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922438 No.922438 [Reply] [Original]

>James Robinson, with help from Jeremy Safran, once again compiled a list of the 50 words that most often stumped the world’s most brilliant newspaper readers.

1. inchoate
2. profligacy
3. sui generis
4. austerity
5. profligate
6. baldenfreude
7. opprobrium
8. apostates
9. solipsistic
10. obduracy
11. Internecine
12. soporific
13. Kristallnacht
14. peripatetic
15. nascent
16. desultory
17. redoubtable
18. hubris
19. mirabile dictu
20. crèches
21. apoplectic
22. overhaul
23. ersatz
24. obstreperous
25. jejune
26. omertà
27. putative
28. Manichean
29. canard
30. ubiquitous
31. atavistic
32. renminbi
33. sanguine
34. antediluvian
35. cynosure
36. alacrity
37. epistemic
38. egregious
39. incendiary
40. chimera
41. laconic
42. polemicist
43. comity
44. provenance
45. sclerotic
46. prescient
47. hegemony
48. verisimilitude
49. feckless
50. démarche

source: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/topics/topic/2010afterdeadlineblog.pdf
some observations: http://topics.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/08/50-fancy-words/

>> No.922453

Bro, I know over half of those.

>> No.922470

Really? There are people alive who remember that. Maybe they just looked it up to see what all happened during the event.

I understand this stumping those who don't talk about philosophy on 4chan.

That surprises me.

This really surprises me. How many times was this word used during high school English classes while reading Greek tragedies?

Only 4 lookups per use, but it has become the new buzz word. It's only here because of the method they used to make the ranking (total number of lookups instead of the ratio of lookups to uses).

Some of the words I don't recognize, some I do but am unsure of, and the rest I don't know off the top of my head seem like they'd make more sense when used in context.

>> No.922474


stOP atTaCkIng aNd fuCkiNg wITH_WWW.AnOcarroTsTAlK.Se_RepLacE CARrOTs WiTH_n
s y ncn ih zy ub e e e mrjeh dzz

>> No.922480


the fuck?

>> No.922491 [DELETED] 

sToP_ATtACKiNG ANd_FuCkiNg_WITH wWw.ANOcaRrotSTAlK.Se_rEpLACE_carrots wItH N
og ougqed ndq pgsswl whi kf rnybfg

>> No.922497

>Really? There are people alive who don't remember that?

fixd, really if you don't know what kristallnacht is then you need to go back to school.

>> No.922505



>> No.922508


>if you don't know what kristallnacht is then you need to go back to school.
Highschool history classes usually touch on Kristallnacht, but they don't always call it by that name. Foreign words are also a lot easier to forget.

>> No.922513


If you consider Kristallnacht important, you're a Jew.

>> No.922516

This. I was taught about the event but never by that name (Ontario high school). If I hadn't read it elsewhere I wouldn't know it either.

>> No.922521
File: 248 KB, 451x352, artist__sipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats right kid, and if you don't like it you can get the fuck out

Nice list OP, I'm saving this

>> No.922525


Heh. I'm Jewish myself. That why I'm saying that only Jews give a fuck.

>> No.922548

Not a jew at all but kristallnacht is a pretty important milestone in antisemitism that should be taught when teaching about nazism.

>> No.922562

That's certainly the case when you're in school, but do you really care for it once you're out?

>> No.922563


We learned about Kristallnacht by name in my Ontario HS. Looks like your teacher was retarded.

>> No.922568

Did you really sit in history like most of highschool kids, as a zombie waiting for the class to end, not caring or listening for a minute. Because if you did it makes perfect sense as to why you don't remember important events in history.

>> No.922577

Everyone here is looking at the words that they know, when they should be looking at the words everyone should know.


Really, Newspaper boys?

>> No.922587


What fucking paper-readers did they assess?

>> No.922606

List is bullshit.

>> No.922610

This just triggered an idea. Any of you guys keep lists of obscure words and their meanings in order to expand your vocabularies? We should exchange/share. Hell, we could even make a thread for the purpose.

>> No.922612

No. Did you have Jewish grandparents who refuse to shut the fuck up about this shit?

>> No.922625

why would anyone do this? retarded

>> No.922648


It can be rewarding to record strange words you come across.

>> No.922653

I can speak and write in 4 languages.

who gives a fuck if I miss out on some difficult words.

>> No.922660


You should always strive to improve your primary language. I'd rather speak one language well than 4 languages poorly.

>> No.922664

my primary language is near perfect.

it's just not English.

>> No.922671

We could go one better and set up a temp website for listing a compendium of all the words.

>> No.922673


> What fucking paper-readers did they assess?

> What Asses did they readers-paper fucking?

> L O S T

>> No.922689

I got all of these, expect the stupid ones. I was able to translate "baldenfreude," but it didn't make sense. Oh, I'm so sorry I wasn't in the loop enough to know someone had made a bad neologism. (Baldenfreude, when dissected, would logically refer to someone's happiness at being bald, rather than schadenfreude stemming from one's baldness. SO IT'S FUCKING STUPID, EVERYONE.) I was also able to translate Kristallnacht, but it didn't help me any, because it refers to an historical event. So, wait, is this a test of vocabulary or historical knowledge? Which one is it? WHICH ONE?


>> No.922693


>So, wait, is this a test of vocabulary or historical knowledge?
Words accrue baggage with time. Vocabulary testing will always have a historical component.

>> No.922695

baldenfreude is not a fucking word.

>> No.922702
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>> No.922703


>> No.922709


Holy fuck. I could understand if a normal person didn't know these, but shit. What are brilliant newspaper readers coming to?

>> No.922731

Excellent post. This is rare to have a topic of such quality.

>> No.922738

Is that when you feel happy to see a man has less hair than you?

>> No.922753


They ranked the words based on the number of times readers looked up their meanings. Because of the recent wave and jargon of Washington, "overhaul" was used so often that even only being looked up an average of 4 times per use was enough to get it in the top 50.

>> No.922754

oh cool, archaic words. yes, I know the definitions of the majority of these words. no, that does not make me a better person for knowing them.

>> No.922763


Only a publication as up-its-own-ass as the New York Times would consider something Maureen Dowd made up as an actual "word".

The same way they considered Judith Miller an actual "free speech martyr", rather than a propaganda hack who decided to go to prison rather than offend her good friend Dick Cheney.

Horseshit. All of it horseshit. (A word you will never see in the New York Times, because it's too honest.)

>> No.922778


This just in, brilliant newspaper readers dumber than army grunts.

>> No.922800

It's not a word.

>> No.922820

Sure is pretentious in here.

>> No.922834
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This list is a mix of disappointment and pic related.

>> No.922847

I know some of those

But not all, not all at all


>> No.922886
File: 41 KB, 460x360, silliness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need a clean version of that. text on image ruins the entire point of reaction images.

>> No.922903

I always love

Because nobody ever knows wtf it means and I usually have to look it up.

>> No.922923

"Cynosure" is a good one, I have to say. Definitely a keeper.

My hunch is that it's meant to be a portmanteau of baldness and schadenfreude, indicating schadenfreude at someone else's baldness. Can't imagine it being in widespread use though.

>> No.922937
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