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9241780 No.9241780 [Reply] [Original]

The book deals with an array of things. This is the part on (((alcohol))) - any additions? What else should I add? What did I do wrong? Do your job e/lit/ists...

Beer may very well be the proof that God does indeed love us and wants to see us be happy. Then on the other hand, it could also be the proof, sometimes, that Satan is indeed very real and that he's a hard working chemist. Either way you look at it, just as with all things, there is going to be a list of pro's and con's you can make of it. The rule I've always experienced that seems to work the best is this, although it doesn't always ring true: If you're happy then it's okay to drink. If you're mad then it's not okay to drink. Since we have a higher tendency to become emotional, very easily actually, when intoxicated, or in the process of becoming intoxicated, drinking, it's an emotional roller coaster and that's basically dangerous. Not only is it scientifically proven, alcohol that is, to shrink the human brain, cause black outs, and typically land people in jail - it also has a track record of being an illegal substance in several parts of the world. Once outlawed, now legal in the USA. Of course, alcohol is banned in every Muslim country and if you're caught drinking the stuff you can even be stoned to death. It goes without saying, that Islam is a fascist set of rules that ignorant men allow themselves to be governed by - yet, there may be some common sense to the alcohol ban, save the stoning. If you study statistics, the ones regarding arrests, you'll find that there is a higher percentage of arrests that come the way of alcohol. People do remarkably stupid things when they're drunk. Chances are, you'll even do something retarded when you're drunk one of these days. You'll regret it, swear you'll never drink again, and ultimately fail. We all learn the hard way when it comes to alcohol. If you find yourself drinking and in the presence of literally anything else, the alcohol will make the additional substances even that much more stronger. Or, it will seem like it does and with some things, its been scientifically proven to make the effects of other drugs stronger.

>> No.9241781


In other words, it's dangerous stuff. Don't even try to drive on the stuff. You'll think you're driving perfect, (impaired judgment), and then before you know it you're unconscious and in a hospital or even worse, dead. Alcohol related deaths and accidents have exceeded sober accidents for decades and with each new generation, it just gets worse. Why hasn't the USA banned alcohol again you might ask since it's so dangerous? Well, we tried banning the stuff for public safety but it just didn't work. People turned alcohol into a black market of sorts and to be honest, when it was illegal, more people were drunk it seems. What's more is that alcohol is relatively easy to make. So easy in fact that a 3rd grader could mass produce the stuff if they were so inclined. Additionally, alcohol is more of a aquired taste. It tastes like garbage on most levels and if it didn't have any bodily effect properties, literally no one would drink the stuff, save the mad. Now, I'm not saying that there isn't any time at all to drink, because there is. Like when you celebrate something big, you know, at that point you should pop a bottle of champagne. Let the beer flow, be happy with friends, and be merry because good times and celebration are truly worth feeling good on every level. If you find yourself drinking all the time, then it loses its meaning, becomes an addiction, and then ultimately controls your life like you were merely a passenger trapped in a body of which alcohol guides. This is the sad effects of the stuff. Never forget, alcohol is a drug, and drugs can be addictive, dangerous, an can even kill you. If you drink too much alcohol too fast you can literally die. Seriously, I've almost died from the stuff and if I did, you wouldn't be reading this right now Chance. Another thing, there's this little society called Alcoholics Anonymous that operates out of literally every city. It's where people who are addicted to alcohol go to drink coffee, eat donuts, and talk about their struggles staying sober and off alcohol. For the most part, AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) has helped countless people kick the habit of drinking. Which is a good thing because nobody wants to be addicted to anything. Another thing worth remembering about the stuff is that while you're drinking, you may be susceptible to bad decisions. People have a tendency to be malicious while drinking, sometimes, some people do.

>> No.9241782


And this kind of thinking can and will land you in jail. Try to stay away from this behavior for your own sake. Now, don't take this the wrong way and don't look it as an excuse to engage in that kind of behavior but if you do find yourself in jail for any reason, I'll bail you out Chance and help you with your legal issues until it's resolved. So, if you're ever in that kind of situation, or think you're about to be in that situation, then call me or something, come over, talk to me before you mess up. And if you're in jail, be sure to make a phone call to me so I can get you out. That's a promise, I'll get you out.

What else should I add to inform him of the dangers and pleasures of alcohol?

