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923184 No.923184 [Reply] [Original]

What is a Mary-Sue?

>> No.923201
File: 70 KB, 382x787, mary sue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.923200

did you check the tropes article on the subject

if not, go there now

if so, go there now

if other, descend into madness now

>> No.923205


>> No.923208

Pic related

>> No.923211


>> No.923209


>> No.923238


Its almost sad how the word has completely lost all of its meaning and now just means "a character I dont like", the same thing has happened to the word "hipster".

>> No.923244
File: 19 KB, 423x289, davidbrentyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comic sans

>> No.923251


>> No.923253
File: 9 KB, 365x365, when I was.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way

>> No.923261


>> No.923265


>> No.923269
File: 91 KB, 338x354, Job for a Cowboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*eyebrows rise*
*spit out water*
*laugh heartily*

>> No.923276

I type everything in comic sans, just to piss off people who actually wasted their time studying typography.

>> No.923284
File: 1.67 MB, 188x148, bfb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.923409

unrelated: what's the source of that gif

>> No.923432

someone please tell me this movie!!!!!

>> No.923434

STop ATTACKINg AnD fuCKINg With wwW.AnoCArrotsTaLk.Se_rEPlaCE_CARroTs_witH N
stkmhrir leztlet qry cny tltncreadwml txsx

>> No.923435

Irréversible (2002).

>> No.923777



>> No.923785

Apart from being ugly and making things look amateurish, I don't really understand all the hate about Comic Sans...

mind you, I'm not a typographer.

>> No.923786

Granted, Eragon isn't a technically a 'Mary Sue' because of his gender but are you disputing his status as that type of character?

>> No.923797


Considering how many idiotic things he's done in the series I hardly think he fits under the characteristics of a Mary Sue.

>> No.923799


That's what you really want to avoid in design. So that's why Comic Sans is usually a bad choice.

The only thing that really bugs me, though, is logos that use the font Papyrus.

>> No.923806

Eragon acts like an idiot, but I don't think any of the characters in the book regard him as an idiot.

>> No.923812

Nearly every character in the book calls him an idiot for his actions, Saphira, Arya, the elf queen, Oromis, Nasuada and Brom just to name a few.

>> No.923816

A Messiah character.
Any character that has significantly more positive attributes than negative ones.

>> No.923846

Eragon's got some kind of a cheerleader groupie following him around. He learned how to read in about a month. Became a master in swordsmanship in about the same amount of time. He also figured out how to do magic all by himself. When Eragon does fuck up, like when he accidentally CURSES a newborn baby instead of blessing it, ultimately ruining the innocent infant's life, it is quickly forgiven and when the baby rapidly ages, ends up helping Eragon instead of being super pissed because the dork turned her into Quasimodo. And he is very clearly living Christopher Paolini's fantasies, especially when he turns into a half-elf in the second book and becomes so awesome at everything that the stingiest assholes in the book accept him into their vegan-hippy Elf society.

>> No.923857



That's definitely some more Mary Sue material.

>> No.923872

Here's that rape scene, its brutal


>> No.923879

I always thought it was funny that the elves in that book had a back-to-nature bullshit going on, especially since THE VARDEN who they supported always to me seemed to have the mentality of either the Taliban or a right-wing militia group.

>> No.923888

Just looked up "Irreversible" and I'm pretty sure I saw the summary of the plot on the back of a book I saw a kid who sat next to me reading in middle school.

>> No.923901

this movie is inaccurate raping someone is from inemptly trying to fuck them when they dont want you on them not yelling and beating someone up. no guy gets a hard on being angry like that.

>> No.923913
File: 26 KB, 640x480, Woo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this movie is inaccurate raping someone is from inemptly trying to fuck them when they dont want you on them not yelling and beating someone up.

I think it's trying to communicate.

>> No.923925


>> No.923941


>> No.923946

have you ever been horny and wanted to take the nearest hot sexy person near you by force right then and there?
is the answer yes? then you have the mentality of a rapist.

>> No.923950

There is no sense in which the use described in that image is "retroactive." Writer needs to learn to English.

>> No.923952

Great, now I have an erection.

