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9249281 No.9249281 [Reply] [Original]

Who is looking forward to Peterson's new book, The 12 Most Valuable Things Everyone Should Know.

I have heard a fair bit of criticism of him on this board so I was wondering what /lit/ thinks of his writing.


>> No.9249294

watch his videos and read his book then form your own opinion first.

present that opinion here and then proceed to compare/contrast. you're being lazy.

>> No.9249303

>taking psychological advice from a man with clinical depression

>> No.9249304

OP here
Ive watched all his lectures and im part way through his first book

Just wanted to see what /lit/s opinion of his books is

>> No.9249343
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I like his theory of religion, though I don't have full confidence in it, and I have issues with it. I'm also not sure about a direct link between the death of God and totalitarianism, and I have difficulty believing that so many things are caused by resentment.

His writing itself in Maps of Meaning is a bit annoying.

Overall, he's a good thinker, and his world-view is refreshingly non-ideological and really gets at the core of human issues. His solution to nihilism is excellent, as is his ability to see right through social issues.

>> No.9249355 [DELETED] 


As opposed to 4chan anglo's who advise you to just repress it, glorify the free market and work a 70 hour week job.

>> No.9249361

i've never read any of his books or listened to anything he's said, but right wingers like him, which is really, really gross. i think you should drop him and read someone more ideologically correct

>> No.9249393

>right wingers like him, which is really, really gross
>read someone more ideologically correct
3/4 of my university unironically thinks like this

>> No.9249570


the fire rises

>> No.9249912

>Overall, he's a good thinker, and his world-view is refreshingly non-ideological and really gets at the core of human issues.

This desu

>> No.9249956

another school of life faggot but this time instead of 5 min videos on youtube. he bores you with 1 hour lectures
hes finally got some suckers thxs to him being the only guy with a degree helping /pol/ defeat the small minority of "sjws" that just want attention.

>> No.9249967

Ah here comes captain to intelligent too fall for the sjw meme. Just harmless kids, tiny minority right? Its not like he was protesting laws, some proposed, some instantiated, right?

>> No.9249972


>> No.9249973

>his world-view is refreshingly non-ideological and really gets at the core of human issues

Hahaha. OMG. Pure comedy. Read some Mannheim before you post again pls.

>> No.9249992

Stop being post-modern neo-marxists and clean you filthy, pigsty of a room.

>> No.9249998


Whatever, spook.

>> No.9250007
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>> No.9250023


Thank you for that edifying post. I have truly been enlightened. Go play with your intellectually mediocre friends. I'm sure they will pour water on your sandbox and leave you crying for mommy.

>> No.9250025


>> No.9250532

Nice ad hominem anon

>> No.9250537


>> No.9250542

>12 Most Valuable Things Everyone Should Know

How many of them are about Marxists?

>> No.9250547

>He’s a Quora Most Viewed Writer, with 75,000 Twitter followers and 8000 Facebook likes. His YouTube channel’s 170 videos have 140,000 subscribers, 200,000 views a month, and 2,600,000 views in total.
Is this satire?

>> No.9250549

It's Stirnerite. Use the correct pronouns please.

>> No.9250553

Pretty much this, he never questions the validity of his assertions. It's just comes down to "muh culture" and "muh IQ".

>> No.9250555

How many levels of irony are you on right now?

>> No.9250558

>Wanting your psychologist to not have any experience with what they treat

>> No.9250583


>> No.9250695

That's a pretty funny shitty opinion. Good job.

>> No.9251018

Do you exclusively read books written by people who have no following or something?

>> No.9251024

If you squint he kinda looks like the guy who played Anakin Skywalker.

>> No.9251051

I don't like bloody Neo-Marxists. They're coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere

>> No.9251062

If you think such a thing is possible you are really delusional.

>> No.9251074

Indeed. This is why the 'radical centrism' is so futile tbqhwy

>> No.9251134
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>taking psychological advice from normies

>> No.9251147

Spoken like a delusional idealogue

>> No.9251323

Guy has the motivation skill of a fucking general, wish he was my dad.

>> No.9252255

Yes, in the sense I don't read anything from the 21st century. What kind of advocate is your youtube view count? Honestly it sounds like something a 10 year old would brag about, especially given it's not even that large.

>> No.9253894

He bites the ideology pill big time, but accuses others of being ideologically motivated. He uses vague, unsubstantiated claims as the premises of his arguments, often invoked as "common sense" And then builds upon them for a whole lecture to reach an unsound conclusion, while rambling about his personal thoughts and opinions. He appeals to emotion far too much. His arguments often seem like clumsy rationalisations to support his Christian faith.

This is why the US tenure system is shit. You go a decent part of your career as a respectable academic exercising scholarly rigour, then suddenly you get tenure and you can become a sophist, forego supporting your arguments with any substance, and parade around like some sort of celebrity.

