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9258996 No.9258996 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most entertaining (fun) book you have ever read?

>> No.9259021
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>> No.9259041
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Renault's The King Must Die is pretty good sword and sandal schlock

>> No.9259096


>> No.9259135
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Book 1 of this

>> No.9259148

a confederacy of dunces
three men in a boat

>> No.9259151

Honestly? Gravity's Rainbow. Those fucking chase scenes.

>> No.9259157

In all truth and honesty I've always gotten a kick out of those old detective paperbacks that are really poorly written and fairly gimmicky

>> No.9259160


>> No.9259231
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Fun? Probably this, or Sabbath's Theatre

>> No.9259264

books from the discworld series

when you want something to just laugh a bit with, but still have a nice story

>> No.9259292

Macbeth. Or Don Quixote.

They're my favourite (that I've finished). Why would they be my favourite if I didn't find them the most fun?

>> No.9259311

Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle was so much fun to read. The guy is a master of fiction.

>> No.9259345

Unironically either Ulysses or Gravity's Rainbow. Leaning towards Ulysses, it's a ridiculous amount of fun.

>> No.9259360
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Years ago, I found this one so much fun, I read it twice, in nonconsecutive years.

>> No.9259421

Because fun does not constitute the whole of enjoyment or quality.

>> No.9259483
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Master and Margarita is one of my favorites

>> No.9259535

>a confederacy of dunces
I have to agree with this

>> No.9259572

Honestly the meme trilogy books are very entertaining, fun, not too dark. Also Kafka's short stories while minding what DFW said, how Kafka's stories have a lot of dark humor to them, and his neighbors could hear him laugh while he was writing.

>> No.9259588
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the dragon never sleeps by glen cook. i read it all in one go and felt like i was on the edge of my seat the entire time. exciting ass book

>> No.9260057

Dead Souls. I was not expecting it to be so fun to read.

>> No.9260062

I just began and find it fairly boring, I don't care about these characters or their tepid lives

>> No.9260244

My most favorite book ever.

>> No.9260248
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Being the retard I am I forgot to post picture

>> No.9260256

Three Men On a Boat is pretty comfy

>> No.9260267

Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.9260273

moon is a harsh mistress
assassins apprentice

>> No.9260630

Yes it does you stupid faggot.

They literally mean the same thing.
>fun (noun)

>> No.9260642


Yep, this.

>> No.9260659

Kafka's Metamorphosis, Country Doctor, Description of a Struggle, Trial, Borges' Fictions, Carrington's Hearing Trumpet, Johnson's Jesus' Son, Carson's Autobiography of Red, Woolf's To the Lighthouse, Shakespeare's Macbeth, Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Hrabal's Too Loud a Solitude, Selby's Last Exit, Maupassant's Boule de Suif, Casares' Invention of Morel, Pynchon's Crying of Lot 49, Milton's Paradise Lost, Bely's Petersburg, etc.

>> No.9261223

They're not that tepid. It's entertaining.

>> No.9261236

what translation of monte cristo did you all read?

yeah i know, >translations

>> No.9261273

I just read the first Hunger Games book recently without seeing the movie and it was a lot of fun. Constantly had me turning pages and a lot of memorable action scenes.

However, I wouldn't put it anywhere close to even my top 50 of all time. other books like East of Eden and Sound & Fury had a huge impact on my life and how I see the world, even if I wasn't anxiously flipping pages to find out what happened next. I think there's a time and place for both types of books.

>> No.9261388

I read and enjoyed all 3. They're good for what they are: mindless entertainment. But like you said, I prefer to read meaningful books that make me think and actually have an impact on my life.

>> No.9261416

Many questions are simply unanswerable, and I believe this to be one of them. But I believe few books mix it up with such inventiveness and energy as this one here.

>> No.9261425


>> No.9262233


You want the Robin Buss version.

>> No.9262263
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>> No.9262680

I, Claudius
The second book was even better IMO. That shit about his wife getting railed and the blood that ensued topped it off.

>> No.9262749

Inside the Room (about Tommy WIseau).

>> No.9262778
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>> No.9262788

Notes from the underground was a fucking trip. Literally 4chan:the book

>> No.9262790

Dick Juice & Da Kidz

>> No.9263121
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i read this book a while ago but i'm always talking about it with friends

>> No.9263144

Bitch killer by Garth Marenghi

>> No.9263330

this. IJ is a masterpiece of comedy, honestly.

>> No.9263648

Michael Crichton-- Next, Sphere
Storm of Steel
To Hell and Back
Mote in God's Eye