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/lit/ - Literature

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9245574 No.9245574 [Reply] [Original]

>this is better than 90% of the shit posted on this board
explain yourselves faggots

>> No.9245582

The other 10% is 90x better than it.

>> No.9245610

Have you ever read it? What are some good passages from it?

Or are you just shitposting?

>> No.9245621
File: 34 KB, 526x354, 50book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading a real book.

>> No.9245635

>One thing I’ve learned about the press is that they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better. It’s in the nature of the job, and I understand that. The point is that if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you…

>The funny thing is that even a critical story, which may be hurtful personally, can be very valuable to your business. [When I announced my plans to build Television City to the press], not all of them liked the idea of the world’s tallest building. But the point is that we got a lot of attention, and that alone creates value.

This is exactly how he became president

>> No.9245637

>Wanting to live life as a neurotic sociopath to "get ahead"

>> No.9245638

Yeah, Trump is a bit more aware of the stage than others - that, or it's written into his character. I go back and forth believing he's a genius or a puppet

>> No.9245654

I honestly think he is a genius, albeit a genius not as sharp as he was when he was younger and building his business empire. 70 years of being a absolute workaholic takes a toll on the mind

>> No.9245664

I will always find this hilarious. He lays out his methods for everyone to see, then he uses them to completely upset Hillary.

>> No.9245673

I believe at one point he also talks about making ridiculously big demands when negotiating so that your opposition thinks they're getting a good deal by giving you what you actually wanted from the start which is what he seems to be doing right now.

>> No.9245675

When does he release "TRUMP: The Art of the Presidency"?

>> No.9245682

I guarantee you some publicist working for Trump has just stolen this idea assuming they haven't already thought of it.

>> No.9245687

I'll screenshot it and ask for my royalties when it comes out

>> No.9245689

Not everyone is blessed with a 3 digit IQ

>> No.9245693

What are you talking about, it's a terrible book from a business standpoint.

He doesn't lay out any methods at all besides the occasional quirk. The book contains few passages out of dozens which are worth remembering.


>> No.9245697

I feel like the battlefield of capitalism will definitely give you a scope on how America really is - but I still can't help but feel he's a fixture of this greater plan. Then again, I'm a conspiracy theorist

>> No.9245701

>Picking a lawsuit with an American billionaire
Not a good idea.

>> No.9245707

>I honestly think he is a genius, albeit a genius not as sharp as he was when he was younger and building his business empire. 70 years of being a absolute workaholic takes a toll on the mind

You are a fucking moron.

The only reason Trump is successful is because back in the 80s-90s, he would ruin reporters who gave him bad reviews/articles by telling other big shots on Wall Street not to give them any interviews or attention. As a result, the press would treat him nicely and journalists would give him great reviews so they could maintain access to him and other big shots in New York for stories.

>> No.9245720

Yeah its just all that simple, you're right man.

>> No.9245723

Lol, you clearly know nothing about the guy's actual history.

>> No.9245743

Mate. He went from a not never having been a politician to a President of the United States in 18 months.

He obviously is very smart and high IQ. You don't do this if you are a retarded person

>> No.9245747

Sure, he has social intelligence but he doesn't have intelligence in the normal usage of the word.

>> No.9245788

Billionaire and POTUS. I'm pretty sure people who use the word intelligence in real world, in normie situations, would def. consider him smart as fuark.

>> No.9245797


>Hegel only posted 10% of the time

This checks out

>> No.9245879

Is the whole book written like that? I heard that he's bad at writing but that passage is nice. And is it actually an interesting/entertaining book? Useful knowledge? Considering giving it a read.

>> No.9245890

you cant be this stupid and actually think he wrote that book

>> No.9246180

Yeah I'm a retard for assuming that "Trump: The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz" was written by Trump

>> No.9246202

Ghostwriters know what they're doing

>> No.9246311

Trump: The Death of the Real

>> No.9246323


>> No.9246325

Yeah, you actually are.

>> No.9246330

How was I supposed to know that? This board is one big dick-brain measuring contest I swear

>> No.9246603

But anon, that sounds like a smart, practical, easily repeatable solution to a continuus problem. It's highly rational and even makes Trump look like a smart, nice guy to his "friends" he advises not to recieve teh interview. How is any of that not smart?

>> No.9246614

Because ghostwriting is a fairly standard practice for celebrity books and Donald Trump isn't exactly known for his literary talents.

>> No.9246630

To not be a dick anon, Trump is very open about it being ghost written for him. He probably didn't actually WRITE anything but since most of it is direct quotes/his history, well, it's probably more his than the other guy's.

Fun factoid, Tony Schwartz despises Trump for some reason.

Social intelligence is one of the many kinds of intelligence and is as legitimate as logical intelligence. I'd say he's probably got amazing practical reasoning as well, losing 916 million in 1995 a year before they ended the loop hole that gave him a tremendous tax break for the next 10 years or so.

It's immediately interesting, entertaining and extremely current right now, of course it's better than 90% of the trash on this board, like faggots asking "how can I read a book on depression" "is le bucko/muh ideology man the greatest philosopher" "g-g-g-reeks"

Love him or hate him, after how he managed to go from laughing stock to president, turned people against Mainstream Media and is currently fighting half his population/half his government/at least one intelligence agency WHILE dealing with all the other issues such as IS, jerbs, political correctness, racial tensions and more WHILE aready having huge impacts on the economy and encouraging more jobs, it's hard not to find him at least interesting enough to read his book.

Plus, he sang "Green Acres" on tv in overalls. And apparently stopped a street mugging by beingr ichJesus and telling the mugger to stop. AND he cashed a 0.13 cent check that was sent to him as a gag. How could you not love this man

>> No.9246631


Are you genuinely mentally challenged?

>> No.9246638


He is still a laughing stock. He has created zero jobs. It's not difficult to turn retarded Americans for or against anything. Everything else you said is fucking retarded and dubious save for the Green Acres thing, which is tremendously retarded. Just like Trump himself.

His presidency is already a disaster and an embarrassment. Can hardly wait to see who he'll call a failure next on Twitter.

>> No.9246639

I want /pol/ to leave.
Or, if you do want to stay go read some books that aren't considered "redpills" you fucking memelords.

>> No.9246647
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>people still believe that to become a billionaire you have to be ''brilliant'', even if your starting capital was basically Klondike money
>people still don't realize that Trump is rich cause of shady lawyers, scams, lobbying and connections he got from his father

For fuck's sake, not even /lit/ can get it.

>> No.9246653

is it literature though?

>> No.9246655

>shady lawyers, scams, lobbying and connections he got from his father
Why do you hate the American dream?

>> No.9246661


The American dream was bourgeoisie propaganda.

>> No.9246667

He was probably being sarcastic.

>> No.9246674


billionares = dumb oafs with good connections
poors and academia = true heroes of virtue

based Engels

>> No.9246676

anon, people in America have started hiring again in record numbers because of how well the stockmarket is doing; this, plus many companies are settling in America again. Also, there's no question he's managed to turn people against the
MSM and is fighting half his population who hate his guts. You can hate on him if you want anon but everything I've said there is factual. Trump's definitely improving America's economy if only because wall street is expecting tax breaks; they've lowered their death by like, 60 billion before he's done anything?


There s a reason it's called the Trump Bump anon.

He started with a million. It's a lot but fuck man. He's still made around 5000 times that much?
assuming he is telling the truth and that's up in the air


>> No.9246681

so all press is good press? hardly original

>> No.9246684
File: 43 KB, 384x367, 1430255616023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"From the star of NBC's hit show The Apprentice"
>tfw in the future it will be "from the 45th president of the United States"

>> No.9246688
File: 85 KB, 804x802, 1488831986982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is better than 90% of the shit posted on this board
Considering it was literally designed by a ghost writer to be consumed by moron proles ready to worship empty celebrity, that is suggestive of what you consider 'good' and thus 'better'.

>> No.9246691

>billionares = dumb oafs with good connections
Not all billionaires are like that, but I don't see why one could not make that argument for Trump.
What's the value that he added to the world? When has he shown us his wit? When he avoided paying taxes for decades because he could spend millions in lawyers? Or when he had both the capital and the connections to get his hands on neat, state sponsored housing contracts?

>assuming he is telling the truth and that's up in the air
That's a pretty big assumption, especially when you keep in mind that Trump is very aware of his brand-like nature. I don't see why I should trust even a single word coming out of his mouth, especially after this last year.

>> No.9246706


Most of those manufacturing jobs are going to be automated. Walmart hiring people is actually shit because their garbage wages often require people to get government assistance. They also can't have unions.

Wall Street is an abomination and should be culled.

>> No.9246707

It's impossible to speculate on his finances and we know that he made 168 million in 2005.

>> No.9246740

every anti-trump argument in this thread boils down to:
>He's rich, therefore you can't trust him!

Orwell was right. They don't care about the oppressed, they just hate anyone who has more than they do.

>> No.9246769


That seems like an oversimplification.

>> No.9246775

>America have started hiring again in record numbers because of how well the stockmarket is doing
If you look at any chart tracking employment growth it has actually been going up since like late 2010, we're heading towards the peak of a business cycle and a lot of zombie companies are going to have to be wiped out in the coming recession. The underlying fundamentals of those companies haven't changed much from a year ago, if you were the least bit sceptical you would be wondering why their market valuation is rising so rapidly.
Investments are what create employment, not stock gambling and more capital gains. Tax breaks in practice are just a way of funnelling more of societies wealth towards rentier interests and rarely results in increases in actual investments.
Massive investments in public infrastructure is what is necessary now but Trump has no idea how to pull this off, what he is promising is trillions of dollars in tax breaks to construction companies and privatizing already existing infrastructure.

