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File: 222 KB, 600x696, Portrait_of_Friedrich_Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9236051 No.9236051 [Reply] [Original]

What was he like in person?

>> No.9236057

/r9k/ in human form.

>> No.9236067

There used to be an amazing copypasta about Nietzsche encountering a shepherd and one of his sheep dogs while on one of his walks in the mountains.

>> No.9236123

he was a good boy

>> No.9236172

>With a Spartan rigour which never ceased to amaze his landlord-grocer, Nietzsche would get up every morning when the faintly dawning sky was still grey, and, after washing himself with cold water from the pitcher and china basin in his bedroom and drinking some warm milk, he would, when not felled by headaches and vomiting, work uninterruptedly until eleven in the morning. He then went for a brisk, two-hour walk through the nearby forest or along the edge of Lake Silvaplana (to the north-east) or of Lake Sils (to the south-west), stopping every now and then to jot down his latest thoughts in the notebook he always carried with him. Returning for a late luncheon at the Hôtel Alpenrose, Nietzsche, who detested promiscuity, avoided the midday crush of the table d’hôte in the large dining-room and ate a more or less ‘private’ lunch, usually consisting of a beefsteak and an ‘unbelievable’ quantity of fruit, which was, the hotel manager was persuaded, the chief cause of his frequent stomach upsets. After luncheon, usually dressed in a long and somewhat threadbare brown jacket, and armed as usual with notebook, pencil, and a large grey-green parasol to shade his eyes, he would stride off again on an even longer walk, which sometimes took him up the Fextal as far as its majestic glacier. Returning ‘home’ between four and five o’clock, he would immediately get back to work, sustaining himself on biscuits, peasant bread, honey (sent from Naumburg), fruit and pots of tea he brewed for himself in the little upstairs ‘dining-room’ next to his bedroom, until, worn out, he snuffed out the candle and went to bed around 11 p.m.

>In order to alleviate his suffering from chronic headaches, persistent vomiting, and a painful digestive disorder, Nietzsche tried a long list of medications as well as a variety of diets. Ironically, it is very likely that Nietzsche’s obsession with fruit was responsible for inflaming his digestive discomfort.

>According to the innkeeper at the Alpine Rose, where Nietzsche stayed for an extended time in 1884, Nietzsche’s daily food intake consistently included a beefsteak for breakfast and fruit for the rest of the day. Not only did Nietzsche purchase fruit from the inn and from local Italian vendors, but he received baskets of fruit shipped to him by his friends as well. This wasn’t a small amount of fruit. Rather, on more than one occasion, Nietzsche ate almost three kilograms (6.5 lbs) of fruit during the course of a single day.

He was also very pleasant and polite. Check out Zweig's book on him, Klimt, and Holderlin.

>> No.9236188

what wold nietzshce think of me liking boys..

>> No.9236189

>Nietzsche was obsessed with eating fruit
That's... weird

>> No.9236247


>> No.9236251

There is a story about him telling a woman about a dream of his and him not heing amused at her laughing about it or somesuch...
Kind of made me think of REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9236258
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 96969677879987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch did he mean buy this

>> No.9236267

From the accounts I've read: interesting, somewhat strange, polite, intense when you got to know him

>> No.9236307

From the accounts I've read: intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.9236317

I always mix that one and Schelling/Schiller. Thanks.

>> No.9236320


>> No.9236321

how do you get such a gigantic stache and how would he drink soup or any other beverage would he have to manually lift it up with one of his hands and how did he kiss a girl or eat her out.

>> No.9236323

Ebinly meme ed

>> No.9236513

He never had a proper relationship with a woman, he might have been gay.

>> No.9236519

he fucked hookers actually

>> No.9236527

Anybody have the pasta about the time he gave a woman a toad to stop her crushing on him?

>> No.9236529


The moustache in that picture should be accurate. The reaction of his contemporaries was somewhat similar to ours, and women used to find it scary.
The moustache in his late pictures were doctored by her sister, in order to make him look even more larger than life.

