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/lit/ - Literature

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9250773 No.9250773 [Reply] [Original]

Got a book you want to read that is aviable on Kindle Unlimited? Post that name in this thread, and I'll try and get it back for you clean and converted, ready to read ~

>> No.9250782

all the nyrb books you can get. also any andreyev.

>> No.9250809

In which format should I make them?

>> No.9250812

oh, uhm, mobi, epub, azw, any are fine!

>> No.9250826

dog country by malcolm f cross
a book of tongues by gemma files
warchild by Karen lowachee

I don't even know if they're on ku, but y'know

mobi pls

thanks in advance

>> No.9250829

Ok, doing some tests now to see if it works alright once converted, then I'm heading out for a few hours, but I already got a batch of Andreyev converting and I'll be posting it later today.

Ok, I'll look into it when I'm back!
Ah no worries, if I can why shouldn't I after all

>> No.9250836

cool. thanks man :D

>> No.9250847

you're a cool guy anon

>> No.9250860

Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach (11th Edition)

This is available, for mobi.

Also the Gulag Archipelago, couldn't find a decent mobi of it.

Would be great.

>> No.9251064

Why do you need to carry a kindle around when every android phone nowadays has a huge and crisp screen. what you need is:


it can even read out loud to you while taking a shower

>> No.9251083

every fucking time. we don't want to read offa god damn phone screen, aright?

>> No.9251089
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Reading off an LCD screen

>> No.9251100

been doing so since my first nokia 6600
if you want to read and carry lots of book around all the time , while being able to mark and review on the go , that is the way.
Lugging your kindle around is the equivalent of brewing a cup of tea, lighting up some candles and saying "ok, NOW i'm ready, let's read a book"
no need for all those empty rituals

>> No.9251133

>t. Someone who's never used a Kindle
Mine is in a leather flip cover. Looks like a regular old notebook when I carry it around and it's convenient as fuck. It's in fact less ritualistic than physical books.

I'm assuming you don't read in long sittings.

>> No.9251187

owned a kobo
(leather cover, backlight and support for most ebook formats)
gave it to my mum

it was fun but inconvenient.

maybe you're right about the short sittings but from time to time when there is nothing to do I read the whole day on the phone.

>> No.9251197

Because I like to read under the sun, good luck doing that with a phone, also
>bigger screen, e-ink, no reflection, reads nicely under the sun

>> No.9251219

The Kobo is big, though, right?
I have a Kindle Paperwhite. Six-inch screen, take it places over taking a book.

There have been studies on how you retain less reading on the same screen that you use to refresh /lit, instead of paper.

>> No.9251228

In Search of Lost Time all Volumes

>> No.9251229

>it was fun but inconvenient.
if carrying another book sized object around with you is too much trouble, then why the fuck do you bother reading at all.

>> No.9251864

I got Warchild (and I uploaded the serie), but I still can't find Dog Country and A Book Of Tongues, sorry. I'm still looking though, but I'm just one girl here doing the work, it might take a bit more (more so since the tor library got taken down, and since I don't have those already bought from KU)


>> No.9251954


This is taking a bit longer than expected due to the number of files, but I'm working on it.

>> No.9252003


Gulag Archipelago:

Can't find the 11th edition yet, I got the 10th if you want.

>> No.9252015

the tenth would be wonderful as well, thank you very much

>> No.9252034

.epub, tanks

>> No.9252073

And here is Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach (10th edition)

>> No.9252100

Wait a sec don't Kindle books have DRM?

>> No.9252115
File: 6 KB, 174x250, pepe baby sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i want audiobook :(

>> No.9252120

How can I repay you OP?

>> No.9252160


Archaeology and Primitive Communism, in epub plz

>> No.9252196

Yes and? It can be removed.

>> No.9252202

Thank you! You're a good guy, anon. Don't worry about it- Warchild is the one I wanted most. Thank you!

>> No.9252220

A thanks is enough c: don't worry!

Aw, thank you!

>> No.9252227

Also, for those interested, I have the full Metro collection in English, 2035 included. Since I couldn't find them around, I thought of getting it myself and cleaning it from the drm to share it.

>> No.9252284

That's... kinda harder, mostly because it weights a lot and because I don't have it in my library, 99% granted. Sorry!

ALSO, if anyone finds problems with the formatting of the ebooks please let me know so that I can re-convert it. I couldn't check them all on my kindle so I can't say for sure that they're all perfect.

>> No.9252312

Can you see if they have anything by:
Unica Zürn
B.S. Johnson
Ann Quin
Pierre Louÿs?
Format doesn't matter. Thanks, op.

>> No.9252319 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 125x106, pepe happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If u have neetchee audiobook i appreciate!

>> No.9252402

Mary Chipman: Best Mate

>> No.9252497

Archaeology and Primitive Communism:

Can't say I agree with your tastes, but there you go sweetie, straight from amazon.

>> No.9252542

Best Mate:

>> No.9252549

thank you very much!

