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9251299 No.9251299 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Mitchell Heisman?

He committed suicide aged 24 as an "experiment in Nihlism"

He coined the term "viviocentrism", which basically refers to the implicit bias we have to favor life over death. He claims this bias is a form of prejudice against death, and that his own suicide was an "extension and continuation of the Western project of eliminating bias, especially biologically based biases (i.e. race or sex based biases)".

It's really interesting stuff in my opinion.

Anyone here either read his work or interested in his ideas?

Link: https://www.geenstijl.nl/archives/images/suicide_note.pdf

>> No.9251301

*aged 35

>> No.9251334

>implicit bias we have to favor life over death
nothing new. Schopenhauer or Hegesias practically taught the same (better than being born is to have never been- 'because everything that is no more exists as little as that which has never been" - Schopenhauer

>> No.9251354
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He coined the term "viviocentrism", which basically refers to the implicit bias we have to favor life over death. He claims this bias is a form of prejudice against death, and that his own suicide was an "extension and continuation of the Western project of eliminating bias, especially biologically based biases (i.e. race or sex based biases)".

woah....really activated my almonds

>> No.9251371

Sounds like a self-centered prick who probably would have died alone anyway

>> No.9251373

What's interesting about Heisman IMO is that he claimed if we really are going to have hypothetical nothingness, i.e. nihilism, as our "highest organizing principle" then his suicide would be a means of "living nihilistically" in the sense of allowing life no more value than death, and thus ending his life as a consequence of reason alone.

>"The implications of life’s meaninglessness have not been elicited with sufficient ruthlessness. My methodology is honesty to the point of absurdity; honesty without mercy; honesty unprejudiced by morals, aesthetics, faith, or hope. When all illusions have been dispelled, at the end of overcoming subjectivities, biases, and prejudices towards life, one encounters the possibility of rational negation of self-interest; rational self-annihilation; rational selfdestruction. The experiment in nihilism is to seek out precisely those truths that are most deadly and destructive to me. To will death through truth and truth through death"

I haven't read his stuff about Jews or the Normans yet but so far he's very interesting.

>> No.9251379

That's just silly, I won't deny that I'm an animal and afraid of death. I'm human

>> No.9251380

Newspaper reports suggests he had a decent number of friends, occasional girlfriends and so on. What's wrong about dying alone?

Great post. Thanks for contributing.

>> No.9251391

He didn't claim not to be afraid of death. His claim was that if nihilism were an accepted fact (i.e. that there is no objective value in life) and that the main reason for his continuing live was an impersonal will-to-live, then life is no different than death, and that his only objection towards dying would be as a consequence of a bias or prejudice:


>"This prejudice against death, however, is a kind of xenophobia. Discrimination against death is simply assumed good and right. Absolutist faith in life is commonly a result of the unthinking conviction that existence or survival, along with an irrational fear of death, is “good”. This unreasoned conviction in the rightness of life over death is like a god or a mass delusion. Life is the “noble lie”; the common secularreligion of the West"

>> No.9251394

It's still so ridiciously anthropocentric. Earth will be torched and humans will go extinct anyway. Entropy and time take care of that. No need to do anything.

>> No.9251397

he sounds gay as hell

>> No.9251413

I think there's space for a book which provides a case against life, i.e. not only equates death and life (in their mutual lack of value) but which actually promotes death. I can't think of any well-studied books which promotes suicide, or which at least provides a case against life that is not anti-natalist in nature. Whenever I discuss anti-natalism with people, which isn't often, the most frequently repeated question is "why doesn't the author just kill himslf?". And to be fair it's a logical question. If someone is so against life that they consciously deny it to others, and also advocate for others to do so, then why do they insist on remaining alive themselves?

>> No.9251454

average people do not have access to quick and painless methods. Suicide involves the desctruction of the body and the risk of failure and staying alive with severe injuries or brain damage.

>> No.9251462

If someone is committed to ending their life then it is easy to do so quickly and painlessly unless you live in some sort of barren prairie land where guns are banned. Even so, that is only a case against attempting to end your life in a clumsy manner. If the case FOR life is that ending your life is difficult it really doesn't portray life as all that appealing.

>> No.9251469

wasnt there a dude in the possessed who thought like this?

>> No.9251472

Wasn't Benatar a meme around these parts a few years ago?

>> No.9251477

if he truly believed all this shit, why did he write it down?

>> No.9251494

Killing yourself is an inherently egocentric act and it implicitly values life over death in that it expresses a dissatisfaction with life in the ideal by enforcing its subtraction. If he truly didn't value one over the other, he would tolerate life until it ran its course

>> No.9251496

Oh great another Schopenhauer thread.

