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9230933 No.9230933 [Reply] [Original]

Post the first line of your new novel lit

It's not like is going anywhere
Hard mode: not CRASH and enemys jokes

>> No.9230936

Call me Enemy

>> No.9230937


>> No.9230938

Daylight savings sodomized me.

>> No.9230942

Call me Pancake

>> No.9230965

You'd never think that sitting on a golf ball would be enough to change your life.

>> No.9230987

This is the first line of anon's new novel.

>> No.9230993

Many miss the comfort of knowing the psychopaths in their areas were just maladjusted people, and the gruesome scenes reported on the television were done by the hands of one of those people; while they were unpredictable and dangerous, everyone knew they were human underneath, and that these horrible events were caused by men. It is when unfamiliar monsters wear the flesh of men, do people long for rippers and stranglers. When people would prefer a balding-but-calculated serial killer, over what aberration is stalking the countryside.

>> No.9231007

"FUCK! Mulligan." The corporate executive exclaimed as his peers snickered.

>> No.9231020

Outside the central heated office building, bloated clouds had swallowed the afternoon.

>> No.9231071

this is actually decent desu. reminds me of IJ

>> No.9231077


>> No.9231080

Twas the night before yesterday.

>> No.9231086

I'm going to kill the desufag.

>> No.9231087


What do you mean by 'IJ'? Are you being facetious about my writing being decent? I am trying to improve my writing each day.

>> No.9231124


It's obvious that the corporate executive exclaimed, because you previously used an exclamation point with his dialogue.


>> No.9231145

>missing the point

This is what happens when education just mills robots.

>> No.9231166


What was your point?

>> No.9231169

Not having seen the whole scene, I would still hazard to guess that the peers snickered at or after the exclamation

>> No.9231183


Sure, but that's a separate claim to what I said.

>> No.9231194


Not a novel but a short story:

Kiri was a good-natured girl of eighteen—born to a Japanese mother and a conventionally Australian father—who had a face both simple and unique, forgettable and remarkable.

>> No.9231195


Can you post the first paragraph? You're telling a lot here. I wonder if you go on to show, rather than tell, beyond this opening sentence.

>> No.9231199

My office had four walls.

>> No.9231202

>Kiri was a good-natured girl of eighteen—born to a Japanese mother and a conventionally Australian father—who had a face both simple and unique, forgettable and remarkable.
I'd drop this.

>> No.9231205

A spear penetrated Noah's ear. He collapsed to the ground and drowned in a pool of his own blood.

>> No.9231206


Why? What's wrong with it?

>> No.9231210


I would but the piece is a fucking clutter right now, I don't tend to write in a linear fashion when I write shorts.

I went with these opening lines however because the story follows her getting her portrait drawn in charcoal. The plot itself is the dichotomy of the artist and the subject (her), but the facial features are important.

Will work on opening para now though and post if we don't 404.

>> No.9231214

Dissolved, broken apart, time and time again proven to be weak against a golden, aqueous solution; magnesium happily allowed this, and ceased to exist as itself, but rather a part of something else. Magnesium is humble, and we are golden.

>> No.9231218

>who had a face both simple and unique, forgettable and remarkable.
This point should be a new sentance, or preferably worked in else where. It sounds like her father has a simple and unique face.

>> No.9231223
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learn2 m dash

>> No.9231228

Nearly everything. Firstly, it feels like I've read it an actual million times.
Find better ways to drop her lineage if it matters. I don't want you to tell me she's good-natured, especially with your tone. Your simple and unique, forgettable and remarkable line just makes me shake my head. You've heard it so many times you think it's worth describing this way.
There's nothing there, anon.

>> No.9231251
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Just for clarity, that question wasn't OP

Anyways - this just happens to be the first thing I had written for this piece, as of yet not even a first draft. In saying that, it's pretty important that my opening lines signify not only her parents ethnicity, but also *something* about her facial in general.

