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/lit/ - Literature

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9225175 No.9225175 [Reply] [Original]

do you find readers more attractive, /lit/?

>> No.9225177

Yes, but I doubt women feel the same.

>> No.9225188

I avoid talking about books to anyone IRL, it usually just makes me think less of them when all they read is Harry Potter or Murikami

>> No.9225189


I'd rather have a woman who reads good books(not YA, commercialized fantasy like HP, John Green, etc), rather than a woman who spends all day glued to her phone screen.

>> No.9225192

Nah, once you go to a decent uni you'll find that everyone reads to some extent. It doesn't hold much weight past freshman year

>> No.9225198

Women are attracted to intelligence anon, they just want you to be confident too.

I'll often just use shit out some pseudish-existential philosophy and it works wonders, if they're attracted to you to begin with.

And yes, I find reading attractive. I don't mind if their taste isn't exactly my own, but if they're the kind of paragraph gobbler who reads two hard books and never shut up about marxism or jermey corbyn's balls, then, no, I find it extremely annoying.

>> No.9225203

Mutual interests are definitely a boon. I suppose to some extent it depends on what they read, but it also depends on how it fits with the whole package. For example, if someone had cute looks and a super sweet personality, some of those attributes would be reinforced by them reading YA and disliking some of the edgy shit I read like Burroughs or Lovecraft. And if they only read trendy stuff, well that's not quite a turnoff because they still could have other virtues, but it isn't a turnon either.

>> No.9225214

>Nah, once you go to a decent uni you'll find that everyone reads to some extent

*everyone claims they read to some extent

>> No.9225219

It's an attractive trait to me, but it doesn't make or break a relationship otherwise. It would be nice to have my main hobby in common with my partner, but I ended up with someone who doesn't care for it.

>> No.9225224

i prefer my women to not know how to read

>> No.9225228

Even if they're lying, it doesn't matter. Nobody really gives a fuck. Everyone has their own studies

>> No.9225877

I'm with you, but it's a recipe for loneliness. Which isn't so bad if youre a massive reader.

>> No.9225896

. . .

>> No.9225902


>> No.9225910
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If there's recipes for loneliness call me chef

>> No.9226003
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I try to avoid talking about my /lit/ hobby in real life simply because everyone I've ever met who has described themselves as a "reader" or "lover of books" or whatever has been a giant pretentious tool without any semblance of self awareness that they are very unimpressive. I know I'm not smart and I don't pretend to be smart and whenever I see just the cringiest shit images on social media from pseud girls and boys about how they're so very different from everyone else because they would much rather be "eating pizza while reading Harry Potter" or whatever I just feel second hand embarrassment.

>> No.9226008

Well I have a gf who has me in her phone as sexy book worm Her and I are getting married this month And we have lots of sex

This is 100% true but written in such a way to make you doubt it.

>> No.9226015

Does she live in Canada and/or go to a different school so I don't know who she is?

>> No.9226017

Only if they're sincere

>> No.9226024


>This is 100% true but written in such a way to make you doubt it.

laughed out loud

>> No.9226115
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Don't doubt you anon, a lot of women actually feel the contrary. Of course, you don't have to be as attractive as pic related, but girls tend to find guys who are reading to be more sensible, and thus, more attractive.

>> No.9226136


I couldn't say. I've only ever known a handful of people who truly liked to read books whatsoever and only a couple who are real readers, the biggest readers all family.

If a grill starts acting like she reads a lot it's because she likes me, so in that sense people who say they read are attractive.

I've met way more smart, successful people than I have actual readers.

>> No.9226142
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>but girls tend to find guys who are reading to be more sensible, and thus, more attractive.
>girls finding sensibility attractive

>> No.9226147


Capable sensibility is plenty attractive, but "I'm a boring pussy with nothing to say" sensibility is not attractive.

>> No.9226205

Depends on what they read. Most people tend to be literate.

>> No.9226420

Yes. I have struck gold- my girlfriend reads a lot, and not YA stuff. Grew up with classics all around her (her parents are a librarian and an english teacher). They've made her kind of misanthropic though-she doesn't really like other girls because she finds them boring.

Still, she's pretty and intelligent and talented. It's great, and she certainly told me that she found me more attractive for having a book in my hands.

>> No.9226495

no, I find it really unattractive and a red flag for stupidity. not being sarcastic or anything

>> No.9226699

Dating a lit major. Don't do it, trust me. You only like the idea of a qt3.14 being into books, but the reality is the complete opposite of the dream.

No matter how much and what they read, they still swallow what's currently on the political menu or what their friends are into. And they will never, I mean never, understand or appreciate works that do not touch feminine topics. And don't get me started on philosophy.

If you want to discuss lit and phil with someone, find a patrician friend or friends and hang out with them. You will learn much more.

