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File: 31 KB, 251x396, Debord_SocietyofSpectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9247344 No.9247344 [Reply] [Original]

"The constant decline of use value that has always characterized the capitalist economy has given rise
to a new form of poverty within the realm of augmented survival — alongside the old poverty which
still persists, since the vast majority of people are still forced to take part as wage workers in the
unending pursuit of the system’s ends and each of them knows that he must submit or die. The reality
of this blackmail — the fact that even in its most impoverished forms (food, shelter) use value now has
no existence outside the illusory riches of augmented survival — accounts for the general acceptance
of the illusions of modern commodity consumption. The real consumer has become a consumer of
illusions. The commodity is this materialized illusion, and the spectacle is its general expression."

What did he mean by augmented survival? And does illusion only refer to the deception of paying for stuff for their use? Shit doesn't make sense

>> No.9247843

survival=bare necessities
"I work to survive" =food
augmented survival=bare necessities AND non-necessities
"I work to make a living" = nice house, car, clothes etc

>The real consumer has become a consumer of illusions.
augmented goods are illusory and have no value

>The commodity is this materialized illusion, and the spectacle is its general expression
when you buy augmented goods you are essentially buying a piece of paper issued by the system (ie worthless) that permits you to pretend to be somebody you are not (ie narcissism). Then you display that to others (spectacle), and you try to get them to play along.

>> No.9247950

should i order this book and simulacra and simulation?

>> No.9247988

How familiar are you with Marxism is the first question I always ask people who pose this question? I would try to get to grips with his theory of value as much as possible before you attempt this book because as much as it appears at first glance to be a simply a polemic about modern consumer society, it is fairly dense and requires some foreknowledge about Marxism before you can fully get to grips with it. That being said, I'm not suggesting you wage through the three volumes of Capital and the Grundrisse before you read this (although at a later date, I would certainly recommend it), find a simple introduction or something, Ben Fine's Marx's Capital is very good and concise.

>> No.9248000

Did you comprehend the above text?
Doesn't matter BUY IT. You need it.

(This btfo's baudrillard tho.
Debord was a prophet, but it's truly scary to actually come to terms with what he's pointing out.)

>> No.9248021

>buy it
Don't buy it. Link here:

>> No.9248065

seems very short.Id rather have a physical copy anyway.

>> No.9248069

The vast majority of the products people base their self worth on (clothes, quality of food, house, car, etc.) are just bare necessities for survival. Most wage workers are living at bare minimum needs fulfillment, bottom of the Maslow pyramid, but the spectacular elements of capitalism transform that existence into illusory wealth.

>> No.9248073

>seems very short
It's the whole thing.
>Id rather have a physical copy anyway.
As you please, I'm just trying to help you conserve it for something you can't get for free.