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/lit/ - Literature

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925475 No.925475 [Reply] [Original]

Evening /lit/ i was wondering if you had any recommendations of books to read when it comes to the IRA/The Troubles. "Hurr Durr IRA are terrorists Englands awesome" books are not preferred as i have already read quite a few and would like to read some from the other perspective. Fiction or Non Fiction i dont mind. Ive already read 50 dead men walking.

Pic slightly related, it was the only NI pic i had

>> No.925483

You are asking for something so very specific it would be irresponsible not to take advantage of this wonderful tool called Google.

Please do so.

>> No.925509

well there was no harm in asking, i am using google i just thought id get some people opinions on books they have read

>> No.925520

Well actually, and I don't mean to be inflamatory or offensive while saying this, there IS harm done in asking. By creating this thread, however well meaning you were (intentions that of course I do not doubt) you end up pushing other more meaningful threads of discussion off the front page (sadly the only page people seem to check anymore) and disturb meaningful content.

Besides that, and what is potentially even more damaging, is that if your thread is successful and indeed someone helps fulfill your request then other people will take notice and will act under the belief that request threads are okay in /lit/ (and more importantly successful) resulting in even more and more recommendation threads.

While this might not be so damaging on the faster boards like /b/ or /v/ here on a slow board, on /lit/, it makes it nearly impossible to have a conversation.

>> No.925534

just passing through to say that this guy is a fucking faggot.

that is all.

>> No.925538

StoP_ATTAcKInG aNd FuckinG WITH wWW.ANocaRrOTstALk.sE REPLace_carRoTs wiTh_n
y qbix zpvlsqpyuj dh d vjy mx

>> No.925539

oh my god shut the fuck up
recommendation threads are the soul and lifeblood of /lit/ because that's how good books get passed around

jesus christ fuck you ignorant whiny cunt

>it makes it nearly impossible to have a conversation

>> No.925542

I find your debate, as well as your company, to be thrilling. Thank you for helping to improve the quality of this board, though it is indeed a shame that you are merely "passing through". We are all at a loss both for having been in your absence for so long previous and for what will now be a drought of your insightful downpours.

We will miss you, dear poster.

>> No.925543

thankyou for the support

>> No.925549

>Hurr Durr IRA are terrorists
You're going to read a lot of that on account of it being fucking true.

>> No.925552

maybe to you and yours

>> No.925553
File: 41 KB, 337x500, troubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought this book at some little used bookstore in one of the little towns along the Antrim coast. It very plainly and for the most part unbiasedly told the history of NI from its inception and how a Catholic minority was created and marginalized overnight. Was very good overall, but it could've used more info on the Orange Order. On this topic it seemed to assume a certain reader familiarity, which puzzled me. Anyway, you may have already read this, but there you go.

>> No.925556

pray for us sinners by patrick taylor was alright, it takes a middle view which is kinda cool

>> No.925557

No. To everyone.
Fucking americans.

>> No.925559 [DELETED] 

Mr. 787878, my you seem to pop up everywhere! I take it though that you have issues with what I am saying, and therefore what I believe constitutes a healthy board. I will try to remain civil, speaking directly to the merits of what you have argued, though it seems you will extend no such courtesy.

First, the notion that recommendation threads are the lifeblood of /lit/ seems not to be an uninformed opinion but is one that is misplaced. Yes, it appears at the moment that most threads on /lit/ are ones where people request books to read and while a very select few might facilitate good discussion a great majority serve as nothing but a means to serve an uninformed poster, who will no doubt come back for more, instead of giving him the necessary tools to catch his own dinner. What I do, what I try to do, is point these people in the right direction, to give them a nudge and tell them why.

Good books cannot be passed around by the coddled, if only the same informed individuals post the same books without the input of newer, fresher, capable and self-sufficient posters than this place becomes an incestuous mess that does nothing but cycle the same books ad nauseum. This method does not develop and inspire new content, it degrades it.

As it so happens, Mr. 787878, recommendations are not the lifeblood of /lit/, they are the lifeblood of /r/. Here, in /lit/ they are a growing cancer that steals away good discussion.

