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9257432 No.9257432 [Reply] [Original]

Stirner's egoism? Nietzsche's self-overcoming?

Did you ever test your edgy theories in the real world? This stuff is BAD advice.

>> No.9257519

But all the psychopaths out there encourage plebs to DO IT, just like vultures to bunny who wants to cross the heavy trafficked road.

>> No.9257528

IMO, speaking as an adult in the "real world" Greeks had it at least 90% right with stoicism and epicureanism: mental health, maturity, pragmatism, making the best of your time in this world etc. Put an alibi metaphysics on it for the mentally unstable, call it providence, you're good to go.

Sadly then we got unironic monotheism resulting ultimately in such saviors...

>> No.9257529

What's wrong with Stirner's egoism?

That's how most people live their lives already, many are just spooked about it

>> No.9257545

>Did you ever test your edgy theories in the real world? This stuff is BAD advice.
I literally did and Stirner's egoism helped me improve my life. You're reading it wrong, when he says "we are each other's mutual property" he doesn't mean objective property, he means subjective property; treating people like objects (treating people like a psychopath) isn't egoism, because you're just using them for your sensual pleasure. Trusting yourself enough to give yourself wholly (be entirely yourself) to another person is an egoistic act. i.e. you know that the whole of this other person, the other person themselves, be they friend or lover, benefits you.

Nietzsche was less helpful to me because his writings become progressively schizo

>> No.9257603

It's not bad advice.
I live mostly by Epicureanism, but this >>9257529 is also right. Society should drop the bad advice it runs on now, and stand up for you and yours.

>> No.9258874

Considering you are already an unconscious egoist... I don't know about that.

>> No.9258896

advice can only be bad depending on the one being advised

>> No.9258915
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>Did you ever test your edgy theories in the real world?

Yes they, helped to be a more loving an affection son because I managed to overcome the spook of having to be strong and emotionally cold. It also helped me find joy in reading again as I was no longer haunted by the idea that one should only read to be smart and have knowledge in the Western Cannon.

Stirner's writings were the best cure for many of my antisocial or self destructive behaviors.