>> No.9241787

Your wife's Son

>> No.9243620

why do you have to write a book about this? why can't you just talk with the boy?

>> No.9243682

Sullied by its clichés and weak images. You're much better at being straightforward.

>Beer may very well be the proof that God does indeed love us and wants to see us be happy. Then on the other hand, it could also be the proof, sometimes, that Satan is indeed very real and that he's a hard working chemist
>Either way you look at it
>there is going to be a list of pro's and con's
>track record
Etc. Get rid of them.

That said, the concept is really fascinating, even beautiful, and I suggest you continue. But also, don't make a cover or even a concrete title until you're done.

>> No.9243771

Can you upload a .docx somewhere so we can read the entire thing?

>> No.9243782

he spends most of his time with my wife and her friend Leron I have to work to support the three of them

i will try but the internet here in the shed comes and goes. we have to catch it at a good time

>> No.9243853

Because he might forget the conversation. Besides, a book is more permanent and accessible sometimes. It also gives him something to look back on when I'm gone.

No. The book will be published privately. Not for sale. Unless, my son chooses to publish it publicly in the future.

BTFO faggot

>> No.9243864

I was really hoping you fuckos would help me make this piece on the dangers of alcohol a bit better desu.

Fixed the last part:
People have a tendency to be malicious while drinking, sometimes, some people do. And this kind of thinking can and will land you in jail. Try to stay away from this behavior for your own sake. Now, don't take this the wrong way and don't look it as an excuse to engage in that kind of behavior but if you do find yourself in jail for any reason, I'll bail you out Chance and help you with your legal issues until it's resolved. So, if you're ever in that kind of situation, or think you're about to be in that situation, then call me or something, come over, talk to me before you mess up. And if you're in jail, be sure to make a phone call to me so I can get you out. That's a promise, I'll get you out. But all because I'll be there to bail you out of jail doesn't mean that you should ever, under any circumstances, drink irresponsibly. Alcohol seriously has the potential of getting you killed and for that reason, I'd advise you to stay away from the stuff. It's just not worth it. Moreover, alcoholics have reduced IQ's as they age. Consistently drinking alcohol literally shrinks your brain, reducing the gray matter, and basically makes you stupid. I know that you won't be able to listen to this advice and just not drink because of friends, or peer pressure. Yet, I'm telling you anyways in hopes that one day you heed the advice. When you go looking around in the biography section of the library you'll notice that virtually no one in the section was an alcoholic. Simply, alcoholics are not successful people. They are the dreges of society. The homless guys on the street are typically alcoholics. They've drank themselves out of job, house, and home. In and out of jail, just waiting for that next drink. Don't be one of these morons. You're better than that Chance, remember that.

>> No.9243869

you sound like a beta fag

I think thats what your son will think as well

>> No.9243878
File: 53 KB, 750x591, response 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys faggot

>> No.9244007

I will read all of this when I get home from work, OP. I am interested.

>> No.9244261

Okay, so you're not a very good writer, but that's okay, because this is more of a personal letter to your son.

I would add that alcohol might lead you to accidentally engaging in sexual intercourse before marriage, or with a fat woman, or with a shemale.

I'm actually curious to read more.

>> No.9244318

Very good point. Can't believe I overlooked that. Including something about lowered inhibitions with women, etc. Thanks anon!

>i never claimed to be a great writer

I do, like Frank McCourt, like to write with clarity.

>> No.9244333

Don't forget accidental sex with niggers.

Be sure to do a chapter about the societies that blacks tend to create, and how women are ruled by emotion rather than logic. Also jews. And globalism.

>> No.9244364


Yeah, there's a chapter on pretty much everything. The book is designed to cover the crucial need to know things. Red pills to a reasonable degree. I want him to take pride in who he is and not let society make him feel bad for being white. Needless to say, I've included a part on races, sex, politics, and just Jewish facts - I think by presenting only the facts, statistics, etc - that this will be enough for him to make a logical opinion of them. I don't necessarily want him turning out to be a racist or anything. I am making the point in this book that the white race is being bred into somewhat of an extinction. I hope by illustrating that point that he will soon be a minority that I will actually have white grand kids one day. I mean it's true though, the white population is drastically diminishing. Another rule I've created is to not lie to him or present any misleading data in the book. Cite things heavily and include footnotes whenever required. I appreciate the way you think anon.