Any suggestions on how to do this better? To be honest long form fiction is where I'm most experienced and I find short form much, much harder.

>> No.9231258

Outside the central heated office building, bloated clouds had swallowed the afternoon. They gushed rain against the polished windows, and made the headlights of packed Hyundai's on the street below appear grey. A man jousted his umbrella this way and that, hair wet against his forehead, his briefcase rattling in his free hand. Up in the offices, his frenzy appeared more like a strange, inaudible rain dance. But in the office, where the soil in plant pots had become arid powder, one employee snored with his tie loose around his collar, wet from perspiration. Another chugged water bottles one after the other.

>Here's the first paragraph of my short story. It's the first draft.

>> No.9231266

Think you missed the point. And the line above it.

>> No.9231357

That nigger came up to me and I came into him with my dick.

>> No.9231377

You move fast.

>> No.9231390
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"Hot damn! is it that time again?" Terry McFishburger pulled the mouthpiece of a trumpet out from his tight anus and fixed it to the rest of the trumpet that was sitting on his bedside table. "TOOT TOOT!" was the noise the trumpet made, McFishburger blowing hard into the instrument. It was midnight, also known as 'the witching hour', and every night at midnight Terry McFishburger pulled the mouthpiece of a trumpet out of his tight anus and attached it to the rest of a trumpet and played the damn thing until his lips were chapped. It's little rituals like these that keep a man sane, Terry's father had told him on his deathbed, his own lips pressed to his own shit-covered mouthpiece.

>> No.9231393

>inb4 It was a dark and stormy night

>> No.9231399

You're a meme now.

>> No.9231400

This is incorrect
Psychopaths are NOT "humans underneath". Psychopaths lack all "humanity" -compassion, fear of consequences, empathy, consideration of others as "human" instead of objects...
And people fear more the psychopath than the "rippers and stranglers" -THOSE are "human underneath".

>> No.9231403

short story, first paragraph.

We visited the old mill just once together, on a whim of Joanna’s, who had thought after the divorce that it would be best to get out and clear our heads for a while. This had not been her first try at a distraction, though it did show itself to be the most transparent. Of course she hadn’t believed it. She was fifteen, and not so naive. But I was young enough then—I was only eleven—I could not yet see through her so easily.

>> No.9231405

There was only one crash left, two if you counted God

>> No.9231426


Why? I don't understand what you meant.

>> No.9231459


Not too bad.


>> No.9231533

It's not that I don't trust Tinkers, it's just that I know that those devious little shits are up to something.

>> No.9231577

I remember, back when I was still legally married, how happy I was. Everyday, after work, when I opened the door, joy instantly jolted through me as I saw my wife, James Joyce, preparing dinner.

>> No.9231605

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

>> No.9231610

Ivan realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense.

>> No.9231621

"What the fuck does desu even mean, you fat fuck!?" Screamed Herbert, as he waved a pistol in my face.

>> No.9231645


>> No.9231993


>> No.9232005

wtf is a tinker?

>> No.9232029


why do you think i hate the gauchian distribution and a certain "pepper"?

>> No.9232032

Not bad

Not bad

Well, with the explanation it doesn't sound that terrible anymore. so yeah, i also suggest that you post the first paragraph


Not bad but not so good either

lol, sure u trolling but is not bad actually :)

Not bad but sounds like an anime
kek'd hard

>> No.9232040

"It was the tenth day that he woke up a centimeter taller."

>> No.9232048



>> No.9232056

"Tinkers" are Irish itinerants. I'm writing a story about tensions between Tinkers and the inhabitants of a town in the West of Ireland.

>> No.9232058

This one sounds familiar, have you posted it before or is it just a meme felllow anon?

>> No.9232141

See the boy who stands in dust. See him as he pulls and coughs with his arm on his eyes and sweat trickling. His eyes move many ways and he cannot keep his teeth together. Feel the guilt on his shoulders, though he has yet seen nothing, feel the guilt he yearns to place upon his shoulders. He is thirsty. Grit cakes his tongue.

