.9262521

>being this wrong

>> No.9262563

Have you read the other two books in the military sci-fi trinity?
- Armor by Steakley
- Forever War by Haldeman

You can skip Old Man's War.

>> No.9262653

I've read Forever War but not Armor. I'll have to pick it up sometime.