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File: 160 KB, 594x378, mishima_lifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9247696 No.9247696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Go to the gym and lift weights

>> No.9247698
File: 263 KB, 702x1018, 1488184718207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9247715

I only do bodyweight routine.

>> No.9247735

Then your life will be all the more dull for missing out on the romanticism that accompanies beauty.

DFW and Mishima realized this, why can't you?

>> No.9247745

the small animated parts of this comic astonish me. they don't even have a point, they're just useless distractions from the text in an attempt to be "quirky", or maybe it's just a mark of the adhd-addled mind to always need to have something flashing

>> No.9247747

I already do

>> No.9247753

>I'm content with a little bit of social interaction ;^)
>I don't pursue perfection in mind and spirit even though I know it's futile and my life is fleeting

i hate sane people

>> No.9247767

3 times a week for 2.5 hours.
I miss me being skinny-fat, now that i have muscles the fat gets pushes to the front. I look larger than i used to.
Now i have to lose weight...

>> No.9247773

>nobody actually cares
hahaha, no :)

i make it a point to judge fatasses and hold them in contempt, and also make fun of them if i'm with friends (everyone always laughs, because fat people are revolting). the idea that people are non-judgemental is a meme, i can guarantee they're all laughing at you behind your back

>> No.9247778

why do fats think they're human??? i don't get it

>> No.9247798

literally christian denigration of the body 2000 years later

>> No.9247817

I've been going to gym for a decade because I hate myself and enjoy causing physical discomfort to myself.

>> No.9247826

If you stop being a manlet.

>> No.9247831

I don't even go to the gym and I can still see my abs, because I don't stuff my mouth with garbage while binge-watching netflix shows

>> No.9247834

You're the type of person to complain the framerate is too fast in a movie and you'd much prefer watching a PowerPoint presentation

>> No.9247841

dieting isn't same as weight training.
>tfw Planet Earth 2 didn't include 2160p 60fps scan of the material
fucking disappointed.

>> No.9247850

Are calisthenics ok?

>> No.9247851

I do. To be ubermensche on the inside you gotts be ubermensche on the outside.

>> No.9247852

>he unironically thinks auschwitz mode is aestheti

>> No.9247853

this isn't a movie, you dumb motherfucker, it's a shitty little comic, which is a static medium

>> No.9247879

>dieting isn't same as weight training.
i'm not saying it is, faggot, i'm attacking the people who say being thin is hard

>>he unironically thinks auschwitz mode is aestheti
being lean and muscular is best, but being lean and not muscular is better than being fat and not muscular. in any case, i already planned to start lifting two weeks from now

>> No.9247891

Its a gimmick to stand out

>> No.9247921

calisthenics is the most /lit/ type of workout

>> No.9247937

No, weightlifting is. Its art of the body.

>> No.9247947

I only agree the gay sex part sempai

>> No.9247960

I already do and I'm pretty damn strong as a result. It helps with writing.

>> No.9248191

I already did it once today.

Squats and OHP with some assistance work (weighted chins and 'ceps curls).

>> No.9248208

Holy fuck, I cringed. You don't have to be into powerlifting or some shit, but trying this hard to convince yourself you're content with your body is pathetic.

>I-I TOTALLY don't care, guys!

>> No.9248231

you aren't muscular, you just have no bodyfat

you're the exact same as the overweight dude

>> No.9248289

>you just have no bodyfat
>you're the exact same as the overweight
you have no idea what being overwight means

you also apparently think i was claiming to be muscular, when i was saying i wasn't. can you even read?

>> No.9248304

I've always been told that you should not train more than 1-1.5 hour per session. Just an fyi

>> No.9248306

Did you even read his post? He never said he was muscular. He said it's better to be skinny over being fat. Which is generally true.

>> No.9248317

>being lean and muscular is best, but being lean and not muscular is better than being fat and not muscular.

>> No.9248325

It's cringey the way he puts it but ironically he's right. People who weightlift too much are dumbasses and don't even look that good.

You have to get a natural full-body workout by living in the woods, chopping your own wood for fire, fighting bears, etc.

>> No.9248332

I do about 45 min cardio, 1 h 30 min lifting
Thanks a lot tho for looking out.

>> No.9248335

t. numale

>> No.9248383

Is your reading comprehension seriously this bad? What are you doing on the literature board?

That's a simple sentence, and you still manage to misunderstand?