I support his free speech thing, but the guy is legit a smart idiot.

>> No.9253903

>The 12 Most Valuable Things Everyone Should Know
Literal self help

>> No.9253973

>I don't read anything from the 21st century
>What kind of advocate is your youtube view count?
Its not one, but him having a youtube account doesnt effect the quality of his ideas

>> No.9254206
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>taking massive donations through patreon for remaking the same videos every year
>now literally writing self help books
is Peterson actually scamming people in some kind of cult fashion?

>> No.9254211

>Its not one, but him having a youtube account doesnt effect the quality of his ideas
It's listed like some kind of fucking credential, you troglodyte. It's beyond pathetic.

>> No.9255160

>It's beyond pathetic.

>> No.9255169

I think he actually just wants to help people

>> No.9255193
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.9255196


I suspect peterson was once all or most of the things he hates during his youth (communist, nihilist, post-modernist, social constructionist, atheist) and he is now trying to save people from falling into the same traps he did.

>> No.9255200

Then why is he charging them and offering shit like signed copies of books for ridiculous amounts of money?

>> No.9255211

>author sells expensive signed copies so the author isnt worth reading

You do know he gives away his book for free as a pdf on his website anon its not really a money grab

>> No.9255212

come on now. Every coach, teacher, clinician, etc. out there charges for their services. The salary they get paid is what drives young people to spend so much god damn time and effort to become someone worthy of giving advice and help.

Besides, he gives away his first book and his lectures for free.

>> No.9255252

From what I understand, his youth was spent as a conservative Christian, strayed only slightly, questioned his beliefs, and then returned with a slightly altered viewpoint, but nonetheless conservative.

>> No.9255550

He became an atheist and socialist before returning.

>> No.9255556

I sincerely doubt many people become teachers for the money dude. Stop trying to speak of indifferent economic contingency with some sort of moral justification

>> No.9255567


this is literal dreck, what the fuck are you doing pham

>> No.9255629
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Whatever else you say about him, he has this at least. I'm a fairly fat and lazy fuck, but every time I think about leaving a mess somewhere or indulging in a second doughnut I hear "BE A BETTER PERSON, AND BEAR YOUR SUFFERING ADMIRABLY". I feel good, and that feeling chases the temptation/indolence away where before it would linger. I can't articulate exactly what it is in that mantra that I find so animating, but it's there man.

>> No.9255633

Holyshit, how can you be this spooked

>> No.9255653

My memeology is not up to snuff so I don't know exactly what you're saying. I know the language I chose is a little culty, but all I'm trying to say is he's said things that motivate the shit out of me personally, in my day-to-day life. I clean up the mess, I put down the doughnut. I can't help but be impressed with that.

>> No.9255669

You sound like a fucking six year old coming out of Sunday School, there's literally nothing wrong with creating messes and eating doughnuts you pathetic dweeb.

>> No.9255718

I think J.P. is a very reasonable guy, and he definitely does not deserve the blind hate he gets.

Just look/listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXI4SE-Pghs

>> No.9255726

Yeah, I could be a dum-dum taken in by some vapid shit. I don't know how I could argue that I'm not. But I can confidently say that there is something wrong with making messes that bother you and eating doughnuts that you regret, which is what I was doing. I'm not looking to lead a sterile life free of all corrupting pleasures. I had just fallen too deep in the opposite direction, and something that Peterson said helped me fix that.

>> No.9255728
File: 352 KB, 534x638, heywhatsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're poisonous

>> No.9255734

"Take on me (take me on)"
- Jordan Peterson

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9255752

Sounds like every right-winger I've ever read.

>> No.9255768

>His arguments often seem like clumsy rationalisations to support his Christian faith

Examples? Everything of his I've seen would have led me to think he was an athiest with a boner for Christian mythology. I was surprised to hear that he was really a Christian.

>> No.9255775

he wishes he were a little girl

>> No.9256641

He probably thinks that he could survive without god but society can't.

>> No.9256663


Although one might still describe him as an atheist, as we understand atheism commonly. But his response to a question in his new public lecture makes him sound agnostic.

>> No.9256675

you are drowning in delusion

>> No.9256688

You have to read his book or at least watch his lectures. Otherwise, you have no idea what he's talking about.

he's Canadian BTW, though he did teach at Harvard

>> No.9256891

Don't listen to the spook memers, anon, you're doing the right thing.

>> No.9257532

Nice excuse to be an asshole that's not only amoral but useless to society

>> No.9258162

>His writing itself in Maps of Meaning is a bit annoying
I don't see any reason to read the book. Just listen to his lectures

>> No.9258174

Is it one person who shills peterson here, or is there a small cabal of peterson obsessives?

>> No.9258180

Kek at this pic

>> No.9258183

There are at least two.

>> No.9258195

more please