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9230454 No.9230454 [Reply] [Original]

Are these three philosophers the leaders of the weird alt right?

>> No.9230460

alt-right is for virgins

>> No.9230461

we had this thread yesterday. Do you actually have anything interesting to say about them?

I like Land, but Icy Calm and that other dude are a joke.

>> No.9230488
File: 287 KB, 1280x960, 1487469042302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ attached pic related:
rare original REI KOZ mockturtle webcam

>> No.9230556


but what about the ~weird alt right~?

>> No.9230587


this is the first step.

>> No.9230596

Land used to be so attractive. What happened?

>> No.9230604

Free libidinal energy is the only way to establish real social change.

>> No.9230634

Magnus Anderson on ILP boards is the greatest living philosopher.

>> No.9230841

CAN i save that

>> No.9231330


>> No.9231401


pick one.

How should I begin with Land?

>> No.9232781


who are the other two fags?

>> No.9232854

>How should I begin with Land?

I'm currently reading Fanged Noumena after I asked your exact question and another anon suggested Fanged Noumena.

I kind of feel like the alt-right and the right in general is misunderstanding Land? Everything so far feels like continental marxism.

>> No.9232879

Excessive amphetamines and poor white genetics

>> No.9232897

>continental marxism

That's what he started out with

>> No.9232899


>> No.9232915


>> No.9232926

Land and icecalm, who is the third?

>> No.9232932

The left pic of Land is old. The mid one looks like Blender shit and the right one like a marxist.

>> No.9232938


>> No.9232942

The little manslut posted pics of himself on /fa/. Check the archives.

>> No.9232943
File: 52 KB, 640x503, C6bZpZjU4AUDvXw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The (only) leader of the alt-right is Bronze Age Pervert. You must submit.

>> No.9232945

I haven't read fanged noumena, but I heard he was more of a Nietzschean during the 90s, early 2000s. At any rate, moldbug has since convinced him that comp-sci monarchism is the only way to go.

>> No.9232960


The worship of naked male bodies, yet the total crusade against porn is convincing me all you alt right folks are gay as fuck.

>> No.9232966

Lands vision is closer to Mass Effect than any of the traditional right stuff. Transhumanisn AI and space migration.

>> No.9232979


Most of the extreme right hates space travel for some reason.
Never got this. All you see in alternative histories is advanced nazi Germany colonizing the stars. But apparantly all the right wants now is neogothic cathedrals.

>> No.9232992

Is that Mascherano on the right?

>> No.9232993


What are the full names of these individuals and why are they an interesting subject to discuss here?

>> No.9232999

Unsurprisingly, the vile computer nerd with a pharisaic soul cannot conceive of admiring a form without wanting to put his dick in it.

>> No.9233021

Space is boundless. Any life found on other planets destroys the idea of a God. Which is odd that you say some of those on the right hate the idea of space/travel and yet Trump proposed us going to the stars (which honestly is the only silver lining I see in him, but thats my personal opinion)

>> No.9233034

The one on the right.
4chan is without a doubt the worst website in the history of the internet. I have never seen such an agglomeration of stupidity and wretchedness anywhere else, nor would have imagined that so much ugliness — mental, and no doubt also physical — could be possible in this world if I had never come across it. And they are all fully aware of this, which is why they prefer to remain anonymous, and almost immediately trash everything that they write, since they know it's rubbish. We are talking about individuals so weak and fearful that even the nicknames used by forum users feel too restrictive and oppressive to them. Individuals so slow and incoherent that they don't want others to be able to connect even as much as two of their posts together and hold them accountable for some measure of logic between them. This is the true bottom of the barrel of (sub)humanity. And that's why I keep an eye on it from time to time. You couldn't even meet such idiots in the street, since people in the street possess at least the minimum amount of strength required to leave their rooms and walk around. So if my site is the greatest site that exists and that will ever be made (and it is), 4chan is the lowest one, and will remain so for as long as it remains the internet's bastion for all those who are attracted by anonymity (which is to say for nobodies).
And now sit back and watch the torrent of threads confounding anonymity with pseudonymity that will be popping up on there.

>> No.9233066

Anyway, here is Lands current website
dont even try to troll he wont let you retards through.
Though there is a fair share of retarded idiots among his regulars too.

>> No.9233194

Who is the third one aside from Land and Icey???

>> No.9233247

Rei Koz, I remember him posting on /lit/ and I've seen him post on /fa/ not so long ago, so I imagine he is active on both of these boards.

