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/lit/ - Literature

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9244559 No.9244559 [Reply] [Original]

>Dante titles his masterpiece "Commedia"
>Boccaccio calls it "La Divina Commedia"
>goes down in history with Boccaccio's title


>> No.9244570

Commedia was too generic

>> No.9244576

it's cuzza that goofy fucking hat.

>> No.9244646

it goes like it because it became a very popular attribution - and remember that titles for written operas were something really not important at the time. most latin poetry didn't have titles, not to mantion shakespear's sonnettos which went by number

>> No.9244820

Why did he call it the comedy in the first place
I know there are jokes throughout it but I didn't detect a hint of irony in the whole book
Was it meta blasphemy irony

>> No.9244823

"Comedy" in Medieval literature just meant that it had a happy ending

>> No.9244848
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>> No.9244870


Your reading would greatly benefit from Aristotle's Poetics, friend.

>> No.9244873

Comedy means it has a happy ending you fucking retarded NIGGER. Seriously? Are you that fucking dumb? Kill yourself. KILL YOURSELF. KILL YOU'RE SELF YOU RETARDED IDIOT GAY ASS HONKY. Da fuck... Back to r*ddit you piece of horseshit. Your mom should've had an abortion. Faggot. You're so stupid that you disappointed your mother. When the doctors saw her come in for birth they slapped her because the doctors were psychics and saw that you'd grow up to be a stupid fucking cis, white male. Dumb troll. Jump off a bridge into the ocean.

>> No.9244927

>Was it meta blasphemy irony


>> No.9245141

why was he always so bummed, bros?

>> No.9245288

I knew that he called it like that because Aristotle said that the difference between tragedy and comedy was that, while in tragedies the protagonist is superior to the rest ( Heroes, Kings, or just some smart dude), in comedies the protagonist is a normal person or someone inferior to the rest. Dante himself is the protagonist of the book, he tought he wasn't superior to others so he just called it Comedy.

>> No.9245322

get therapy.