>> No.923959

Jesus is a very good example of a Mary Sue. So are most of the heroes in the bible as a matter of fact.
So many of them can get away with acting like complete dicks for no other fact than that they have faith in God and God loves them for it.

>> No.923966
File: 29 KB, 400x300, gay_rape_pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Soviet Russia, an erection has you

>> No.923969

Almost every fantasy hero is copied from a copy of a copy that leads back to a Messiah based character of some sort, like King Arthur.

>> No.923975

There's a reason why the anti-hero is more popular these days.

In mythology, the unbeatable warrior invariably dies at the end. If you take away that part, you just have an insufferable, perfect character.

>> No.923986

Everybody thinks like that, that doesn't mean they're a future rapist because they're not aggressive enough to force another person into submission.

>> No.924010

your mom's a rapist

>> No.924038

The difference between rapists and everyone else is that rapists lack the self-control to not rape. Everyone thinks about it at one time or another, but they refrain from doing it.

>> No.924040

Women can get away with it though. When they do it it's seduction not rape. :3

>> No.924065

Probably because sex from a woman isn't generally painful for men unless she has a strap-on, regardless of whether or not they want it.

>> No.924073

Why did biology make it so sex from a man is painful for a woman?
The Hell, God? :/

>> No.924074

Exactly. Oh no, a warm squishy hole is on top of my dong vs. OH GOD I AM BLEEDING EVERYWHERE, PLEASE HELP ME I'M GOING TO DIE.

>> No.924081

pick one to blame, but on a serious note: all of nature is like this. Very few species (to be honest, none I can name off the top of my head) have pleasurable sex for females.

>> No.924085

Then why is it that with most animal series the male pretty much just goes after a female or jumps her at random?
I dunno, from a human perspective that seems pretty close to rape and therefore pretty fucked up.

>> No.924090

This means that male sexuality in its non-submissive form is the lowest form of evil while female sexuality in its aggressive form is always good.

The implications of this are of course that males are born monsters while females are not.

>> No.924096

Most of animal mating is basically rape, yes. Restraining oneself is solely a human concept (and a dolphin one, I think), a conscious reign we put on our instincts to prevent ourselves from being rejected by the societal pack.

>> No.924099

Almost all animal sex is rape. Females rape eachother, males rape everything.

>> No.924100

Last time I checked, they weren't human, so human perspective would mean shit all to them.

>> No.924104

Some real penis-hating going on in this thread right now.

>> No.924106

I'm uncomfortable about owning a male dog knowing what it does to female dogs without inhibition is the same thing my piece of shit rapist dad did to my mom.

>> No.924108

>males are born monsters while females are not.
Anyone who has ever raised both a daughter and son knows this. Boys are savage to begin with and have to be trained, girls are well-behaved and open to begin with, but are trained to be catty and self-hating.

>> No.924111
File: 25 KB, 400x534, vaginamocopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nice relief from /r9k/'s constant back-to-the-kitchen hurr durr misogyny

>> No.924115

Get them fixed and spray them with water if they try to rape other dogs. They can be trained to not rape quite easily.

>> No.924118

The majority opinion is to hate the penis. A penis is like a handgun, people are uncomfortable being around it because they know what an irresponsible person can do with it and that they may very well be its victims.

>> No.924119
File: 1.35 MB, 295x296, vdvs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.924121

I'd rather taze the fuck out of my dog's dick if he ever tries to pull that shit.

>> No.924122

>A penis is like a handgun, people are uncomfortable being around it because they know what an irresponsible person can do with it and that they may very well be its victims.
May I quote this? It's the most accurate description of phallic fear at a basic level that I've read.

>> No.924129

I can only dream of a world where I can pull down a random cute girl's pants and give her pleasure whenever I want, and she would enjoy it and love me for it.

But in real life that would be rape and I would be like a savage animal who snuck into the fold to eat the sheep.

Feels bad, man. :(

>> No.924130

You're brave. After my great dane tried to rape my girlfriend, I realized that all "domestic" animal labels are total bullshit. A dog will rape you or kill you if they see an advantage to doing so.

>> No.924138

I love this thread. :D

Carry on.