Just wrote it. Too many references?
It's a meme.

>> No.9232210

The opening paragraph to a novella I'm writing about Chernobyl.

"A low rumble breaks the night’s silence. On the city’s horizon shines a glass torch, the poisoned smoke rising upwards, and from the flame comes a spectrum of prodigious colour; a sickening rainbow spreading through the evening skies. A middle-aged labourer, unable to sleep, leans out his window to see what he heard. He sees clearly the magnitude of this tremor, watching as specs of hot-red rock drop from the light. He’s mesmerised by its beauty; the shimmering hues that dance over the city and sing to his eyes."

>> No.9232226

Pretty neat

>> No.9232355

Simon Clemens, the bitter one, the pathetic one, was a man of choice but not action.

>> No.9232403

Im a Demon, Sent from the wastlands of the Glowing Sea, where we were cast out, and through disaster and devostation, we lost our innocense. It is in that moment, that feeling, the feeling of powerlessness. It is in that feeling where good men, turn cruel. I on the other hand, know this feeling, and will do everything in my power, to make sure no man must bere that feeling, alone.

>> No.9232421
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>tfw I try to start everything I write with CRASH or enemys
>tfw cant post in this thread

>> No.9232425

I like this, but I feel like it's a little too blatantly oxymoronic. Unless the speaker is doing that on purpose to be funny, in which case it works great. Otherwise, you should work a little harder to make it sound like the speaker doesnt understand his own hypocrisy

>> No.9232439
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I whipped my big flopping cock out and planted it harshly on her forehead.


"Ouch Donald, that hurts a lot!" Hillary Clinton said as I clasped the base of my orange python and smeared her winkled and papery face with my ¡Jeb!

"WRONG" I shouted, before thrusting into her loser mouth.

>> No.9232451

Dead trees, Godless skies and a man with no eyes. Rose smoked her third cigarette of the hour - her thirtieth of the day - in the once green but now grey and wilted park.

>> No.9232458
File: 29 KB, 696x413, trump laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"WRONG" I shouted, before thrusting into her loser mouth.

>> No.9232459

I’d spent the night sipping on that wild nectar only the Golden Gai serves up - crystals of amber, holding them up against the sultry light to test their lustre.

>> No.9232474

In the rain, the empty chapel was crammed with ten thousand phantoms.

>> No.9232511

>Rose smoked
Oh cool this is going to be an interesting floral image
>her third cigarette

>> No.9232584

The penis laid across the mans forehead was a symbolic cock penis cock wingala dingaloopy

>> No.9232585

Why were an 11 and 15 year old married? And why are they hanging out at the mill after they got divorced?

Makes no sense, complete garbage.

>> No.9232595

I don't think he made it sound like they were married at all. Of course, he could eliminate any confusion by saying "my parents' divorce".

>> No.9232611

>thirtieth of the day

>> No.9232616

The wheels of history turn like a rusty gate in synchronously oiled with the cries of those vanquished ringing out a cacophony of sorrow and self loathing.

>> No.9232628


>> No.9233840

god tier
keep it up

>> No.9233908

(The protagonist is supposed to come off as edgy.)

I awoke to the scent and sting of chemical cleaners again. After my morning coughing fit, during which I struggled to take a drink from the tepid water on my nightstand, I took a shaky step out of bed. Sharp ache, from my head to my hips. Was I dying? Two fingers along my carotid put my hopes to rest.

>> No.9234262

The black girls on the bus were being loud again, but fortunately weeks of practice had given me the ability to silence them with a single look - a dead-eyed stare, an eerie smile and a perfectly calculated twitch of my left eye.

>> No.9234308

Infinite Jest is a novel by David Foster Wallace. The book is a very long meme on this board. Some people love it unironically, some ironically, some people hate it unironically, some ironically.

