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/lit/ - Literature

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9223145 No.9223145 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own thread.

>> No.9223160
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Do I need to fuck boipussy to understand the Greeks?

>> No.9223166

>tfw your squat plug falls out

>> No.9223168
File: 70 KB, 605x311, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did OP mean by this?

>> No.9223174


>OPs pic

what other boards do you guys go to?

>> No.9223246


>> No.9223256

/pol/ and /his/

>> No.9223260


I mean, are there really people on 4chan that really don't go on reddit ever?

We like to make fun of reddit and to be fair most of the main subs are shit but there are some legit good communities like Askhistorian and plenty of small niche subs.

>> No.9223282

How long should I keep do linear progression routines amd then move to intermediate

>> No.9223284

Some of us have autistic tribalism over websites you reddit using queer.

>> No.9223286

I once made an account to contact a guy with an underground movie and never went back, are you bait? I never liked 4chan either. I despise Anglo-saxons in general and who appreciate them. English speaking countries are even more trash than poor countries. Not bait, It's sickening.

>> No.9223295

The only times I go there are to read stories or threads that very occasionally go viral, or if I'm stalking someone and it leads me there. Maybe less than once every two months.

>> No.9223298

>redditor trying to normalize his reddit use
fucking leave and never come back. you are the cancer killing /lit/

>> No.9223299

I don't know where else you find quality RC sources or comprehensive darknet/bitcoin info.

The alt high end subs for books and movies are entertaining enough.

>> No.9223315
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What are some dope nonfiction books that will really make me think?

>> No.9223319

If a democracy votes to not be a democracy anymore, are they still a democracy?

>> No.9223339

Never, I only use the internet for two chans.
Three Christs of Ypsilanti
Varieties of Religious Experience
History of Madness

All come highly recommended. Just don't become a full-blown Marxist after reading Foucault

>> No.9223384

who is the best horror writer, and what is HIS best work?

>> No.9223411

colour out of space, followed closely by rats in the walls

>> No.9223432

What's the comfiest philosophy? Is it Epicureanism?

>> No.9223441

Where do I start with post-modernism? The wiki's got suggestions but I'd prefer to start with a textbook or good description about what it actually is first

>> No.9223513

Is there any merit to self-publishing?

>> No.9223622

Never went on reddit. It's time to go back faggot

>> No.9223816

No. On account of them choosing not to be. That's evidently the last democratic vote that theyll ever have.

>> No.9223819

Writing on MDMA is amazing. It's unsustainable though

>> No.9223830

Kant's critques

>> No.9223839

You're already living amongst it my man

>> No.9223844

/co/, /tv/, /b/, /s4s/, /f/, /wsg/ anything that i can use in my work

>> No.9223858

4chan dot org

>> No.9223911

/mlp/ /s4s/ /soc/ /pol/

>> No.9223973

/gif/, /d/

>> No.9223978

There's a specific term I need to know which refers strictly to the motion of an animal/dog flapping their ears upwards in panic

>> No.9223989

Just /vr/ to check for Thief threads

>> No.9223990

/mu/ /tv/ /fa/ /sp/
I'm a consumer

>> No.9223992

Forgot to finish my post

Anybody remember it?

>> No.9224024

/his/, /pol/, /fit/, /sp/

>> No.9224035
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>> No.9224087

Athenians got bitch slapped by Spartans, though.
Spartans were even more into boipussy.

>> No.9224093

Could it be 'pricked ears [up]'

>> No.9224099

reminds me of this story i hear about a fish saying to another fish

what is water?

this is water

>> No.9224111

too manly for women desu

>> No.9224121

Still one of my favorites

>> No.9224131

/int/, /g/, /tv/, /mu/ for the most part.

>> No.9224158

I can just barely tolerate a bit of /g/, but /tv/ is too much. I mean they have some decent OC/memes once every two years, but as far as discussing shows and movies it's just pure plebbery. They know nothing outside of Hollywood and mainstream tv.

>> No.9224161

/fit/ and /his/

>> No.9224171

Yeah I don't browse /tv/ for insightful discussion on film, although the people in /lbg/ at least seem to watch stuff that isn't Hollywood or Game of Thrones.

>> No.9224187
File: 11 KB, 531x517, prior analytics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only one I go to regularly. There are 5 or 6 other boards I visit mostly just for laughs, and /sci/ for math.
Have you read GEB?