>> No.9226711

Hey, I'm an 18 year old sophomore at a state uni (has quite the reputation for being a party school), but how do I find someone, preferably a senpai/older brother figure/or anyone in my year, who reads actual literature?

>> No.9226732

The thing is, it's much harder to do that at the university these days. Yeah, some folks are exceptions, but that makes the chances slightly higher at best. People here say that it's 'you fault for going to a shitty school', but I think that's nonsense, especially seeing all the crap that goes down in Yale, Harvard etc. It seems ever worse there.

You can try and make friends with as many people in your classes as possible until you see who's who and finding out who is a good friend candidate.

You will have more luck outside, I guess. Attend book promotions (unless they are some nonsense like >>>9223049), find people online on forums, join groups if you are on FB etc. The FB thing is actually alright. You can find groups for almost any type of interest. That's how I became friends with a dude who was into translating Middle English. He was pretty based.

>> No.9226735

What's wrong with Murakami?

>> No.9226741
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Women love that shit, be confident in yourself and don't be pushy about it, they do notice.
With some luck you might find a lit gf

>> No.9226755

that guy reeks of betanass, assuming he's not an ftm tranny, he definitely gets zero pussy. don't get me wrong plenty of artsy faggots with weak beards get pussy, but it's plain to see that guy does not

>> No.9226760

If they read classics, yes. What's most important to me is that they like either arthouse film and/or kino anime movies/series. Reading isn't really an activity you can share with a partner.

>> No.9226772

>And they will never, I mean never, understand or appreciate works that do not touch feminine topics
i think that's true actually.
not necessarily a bad thing though, everybody prefers art/people they can relate to. it makes it hard as a conversational topic and it can get boring if they only want to talk about sylvia plath and feminist novels, but then dudes have a range of boring male interests that women are sick of hearing about too.
have some patience and try to see the positives in having differences.

>> No.9226773

The average guy today. The funny thing is, women like that nu-male shit and liberalism, but they never fuck them. Enjoy the friend-zone, cuhcks. kek

>> No.9226792

I agree with the second part of your post in general, but thing are different when you are dating someone.

It's okay to have a discussion over a coffee with someone and disagree before shaking hands and going your own way. You learn like that, as you debate.

But when you date that person? It gets tiresome very quickly and no matter how much potential for learning there is one party will keep getting frustrated.

Opposites attract at first. Not so much after the honeymoon phase.

Maybe it's just me, I don't know. I feel as if a lot of people are spinning their identities and world views around one or two things and nothing else.

>> No.9226833

>You can try and make friends with as many people in your classes as possible until you see who's who and finding out who is a good friend candidate.
I guess I could do that, but it's genuinely terrifying how uncommon or even rare reading has become.

Regarding book promotions and Facebook groups, aren't those typically filled with middle aged people? I feel young even at my university (graduated HS at 16).

>> No.9226842

>Opposites attract at first. Not so much after the honeymoon phase.
nah senpai, similar socioeconomic levels are the main source of attraction

>> No.9226860

Please elaborate what you mean?

What's your major?

>aren't those typically filled with middle aged people
I found them diverse, age-wise.

>> No.9226870

>Please elaborate what you mean?
Whether you realize it or not, socioeconomic factors pretty much dictate who you'll end up with. You're just more likely to date someone of similar physical attractiveness, education, status/class, and ethnic group.

>> No.9226875

I major in Supply Chain Management and Computer Information Systems.

>> No.9226878

No, they have unreasonable expectations and want to live out their favorite books.

>> No.9226880

when i was a lil commie i always didn't want to believe this, but it's p true, i don't want to be with someone poorer than me because i figure they either have no skills or poor money management, and might fuck my finances, and somebody too rich, i'll always be resentful of them and shit, so it's just easier to marry your same level...same with looks, i tried fucking chicks uglier than me, but they are actually harder to fuck than hot chicks cuz they think u are fucking with them or something, like they will friendzone themselves, like how betaguys do, etc. so i end up fucking p hot chicks which i guess is better in the end, but it's weird how that works out

>> No.9226893

Yes, I want nothing more than a /lit/ bf to talk about classics with-but I'd also like it if he watched arthouse films and vidya, you know, things we can do together. Reading is a solitary pursuit.

>> No.9226903

Basically, no. Attractiveness is independent of reading activity. If I see a physically attractive girl reading a book, I will naturally become interested in what she's reading. But if she's ugly, you won't catch me trying to peer over her shoulder. Mere reading activity doesn't imply confluent interests, and confluent interests don't imply conversational ability or compatible personalities or anything else.

>> No.9226911

9 times out of ten if u see a chick reading it's just same gay pop comedy shit anyways, i can count the amount of times i've seen a chick, hot or not, reading something non-pleb on one finger (to be fair the amount of men if i cared to remember might be one hand)

>> No.9226938

i should qualify that I was referring to on the subway, i've seen people reading patrish shit plenty of times, but i mean in obvious public places that aren't a college campus, not so much

>> No.9226939

>Whether you realize it or not, socioeconomic factors pretty much dictate who you'll end up with. You're just more likely to date someone of similar physical attractiveness, education, status/class, and ethnic group.