>> No.9234318

You can do better. Perhaps wear a leather jacket when you write

>> No.9234344

First line, not paragraph.
And unless you have a low wordcount, I'd hold off on the bluntness displayed in the 2nd and 4th/5th sentences.
The 2nd is the main offender: you're stuffing too many actions into too little time, and it botches the hazy mood you'd expect from someone sickly slowly waking up.
The fragmented nature of the third line is good, but its curtness is lost when all the other sentences are so similarly short. Were it between more languorous ones, it could represent the acuity of the pain (and the sharpness of the coughs) better.
The protag does come off as edgy, but maybe a little too edgy to take seriously. More subtlety or more tone-building before you drop something like "put my hopes to rest" would do you some good. I can see an angry 15-year old digging this as is, but who're you writing for?

No offense meant in any of this, by the way. Tonally, I'm reminded of some of my highschool writing, but this is certainly syntactically and lexically more interesting.

>> No.9234347

Tone down that McCarthy voice you're speaking through, but maintain the density of description you have going on. Keep every sentence meaning something, the way they do now.

>> No.9234362

At some point in the future, Agostina Maneilia Penbloc might look back on what is about to happen and recall that the day of itself wasn’t to be as remarkable as what will happen in it; when the beginning, the present and the end will be forced into the same immediacy, reaching a mass as critical as that of a collapsing star, a nearness felt by all like walls closing in. The apocalypse, or something just as bad, is about to come down out of nowhere.

>> No.9234363

All I heard was 'bazinga!', and then something went up my ass.

>> No.9234417

>not understanding basic copy editing
why are there so many semi-literate people on here?

>> No.9234429

starting out by describing the weather is always a bad choice. you might as well say "it was a dark and stormy night"

>> No.9234435

this should be the entire wikipedia article for the book

>> No.9234456

don't use adverbs. find a different word besides forgettable, seeing as forgettable and remarkable mean the exact opposite thing. also describing your protag as boring doesn't make me want to know more. Also Kiri is a bad name, it sounds made up

>> No.9234461

dashes aren't part of the english language, there is no right way to use them.

>> No.9234466

>don't use adverbs
Don't post again.

>> No.9234473

it doesn't start with enemys u dunce!

>> No.9234478

intriguing. spear and ear rhyme so that sounds bad. also it is redundant to say the blood is his. but this is the only interesting line so far

>> No.9234485

bretty good

>> No.9234493

i like this

>> No.9234499
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>> No.9234501

you stupid monkey

>> No.9234510

pure autism

>> No.9234513

fallout 4/10

>> No.9234518

good writers don't use adverbs. find the right verb or don't use one

>> No.9234533

This is so awful to read. You can pinpoint the last book you read, and you give us a poor imitation. It's overwrought in the worst quality.
Do something else, kill your idols, and understand why "clouds had swallowed the afternoon" is the only thing to salvage from this.
You have awful taste. But I agree with your advice at least. "A spear pierced Noah's ear. He collapsed to the ground and drowned." is better. But I doubt this sentence will go anywhere due to how bare yet worked his sentence is.

>> No.9234535
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Bezoaria was a planet with only eight-tenths of Earth's gravity, a volcanic world made exotic by its history.

>> No.9234536

Doesn't seem like you know how to read.

>> No.9234565


This is good advice, thank you. I don't want the reader to take the protag seriously, but I suppose I am rushing things with the edge. Rewrites, rewrites!

>> No.9234568

Oh, oh, I know exactly the plot of THIS story.

>> No.9234582

Plot? You mean a woman's usually-clothed "plot", right?

>> No.9234590

I pushed the door to Engelbert's room open. He pulled his pants up, but not quick enough.

"Moom I told you to knock before coming innn"

>> No.9234690

Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.

>> No.9234742

It had been a slow winter. Days never blue, air in permanent chill, windows all fogged, hot mugs of tea cooling faster than you could drink them, people out in their thickest hoodies, skin frosty pale under a grey-washed overcast of boring clouds, no shadows anywhere, cold wind blasting through whenever rain wasn’t thrashing down in sheets at black umbrella-tops held at the sky.