He has a website similar to orgyofthewill, but I don't remember the name of it.

>> No.9233273

>Any life found on other planets destroys the idea of a God
The catholic church already has a set theological policy in case we ever encounter ayys. Also, you underestimate the mental gymnastics that the religious can do - the idea that a single discovery will cause religious faith th "crumble" is incredibly naive.

>> No.9233284

dude Nick Land lmao
robots and new Darwinism duuuude
free will capitalism liberism conservativism Fusionism I'm-so-redpilled-ism!

>> No.9233340

>The catholic church already has a set theological policy in case we ever encounter ayys.

I'd be curious to read about this. What's the policy?

>> No.9233352
File: 255 KB, 887x581, NY06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reza is the actual leader of the alt right, he just keeps a low profile as he orchestrates the new world order, now that nazbol synthesis has achieved control of both the duma, the white house, Western academia and even stuck its tendrils into Chinese academia...

>> No.9233360

Basically this.

>> No.9233372

>implying it's not either Thomas777 or Jon Crumb

>> No.9233421

nah, Negastrani is a post-marxist-muslim fag

>> No.9233425


huh, neato. Kind of feels like a cop out though, "If aliens exist, it'd be no problem, we'll baptize them too"

Like, if aliens exist, and God made them, did he make them as shitty as he made us? If there's no alien Jesus are the aliens free from sin?

>> No.9233428
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>being this unaware

>> No.9233436

Cosmic Trigger . I think Land is really Robert Anton Wilson. Hail Eris, Fnord.

>> No.9233442
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The religious gymnastics are always a joy (much to my chagrin) but the idea so many of them are fed with are that this is the one and only world created, a discovery of the magnitude of not only another planet but another species (similar/dissimilar) voids that concept, that the religious are "special"., there's no escaping that, no matter how flexible one is.

And in regards to the Catholic church's postion, its futile for an "alien Jesus" because if one were to exist would it not mock them for their beliefs OR play along and be worshipped and betray.

>> No.9233463

>Autistic caps nazi-man actually has a name and web presence beyond shitposting

Learn something new every day. He's haunting /his/ now I think

>> No.9233485

fuck off back to plebbit, newfag

>> No.9233552

It's all yours, my friend

>> No.9233667

>Everything so far feels like continental marxism.

>he thinks style says something about politics

Please. You are probably just wanting Land to not be right-wing, because your biased brain can't take that anyone who writes this way can be right wing. Get over it.

>> No.9233791

Chinese ecology.

>> No.9233856

I wish I was still a virgin.

>> No.9233882
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, Nick Land Capitalism Exporting Violence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly, I haven't yet finished Fanged Noumena.

Specifically, the first essay, Kant, Capital and the Prohibition of Incest seems like a pretty big indictment of capitalism. His model of capitalism is that violence and discontent is exported out of the metropolis and into the 3rd world. He directly compares this to apartheid in south africa, where one society is repressed and held at a distance so the other society can flourish.

pic related, the opening of that essay

>> No.9233897

Is this self-published? I think I could write much better philosophy than that.

>> No.9233905

'Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest' originally
appeared in Third Text Vol. 2, Issue 5 (Winter 1988/89),83-94

This essay is reprinted in Fanged Noumena published by Urbanomic in 2011. I'm reading a pdf of the second edition published in 2012

>> No.9233909

here's the link where I grabbed the pdf for anyone interested.


>> No.9233932

After reading the Divus bio, I'm starting to think you can get away with ANYTHING as a philosophy professor.

>> No.9233935

Great thanks this better quality of the pdf I had. Do aynone happen to have a good pdf of cyclonopedia ?

>> No.9233980

Guy you replied to is a retarded poser. Your interpretation of lands writings from that period is correct. Here is what is afaik his main contribution to NRx


>> No.9234015

>Divus bio

I just read it, and it's actually kind of enlightening. I've been trying to make sense of Land, and this biography really helps.


>> No.9234329

The lack of Moldbug in this thread is concerning.

>> No.9234338

It seems to operate off the "One Fall, One Redemption" principle. Adam's Original Sin damned all sapient life, but all sapient life can still live forever thanks to Christ.

>> No.9234364
File: 9 KB, 480x360, fedora3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a neoreactionary

>> No.9234368
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>I consider myself an aristocrat of the soul

>> No.9234371 [DELETED] 

>What do you mean, you haven't read Moldbug?

