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/lit/ - Literature

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9254170 No.9254170[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Congrats, you just topped this site.

How does it feel? Even /sci/ is begrudgingly fist-clenched

>> No.9254180
File: 294 KB, 1280x720, thelitpendables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ are punkbitch brainlets tbqh lads

if they ever stepped off their containment board they would get a sound thrashing

>> No.9254183

Bullshit. Memes aside, /pol/ is the most knowledgeable board on here.

>> No.9254188


Does anyone actually post there? Or is it just the aggregate of the very best posts?

>> No.9254192

Feels good man

>> No.9254198

they get their knowledge from infographs which are also memes

>> No.9254228

>/mu/, /tv/, /int/
>above average
Also, /fa/ should be much lower and /lgbt/ much higher. Not a gay, but gays have good taste artistically; at least the male gays.

>> No.9254229

/pol/ doesn't know how to read anything aside from Ayn Rand and graphs that say bad things about minorities.

>> No.9254238

stop shilling your faggotry

>> No.9254242

>bad things about minorities.

4chan is an international board dumb cuck.

>> No.9254250

/s4s/ is what happens when humans reach the pinnacle of memes and peer into the other side of reality.
The amount of gay men who have good artistic taste is relatively small. It's just that they're really good at talking about it.

>> No.9254251

>/fit/ has a high IQ

Bullshit. BULLSHIT.

>> No.9254254

Think about it. You have to be pretty damn smart for your body to acknowledge the inferiority of the female body and the female's lack of reliability intuitively in so far as it restricts your sexuality to men. There are more Turings out there, I wager.

>> No.9254256

>implying /fa/ isn't full of faggots

>> No.9254260

My bad, let me rephrase it so you understand:

Nigger nigger nigger coon spic chink.

>> No.9254261

>implying [s4s] is anything but 222

>> No.9254284

>yfw your body restricts your to your own sex thereby telling you to not produce any offspring and increase your chances to get AIDS
>yfw gays' bodies are actively trying to kill their owners to escape the relentless degeneracy
>yfw even gays' own bodies hate them

>> No.9254293

How was this data collected? Strawpoll? kek

>> No.9254304

/lgbt/ is 1% gay male 99% cock-thirsty agp-riddled trannies

>> No.9254311

I had an addiction to doge threads for a few weeks. Glad I quit cold turkey, [s4s] is a 'grey maybe' with all sorts of problems.

>> No.9254325

I wrote a 50 page story and judged the fate of my protagonist based on the Fortunes Rolls of [s4s], similar to how PKD wrote The Man in the High Castle based off using the Tao Te Ching

>> No.9254447

of course the graphs that are backed by statistics would say bad things about minorities. real life has a racist bias, you dumb fuck.

>> No.9254470

The graphs are usually cited data from governments, police reports, think tanks, studies, and so forth. If you look at the info graphs they actually cite these things and for a reason. They say bad things about minorities because minorities are terrible people statistically.

>> No.9254483

>tfw /out/ brainlet

a-at least /lit/ is my secondary board ;_;

>> No.9254486
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I'm a misanthropic amoral egoist, to throw out some words. The greatest influences on me in terms of theory would be Max Stirner, Georges Palante and Renzo Novatorre. Nietzsche comes in there somewhere.

I am also pretty strongly convinced by Austrian school political economy, not that I give a shit.

I am an "anarchist" more by incident than design, even my laissez-faire capitalist leanings are more academic than relevant. I pretty much despise egalitarianism, socialism, statists of all sorts, whiners, social cowards, and stupid people.

>> No.9254489

>Implying there's literally any validity to this data collection other than some guy's opinion
>muh 'double blind cross reference test'
>wowee that sure sounds smart I guess it's legit

>> No.9254498

no. /his/ knows more than /pol/

>> No.9254502

desu you just proved his point

>> No.9254503

what a laugh you must be, jesus

>> No.9254509
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>> No.9254514
File: 33 KB, 720x540, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's obvious once you see /s4s/ beside the caption

>> No.9254518

Lit is for people thinking highly of themselves and using sarcasm with >

>> No.9254525

I post on /co/ and I don't think they're THAT dumb.

/x/, though, yeah, they're retards. I say this as someone who takes the supernatural seriously.

>> No.9254528

misanthrope isn't exactly something you want to tell people you are.

>> No.9254531

You think he gives a flying fuck?

>> No.9254540

you think I do?

>> No.9254548
File: 20 KB, 236x236, yourbrainondrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok I hate /pol/ as much as the next guy, but you can't be serious lmao

>> No.9254563

Baneposters keep /tv/'s score higher than average

>> No.9254894

>where do you work out, anon? at the library

that sounds like something you would reply with

>> No.9255048
File: 153 KB, 296x297, Opie's tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.9255058

my IQ is so low that I may have knocked us down a few spots. sorry /lit/

>> No.9255061

I wouldn't be so sure about that

>> No.9255068

so much for 147 iq