>> No.925561

guess again im not american or an irish citizen

>> No.925566

Frank Herbert, The White Plague

>> No.925569

Mr. 787878, my you seem to pop up everywhere! I take it though that you have issues with what I am saying, and therefore what I believe constitutes a healthy board. I will try to remain civil, speaking directly to the merits of what you have argued, though it seems you will extend no such courtesy.

First, the notion that recommendation threads are the lifeblood of /lit/ seems not to be an uninformed opinion but is one that is misplaced. Yes, it appears at the moment that most threads on /lit/ are ones where people request books to read and while a very select few might facilitate good discussion a great majority act as nothing but a means to serve an uninformed poster some fish, who will no doubt come back for more, instead of giving him the necessary tools to catch his own dinner. What I do, what I try to do, is point these people in the right direction, to give them a nudge and tell them why.

Good books cannot be passed around by the coddled, if only the same informed individuals post the same books without the input of newer, fresher, capable and self-sufficient posters than this place becomes an incestuous mess that does nothing but cycle the same books ad nauseum. This method does not develop and inspire new content, it degrades it.

As it so happens, Mr. 787878, recommendations are not the lifeblood of /lit/, they are the lifeblood of /r/. Here, in /lit/ they are a growing cancer that steals away good discussion.

>> No.925574

nice thanks

think i read that once wasnt too bad

>> No.925576
File: 26 KB, 400x400, what the fuck am I reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good books cannot be passed around by the coddled, if only the same informed individuals post the same books without the input of newer, fresher, capable and self-sufficient posters than this place becomes an incestuous mess that does nothing but cycle the same books ad nauseum. This method does not develop and inspire new content, it degrades it.

>> No.925580

>"What I do, what I try to do, is point these people in the right direction, to give them a nudge and tell them why."
>implying youre not contrubuting to recommendation threads then bitching about them

>> No.925581

STOp attACkiNg AnD FUckINg_wITh WWw.aNocArRotStalk.sE_rEPlacE_CaRROtS_wiTH_n
ncxr qgldrssiene w hgcfv ybd v fossfvj fv

>> No.925582

Well said

>> No.925589

Sorry, what I meant to say is that if people become accustomed to finding books based on recommendations instead of their own research then we create a cycle of dependency where they keep coming back for more. The individuals who suggested the book, as well the the people who received that recommendation would then, to all subsequent requests, recommend that same book. Content becomes repetitive, incestuous, and boring.

If you want to develop new content, discussion of new books, you have to teach people to be able to find books of interest on their own. In this situation, people find books out there and, excited about their new discovery, would bring that knowledge here for discussion. Word catches on about this new book, discussion ensues and someone says "hey, this book reminds me of this other great book, you should try it out" and so on. Creation of positive content.

I hope that made things more clear, I never meant to be cryptic.

>> No.925596

I am contributing, of this I never denied. My contributions, however, are not made towards creating a /lit/ that is filled with "hey what is a good book to read" but more "hey, this is a great book to read, you should check it out".

I am just trying my best. Why what I am doing is so offensive is beyond my small brain to comprehend.

>> No.925605

why don't you just hide the thread instead of typing out a whole essay

>> No.925610


>> No.925615

Hiding the thread does not help generate good content, it just sweeps the bad under the rug and as I have stated earlier, even encourages more.

I am taking a proactive approach because I care.

>> No.925621

I understand, but sage posts really don't do anything
unfortunately, you aren't gonna stop shitty threads from being made
the only thing you can do is hide the thread and hope nobody contributes

>> No.925626

Again, I much prefer the proactive approach.

I am not sure what you mean when referring to the sages, I am merely using them as a measure of courtesy. My posts, I feel, are not worth bumping the thread over considering they neither directly fulfill the op's request and apparently offend people.

I would love to just hide the threads and expect the problem to just go away, something I have done for a great long while now, but the situation simply gets worse and worse. I am watching as the community I helped build is becoming desolate, if this is what little I can do to oppose the corrosion then so be it.

>> No.925633
File: 1.54 MB, 2272x1704, bobby_sands_mural_in_belfast320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Bobby Sands is recommendable.
"A Day in my Life" is particularly good.