>> No.9234754

I am seated in an office, surrounded by heads and bodies.

>> No.9234756

A damned shame. That was about all anyone could say.

>> No.9234768

Really awesome man, this surely will be one of the unforgettables

>> No.9234770

I think I got a job today; they want me to draw shoes. The ones I drew were old and used. They told me to draw something new.

>> No.9234775
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>grey-washed overcast of boring clouds

tfw your skin is frosty pale under boring clouds

>> No.9234790

overrated af

>> No.9234806

Mom and me were eating pancakes when all of a sudden CRASH! God killed my mother through a drunken driver.

>> No.9234815

>me were eating pancakes
no comment

>> No.9234822

"Oonga lunga chunga", Said the nigger Bingo with his tattered and patched clothing, as he chewed on the chunga changa banana banga that he had inserted in the mayor's wife's pussy just a minute ago.

>> No.9234827


>> No.9234828

Finally, after two long months of boring menial labor, and living in the stark and dark Outer City, he made enough points.

>> No.9234829

me was eating pancake because me was hungry

>> No.9234833

I don't understand, sorry.

>> No.9234839

Not good very bad

>> No.9234845

I read it this way too.

>> No.9234863

>Me don't understand, sorry

>> No.9234876

No thanks. I don't care to use incorrect grammar.

>> No.9234893

Ah, taking influence from the old Pynchmeister I see!

>> No.9234914

Reading a description of the horizon in opening paragraphs makes me cringe. Pretty good though otherwise.

>> No.9234919

Jesus fucking Christ you mongoloid

>> No.9234966

"Ahh yes there."
Snip! Snip!
"Just the finishing touches left and I will receive my deservedly warm embrace of my Lord's eternal kingdom. Oh yes much room for me, much room. Merely a flesh wound 'tis, my handsome fellows! "
He rubs the bloodied flap between his fingers before tasting it.
"I suppose this is fit to be thrown to the dogs."
He notices there are no dogs and places the flesh piece in the chest pocket of his flannel shirt. He begins to scream at the bus driver with his nail clippers in hand.

>> No.9234978

Plenty of people love this style, but it would turn me off instantly. Comes across as pretentious to me.

>> No.9235056

>See the boy.


>> No.9235081

As soon as I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

>> No.9235089


Enjoy prison for plagiarizing godfather 3

>> No.9235116

'Darn it,' thought Pol Pot, 'them snooty intellectuals get my goat bad.'

>> No.9235196

Only once Endeavour Airways Flight 14 began its final approach did Samuel Shin remember his mouthguard soaking in a bowl of hydrogen peroxide some 250 miles away.

>> No.9235237

76 hours 32 minutes and 17 seconds have passed since the last time Eric was asleep, he only managed to stay in that state for 20 minutes approximately.

>> No.9235238


Well said, anon

>> No.9235264
File: 233 KB, 1080x1349, 14134710_1111820095564415_723143663_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, 6/10, what is the story about?

Pretty good actually 9/10

Ew, platitude much? Not bad I guess. 5/10

Teh edgy teen, but not bad, 6/10

Not bad but this got that "I read this fucking one hundred times already" feeling

Very simple and unpretentious, I like it 7/10

Ew, 5/10

Slow down Shakespeare, in the first line you're trying to attach the reader, you'll have the rest of the novel for gibberish trash like this. 3/10

Not bad, 5/10

lmao dat edginess bro, 3/10

Ew, like the two last sentences, but the begining sounds kind of cliche and moronic


Not bad, 6/10

The idea is goot but the writing is shit

Ew, 4/10

>> No.9235383

I'm sorry but I am not the villain The World will tell you I am. I am but a message to be heard for those of you willing to hear it. A message that awakens the subverted will of the once-called patriots. But fear not. The desire to suppress your ears is but the fleeting thirst of balance where balance was not needed. A desire to give and take what it claims you deserve.

