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9253508 No.9253508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love it when American Christian conservacucks who haven't read Nietzsche experience cognitive dissonance over the leftist nature of their faith

>> No.9253562

I'm coming to the end of the Bible now. Obviously I knew the rich/poor stuff was in there, but what really surprised me was the 'you've got to hate your mother, father, brother, sister, and your own life' bit. Pretty interesting tbph

>> No.9253588

>applying modern day political dichotomies to 2000 year old philosophical teachings

>> No.9253594
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>> No.9253606

Why do these people even identify as Christian? Is it just a LARPy form of resistance to the liberal establishment?

>> No.9253615


They are real christians.

>> No.9253621

Somehow, I don't think that sexual morality and racial purity are the main things you should be taking away from the Bible.

>> No.9253625

He isn't wrong though, /lit/ should stop trying to discuss religion, we're terrible at it.

t. atheist

>> No.9253630

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.9253638

He believes homosexuality is the only sexuality denied by Biblical texts.

>> No.9253643

No he doesnt, where the fuck did you get this

Sex wasnt even mentioned in this thread

>> No.9253653

I can't tell if the "he" your referring to is >>9253638 or "Erick Erickson", because >>9253638 is referring to >>9253621 and believes the Bible is a good basis for sexuality morality.


>> No.9253656
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Or was it?

>> No.9253715

The plot thickens...

>> No.9253747

>Le jeezus was a communist
>jeezus would write a law that forces us to buy healthcare, bro
>jeezus wanted us to smoke weed and stuff, man

>> No.9253769

Not as bad as gaytheists who use Nietzsche to attack Christianity while clinging to Christian morality and virtues.

>> No.9253776

Prove those statements wrong

Pro tip: You can't

>> No.9253790

The greatest misreading of the New Testament is of Jesus as an entity who loved all unconditionally, regardless of creed or race or gender or crimes.

Really simple example: when he intervenes on the mob about to stone the adultering woman, he claims that only the sinless and guiltless may cast that judgement. He was NOT claiming that they shouldn't stone the woman at all. Jesus was preaching integrity for the existing tenets of the Torah, not being a bleedheart liberal socialist

He was generally very pro-Semite too.

The issue is that people jerry rig their personal views and baggage onto the New Testament because "Jesus would have wanted XYZ"

>> No.9253820

Asceticism isn't necessarily leftist.

>> No.9253824

have any of you read the bible?

>> No.9253828

Isn't it funny? European paganism was considered feminine while Christianity masculine, then bridal mysticism became a thing and progressively drove men away and now Christianity is almost exclusively a religion followed by women.

>> No.9253830

On the communist charge is easy.
When Mary runs a pound of expensive perfume on Jesus' feet, he and Judas get into an argument since Judas thought the perfume ought to have been sold and the profit given to the poor. Jesus doesn't think so, and that it's appropriate for him to have that perfume as THE Anointed

>> No.9253832

Up to chronicles, yes.
But no man can truly read the Book of Chronicles, we just lie we do.

>> No.9253833

but that was when he still roamed the earth

>> No.9253837

I wasn't aware he had that many stories or parables from after he rose from the dead. Which Family Guy episode are you thinking of

>> No.9253840

Jesus literally instructs his apostle to return private property after he borrows it.

>> No.9253842

>European paganism was considered feminine while Christianity masculine
By who?

Jesus was not manly

>> No.9253843
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>The greatest misreading of the New Testament is of Jesus as an entity who loved all unconditionally, regardless of creed or race or gender or crimes.
True. Jesus is often represented as a cartoon-like figure with a single-dimensional "dud, peace and chill lmao" personality, when that is not the case. Jesus did have a preference for Jews as we see with the woman from Canaan story. And we see that he told the Israelites to vanquish invaders from their land, lest they become a thorn in the side.

>> No.9253850

>Jesus was not manly
Beating Jews with a whip is pretty manly desu

>> No.9253855

>show the other face so he breaks his arm hitting you
>but don't hit him you need to give the faggot a chance

>> No.9253856
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>le jesus was an anti-semite meme

Christian white nationalism is brain dead

>> No.9253860

He was a strong reformative figure but he wasn't proposing a world without structure, he didn't suggest a return to Paradise-Lost-esque innocence for all.

The liberal lessons you can extrapolate are largely a matter of theology, not scripture itself

>> No.9253862

What does beating Jews with a whip have to do with anti-Semitism?

>> No.9253863
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>Jesus was not manly

>> No.9253867

Specifying their Jewishness implies that its relevant to their beating

>> No.9253871
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wow, buying a sword is so manly!

>> No.9253874

Are you implying it isn't relevant? Why are you moving these goal posts.

>> No.9253877

Is it hypocritical to believe in the inherent inferiority of other races and still be christian? Is there anything in the bible referencing the biological differences between races?

>> No.9253880

Its only relevent to antisemites

>> No.9253884
File: 39 KB, 720x540, niet btfo christcuck kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God loves people of all races, they all have souls that must be saved ;)

>> No.9253887

Or anybody studying theology, or Jewish studies.

>> No.9253892

I don't get white nationalism. Hardly every white person rises to the prestige of a Newton or Patton or Rockefeller.

>> No.9253893

"whipping jews is manly"

"Thats antisemetic"

"nah bro I study theology!"

thats a new one

>> No.9253897

An author named Savitri Devi talked about this. The idea of egalitarianism "all men are equal" that we know today is Christian in its origin. Devi was a National Socialist who wrote that she could never become a Christian because the teachings denied the reality of Aryan supremacy.

>> No.9253898

Yeah I remember the long section Jesus's sermon on the mount where he extolls against the biggest problem in Palestine, rampent anal sex

>> No.9253899

mother of kek!

>> No.9253900

>people jerry rig their personal views and baggage onto the New Testament because "Jesus would have wanted XYZ"
>what is the entire history of theology

>> No.9253901


Religion is not the sole reason why politicians have a certain stance on issues. Rather, religion is moreso the palatable excuse for them.

They don't like gay marriage because they feel it destroys culture, destroys the family unit, leads to more diseases and degeneracy and they generally think homosexuality is gross. Obviously its not PC to say this so they just use the bible.

In fact this is pretty much why religion started up. People say that stuff like homosexuality was bad for their tribes, but didn't know how to explain it so they invented religion to explain it.

>> No.9253909

That's not a sword.

>> No.9253916

I'm talking about people with a tentative or complete lack of acquaintance with the Scripture itself and basing their interpretation on common memes they heard

>> No.9253919

I'm now really confused, now your saying people who study Jewishness aren't interesting in the possible origins of anti-Semitism?

Shame on you Anon.

>> No.9253925

Jesus was a Jew though

>> No.9253929

Jewish people can be anti-Semitic, you see it all the time from the left.

>> No.9253936

Anti-semitism is a made up word, like racism

>> No.9253937

>Aryan supremacy
wasn't she like a greek hindu or something?

>> No.9253938

Just because something can be justified doesn't mean it's a made up word.