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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 269x401, conradjoetext96hdark12a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9231042 No.9231042 [Reply] [Original]

Find a flaw.

>> No.9231052


>> No.9231090

It's boring.

>> No.9231108

Just because of the dense prose, or is your critique aimed at the plot?

>> No.9231113

Aguirre was better

>> No.9231129

The dense prose. I really don't care for plot all that much.

>> No.9231146


>> No.9231161

Apocalypse Now was better.

>> No.9231170


>> No.9231190

Never in all my life has 100 little pages made me contemplate suicide...violent suicide. i had to finish it. i had no choice (yay college!). every page was literally painful.

am i supposed to feel sorry for him? because i don't. i feel sorry for all of Africa getting invaded with dumbasses like this guy. oh and in case you didn't get it...the "heart of darkness" is like this super deep megametaphor of all metaphors. and in case it wasn't clear enough, conrad will spend many many useless words clearly explaining the layers of depth his metaphor can take. oh man...my heart is dark...and i'm also in the middle of Africa...and it's dark...and depressing...get it...get it...

>> No.9231197
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>dense prose

>> No.9231201

I can't read it by first time again.

>> No.9231270

Stupid, useless, syrupy "frame story". It's not enough that he makes the reader wade through mush as we meander upstream the story, we have to dismantle some more sententious musings that contribute nothing of value.

>> No.9231275


that pointless plantation scene

>> No.9231285

Nigger of the Narcissus was way better

>> No.9231316


>> No.9231325

Reading it feels like trudging through molasses.

>> No.9231495

>am I supposed to feel sorry for him?
I hate readers like you

>> No.9231604

The entirity of it.

>> No.9231630

>he fell for it

>> No.9231666

The guy in a single sentence does 10 thousand things in the same time

How is that not fucking amazing?

Fucking plebs

>> No.9231949

This, Conrad is a gigantic pleb filter

>> No.9232050

Does Conrad have better books than HoD?

>> No.9232074

No but read them anyway
I like his short ones like typhoon

>> No.9232083

you should reconsider that suicide

>> No.9232088

Only bad thing is all the half-baked adaptions it spawned.

>> No.9232107

Apocalypse Now is great though

>> No.9232166

Tbh I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember thinking a lot had been lost in translation. I'm tempted to revisit it now tho

>> No.9233701

> oh man...my heart is dark...and i'm also in the middle of Africa...and it's dark...and depressing...get it...get it...

thats not what his prose was like at all

just go back to third grade, you're done.

>> No.9233765

It's goodreads pasta m8

>> No.9233767
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>> No.9233780


>> No.9233787

lol that's a perfect description

>> No.9233797
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Why is it always a women who fail to read? Is there no hope for a /lit/ waifu?

>> No.9233810

You'd think Sartre would be a better book reviewer.

>> No.9233853

''It’s queer how out of touch with truth women are. They live in a world of their own, and there has never been anything like it, and never can be. It is too beautiful altogether, and if they were to set it up it would go to pieces before the first sunset. Some confounded fact we men have been living contentedly with ever since the day of creation would start up and knock the whole thing over.''
Not a flaw, just a cool passage.

>> No.9233915


>> No.9234125
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>> No.9234302


>> No.9234413
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Conrad is a brilliant author. His ambiguity and irony leads so much to be taken from this book.

Still, it's a difficult read, and not in a good way. The prose is dense as fuck and this is emphasized by the awkward framework of Marlow recounting the experience rather than being a proper narrator.

>> No.9234444
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>you will never give Kurtz a good drubbing
Why live?

>> No.9234459

Sorry, which sentence?

>> No.9234469

all character movements and locations are described in their relation to various parts of the boat and I don't know dick about boat parts.

>> No.9234474

I hate readers who assume that a writer wants them to feel a certain way and that if they do not feel that way then the writer has failed them.

I also hate people who think that them feeling sorry for someone is important.

>> No.9234480
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>quad quads

>> No.9234500

According to your final example you seem to have a very narrow understanding on the function of a metaphor and symbolism.

Yet again, you believe that feeling sorry for someone (who? Kurtz? our narrator?) it's a valid interpretation of Heart of Darkness.

>> No.9234504


People who don't care for plot and say they enjoy prose are too stupid to understand the words they pretend to enjoy.

>> No.9234547

People who read for plot and prose exclusively end up making reviews of goodreads

>> No.9234920

There are other things besides prose and plot. There's theme, execution, form, etc.

Plot is for plebs who need something to be entertained by, because they're bored too easily. Sure, plot can be useful, especially it falls in line really well with the narrative's execution. But for the most part its louder than the more important aspects of the novel.

Reading for primarily plot is shallow as fuck. People do it to fill time. Literally escapism.

>> No.9235243

What was Heart of Darkness about if not racism

>> No.9235280

>"I let him run on, this papier-mache mephistopheles, and it seemed to me that if I tried I could poke my forefinger through him, and would find nothing but a little loose dirt inside."

>> No.9235300

I can find a flaw in that book cover pictured.

We're reading that in English (in b4 underage I'm 18), and my copy has that same shitty resolution of the original post image, but its an 8.5 by 11 book.

It looks like trash, but it was 99 cents which is why the school bought it.

The fucking book doesn't even sit flat and the inside text is tiny.

Whomever printed that book ought to be put down for the good of society.

The real fucking kicker is that like most print on demand books it was printed in Lexington KY. Someone who spoke english and was paid at least minimum wage did that, not even some chinese half slave who was more concerned with hacking up the dark mucus that is belched from the factories that power our decadent consumeristic society.

Got a bit carried away but my point stands.

>> No.9235318

Read it again and again until it penetrates your thick skull

>> No.9235322
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>> No.9235336

Bet this is from goodreads or another shithole like that. Post screens.

>> No.9235353

A nigger's heart

>> No.9235519

What's a good way to broaden my understanding on the function of a metaphor and symbolism anon

>> No.9235525

read a book.

>> No.9235537

watch the directors cut of it, while much longer it does a very good job of adapting the story

>> No.9235538

You're either smart or you're not Dude

>> No.9235553

What else did it add besides the rubber factory and the playboy girls? I can't remember

>> No.9235571

It's been a while but when he's speaking with the frenchman who is explaining their purpose in continuing their fight, also the overall progression of the mission deeper into the rot and the insanity feels smoother

>> No.9235583

The French scenes are shit tho, they stop the story dead in its tracks. What they should have added is the small 2-3 minute monkey raft scene, tho that struck a little too close to Aguirre I suppose

>> No.9235593

thanks /lit/ I'm a better person today because of (You)