>> No.9235404

Aaron Gallagher stood in the station listening to the movement of the crowd around him, taken aback by the volume in the subterranean subway platform. He did not usually go out at this time of day, but his mind, with all recent memories clouded by doubt, had convinced him to meet with one of the few people he knew would provide him with the information he needed. An announcer’s voice suddenly leapt from the overhead speaker, signaling the arrival of the train that would take him from New York Public University to Queens, where he would then meet with the person who would change his life. The yellow line noiselessly stopped in front of the platform, its doors opening. As the people the train had previously swallowed exited, the platform became deafening. Aaron could no longer hear his nervous thinking over the countless bodies swarming past him.

>> No.9235418

He was looking at the lipstick stained glass, puffing his nostrils for a half gone smell of woman's perfume as the footsteps behind him grew more distant on rising footsteps, stopped for the briefest moment and the sound of a closing door made him shudder and slump back.

>> No.9235556

Stop acting like psychopaths are mythical creatures. They're flesh & blood humans.

>> No.9236104

I have only seen my brother speechless twice - when my father died and when wall street crashed.

>> No.9236126

Hi, my name is Vagina Wolf.

>> No.9236212

>Tone down that McCarthy voice you're speaking through
But anon, I already did. But looking back a few things seem a little over the board. I think I can do the Gilgamesh thing more subtly through the seen-nothing than the see-the-boy.

Fight me

>Not bad, 6/10, what is the story about?
What was good, and what could I improve?

The story's a spy story. The boy finds a family in a spy ring, and it ends with everybody dead but him and his adoptive daughter, who runs away. Then he is visited by a God, who forces him through a fantasy made from his memories.

I'm thinking of having that last fantasy be the entirety of the book, but something tickles me about writing a whole half of a book which no one will see.

>> No.9236381

My so-called wife has gone to bed; I felt like crying over lost times again but figured I'd right about them instead.

>> No.9236387

Just a single foe persisted; two, if you included Allah.

>> No.9236406


I'm >>9234362
How about this instead?
>The Pacific hemisphere of the earth is in dawning, Tasman sea coming aglitter. The sun’s flaming frontier advances past New South Wales and environs, ‘cross underbelly of Victoria, filters through Southern winehills and over mangroves, sweeps arcing towards the Indian ocean, while behind the sun: cosmic movements are posing to strike. The beginning, the present and the end will be forced into the same immediacy, reaching a mass as critical as that of a collapsing star, a nearness felt by all like walls closing in. The apocalypse, or something just as bad, is about to descend out of nowhere.

>> No.9237028

stately, plump fuck mulligan

>> No.9237039

Stately, I fucked a plump Buck Mulligan.

>> No.9237046

On the day that Yago Pavo had been born, his father had wept. He had wept bitter tears of shameless indignation at the great injustice; tears of fury; tears of sorrow; tears of grief. In fact, by sunset, he had shed so many tears that he became dangerously dehydrated and had a stroke.

>> No.9237059

words words words

>> No.9237085

>words words words
that's generally what writing consists of

>> No.9237094

The effect would be greater if you pared down your chaff-words. Remove the "hads" and adjectives.

>On the day Yago Pavo was born, his father wept. He wept bitter tears of indignation at the injustice: tears of fury; tears of sorrow; tears of grief. By sunset he had shed so many tears that he became dehydrated and had a stroke.

I'm sure you had reasons for all that, but this way seems best to me.

Your comically conversationalist style does not need to be so hammered in. Using too many "in facts" and "dangerously"s is, in fact, dangerous. "On the day" and "by sunset" create that impression by themselves, and "he became dehydrated" has the same information while carrying a larger impact.

Also your prose itself can feel like cramming your mouth with too much teeth, like that "bitter tears of shameless indignation at the great injustice" chunk; focus on how words sound as you string them together.
Should have painted a vase. Fucking idiot

>> No.9237212

How about this?

