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9245674 No.9245674 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ what are some genuinely funny books.

pic unrelated

>> No.9245679
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>> No.9245695

Celine makes me laugh out loud sometimes

>> No.9245759


>> No.9245904

Kafka has some pretty funny moments.

>> No.9245912

i like the part where the guy turnt into a bug.

>> No.9245933


>> No.9245974

Even that is funny if you think about it. Imagine a cockroach (or another ungeziefer of your choice) trying to turn around in bed without throwing off the bedcovers.

>> No.9247384

I read the first half of it when i was 15-17, thought it was really funny and felt like i was reading some sort of ultimate "geek literature", thus i always praised this books ltaer on.
When i was 24 i tried to read it again and i realised that it's basically shitty humor aimed at teenagers and retarded manchildren, i felt like some "im such a nerd" geeky mongoloid was winking at me saying "get it ?" every fucking sentence.
Fuck that book, fuck the "42 xDDD" bullshit.

>> No.9247415

I read the entire series. It literally stops being funny after the 3rd book and from then on ends up being confused humor and writing.

I don't know what possessed me to purchase and read the entire series.

>> No.9247480

Maybe its one of those things, where because the book is in a series, you felt the need to complete the series entirely. I do that sometimes too.

>> No.9247505

Well, I was one of those le geeky people in HS, and that was when I read it.

It was the first book series I've ever read cover to cover.

>> No.9247533

Moby Dick. No, I'm not memeing.

>> No.9247542

The once and future king
Journey to the end of night
The recognitions

>> No.9247579

Is disliking Hitchhiker the new liking Hitchhiker? i.e. the new way of signalling that you're smart and special and not a pleb?

>> No.9247584

liking it has never been conducive to the image that /lit/ wants

>> No.9247606

i laughed at loud at joke that goes like that: "peoples who shit on whalers are pirates, they often die by hanging, so they dont have GROUND to base their opinion on". Ive read it in translation tho, so i have no idea how it goes in english version. Someone find a quote

>> No.9248252

I still like Douglas Adam's writing, just not the parts where he rambles incoherently.

>> No.9248768

Funny thing is that Adams hated his "im such a nerd" fans too.

>> No.9248907

Notes from Underground

But this book is funny

>> No.9248926

I Am Ozzy

>> No.9248927
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It's funny because they eat cum. That's the joke.

>> No.9248967

> felt like some "im such a nerd" geeky mongoloid was winking at me saying "get it ?" every fucking sentence.
Fuck that book, fuck the "42 xDDD" bullshit.

The fuck did you try to write there?

Adams is fine, one of the best out there in comedy genre. But he's English, you ether like English humour or you don't.

>> No.9249426

This gets mentioned in every thread. No need to mention it's not a meme. I actually kinda wish lit would stop talking about the Dick because it's wonderful and I'm afraid there's gonna be a pendulum swing where it becomes a meme an everyone thinks it's shit.

>> No.9249434
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>> No.9250075
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this man writes genuinely funny books

>> No.9250239

Catch 22 is genuinely funny

>> No.9250594

This. Funniest book I have ever read.

Also discworld series by Pratchett.

>> No.9250614

It took me half a book to realise The Overcoat was a comedy, goshdarn Russians.

>> No.9250636

Anything by Christopher Moore.
Especially Fool.

>> No.9250660
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laughed a lot while reading this

the one section that really springs to mind is Hal on the phone to Orin talking about The Mad Stork's suicide, and how he ended up in a prolonged battle of wits and psychological study with his psychologist who just wouldn't take no for an answer when Hal was being pressed to open up about how the suicide made him feel, and how he eventually has to invent this guilt about the suicide by saying when he walked in the house and found his dead father's microwaved brains across the walls his first thought on opening the door was that something sure smelled good.

It was such a great build up between the two of them on the phone to the climax of that scene.

>> No.9250736

stalin caught eating a capitalist hotdog. colorized circa. 1946

>> No.9250740

funniest book I've read in the past years, it also made me tear up. good book

>> No.9250751


Sorry sir,advertising of books is not allowed on /lit/.

>> No.9250753
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I have never read it but it's really obvious what it is just by looking at it. Like, the planet with the suitcase. If that's a resonant symbol of man or more specifically hitchhiker/tourist you have to be pretty fucking cynical or just like The wHoLe WoRlD's Gone mad!

what did he mean by this btw?

>> No.9250760

I liked the Apple Store

>> No.9250770

the bricklayer's insurance letter had me in tears from laughing. but i was also trying to keep quiet as i was reading it in someone else's home.

>> No.9250779

the bricklayers song is pretty funny too

>> No.9250810

I can relate to that funny song.Done that work twice in two diffrent ways.
One time as the foreman said : i moved bricks from floor3 to floor6 through a ladder.
Second time as the irish man did: you fucking rope two bricks at the time, and call for a lazy fuck down to untie the rope.
or ask for help to decend the barrel.

>> No.9251122

Infinite Jest

>> No.9251168


>> No.9251937

Nabokov is usually funny.

>> No.9252566

He is usually very fucking funny, the ol' filthmongering nymphetophile.

>> No.9252593

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9252627
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>get this for my birthday from a pseudo intellectual lefty who literally hardly gets out of the house
>finish reading it in a day and a half
>I call him up to thank him for the gift
>he raves about how intelligent the book is and is one of the funniest books he's ever read
>he asks me if I laughed out loud
>tell him I laughed in the inside
>mfw I didn't even laugh in the inside.

>> No.9252879

When Adams wrote that book, the ggekdom was defined with IBM 5100 and D&D 1st edition. Just give the guy some slack. As if you contarian fucks don't hate that book just for the sake of Goodreads and Reddit.

>> No.9254680

How is American Psycho funny?

>> No.9254703

The thing towards the beginning about the giant roaches made me laugh. Say what you will but it was a funny book.

>> No.9254744

At Swim Two Birds

>> No.9255164
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These books are more entertaining than they have any right to be.

>> No.9255187
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why is so hard to write a book that makes laugh?

>> No.9256796


>> No.9256803

While I would not describe Suttree as a comedy there are some very funny passages in it. Some beautiful, sad and horrific parts too, but the Harrogate parts and some of the drunken shenanigans are LOL out loud funny

>> No.9256839

normos laugh when they read that sort of stuff, because it relates to their extremely dull lives and plays along with their sensibilities

>> No.9256860

Based on a True Story was actually pretty good. Just finished it the other day

>> No.9256861
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>reading through the list
>What is this feminist bullshit
>book called "It Gets Worse"
>tfw "No buddy, this is about as bad as it gets"

>> No.9257052

Lucky Jim, Dreaming of Babylon, Pickwick Papers

>> No.9257680
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No Waugh?

>> No.9257862

I can see the ironic humor in Kafka's books, but the plot is ultimately so negative that I don't really feel like laughing.

>> No.9257875

Probably because it's really hard to properly pace a joke in literature rather than say, stand-up comedy.

>> No.9257880

/pol the book

>> No.9257889

It's not meant to be laughed at eventually.

>> No.9258215

Blood Meridian is funny if you find things like Sorcerer funny. Kadare is pretty funny and so are Hassel, Hasek and Twain.

>> No.9258245


Norm's book is great

>> No.9258437
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i thought this was pretty funny