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9223896 No.9223896 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about a quarter of the way threw with Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover and really blown away with how detailed, descriptive and complex he makes the writing in such a novel.

You actually see inside the head of Anakin Skywalker which I never expected. Stover also brings the feelings and thoughts of Obi-Wan to life which is great. He throws you INTO the space battles as though you were there which was a completely different and cool approach I didn't expect Stover to take. I understand now why so many readers liked Revenge of the Sith. Even non-sci-fi readers. Mainly because of the complexity and quality of the writing itself. I'm really enjoying it!

What does /lit/ as a whole think of all the Star Wars novels and book adaptions out there? Are there any others that are worth a read?

>> No.9223935


>> No.9225013

lol, you too iliterate to read one?

>> No.9225081



>> No.9225587


Wow go fuck yourself

>> No.9225617

I'm reading Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina and it's pretty good desu

>> No.9225647


Is that novel apart of a series?

>> No.9225651

This honestly was not a bad book. It's genre for sure, but it was better than it had any reason to be.

>> No.9225660

i read Shadows of the Empire back in the day, I remember loving it but I was also 12

plus the N64 was fucking dope too

>> No.9225682

AMEN to that anon.

>> No.9226985

I've heard the Darth Bane trilogy's good, and it's one of the ones I never got around to, so it's on my list.

Thrawn trilogy is an obvious necessity, even if it's no longer canon.

I played the PC version. Damn that was a good time to be alive.

>> No.9227656

Yeah, I've heard a lot about the Thrawn trilogy. Heard a lot of fans enjoyed those books. Why aren't they considered canon anymore anon?

>> No.9227698

Read about Luuke. Luuke. Al SW novels are steaming piles of shit.

>> No.9227706

I loved most of the shitty star wars EU, reading tales of the Jedi before playing Kotor males for ultimate comfy experience

>> No.9227846

Bane and Plagueis are must reads for any star wars fan.

>> No.9228970

which novels are Bane and Plagusus in anon?

>> No.9229390

How long is this book? Im getting slightly interested. I think (assuming it was you) I was in the last thread you made about this book, and even then I mentioned the prequels problems stemming from things other than the concepts and themes. I would imagine they would work better in the hands of X writer doing a novel instead of the condensed movie format

>> No.9229663


I just checked and its over 450 pages in length at least. Its a pretty lengthy novel.