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/lit/ - Literature

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922592 No.922592 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Lit,

I need your help. Who was the famous philosopher or writer that during his childhood spent several hours in bed every morning?

>> No.922597

...all of them?

>> No.922602

Hieronymus Slugabed

>> No.922603

I usually spend around 8 hours in bed every morning, because that is when I sleep. This probably applies to most philosophers.

>> No.922607

There was one who was forced, for whatever reason, to be in bed for several hours every morning. Apparently this solitude greatly developed his thoughts.

I got RL Stevenson and Stoker already. There were some big names though - I thought the person whom I'm talking about was Descartes, but I could find no evidence.

>> No.922613

... Proust? I think that's like the first line of In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.922616

May even have been a romantic poet. I checked Keats, Byron, and Shelley on wikipedia but to no avail.

>> No.922620

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>> No.922623

My philosophy teacher told me that Des Cartes died of sleep deprivation or something like that because he was used to laying in bed or some other bullshit for hours on end. It doesn't make sense, but I'm sure there's at least a hint of truth to it

>> No.922905

Thank you Anon.

Can anyone else confirm this?

>> No.922913
File: 9 KB, 250x380, Cortázar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that Cortázar was forced to play outside, by orders of his doctor, because he was so sickly pale he was going to be sick.

That's because he stayed all day, every day reading books.

>> No.922917

Descartes, dog. He kept that habit as an adult later in life. He had lung problems.

>> No.922922

Sir Lazy Mc-Fatass