>> No.9246785


>goes to college once
>learn about the evil oppressors
>graduate with a degree
>get a job
>living in the top 1% of the entire world
>powers always on, plumbing always works

>> No.9246815

The issue is he has a very confused notion of how things actually work. He doesn't understand manufacturing, he got rich in the FIRE sector therefore that formed his notions on how the economy works. I have no doubt he probably sincerely believes what's good for Goldman Sachs is good for America. If you want to promote viable manufacturing and real investments you got to move towards an economy with low overhead costs, you got to wipe out all the private debt throughout the economy and take on the vested financial interests trying to get something for noting.
Trump is the type that wants to get something for noting, after liberalizing finance and all the gambling eventually fails expect a massive public bailout of private interests to save their asses and artificially maintain stock and real estate values.

>> No.9246845

>>He's rich, therefore you can't trust him!

Give me a break, Trump is not your usual billionaire. He's literally all about brand recognition, there is virtually no aspect of his personality, speech and modus operandi that is not finely calculated. The guy is a walking billboard.

I honestly don't see why would you ever trust Trump.

>> No.9246998

That is not really worth the time of reading it.

Replying on the other hand might get me some sweet (You)s from /pol/tards

>> No.9246999
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>this board
You know you guys are not welcomed here right?

>> No.9247050

It's literally a thread discussing his book, not any recent speech he made.

>> No.9247733

You're using a book as a thinly veiled excuse to talk about trump on /lit/ and you know it.

Here's the issue with you fucking /pol/sters: You like to make fun of lefties for being little snowflakes who want to censor everything they disagree with, but a lot of you are just as fucked in the head. If you don't believe me, go pick up Lolita. That is, if the thought of reading a book written from the perspective of a pedo doesn't trigger you too hard. Don't pretend to be /lit/ unless you're willing to step outside of your intellectual comfortzone and confront your own prejudices.

While you're at it, put the book on your shelf when you're done. I bet once your friends from T_D see it they'll be much less willing to bring their kids over for dinner in the future.

Gnothi seauton.

>> No.9247989

So books written by all other political leaders are fair game but not Trump because you disagree with him and want to shelter yourself from him and his supporters? You are the definition of a hypocritical pseudo intellectual faggot

>> No.9248012

Thanks for your input. I actually want to read Lolita, though I do not understand what assumptions you made by the comfortzone and prejudices you implied.

>> No.9248121

Stop deflecting. I like Trump. Some of his views are questionable, but at least he seems to be honestly concerned with fighting corruption and trying to adress the issues your country has been dealing with over the past decades. I'm pointing out that the mindset of many of his followers is authoritarian and that they are far too willing to condemn people who hold different views than they do.

If I were to make videos on political topics that criticize the reactionary anti-sjw movement you can be sure that one of you selfrighteous little twats would go out of their way to try and find some dirt on or otherwise try to discredit me. And it's because you've almost exclusively had to deal with ideologues and opportunists. You've been staring into the abyss for far too long. You've become too used to treating people who diagree with you with contempt. From where I'm standing it looks like you're slwoly turning into a mirror image of the bullshit you are fighting against and you aren't even realizing it.

If my criticism doesn't apply to you then you're not part of the group of people I'm worried about, and I apologize if I was being too harsh. The thing is, the sjws are a joke at this point. The question is what this new wave of traditionalism and conservativism is going to be like. Will you fight for freedom of expression and foster an honest discourse with your political adversaries, or will you try to suppress views you do not condone, views you may find morally outrageous? I'm not a utilitarianist, but I subscribe to Mills views when it comes to freedom. Any opinion, no matter how absurd it may seem to you, should be allowed to be expressed. Any book should be allowed to be printed. America is the land of the free, right? If you want to uphold its traditions I hope that you are willing to respect that legacy.

>> No.9248162

Maybe you need to stop projecting so hard. I never brought up his politics on this thread once, you are the one being so hostile over scenarios you made up in your head

>> No.9248204

My argument is directed at people who are developing a certain mentality, and that mentality is real. If you're the exception to the rule that's fine.

>> No.9248286

>new wave of traditionalism and conservativism

Your comments most probably do not apply to me then. I am a Trump supporter but lean more libertarian than anything, with emphasis on free markets and the non aggression principle than traditions. So freedom of expression is important, no matter how ridiculous or offensive. Removing freedom of speech is another way of suppressing the truth.