>> No.9251498

No idea sorry.

That's who I was referencing. Anti-natalist literature has a decent audience but in most threads when it comes up somebody will inevitable ask why the author doesn't kill himself in addition to denying life to all other potential humans.

Because he wanted to articulate his reasons for dying, I suppose. Rather than his mom thinking he was severely depressed or had some sort of drug debt or whatever.

>> No.9251507


1) literally who

2) pretentious hack

3) he does not deserve my attention.

>> No.9251509

i live in europe and i can't go into a shop and just buy a gun. Also go talk to medics in the US about failed gun suicide attempts. Even headshots are NOT always fatal.

>> No.9251511

the tess slesinger novel? thought i was the only person to ever read that for a 'ny stories' class in college

>> No.9251514

>Because he wanted to articulate his reasons for dying, I suppose. Rather than his mom thinking he was severely depressed or had some sort of drug debt or whatever.

sounds like he's acting on some sort of moral bias there

>> No.9251516

It's actually not a very good question. Acknowledging the fact that we're biologically predisposed by a reptilian force of will to keep ourselves alive, it is understandable that a person who cognitively opposes life cannot commit suicide themselves. You could call those people pussies for not having the willpower to overcome these base tendencies, but that's different than it being logically inconsistent, as most antihatalists advocate the prevention of cognitive life in the first place so that they never have to be faced with this anthropocentric quagmire

>> No.9251518

I think his point is that he wanted to prove (or claimed to want to) that the rational consequence of nihilism is that life and death are equal in value and that his own death proved what he took to be the contemporary Western unbelief in objective value and thus tacit support for nihilism.

> it implicitly values life over death in that it expresses a dissatisfaction with life in the ideal by enforcing its subtraction

Nicely put

>> No.9251520

>He committed suicide aged 24 as an "experiment in Nihlism"
>He coined the term "viviocentrism", which basically refers to the implicit bias we have to favor life over death. He claims this bias is a form of prejudice against death, and that his own suicide was an "extension and continuation of the Western project of eliminating bias, especially biologically based biases
This is the most stupid pretentious bullshit I have ever heard, seriously.

And you're probably retarded if you find that interesting.

>> No.9251522

nah by dostoevsky

>> No.9251526

Thanks for letting me know about it, hadn't heard of it but seems interesting.

I suppose but that was only my rather facetious assumption.

>> No.9251530

>points out how people put moral constraints to something as natural as death
>proceeds to vilify something as natural as preferring to fucking live
>"what's wrong about dying you bigots a bloo bloo" *kills himself*

Great show.

>quoting Socrates
another youth poisoned

>> No.9251534

Nihilism is a choice, not a fact.

>> No.9251547

Fair enough, but why then submit oneself to said anthropocentric quagmire if there are easy means of escaping it and often no repercussions for doing so? In most cases the main argument against ending one's life isn't concern for the individual intending to die but rather for the individuals whose biological traits he happens to reflect. It's often just a case of existential blackmail, which portrays the will-to-live not as some curious phenomenon in the individual but a sort of memetic, contagious thing which proliferates throughout families, communities, nations and so on.

>> No.9251549

Couldn't articulate your opinion rather than just taking a dump and walking away?

>> No.9251563

He doesn't vilify it, he just points out that if nihilism is to be accepted, which it largely is either conspicuously or tacitly, then death is equal to life if we deny the irrational will-to-life to impose a bias towards the latter.

The guy isn't an "SJW cuck" as others seem to think. He claims later on that the best a woman can aspire to be is an "emasculated man" and makes, to my understanding, and I think he criticizes blacks too.

>> No.9251569

Your claim is an opinion, not a fact.

>> No.9251599

it's not a 'bias' though it's an evolutionary behavior

>> No.9251611

There is no escaping it. Once you're alive, you're in it, baby. Escaping by killing yourself isn't a solution, as suicide is the very problem many antinatalists find themselves simply incapable of. That's the quagmire: advocating against life, but being incapable of merely offing yourself because something in your constitutional make up compels you to keep living

>> No.9251634

But is life worth it if the only thing preventing you from dying is some sort of internal slavedriver encouraging us to keep rolling the boulder up the existential mount?

>> No.9251717
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maybe not, but you have nothing to lose anyway

>> No.9251786

Well no maybe not, but that's my point. Personally, if I could overcome my supreme pussification, I'd have killed myself long ago. But for some reason, probably cowardice, I can't bring myself to do it