>> No.9234381
File: 547 KB, 2136x3216, 1488128473818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean, you haven't read Moldbug?

>> No.9234680

that's because land wrote fanged noumena while at warwick with his bizarro cyperpunk art club. the whole intrigue around him is that he literally drove himself schizo, disappeared, and showed up in Singapore channeling the ancap shit that silicon valley is mostly driven by

I'd think the persistent interest this site seems to have with an obscure internet blogger would be an impetus to actually learn about the guy, but I guess not. also, if you're reading FN as anything other than performance art, you're a fucking moron.

>> No.9234709

this is literally an ironic image created by overeducated leftists mocking the dumbass altright/nrx types who think esoteric cabals run the world. god this board is fucking moronic

>> No.9234729

>if you're reading FN as anything other than performance art, you're a fucking moron.

By this do you mean that I should understand Nick Land as a performance artist?

Or are you saying that my act of reading FN has no value beyond being performance art- that is there is no value in reading it unless I'm some kind of performance artist myself?

Also, the Divus article helped me understand the discrepencies between Nick Land as some cyberpunk theoryfiction writer and the Nick Land of 2017 who does nothing but tweet rants about race while making up conspiracy theories about the left.


>> No.9234739

I can't claim to know the origin of the image, but some of those tiers are so specific, I'm guessing that it was made by an insider as a bit of a laugh.

>> No.9234752

all of his early writings are BY left intellectuals FOR leftist intellectuals. Why the fuck are you even reading a fucking anthology by him? If you want to get a layman's read on his early period, find the essay 'avatar vs terminator' by Mark Fisher (bear with me, the movie analysis is obnoxious, I know), then if you actually want to dig into the critique of him, look up Ray Brassier's talks about Land.

it's from Twitter, hence all the twitter jokes

>> No.9234755

specifically this paragraph by Fisher, but read the whole thing if you want
What, then, is Land’s philosophy about?

In a nutshell: Deleuze and Guattari’s machinic desire remorselessly stripped of all Bergsonian vitalism, and made backwards-compatiblewith Freud’s death drive and Schopenhauer’s Will. The Hegelian-Marxist motor of history is then transplanted into this pulsional nihilism: the idiotic autonomic Will no longer circulating idiotically on the spot, but upgraded into a drive, and guided by a quasi-teleological artificial intelligence attractor that draws terrestrial history over a series of intensive thresholds that have no eschatological point of consummation, and that reach empirical termination only contingently if and when its material substrate burns out. This is Hegelian-Marxist historical materialism inverted: Capital will not be ultimately unmasked as exploited labour power; rather, humans are the meat puppet of Capital, their identities and self-understandings are simulations that can and will be ultimately be sloughed off.

>> No.9234764

but also this paragraph

This is – quite deliberately - theory as cyberpunk fiction: Deleuze-Guattari’s concept of capitalism as the virtual unnameable Thing that haunts all previous formations pulp-welded to the time-bending of the Terminator films: “what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy’s resources,” as “Machinic Desire” has it(Fanged Noumena, 338). Capital as megadeath-drive as Terminator: that which “can’t be bargained with, can’t be reasoned with, doesn’t show pity or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop, ever”. Land’s piratings of Terminator, Blade Runner and the Predator films made his texts part of a convergent tendency – an accelerationist cyber-culture in which digital sonic production disclosed an inhuman future that was to be relished rather than abominated. Land’s machinic theory-poetry paralleled the digital intensities of 90s jungle, techno and doomcore, which sampled from exactly the same cinematic sources, and also anticipated “impending human extinction becom[ing] accessible as a dance-floor” (Fanged Noumena, 398).

>> No.9234776

>And people say /lit/ isn't under attack from reddit

>> No.9234792


Well, Fanged Noumena is pretty good so far. And most of what I've read on Xenosystems is pretty interesting.

It's just the super banal "the government can't do healthcare right" and "immigration is ruining everything" stuff that I don't get.

Seems like some kind of techno-nihilist shouldn't give a shit about the proper function of government.

>This is Hegelian-Marxist historical materialism inverted: Capital will not be ultimately unmasked as exploited labour power; rather, humans are the meat puppet of Capital, their identities and self-understandings are simulations that can and will be ultimately be sloughed off.

This is the kind of thing I'm interested in. Fanged Noumena seems to line up with that so far as well.

Anyway, I don't get why you keep calling me a moron or what the angry tone is about. We're both interested in this guy's writing?

>> No.9234819

what you don't seem to understand is this guy is literally fucking insane. I find him interesting in same way I think pictures of plane crashes are interesting, not the way I find Nietzsche interesting. his new nrx shit is immensely idiotic, and he's insufferably obnoxious in the way that only rightwingers who jumped the horseshoe are (see David Horowitz)

I also seriously doubt you understand a third of what you're reading if I have to explain this to you

>> No.9234851

nobody denies this, 2016 was the year this site died

>> No.9234856

I mean, a lot of what I've read on Xenosystems is incredibly cryptic and rather poetic. Some of what I'm reading Fanged Noumena seems like fairly coherent philosophy.

I guess I have a fairly high tolerance for "theory fiction".

If he is schizophrenic, that might explain some of the kind of paranoid thinking. Maybe about a year ago I'd probably have dismissed Nick Land as a paranoiac, but since then Peter Thiel spoke at the republican convention and Elon Musk openly talks about whether we're living in the matrix. I guess what I'm getting at is that if Nick Land is a delusional paranoiac, then a lot of other people are too. I'm just trying to sort through this all for myself. I was a bit blindsided by some of the recent cultural changes and understanding Nick Land and related phenomenon seems like a worthwhile task for the moment.

>> No.9234862 [DELETED] 

frogtwitter!!!!!!!! frogtwitter is the only thing that matters for the altright as a movement!

>> No.9234865


I guess I should also note that I enjoy reading stuff like William Burroughs, Ballard, Baudrillard, so none of what I'm reading in Nick Land seems so far gone.

>> No.9234869

Doesn't sound like your reading from the perspective of a accelerationist, early Land believed a Marxist utopia could only be brought about by technological advancements, he slowly realized that immigration was the antithesis to this; automation pretty much came to halt in the early 00's in Europe because cheap flooded the labour markets, health research is based around keeping us alive not healthy because we can import people to take care of us etc.

>> No.9234891

>"theory fiction".
this is exactly what I meant by performance art
>early Land believed a Marxist utopia could only be brought about by technological advancements
no. read the thread

I'd suggest you both read '#Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader' if you want to know more about (the now defunct) accelerationist movement. then realize it's all postgrad navel gazing and go back to reading whatever the fuck again

>> No.9234929

>>"theory fiction".
>this is exactly what I meant by performance art

Well, I'm not totally of the opinion that this kind of task is useless (if that's what your implying by calling it performance art). Its a blending of science fiction with philosophy, trying to think past the present into a future that might never happen. It seems no more or less meaningful than any other exercise on the edges of fiction and non-fiction.

Anyway, I get it if you're not into this stuff, but you seem to know quite a bit about it and have an opinion. What drew you to it?

> go back to reading whatever the fuck again
What should we be reading instead?

And while we're on the topic of suggestions, my suggestion for you is to chill out a bit. You seem really stressed about all of this.

>> No.9234946

>What drew you to it?
a late night LSD trip

>What should we be reading instead?
I literally do not care. hence 'whatever the fuck'

>You seem really stressed about all of this.
oh, you mean the years long death of this board by idiotic teenagers from /pol/ who don't read and then get recommended Evola/Land/Peterson and then come here asking for people to explain it to them? You might not be one of them, but this is a trend.


>> No.9234975

well, you've been very helpful, and I'll check out the Mark Fisher article and maybe #Accelerate.

Good luck finding satisfying discussions on this board that relate to things you actually want to discuss.

>> No.9234999

well thanks, if you want to read about the cutting edge, so to speak, of speculative realism thats not written by psychotics nor suicidal leftists, look up Nihil Unbound by the aforementioned Brassier. Fisher's book Capitalist Realism is an interesting short read too, if you're into culture critiques.

>> No.9235025

Probably because /pol/ would rather watch youtube ecelebs talk infront of a camera than actually read anything

>> No.9235095

Cool, just grabbed some pdfs of both of those books. I'll give them a read.

Do you have any opinions on Paul Virilio?

>> No.9235104

>Do you have any opinions on Paul Virilio?
Nope, but I'm not really into academic French theory in general.

>> No.9235125

I'm about halfway through Negative Horizon, its a kind of psuedo-anthropology read through the ideas of speed and violence. Seems like it'd connect into some of this accelerationist stuff. I guess he's kind of a catholic eschatologist of sorts, but that hasn't come into anything directly yet.

>> No.9235721

Rei Koz is too good to be among those nasty individuals. The fact that you lump him with them is abominable.

>> No.9235845

>satirising übermensch because the will is weak.
Do they have a lot of neck beards in the military where you're from?

>> No.9235853

>ubermensch are reactionary!

I would laugh if it weren't so pathetic.

>> No.9235925

Indeed, following along with the indoctrinated left wing sure is a farce.

>> No.9235951

Well, all politics are "reactionary" in the broad sense of the word. I mean, they (the politically involved) are constantly "reacting" to the gains or losses of the "other side," whether that opposition is "progressive" or "conservative." So if by "following along" you mean "reacting to," I agree.

Although it's funny how upset people get about it. Especially since I used to be one of those people who gets up their gander about politics. Politics, religion, and competitive sports are "off limits" to the common comedic sense.

>> No.9236036

>not wanting giant neogothic cathedrals in space

>> No.9236350

so the end of nrx thought is Warhammer 40K?

>> No.9236366


>I kind of feel like the alt-right and the right in general is misunderstanding Land?

he's disowned most of the stuff that appears in fanged noumena

read his tweets (@outsideness)

>> No.9236846

Fisher was still overestimating humanitys importance for Land. All this marxist crap and any concern about humanity he's done with. It's now nothing more than a 'bootloader' for the coming machine race that will be obsolete (or obliberated) after it served its function. Techno capitalism just happens to be the most fitting form to make this future happen.

>> No.9237010

>Icycalm writes like the people that used to bully me in high school, and he talks about everyday stuff instead of the transcendental sterile things I'm comfortable with
Every Icy critique ever.

Read Nietzsche.

>> No.9237149

>what you don't seem to understand is this guy is literally fucking insane

>> No.9238293

The alt right is a degeneration of multiple contradicting academic right schools of thought. I can't think of it as anything but crude white nationalism now

>> No.9238333


people that say this don't really "get" Nick Land

>> No.9238361

I've certainly across him on the fringes of urban theory, very interesting and uncomfortable for most academia

>> No.9238376

That's why Land and ilk are so insisting that they are NRx and no oft the alt right rabble.

>> No.9238425

you're not übermensch, you're a bunch of frightened nerds who like scifi roleplay

>> No.9238430

they're part of some kind of "alternative right", but they have nothing to do with the movement named "alt-right"

>> No.9238473

On his last post he seems to say that NRx is "politically neutral" and could even work with leftism


>> No.9238482

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.9238574

Neocameralism, as far as I understand it, is the idea of using a "market" to test ways of government. Essentially, if a populace can't agree on a way to govern itself, Neocameralism says they should divide into smaller governments and see what works. It's a patchwork system, instead of trying to argue for a universal system.

Land grabs two comments from a discussion which might be helpful definitions

>nydwracu (23/03/2014 at 6:47 pm): Neocameralism doesn’t answer questions like that [on the specifics of social organization]; instead, it’s a mechanism for answering questions like that. … You can ask, “is Coke considered better than RC Cola?”, or you can institute capitalism and find out. You can ask, “are ethno-nationalist states considered better than mixed states?”, or you can institute the patchwork and find out. …

>RiverC (23/03/2014 at 3:44 am): Neo-cameralism is, if viewed in this light, a ‘political system system’, it is not a political system but a system for implementing political systems. Of course the same guy who came up with it also invented an operating system (a system for implementing software systems.)


I'm guessing most people on the left or right wouldn't really tolerate this. It means dissolving nation states into smaller entities, or maybe merging them into larger ones.

Essentially, we already have this as well, in the form of separate nation states pursuing different forms of government. The problem is that they aren't in isolation from each other or history, so it's impossible to look at Cuba or Singapore or Canada or w/e and understand if they "have it right" or if they're just lucky victors or unlucky victims of world history.

>> No.9238708

Icycalm just referenced this thread (since he follows my promoting his works, through the archive)

>On why I am not an "alternative" theorist but precisely the "mane streem". I am the mainstream — me and all my predecessors — it's everyone else who is a momentary lapse and blip in the great river of evolution. A couple centuries ago their blather didn't exist, and a couple centuries hence it'll be extinct, so who's "alternative" now, bitch? My "alternative" readers see alternative as praise and mainstream as an insult because deep down they are hipsters governed by fashion and anti-fashion. Once I become popular they'll trash me and find something else to read: my exact opposites in fact; precisely, that is to say, all the authors and ideas I am trashing now and for which trashing they claim to like me.