>Bezoaria was a planet with only eight-tenths of Earth's gravity, a volcanic world that would have gone unnoticed by most if not for its history. Biosphere creation was a tricky thing, but the mob of anarcho-syndicalists that settled on Bezoaria pulled out all the stops when it came to their efforts to make the planet livable, if only for the sake of more clout amongst their peers. Echinoderm reefs, swarm thickets, cloud forests, geyser savannas, five Earth-centuries of brutal natural selection in all of its forms, swiftly setting in place a biosphere that would outlive its creators.

>> No.9237215

He sat in his armchair, duct taped and patched.

>> No.9237223


>Eric was sitting with his legs dangling off the bow of his ship, still docked when it happened for the first time.

>> No.9237243

If you mean for the ambiguity surrounding what, exactly, is duct taped and patched, then it's mediocre. There's no hook to it -- it has no emotion. And the whiplash is not what I would want in the very start of a novel; it's too alienating. You have many more words to play with than this tiny sentence. Build it up.

It is difficult to see this within a larger work. It seems like a pithy one-liner to post on /lit/ much more than it seems like an excerpt.

I dunno how to say this, but your prose is soulless. It doesn't seem /you/. It's like you only wanted to tell us certain facts (he sat, in his armchair, duct taped and patched). It's not like you wanted to pull us into your story. That is very badly explained and hopefully other people agree with me and can say it better.

If you don't mean for the ambiguity, rewrite it.

>> No.9237269

>the song of the seaguls brought him back to the sea

>> No.9237304

>the song of Steven Seagal brought his fist into the sea's chest

>> No.9237322

This is much, much worse. Your original brought in the -idea- of history (while making us care about it), even if it had excess information and the prose was clunky. This is almost entirely excess information, and the prose is very clunky.

I think they only gave 2/10 because of your pic and their (apparent) disgust at genre fiction. In reality your post was not outside the average. This, however, is far below it.

Just read more. You reek of genre fiction. The best cure is to read non-genre fiction. That doesn't mean "avoid SFF", because plenty of SFF is not genre fiction.

>> No.9237345

Thanks for the advice. It was a last minute edit and I thought the slight ambiguity made it better than the first iteration.

>> No.9237356

Thanks for the advice!

>> No.9237383 [DELETED] 

There's a regular practice when discovering one has STD's to call of your past suitors and inform them of their possible afflictions; but when Edgar say goodbye to a bitch, he mean it.

>> No.9237386

There's a regular practice when discovering one has STD's to call your past suitors and inform them of their possible afflictions; but when Edgar say goodbye to a bitch, he mean it.

>> No.9237413

Dude have you never seen dashes in your life?

>> No.9237446


>> No.9237475

Also, I just began reading Seveneves and The Night Land, dunno if those count as genre fiction or not.

>> No.9237632

I would never call The Night Land genre fiction. Dunno about Seveneves -- from a two-second scan of its wikipedia page it looks pretty unpromising, but that's a stupid way to judge things.

How much conventionally /lit/ shit do you read? You know: The Greeks, Dosto, Joyce, Shakespeare. That stuff is always a good bet, and always varied enough to give you a good feel for what you can do with language. But it's not like The Night Land isn't good enough either.

Don't stop writing btw, not that I think you would. It's just that I think the best way to improve, other than practising more, is to read more.

>> No.9237750

Yeah, the clunkiest part of my novel so far has been the opening paragraph and a few other paragraphs. I'm about 110 pages in. I'm new to /lit/, so I've never read Dosto or Joyce, and Shakespeare is boring to me (unfortunately). I've read Watership Down and most of China Mieville's work, though I'm certain the latter has damaged my writing.

I'm not one for giving up on anything, so I can only improve.

>> No.9237971

Only if you consider Hemingway a good writer

>> No.9238101

Nah, I actually had the same thought for whatever reason. I hear echoes of IJ's opening in it.

>> No.9238173

Did you seriously steal a line from fucking Batman v. Superman? Tone down the cliche, fix the incomplete sentence, and check your spelling.