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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 148 KB, 280x475, gay-science.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9250119 No.9250119 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that profoundly changed the way you think or the way you lived your life.

Pic related. Make me fucking frightened that I was missing out on life and was being a pussy. That fear pushed me to actually do things in my life.

Others include:

>Existentialism is a Humanism (I know Sartre himself was a fraud faggot, but the ideas in this little book really pushed me)
>Letters from a Stoic
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.9250178


>> No.9250186

>reading fiction for life lessons


>> No.9250198

more like, you are an edgy homo lmao

I'll regretably say The Stranger. Gave me affirmation of the feelings I was having at the time I read it and lead to a total reevaluation of my life.

>> No.9250202

>The Bible
>Tao Te Ching

>> No.9250207
File: 24 KB, 238x192, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cant find audiobook of the Gay Science
>too poor to buy
>too dumb/lazy to read

plz help

>> No.9250711

just buy a cheap physical copy. It's written non-chronologically in a style of maxims, so you can skip around and read what tickles your fancy

>> No.9250716

Letters To A Young Poet
On The Heights of Despair

>> No.9250731

>On the Heights of Despair

Care to describe it? Looks interesting.

>> No.9250765
File: 34 KB, 310x337, 4L_J2zRW6vA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ecchi homo

>> No.9250768

not him, but it's typical Romanian Maudlinism from Cioran.
Taking the maudlin seriously is the mindset that leads to Rick and morty DESU

>> No.9250816 [DELETED] 

>quality of life is inversely proportional to the beauty of life. and yet it's probably better to live a comfortable, untroubled life, at the cost of it being mediocre and dissatisfying (although that's not an option for people who've suffered irreparably and learned things they shouldn't have).
>the eternity of death is incomprehensible in subjective terms and thus incomprehensible period.
>true love is born out of despair and irrationality. we seek individuals to love through a pre-existing unmanifested universal love. however superficial love may be, it still changes everything and has meaning objectively so much as it has meaning to the individual.

i'm not at all sure that i interpreted it all correctly. i read it carefully though. it was fucking great. i was amazed that he was able to express these multifaceted, conceptual thoughts so well at 22 years old.

>> No.9251982


fucking moron

>> No.9252030

i got an ebook on iBooks for like 5$ with the whole nietzsche opera.
i like reading from the iphone because i can't be distracted by my iphone if i'm already using it to read.

>> No.9252050

Spinoza's Ethics, for me. It introduced me to a more coherent understanding of "reality" in its inherent and coherent unity - weirdly enough, I see and feel echoes of his thought in every Western text published afterwords, even though I know it's methodological heresy

>> No.9252065

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason made me autistic and also introduced me to the Kingdom of Ends and the higher beings that populate it.

>> No.9252089
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>changed the way you think

>> No.9252091

Steppenwolf changed my perspective on what it meant to be an individual, and convinced me that life ain't so bad.

>> No.9252096


What happens after the part where he meets Hermione in the bar?

>> No.9252104

It falls apart after that. He goes into a dumb diatribe of his own insecurities.

>> No.9252107

>Kant's Critique of Pure Reason made me autistic
should have started with the prolegomena faggot

>> No.9252112
File: 47 KB, 645x968, tfw dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell people I want find audiobook of Gay Science
>tell them I can't/won't read it
>people tell me ways to find a copy to read
Maybe I am the smart one here

>> No.9252124

thats like ch 2 dude

>> No.9252142

the book happens
before that it's just an introduction

>> No.9252150

The Count of Monte Cristo.

Probably in the wrong way where I consider Count a great man to be.

>> No.9252164

>listing nietzsche, existentialists, eastern, religious fanfic
why do i keep coming back to this hole

please collectively consider kys

>> No.9252174

No joke, the best way to evaluate someone's intelligence is to see how much they like NEETzche. Seriously, ask some retarded person you know irl about philosophy, and 100% of the time he will mention Nietzche.

>> No.9252180


>> No.9252184

Display A

>> No.9252201

>slandering people without putting forth a replacement

plebs detected

>> No.9252211

I fucking love how upset neetzche fans get whenever you insult their idol. It's like they're cultists or something, lmfao.

>> No.9252219

Nietzsche's philosophy does have a distinctly religious character and I don't think the man himself would deny this.

>> No.9252221

>heh, when I insult famous intellectuals without providing arguments people dislike it and push back heheheh

>> No.9252269

Well meme'd, my friend!

>> No.9252282
File: 563 KB, 900x900, fedora niet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone, shitposter

>> No.9252289

>refuses to read
No I don't think that's it

>> No.9252311
File: 41 KB, 640x633, pepe haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt realize that language first developed in an auditory capacity and therefore audiobooks are superior to and more natural than written text
>he is a midwit
>mfw Im to intelligent to read

>> No.9252358

Dostoevsky really fucked me up good with a number of books.

When I read those books, he was able to really put into words what I never could. I began to understand how shit my mental state was and that I needed to get out of it.

Also Meditations. I didn't become a hardcore stoic or anything but it taught me I had control over my feelings and thoughts, rather than they over me.

>> No.9252812

>favorite book is about being gay
of course

>> No.9254520

Nietzsche was a flaming homosexual. Every serious academic historian who isn't in denial knows this.

>> No.9254662

Emmanuel Levinas - Totality and Infinity

I disagree with huge portions of the book now but it changed the way I understood the concept of values in such a large way that it's hard for me to really remember what my thoughts were like before I read it.

>> No.9255229

>I had control over my feelings
You either mistyped or dont understand Stoicism.

>> No.9257130

It's on youtube.

>> No.9257170
