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9254526 No.9254526 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a discussion about this series?

>inb4 child's series
For a kid's series, it's damn good. There are some stupid parts, but I find it to be genuinely enjoyable. Just finished the first arc of books.

>> No.9254580

These books made 9-10 yr old me beg for a cat.
>tfw didn't get a cat

>> No.9254586

A series about cats murdering and betraying each other made you want a cat??? I mean there's more layers to the books but???

>> No.9254627

retard desu

>> No.9254628


>> No.9255571

Redwall is pretty good.
Warriors looks good but I haven't read it. I can see getting kind of tired of just reading about cats though. Redwall has a lot of diversity which kind of makes it interesting

>> No.9255642

I read the first one, maybe i still have it somewhere it was good as a children's book

>> No.9255662

Came here to post this desu

>> No.9255663

Oh man this brought on a flashback. Did your town ever have the Battle of the Books? They would take the 3 or 4 kids with the best reading comprehension from each grade (I think just grades 4-6 (in Canada btw)) and each grade would get 5 books to read and it would be split up between the members picked in your class. Then after like a month there would be a tournament of school vs school where somebody would ask questions from the books and the team with the most correct answers at the end of the questions won. And if your school won you would get some pocket money and some books and a medal/plaque.

Anyway I read the first book of this series as a part of that and I enjoyed it and got alot of questions right off of it. Is it worth reading as an adult? Sorry for the long post, this just brought up something I hadn't thought about forever.

>> No.9255730

The first series is basically the only one really worth reading. Afterwards everything goes downhill. The second isn't as good, but isn't awful, but there on out its not really worth it.
As a children's series they're quite good. I still have my copies and will pass them on, provided I have kids.

>> No.9256475

Varjak Paw was better.
>tfw now have an awesome cat

>> No.9256513

Oh man, I remember that. I did that in middle school and high school. We didn't get money, but it was still a great experience. I usually got the role of the "Master Reader" (you had to read all the books and answer questions about all of them)
To answer your second question, I think they're worth reading as an adult. Like OP said, they're actually surprisingly good for kid books.

>> No.9256528
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They really aren't. I liked them as a kid, but they're not worth rereading.

Varjak's still worth it for the art though

>> No.9257380


True ratings for the first six books. Anyone that disagrees is lying to themselves.

>> No.9257454

I think it's really interesting how this kid's series tackles gray morality. For example, Tigerstar. While he is obviously leaning towards the evil side, the books make it evident that he truly believes what he's saying and doing. He's not evil just because. He has genuine motives. He believes what he is doing is for the best. And he doesn't just do evil things. He is shown showing compassion and doing kind acts. I think it's interesting that a child's series doesn't just have "good" and "evil" characters.
Another great example of the grey morality theme is Bluestar. When she is betrayed, she slips into depression, doubt, and self-hate. She nearly destroys the clans because she can't get a grasp on her life. This is pretty fucked up of her, and the books don't always act apologetically towards her character. She makes mistakes, and does bad things, like planning to ambush Riverclan in book 3 for no good reason, and trying to pick a fight with Windclan in book 5. She's not completely good. She's a great leader most of the time, but she can be ruthless and destructive. No character is fully good or bad, including Fireheart/Firestar, the main character of the series. I just find it interesting that this series handles morality better then a lot of adult novels.

>> No.9258848

This is a very /r/books comment.

>> No.9258913

this is a very pointless comment, i thought Anon made a good point.

>> No.9258950

But he's tricking himself. Plenty of fiction -- YA fiction, kids' fiction -- does that. WC isn't special.

Although Bluestar was pretty okay, in the end.

>> No.9258956

Plenty perhaps but not most or all.

>> No.9259057

I stopped reading after tigerclaw or whatever his name was got killed by the black urban cat with the dog teeth. Not only did he kill him but he also took away all his nine lives at once or some shit. You can't just off a major character like that at the hands of a poorly developed fully evil villain- especially without any climactic buildup.

>> No.9259109

OP here, that's the stupid shit I was talking about. That part made me roll my eyes. I think the point was supposed to be that it was so sudden and no cat could have predicted Scourge's strength, but it was pretty poorly done.
The description about Tigerstar being slashed open and brutally dying over and over was pretty intense for a kids book though.

>> No.9259126
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>tfw you hung out with a bunch of girls who LARPed this series in elementary school
>tfw you were the only boy in their group
>tfw you only did it to talk to the first girl you ever had a crush on
>tfw she moved away when you went into 7th grade
>tfw a few years later you talk to her on facebook and she tells you she has cancer

>> No.9259134


>> No.9259147
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>tfw you don't want to add her on your new Facebook account or even search for her because you're afraid to find out that she died

>> No.9259165

>Still hung up on the girl he had a crush on in 6th grade
It's time to move on, anon

>> No.9259178

>Implying I haven't moved on
Anon, nowhere in that story did I say that I still had feelings for her. I just implied that learning of her death by cancer would make me sad.

>> No.9260643

It's time to move on.

>> No.9260746


>> No.9260763


>> No.9262995

>showing empathy makes you a target for rude comments

>> No.9263021

You smell.

>> No.9263097

/lit/, the intelligent board

>> No.9263352

tfw too intelligent to smell

>> No.9263413

>not still being hung up on the girl you had a crush on in 6th grade
You lowly pleb.

I still think of her every other day

>> No.9263469

>every other day
And you dare call others pleb.

>> No.9263471

>genuine thread gets derailed into shitposting

>> No.9263868

Don't read past the first arc, it all goes to shit. The first three books of the second arc are decent but that's about it. There are some good books past that, like the Firestar Super Edition and one or two books in the third arc, but the rest are awful.

>> No.9264058

It gets worst past that. The fourth arc is a discrace. But, after that, it gets better. The fifth arc was olay, and the newest one is actually surprisingly good. It's not done, but it got rid of all the magic shit, and it's going back to it's roots. All the Super Editions are good, especially Tallstar's Revenge, which is the best book in the entire series imo.

>> No.9264785

I dropped off about halfway through arc four, had no idea it was still ongoing. I guess I'll check out the newer stuff when I have time.