>> No.9252591

When a Crocodile Eats the Sun

if possible

>> No.9252626


>> No.9252706

This should be all of the Andreyev that I found:

>> No.9252974

May I ask you for Herbert George Wells - A Prophetic Trilogy

Can't find anywhere

Thank you carotina

>> No.9253062

Welp, can't find that one, on Amazon it's not even aviable neither in physical copy nor kindle... I'll keep looking elsewhere but got no luck so far, am sorry!

>> No.9253517

The stars my destination, by Alfred Bester please!

>> No.9253560

I don't need any books but thanks for doing this anon, what a kind gesture

>> No.9253577

Aw, that's also very kind of you, thank you I appreciate that!

>> No.9253714

I love you anon

>> No.9255410
File: 48 KB, 324x499, 511IoAxqOXL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flashpoint by Frank Creed, pretty please.

>> No.9255940

The Werewolf's Tale by Richard Jaccoma, in .mobi please. It's such gratuitous schlock, it would be a shame to spend $2.99 on it. By that token I don't mind if you skip this one.

>> No.9256163

Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien

epub, please

>> No.9257007

The Werewolf's Tale:

>> No.9257053

Nu don't worry, it was aviable on KU so it's not a problem c:

"That book with the long name":

>> No.9257139

Stars My Destination:

>> No.9257147

Thanks anon. You have made my day. Glad to know that people like you are helping others here on 4chan

>> No.9257161

Geoffrey Drayton - Christopher

>> No.9257184

can you get Conrad's Nostromo, and SKing - Christine anon pls?

>> No.9257198


Black company and Tom Covenant packs pls?

>> No.9257204

====Message from the OP====
To the ones that I still didn't reply to, either I didn't find the book you were asking for, or I was getting some others, or perhaps I was busy during the weekend. But I didn't forget! If this thread goes 404 before I can get back to you, feel free to tell me at my telegram: @Kitty_6

>> No.9257213

Everything about buddhism you can get.

>> No.9257224


anything by Wayne Barlowe pls?

>> No.9257247

Thank you

>> No.9257303

Would you consider making a mass MEGA download with everything you get on it anon? No problem if not, I'm thankful for this either way.

>> No.9257362

Yeah, I just didn't know how tediuos the process was for you and if it would be worth dodging a $3 price tag. Thank you kindly. I'd also like to say you're URL dressing method is a clever one, very easy to notice at a glance.

>> No.9257687

Am doing that actually, I can link the folder no problem! But it's mostly the books that have been requested here, since for kindle books I have to first re-download them on kindle, then connect the kindle on my laptop, transfer the book and remove the drm, then upload it.

Link to the folder:

Nah don't worry it didn't take that much time! And also thanks for being so kind!
Yeah I was thinking about how to mask it without making it tricky, glad to know this one works and it's easy to notice at first glance (unlike the ones that instead of brakes use simple spaces, god if that's annoying).

>> No.9257846

Ok kitty

>> No.9257963

You do it everyday on 4chan faggot

>> No.9258036

Reading shitposts in small bursts vs. reading longform for hours. Not the same thing, and you're hopelessly plebe if you think they are.

>> No.9258222

>implying I don't read 4chan on my rooted nook

>> No.9258613

It'd be great if it's possible

Fire on the Lips: Encounters with a Saint, by Father Spyridon Bailey

>> No.9258832

I've actually read long threads with my Kindle. It's not the greatest way to browse.

>> No.9259062

If possible
Archeofuturism and Archeofuturism 2.0

>> No.9260593

Sadly I didn't find the 2.0 yet.

>> No.9260600

Can I have
She-Wolves by Helen Castor
and The Secret Lives of Hoarders by Matt Paxton in mobi please?

>> No.9260611

"Book with the longest title":

>> No.9260612
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thx m8

>> No.9260627

I prefer a book for numerous reasons, but my girlfriend reads a lot on her kindle. What's the best way to get books if she only reads utter shite? Mostly girly erotic crap. She used to use Unlimited but hasn't for a little while as we're saving almost every penny we can.

>> No.9260628

God's Devil:

>> No.9260629

can I ask if you are able to find "Obake Files: Ghostly Encounters in Supernatural Hawaii"?

>> No.9260633

Holy shit. Are you me?
I bought that book, read it, lost it and I've been wringing with buying it again or not.

I'm never ever going to fucking hawaii, by the way.

>> No.9260636

Mmh, bookzz(.)org , libgen(.)io, there are many websites that you can use for ebooks, I mainly use these though.
Also, creating new amazon accounts so that she can use the free month for KU.

>> No.9260647

I stumbled onto it after reading Kwaidan by Lafcadio Hearn and it triggered my interest, no luck finding it online though.

>> No.9260665

Yeah I found it 3 or 4 years ago on ebay, and I grabbed it. I love those kinds of books, especially for my reference shelf. It's a good book- I recommend it. If OP doesn't come through, then you can get it on amazon.

>> No.9260671


>> No.9260760

thanks man

>> No.9260820

I'm sorry I can't find that one ;;

>> No.9261052

Germany: A Science Fiction please

>> No.9261429

Germany: A Science Ficion:

>> No.9262147

harold bloom - flight to lucifer
please? you're doing god's work

>> No.9262346

Anansi boys - by Neil Gaiman

thanks alot .

.mobi / PDF format please

>> No.9262436