Well, yeah, I can see where you're coming from like that; but we're talking about attraction and dating because of similar interests like reading, not socioeconomic similarities. We're not discussing settling down or anything either.

Shit, then. I thought you were at least in the humanities.

You'll probably have a harder time finding someone in school. But look at the bright side -- you don't have to deal with the mess that is going on the humanities.

>> No.9226960

>you don't have to deal with the mess that is going on the humanities.
What do you mean by this? If I had affluent parents, maybe I would have majored in the humanities, but I come from immigrant parents who came from nothing, so as a first-gen college student, I fell for the STEM meme in hopes of relative success.

>> No.9227016

>What do you mean by this?

Hate to be that guy, but the humanities are now Marxist to the core. You will find nothing but strawman arguments, reductionism of most complex issues to power dynamics and most perfunctory things being made into complicated issues, politicizing of art, etc.

>inb4 /pol/

No, I just wish schools weren't so cultish, is all.

>> No.9227154

If I have common fields of interest with a girl and have the ability to have intelligent conversations I would be more attracted to her, and would pay less attention to her appearance if she's not very good-looking, which would be different if I found her dumb and boring. I rarely meet such girls so I don't feel the need to waste my time trying to get laid with retarded air heads.

>> No.9227193

Yeah. Well read girls are more attractive and so are men that aren't pushy and don't pretend they like shit they don't just to impress some chick in a bar. Speaking about something with passion and verve is more important than desperately trying to find sonething to bridge the gap. You might even unwittingly make a convert. I got some bird to read Gogol once.

>> No.9227248

Slightly off-topic but the only girls I've ever encountered in creative writing classes have either been cute-sexy or land whales/twigs, with very little exception.

>> No.9227282

Eh, my gf is in the cute sexy category. Just take what you can get, I've noticed that dichotomy too.

>> No.9227287

Are Yu me?

>> No.9227856

Not true anon, someone I was seeing last month [it petered out and left me sad :( ] is bilingual, compulsively reads classics (in both English and Romanian) and actually told me that I was being too harsh on Henry Miller for saying he was too "male gaze-y". (Then she said that reading Nin and Bataille made her wet and all the blood left my head...)

She made me read Doctor Zhivago then we spent an evening discussing it. Then I made her read Bataille and she made me read more Miller. I sincerely hope I can make her read Gerard de Nerval. Seriously anon, it's fucking rare but who knows, you might meet someone like this. Got told I was "a really close friend" but getting drunk and translating poems from our second langauges together next week, so who knows?

>> No.9227863

2mainstream for /lit/

>> No.9228816

this, I cucked a Jordanian man for a bit and his lit BA wife wouldn't shut the fuck up about femininity and kept trying to push her silly books on me.

>> No.9228823

he writes the same book every time and he's an actual cuck

>> No.9228855
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Of course

>> No.9228860


No, I don't find them.

>> No.9228877

That's just how women are in general, they are unable to relate to anything that isn't about themselves.

>> No.9228967
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Gayboi here, it depends on what they read.

Guys who read good books
Guys who dont read
Guys who read shitty books

>> No.9229042

I suppose. But I only really care if she's Jewish.

>tfw no Jewish gf

>> No.9229071
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>being a literal faggot

What's it like knowing no parent will ever leave their son alone with you?

>> No.9229078
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but anon my boyfriends parents leave us alone all the time.
when else do you think he puts his dick in my ass?

>> No.9229712

>everyone I've ever met who has described themselves as a "reader" or "lover of books" or whatever has been a giant pretentious tool without any semblance of self awareness that they are very unimpressive.
Wow it's like /lit/ irl

>> No.9229729

>t. guy who never realized entry-level phil & lit classes are the best way to get laid
Look smart, then make them feel smart. It's easiest if they're pseuds, but if they can actually think, that works too.

>> No.9229740

How many of them have you bedded?

>> No.9229775

Only 3. I prefer long-term relationships, so once I realized pickup type shit wasn't gonna get me what I wanted, I stopped. Current gf is a reader, but we met on tinder.

>> No.9229781

Meant for >>9229740

>> No.9229804

>not me though
grow up

>> No.9229989
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stop posting that shit on lit you literal faggot

>> No.9230040

are you me?

>> No.9230541

Gaston is the true hero of this movie, it was about how intellectuals always kowtow before power. Belle was a class traitor the instant she became an intellectual.

>> No.9230557

Cool Marxist analysis of Disney movies bro, wanna take it to the White House

>> No.9230678

>ruining the spine

>> No.9230687

You and the women you attract disgust me

>> No.9230910

That's grand, they're all incredibly hot.