>> No.9236540

>As I stood waiting by the table, the door to the adjacent room on the right opened, and Nietzsche appeared. With a distraught expression on his pale face, he leaned wearily against the post of the half-opened door and immediately began to speak about the unbearableness of his ailment. He described to me how, when he closed his eyes, he saw an abundance of fantastic flowers, winding and intertwining, constantly growing and changing forms and colours in exotic luxuriance, sprouting one out of the other. “I never get any rest,” he complained…

>tfw you're stuck with aphantasia


>> No.9236544

actually not even that

>> No.9236550

>Nietzsche, as a doctor, had easy access to drugs. He could order whatever he wanted at the local pharmacy. He was surprised by this, as people assumed he was a doctor of medicine and never questioned his credentials to order drugs
>In 1883, while staying in Nice, he was writing out his own prescriptions for the sedative chloral hydrate, signing them "Dr. Nietzsche".


>> No.9236553
File: 30 KB, 620x372, easy on the fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9236555

Easy on teh opium @_@

>> No.9236556

>>In 1883, while staying in Nice, he was writing out his own prescriptions for the sedative chloral hydrate, signing them "Dr. Nietzsche".

By far the funniest thing I've ever read about Nietzsche

>> No.9236576

he did though

>> No.9236580

actually not even that

>> No.9236584

Fucking based

>> No.9236586

He was fucking up his stomach on purpose. What is falling must be pushed

>> No.9236602

Lol what
Citation needed

>> No.9236853

Wait... so was Nietzsche... a junkie?
Fuck, I've pictured him as a complete straigh-edge dude from his Ecce Homo.

>> No.9236866

Get the fuck out

>> No.9236934

No, u ;)

>> No.9236989

>"During his routine afternoon walks across the foothills of Sils-Maria, Nietzsche would often pay a visit to Ida Häusler, the daughter of a local tax collector who was often bedridden for extended periods due to pneumonia. Lacking friends and ignored for the most part by her widower father, Nietzsche would sneak to Ida's bedroom window at the back of the humble farmhouse and gently knock three times. Ida's diary from the time reveal a young girl desperate to escape the confines of her loveless home, and desperate also for the visits of the curious man who her father referred to offhand as "that freak in the mountains". The majority of the letters shared between Nietzsche and Ida have been lost, though the few that remain provide evidence of an intense loneliness passionately shared by two individuals who joked that their only reason to have been born was in order to suffer. "My darling Ida," writes Nietzsche in one of his letters, "it is not nice to be unloved in this world, nor is it wise to allow your loneliness to allow just anyone to love you. But know this, my dearest flower, that I love you in the purest way of which I am capable, and even should I depart sooner than anticipated, know that my love will persist even if my squalid body does not."

>> No.9236998

This sounds fake and gay
If not, sauce pls

>> No.9237014

judging from his letters to lou:

>> No.9237016


Literally no matches for this text outside of this thread. Do you have a source? I desperately want to believe this is true.

>> No.9237050

junkie is a little harsh. dude absolutely could not sleep during the ugly peaks of his bedriddings and had to put himself under. def didn't do it for pleasure.

>> No.9237087

Cate, Curtis (2005). Friedrich Nietzsche, p.453

>> No.9237091

I recall seeing it in either a Hollingdale or Kaufmann bio of Nietzsche.

>> No.9237235
File: 604 KB, 661x718, nietzsche-f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebs questioning Nietzsche's sensitivity to his own nutritional needs


>> No.9237241

He never had a lover and only fucked prostitutes, he got some STD from a prostitute, likely Chlamydia, and this made him so angry, he tipped his fedora so hard that he said "God is dead" and wrote Beyond Good and Evil in one night while scratching at his Chlamydia sore.

>> No.9237247

Syphilis, actually not chlamydia

>> No.9237261

there was never any proof for this

>> No.9237266

Apparently, people always expected him to be large and boisterous and were always taken aback to see how small and calm he was in person.

>> No.9237274

you sound fake and gay

>> No.9237290

This sounds fake. And gay.

>> No.9237293


>> No.9237298


>> No.9237417


DNA-based prediction of Nietzsche’s voice:
