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9228730 No.9228730 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody here studied for a masters in librarianship or a related course?

Is it pathetic if I go back to college to study for this course if I'm 26? I don't want to be the weird, quiet older guy in class.

>> No.9228737

26 isn't old in a grad class. Go ahead. I did my MA at 29-30, PhD at 35-39, and I felt a bit too old (I wasn't the oldest, but most students were younger). It really doesn't make much difference: you're not there to date.

>> No.9228738

protip: master's in librarian science is basically a way for colleges to milk those programs where employers pay for their employees to do a masters...if you already work at a library and they want to pay for you to do a librarian masters so you can get a promotion, cool go for it, but paying out of pocket for one of those bogus "do this master's and get a promotion" degree without a current job in the industry that is paying for it? whew lad as they say

>> No.9228741

good fucking lord

>> No.9228743

librarian studies programs are full of mature students.
you won't be alone.

>> No.9228761

OP here. I am applying for a scholarship to study. It depends on getting a high grade at undergraduate and being a poorfag, both of which apply to me.

What did you mean by this?

I've googled a bunch of people who studied a masters in this subject at the college I want to apply for and most studied it right after earning their BA.

>> No.9228766

mid 20s is a totally fucking normal age to do a masters degree, you fucking idiot dweeb

i think you should do a bucket full of drugs or therapy or go traveling or SOMETHING because you're a grown ass man with a teenage girl's insecurities and it makes me sick. go work as a construction worker for a year then see if you feel like simpering about being "the weird, quiet older guy in class" ugh jesus christ this generation is so worthless

>> No.9228776

Well what I'm saying is it's a common degree for people who are changing careers or going back to school if they can't get a job with their BA. If you're worried about that though universities usually have mature student support groups and socials. 26 isn't even that old. "Mature" students are usually 30+.

>> No.9228778

OP here. I've worked full-time since graduating, but the job is soul-destroying. I guess I should have applied for this sooner but really it's a last resort in many respects. Also, my research into current and previous students on the course tells me most where 22 / 23 when they started it. I just don't want to be viewed as even more of a failure than I already am.

>> No.9228788

Having full-time job experience, even a shitty job already puts you ahead of fresh grads. You're being way too self conscious. Nobody is gonna care that you started at 26 except you.

>> No.9228790

Ok thanks. I just feel like I've always taken much longer than other people to do simple stuff in life. People my age are starting their own companies, settling down, getting married etc and I'm studying to be a librarian, a notoriously low-wage and low-privelege job. Just seems like I've wasted time and not sure whether it's worth the effort to "catch up" now.

>> No.9228791

Are you deranged? First, 3-4 years is nothing. Second, nobody is going to ID you: they can't tell your age at a glance. And third, you're trying to train for a career. Your classmates' opinion is beyond irrelevant. Besides, most of them won't notice you, care about you, or remember you.

>> No.9228792

pick up your fucking nuts man

"oooh im afraid of being that weird guy" what the fuck is wrong with you goddamnit


its amazing that you're even a member of the same species as the people who stormed the beaches at normandy

>> No.9228793
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>> No.9228801

>nobody is gonna care that you started at 26

Ok, thanks for all the replies including this one.

>> No.9228824

Ok, thanks. It just feels weird considering going back to college and doing group presentations etc at my age.

>> No.9228832


>> No.9228838

Librarians should go on treks across the country, bringing selected tomes to the unwashed masses. Not catalogize self help pamphlets in dusty basements.

>> No.9229122

>I don't want to be the weird, quiet older guy in class.

You're going for a librianship course. The only people attending that are frumpy women who like YA lit and weird, quiet older guys.

>> No.9229159

>I don't want to be the weird, quiet older guy in class
I'm that guy and it's all good. Though I look like I'm 20 so that helps.

>> No.9229172

>the job is soul-destroying
As opposed to being a reference librarian who literally waits on old people for a living?
I mean it's ok but don't get any romantic notions about it.

>> No.9229185

>waiting on old people for a living

also, don't forgot telling piss smelling bums that watching pornos is not allowed on the computers, but maybe op considers that soul uplifting, i don't know

>> No.9229192

How old are you really?

OP here. To be honest I'm just looking to get a part-time librarian role out of this, which is the reason I'll only attend the course if I get a scholarship (doubtful because they probably think I have money to burn). My intention is to work part-time at a library while writing my manifesto, then ending my life when it is completed.

>> No.9229193

librarians are already being replaced by machines. if your life goal is to shelf dvds work in retail

>> No.9229194

Not much of that where I work but I'm in the suburbs.

>> No.9229201

you don't need a useless vocational masters to get a part time job in a library, holy shit, you are retarded...masters in library science is to run the place, or at least be the guy who makes the schedule of the part time librarians' hours...

i think the reason i like 4chan is because whenever i think i've made terrible life decisions, i can come here and find people even more clueless than myself!

>> No.9229206
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>My intention is to work part-time at a library while writing my manifesto, then ending my life when it is completed.

How many other lives will you end?

>> No.9229213

check ur fucking privilege asshole

but in all seriousness, if u live in the suburbs how many librarian gigs can there really be? apply to your local library and they're either hire u or they won't, what are you going to do commute two hours into a city for a part time job? relocate to urban center for work as a librarian?

>> No.9229222

>To be honest I'm just looking to get a part-time librarian role out of this, which is the reason I'll only attend the course if I get a scholarship (doubtful because they probably think I have money to burn). My intention is to work part-time at a library while writing my manifesto, then ending my life when it is completed.
I think you've got far bigger problems than just being a 26 year old in college.

>> No.9229232

Not at college libraries.

How the f**k else am I supposed to get a librarian job? I keep applying but I don't even get an interview. Please don't bully.

Only my own.

OP here. That wasn't me you're replying to.

What do you mean by that?

>> No.9229241

>How the f**k else am I supposed to get a librarian job?
you're still going to be asking that after getting a degree. the job is completely buttoned up.

>> No.9229245

>What do you mean by that?
The fact that you're writing a "manifesto" and planning to kill yourself you fucking nutjob.

Like, come on man. Time to grow up.

>> No.9229267

Buttoned up? Also, most of the librarian jobs I'm applying for request that applicants have significant experience if not an actual degree in the field.

The thing is, if I work part-time cleaning toilets or serving coffee (the only things I'm qualified to do, frankly) the chances of me ending my life are likely to increase significantly after the years it takes for me to write my manifesto. If, however, I am working as a librarian, the potential contentment afforded by such a job might dissuade me from killing myself after my manifesto is completed, and will be a more comforting back-up plan to fall back on rather than deciding not to die but still only being qualified to clean toilets when I'm, say, 32.

>> No.9229274

if you really want to know how to get a librarians job, and your parents don't run a library or donate massive cash to a library, then try this: get a retail job at a bookstore. go look at the linkedins of part time libraries, you'll either see their mom on the side bar and she is the director, OR you will see they worked at barnes and noble for 3 years in college or whatever...of course, you will whine that working at barnes and noble is "soul crushing" or something, but what exactly is different from working at barnes and noble and a library?

>> No.9229282

honestly, wanting to be a librarian makes me think u just have no real role models in your life...sort of like kids who come from disfunction homes/foster homes/etc. always want to grow up to be social workers...it's because when they were growing up those where the only people they met who had "real jobs" so that's what they major in

>> No.9229293

To actually work as a librarian (either on the back end--ie the databases/collections or front end--public services--and definitely if you want to move up in the library) you do need the masters, but if you're just looking for part time put books back on the shelf work you don't. >>9229222 brings up some good points though.

>> No.9229296

lmao alright, troll. Let's leave this be.
Wow, are you fucking serious? Libraries are severely underfunded. The five old women who work there will be the five old women who work there for the next twenty years -- then one of their nephews will take over their position as a summer job.

If you seriously think getting a Master's in library science will change that fact, you have a serious misunderstanding of society that you need to address first. If anything, getting an MA in library science will only further preclude you from jobs at your local library, as they'll think you're overqualified and I guarantee the currnt employees don't have more than a high school diploma.

>> No.9229297

oh the other thing you could try is volunteering at the library...they probably hire people who already volunteered...it just shows how degenerate americans have become that they're first idea about how to obtain the job they want is "spend 50 grand on a masters"

>> No.9229301

>at my age

Holy fucking shit

Most people wait a couple years for grad school 25 isn't old at all.

>> No.9229307

It's true that I have no role models, in the sense of having an adult figure who I know intimately who I respect and who benefited from being very ambitious etc. But right now I'm working from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm in a shitty job I hate in an office full of extrovert normies and I'm usually too tired to read anything substantial after work. I appreciate that stamping books all day seems like evidence of having no ambition, I'm just looking for a low stress job that isn't totally demoralizing in a field that is relatively easy to get hired in. Like I've said, my main ambition as things stand is to complete my manifesto and then end my life. But should I decide to continue living after it's completed, I at least want to be qualified to live a life that isn't totally insecure, career-wise.

>> No.9229310

Damn, that's real. Until I graduated high school I wanted to be a high school teacher. Then I went to university with the goal of becoming a university professor. Thank god I decided to go teach english in asia to get some life experience before I jumped into that.

My dad worked for an environmental conservation agency and my mom was a stuffed animal designer -- neither interested me. I didn't have many other adults in my life so it took me a few years after college to realize there were even other jobs than just teaching. Currently applying for an MS in computer science to become a software engineer because my new adult role model is internet faggots, should work out well.

>> No.9229318


Why does he have a giant white afro

>> No.9229325

>if I work part-time cleaning toilets or serving coffee (the only things I'm qualified to do, frankly)

How? What's your college degree?

>> No.9229336

Then how do I go about getting hired, even part-time? I'm applying like a madman but getting nothing in return. I've tried adopting several distinct personalities and written my job applications in character, even lying on my C.V. to the extent of implying that I have spent two years working at libraries previously, but still, nada.

I'm 25 now and I'll be 26 when the course begins. Thomas Mann published Buddenbrooks when he was 26. David Foster Wallace had published his second book by that age. Tao Lin was on his third or fourth book by that age. Meanwhile I'm working at a Wendy's to make rent while spending the rest of my time writing a dissertation on the best methods of preventing homeless heroin addicts from shitting in the military history section. I just feel pathetic my dude. I feel old and worn out. I've spent three years at a job I hate and I feel like I'm missed my chances. My youth is over and all I have to show for it is a little bit of money in the bank and a manifesto that is only going to end up being nailed to a church door and read probably by nobody.

>> No.9229346

>guy works at wendy's but compares himself to thomas mann and martin luther

i know we all have to come up with coping mechanisms, but that is getting loony

>> No.9229362

Maybe you're not a writer? Tao Lin is one in a million. Lil Yachty is one is ten million anime-loving homos. You won't get rich or famous, fucking deal with it.

>> No.9229394

History and EngLit. I moved home after college expecting to find a job in the city I'm from but only had one interview for an unpaid internship, plus my mom lives with her partner and I fucking hated living there the guy has a son my age who is a fucking fag who complained I shouldn't be there if I didn't have a job, so I moved to NY to live on my cousin's couch until I earned enough via two shit-tier part-time jobs to rent my own shit-tier room from an ugly crooked gook before finally landing a full-time job for an albeit shit-tier wage, which has increased slightly but not all that much in three years and which has not developed my skillset and has left me literally begging overweight fucking pigs in obscure towns to just please let me come for an interview for your minimum wage, 18-hour a week library assistant job, just please, only for them to say "lol no k bye :)" EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. I hate this job so goddamn much and the city is driving me insane too. As soon as I arrived here I figured I'd made a mistake. I unironically read a bunch of anti-work literature (Bob Black et al.) and wrote an anti-work manifesto that I intended at one point to print out en masse and distribute hurriedly to commuters on the subway, I commutted one hour each way for close to 1.5 years in disgusting conditions for little pay, all the while trying to complete my novel which I thought would be my ticket to dropping out with some dignity ("he's a homeless schizophrenic, oh but he published a decent book so he must have some value on this planet, let's NOT set fire to the dude tonight") but publishers refused the book time and time again despite being all over the first book I wrote in my senior year of college, which was accepted for publication but which I withdrew because frankly it was the kind of shit that would make me want to off myself even more intensely than I do right now if I had to have it associated with my name. So the book writing didn't work out, and then I pretty much resorted to short stories in the hope of winning a competition but the deadlines take so long that I'm sick of waiting despite landing on two shortlists (no wins). I then joined a group of erotica writers whose intention was to scam normies by le upvoting each others shitty books but that didn't make enough money to justify the mental fuckery involved in writing monster porno day after day. So now I'm still here, working a job I hate, my coworkers being richfags who have bought apartments with their parents' money while I, poorfag elite, have saved so little despite living like a fucking ascetic monk for three years in several gook hovels across the city, and I've resolved to finally put my extensive reading into nihilistic, pessimistic and sceptical reading into use by writing my manifesto, working a job that doesn't make me want to scratch my eyes out in the workplace bathroom, and then ending my life symbolically on the steps of a church.

>> No.9229405

You are not a loser. Don't tell yourself that. The fact that you've been actively working instead of NEETing it up for 8 years is bloody impressive.

Finish that manifesto and try not to lose hope. What "chances" have do you feel you've missed by the way? Because if it's getting into a relationship or raising a family, don't worry man, there's still time.

>> No.9229411
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>> No.9229421

have u heard of paragraphs? i heard publishers like them (yeah, yeah, i know, there's that guy from the south who wrote a two hundred page sentence and won a nobel, but ur not that guy)

>> No.9229423

I'm in an LIS program with UNT and let me tell you 26 would probably be on the lower or median end. Im 23 and I'm probably the youngest in my cohort

>> No.9229431

becoming a rockstar author is the weakest get rich quick scheme, like i feel like if a person is creative enough to become a professional writer then they should be able to come up with a less cliche idea to get them through the shifts at wendy's

>> No.9229435

Delusions of grandeur are my FORTE, nigga, and I ain't finna give up on my hustle until the lead hits my cerebral context ya dig fuck outta here wi dat lame ass emo shit foreal aint no niqaa gon hol me back realtalk

I am a loser. Being a wageslave / wagecuck is nothing to be proud. I've made myself miserable and worn out and old for little compensation, monetary or otherwise. At my age Kerouac was NEETing it up, Lovecraft was NEETing it up, Hesse was NEETing it up, all the while getting their books written and their genius validated if only by themselves. There is nothing impressive about my life. My ambition is intense as are my expectations for myself, yet I'm withering away in complete obscurity in a workplace environment that makes me want to cut myself open with a ballpoint pen and bleed over everybody around me while screaming like that fucking WEIRD ASS NIGGA on the King Crimson album cover. It's fucking ridiculous. On the inside I am a mysterious genius-tier peerless intellect with unbounded confidence, sharp wit and a personality to literally die for, yet on the outside I am a fucking anonymous, weird, autistic retard who makes zero impression on anybody that isn't negative or soon forgotten.

>> No.9229445

I hope this is bait, because I've honestly lost all sympathy for you.

>> No.9229446

sounds to me like u suffer from snowflake syndrome and now that you're old enough to realize that you aren't special it's hitting you hard

>> No.9229460

Also I am fortune in that I have zero desire to impregnate anybody nor marry anybody or anything else like that. I just don't want to waste money and time and energy on attending a college where I am once again that fucking weird guy who speaks too fast on the rare occasions he actually talks.

Apply that to literature, the manifesto genre in particular, and it's way different. Most writers are published by 30 at the latest, the best usually make a name for themselves in some capacity by 27 if not 25 in many cases. But thank you for taking the time to post it.

How do you know I'm not as talented as that guy? Why drag me down if you don't even know me? This is what I mean. People say go ahead attend college at 26 it's fine bro, yet when I express myself I get people like you who act like you've watched me take every shit I ever shat. Let me shit in peace nigga.

>> No.9229471

i'm not your mom; i'm don't have to pretend you're special.

>> No.9229472

OP here. I'm not sure what happened in this thread, but it looks like there's someone claiming to be me.

I've read some genuine replies to my original post and I thank you for your input. I guess I will apply and see what happens.


>> No.9229483

OP here. Please stop claiming to be me, I'm looking for real help. >>9229472 is not me. I am David Faster Wallet.

>> No.9229486

Was the sermon the mount "bait" to you? Were the Nostradamus prophecies "bait"? Was Ford's statement that he would replace horses with motorized vehicles "bait"? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?

Every last one of the Great Men of history could be described as """suffering""" from snowflake syndrome my man. You think Napoleon would have settled for a job at a shoe factory?

>> No.9229490

ok. ok. wow. just... ok. you already knew the answer before you even made this thread. what did you fucking expect us to say? "wow its a great idea, go spend the $100,000 on it". you fucking pig. you disgusting fucking faggot. you worthless cunt scab. get the fuck off my board.

>> No.9229493

shots fired, op btfo

>> No.9229545

tfw you've made like six comments in this thread and haven't even gotten one (You)

>> No.9229631

>t. Raskolnikov

>> No.9229700