>> No.9248399

>m-m-muh natural functional strength
blatant resentment

>> No.9248408

visible abs is a key indicator of physical strength as well as overall health

>> No.9248423

Actually mine is fine, but you clearly need to take repeat English

fuck off retard

>> No.9248438

you can have body fat covering your abs and still have insane core strength... in fact most top tier lifters don't have a six pack as you imagine it, and yet they can deadlift, squat and press really heavy

as far as the health goes, they still don't mean much besides ''my body fat is decent and I have done some ab exercises thrice a week for 10 minutes''

>> No.9248444

>being so insecure you have to put people down for bettering themselves

21st century self-flagellation

this desu


>key indicator
it's a key indicator of having low body fat and training abs, but that's about it.

>> No.9248445

you can usually see the abs of strongmen even through their belly fat though

>> No.9248528
File: 34 KB, 640x207, IMG_7152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9248556

friendo, you are either functionally illiterate or extremely dumb, pick one

>being lean and muscular is best, but being lean and not muscular is better than being fat and not muscular.
let me decode this very simple sentence for your feeble brainlet mind:
no fat + muscle = best
no fat + no muscle = okay
fat + no muscle = worst

did you understand this time, or shall i make a drawing for you?

>> No.9248590

make the drawing because your post makes no sense

its like a 3 year old wrote it

>> No.9248600

>its like a 3 year old wrote it
yes, i was trying to reach you, but your mental age must be even lower than that

>> No.9248608

You can have visible abs just from eating less though. You could still be weak and unhealthy but if you have less bodyfat they'll show up.

>> No.9248610

are you gonna draw it or not?

everyone here knows I'm right and you look ridiculous

>> No.9248612


>> No.9248643
File: 1.32 MB, 963x1600, steinbeck1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone here knows I'm right and you look ridiculous
not really, I think you misread something

>> No.9248655

no, I read it right and now you can't even type your point so you said you'd draw a picture but you are too scared to do that

>> No.9248662
File: 19 KB, 971x572, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, hope it's not too complex for you

>> No.9248685

well thats obviously false

>> No.9248718
File: 124 KB, 600x904, Mishimaispureheterosex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks.

>> No.9248723

mental sanity is the biggest meme ever created.

>> No.9248735

why do you have have that pic saved on your computer?

>> No.9248738

no it's not, you skelly

>> No.9248757

Jesus, at this point i'm convinced that you're either a genuine retard or just a bait and i believe you're the latter.

>> No.9248758

I didn't and now it is on mine too.

>> No.9248770

Because I thought it was pretty funny.

>> No.9248772
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1354998083288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you get so fat that you need to put a sock in your neck rolls to keep them from squeezing together when you read lying down come back and tell me that there's nothing wrong with your "beach body"

Everything is harder when you're fat, your life will measurably become worse and at the back of your mind you know you have only yourself to blame

>> No.9248795

everyone shut the fuck up. Here's what you do: pushups and sit ups when you have a free moment. If you can do twenty-thirty pushups at once you're fine, do that everyday, same with situps

>> No.9248802

>t.typical dude who can't into fit
Just go to the gym,

>> No.9248804

I was a 400 pound fatass until a few years ago. Though diet and exercise over the last three years I've dropped 150 and it's amazing how easy everything is now.

>> No.9248817
File: 35 KB, 520x390, 1395457031625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess I'm going to have to try harder too

>> No.9248821

The guy from the comic is just lazy. If he doesn't want to go to the gym he can just run for 30 minutes, bodyweight routine and eat healthy.
I was a fatass in high school and just doing that I got a decent body, and seriously there's nothing better than hearing how much you changed, or how good you look. That's why I'm also going to the gym this days.

>> No.9248838
File: 249 KB, 655x553, homos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is reading Mishima, in case you didn't notice.

>> No.9248945

>If you can do twenty-thirty pushups at once you're fine
That's nothing, I can do that and I'm a skeleton

>> No.9248956

This will give you a muscle imbalance, and possibly forward head posture.

>> No.9249018

Can't beat Calvin and Hobbes.

>> No.9249391

any person who thinks this way should be fucking shot. literal subhumans like this make eugenics necessary.

>> No.9249417

Yes, I lift. I do cardio, too. Mostly out of habit now.

It gives me no pleasure. I hate my body and my self.

>> No.9249540

>t. buthurt personal trainer

>> No.9249598


>> No.9249629

Should of taken that third scoop.