This might deserve its own thread, but I don't really feel like attending to a thread right now so I'll just post here:
I'm reading Aristotle's Prior Analytics, and a lot of this ground (I'm through chapter 7) seems to be covered in an introductory logic or set theory course. So far I've been able to understand it just by thinking about venn diagrams that correspond to each. For example, if A is predicated on B and B is predicated on C, we arrive at A is predicated on C, which amounts to pic related.
My question: if I have a good background in formal logic, can I just skip the rest of Prior Analytics and move on to Posterior Analytics? George Boole pretty much incorporated Aristotelian syllogisms into his logic, so if I understand Boolean logic don't I understand Prior Analytics? Is there any reason for me to read this other than for its innate historical interest?

>> No.9224295

why are you stalking people?

>> No.9224436

/fit/ /an/ /adv/

>> No.9224443

/lbg/ has been cancer since the archiveposter and Emily Jean poster started fighting

>> No.9224504

/tg/ because I'm a filthy genre fiction reader/writer.
/his/ because I love the historic implications of geopolitics and differing philosophies.
/wsg/ because I get bored sometimes.

>> No.9224552
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Thanks a ton, this is exactly the subject I was looking for.

>> No.9224559

Christopher Lasch-Culture of Narcissism and The Minimal Self
James Burnham-The Managerial Revolution

>> No.9224658

/k/, /pol/. rarely: /diy/, /ck/, /o/

>> No.9224670

/ck/, /co/, /fit/, /his/, /out/, /pol/, /trv/, /tv/ and /x/

>> No.9224679

What are the deepest fiction books you've ever read? Like so profound they're more beneficial and you learn more than most nonfiction books?

>> No.9224684

/x/ , /diy/, /vp/ , and sometimes /fa/

>> No.9224700

/o/ and /k/ mostly.
/gif/ to jerk off.

>> No.9224741

How does one write if one has nothing to say?

>> No.9224863

doing MDMA more than 3ish times a year is extremely harmful/dangerous

pretty much taking it makes your brain release ALL the feelgood chemicals you have stored up, so it needs time to regenerate them. Also why you feel depressed the day after rolling. No more feelgood chemicals

>> No.9224879

Are there any modern horror writers worth checking out?

I've been listening to stuff on audio for the last couple months and I find that a good horror novel is really engaging for me while I listen.

I ask about modern horror writers because I've already gone through Lovecraft, Poe, a bunch of Stephen King stuff, and I just finished The Exorcist. I'm hoping there's somebody new who's doing something good in the genre.

>> No.9225103

Is it actually hard to get an agent/get published, or is it just that most "writers" are My Immortal tier? Genre fiction.


/pol/ (and its older brother), /his/, /biz/, and /a/.


I've tried various times, but you can't say anything that could be remotely controversial (so you pretty much can't post anything that isn't a headnod or "witty" "humor") or you get b& from subs by asspained retard mods. It's cancer and a giant hugbox. I love you assholes on 4chunz because you can take someone disagreeing with you without needing therapy and leading a downboat brigade. reddit is shit. You can't have any actual discussion on faggit.

Reddit is where dumb people go to act smart, 4chan is where smart people go to act dumb.

>> No.9225108

If ever, then I hope they realized their mistake and return to the autistic fold

>> No.9225116

C and P

>> No.9225131

what is the literary version of a kino?

>> No.9225154

Moby Dick is the first one that comes to mind, although you could argue that it's largely autobiographical and encyclopedic

>> No.9225159


>> No.9225163

How hard is it to publish philosophical works as a varied major? I'm majoring in classics and linguistics but I would like to make some contributions to philosophy. Is it going to be difficult to attempt to publish a manuscript? Should I start with journals to dip my name in the water?

>> No.9225170

write airplane-tier self help to get your feet in the water. put some leftist diversity bullshit spin on it and you'll be featured in hundreds of university courses across the world.

>> No.9225201

Literally or just trying to make myself look bad?

>> No.9225208

you'd be doing that either way, just giving you advice on the most efficient way

>> No.9225230

Is reading the Bible essential to understanding western literature?

>> No.9225244

The Name of the Rose is used in intro to semiotics classes

>> No.9225253

/his/, /sci/, /g/, /pol/, /r9k/

>> No.9225291

/pol/, /k/, /vg/, /tg/, /fit/, /sci/
With varying degrees of frequency.

Fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.9225304

No book is essential.

>> No.9225366

/vp/, /sci/ and /sp/ mostly

>> No.9225427

Yes you fucking sub human, I'd rather suck off a pig than go to your shitty fucking site. Leave.

>> No.9225443


>> No.9225456

What philosopher should I read into after Kant?
Assuming I've already read almost everything relavant, chronologically up until Kant from the Greeks.

>> No.9225462

/ck/ is the only other board I visit frequently. To a lesser extent /fit/, /x/, /pol/, and sometimes /k/ and /o/ if I have questions.

>> No.9225471

Just the MDE subreddit of course

>> No.9225489

>Reddit is where dumb people go to act smart, 4chan is where smart people go to act dumb.
One of the most reddit-tier things I've read on this site in a while.

>> No.9225676

anyone wanna give me their two cents on my Aristotle question?

>> No.9225685

I don't really know the answer to that question, but this might help.

>> No.9225686

You really shouldn't date yourself like that anon. People will make fun of you.

>> No.9225786

Thanks a lot.
This seems pretty impressive, I'm surprised I haven't come across it earlier.

>> No.9225833

No problem, think you could help me out with my Aristotle question above?

>> No.9225900

Looking for a recommendation for babby's intro to philosophy of mind

I know qualia, the ghost in machine, and the soul are all incorrect, but doesn't a conception of "consciousness" within philosophy of mind capture a similar idea? If not then what is the term for the feature of my existence that, from my perspective, sets me apart from the rest of humanity? This concept is my chief interest and would like a recommendation that includes an explanation/exploration of this topic.

>> No.9225981

>I know qualia, the ghost in machine, and the soul are all incorrect
Question that doesn't deserve its own thread: What did you read to arrive at these conclusions?

>> No.9226027


Frege's On Sense and Reference
Kenny's Frege introduction

brain in the vat

any putnam reading

>> No.9226078

Stay the holy hell away from analytics at first. They will give you a bizarrely impoverished and ahistorical perspective, whose priorities/unreflective epistemological premises are a bizarre mixture of autism and hostility to traditions outside their own, disguised as "naturalism" and simple language philosophy. The worst analytics make up 95% of analytics, and they gird themselves in the (still usually kind of misguided) ideas of the other 5% and fuck everything up.

If you're reading shit like Dennett and Quine and stuff, you need to run for your life right now.

here's a fun sourcebook

You probably want to know the history of what was taken for granted in consciousness:
>What did Plato think the knowing soul "was"? (complex question with possibly contradictory answers)
>How did Aristotelian philosophy see the nature of the human intellect/soul in relation to reality? Is the knowledge of the soul a receptivity to ontology that is "already there," or are Aristotelians dualists + conceptualists?
>How do early modern philosophers of mind appropriate the medieval tradition, and to what extent do they even have a philosophy of a res cogitans as a substance distinct from matter?
>How does Kant's critical idealism and how do its inheritors deal with the problem of dualism?
>How does the mechanistic and deterministic philosophy of the 19th century support mere emanationism?
>How do things like Renouvier and William James reassert the the "efficacy" of mind?

The real answer is that no one has an answer. Mainstream science would probably cautiously say right now that consciousness is emergentist and materialist, but not emanationist. Philosophy doesn't say much on metaphysical matters like these currently.

If you're willing to dabble in idealism, freer metaphysics than modern science allows (which can allow for fudging the barrier between mind and matter in interesting ways, but all are fringe currently), and outright mysticism, there is a lot of room for interesting stuff. Personally I think going back to the pre-Hegelian idealists is a good starting point, but whatever.

Seriously, don't learn this shit from the analytics. Learn it historically and engage with different traditions. Analytic philosophy is like a litmus test for weak wills. All they'll do is bully you with non-answers until you go "well, I guess I'm SO wrong that I just can't see the non-answers as answers, so I'll forcibly commit myself to accepting them as answers. Then I can be a good analytic philosopher too." Disgusting tradition.

>> No.9226141


Thank you

You wouldn't have any similar advice on evolutionary psychology?


I heard qualia dismissed as outdated on an episode of Philosophy Bites and I heard the concept of the soul dismissed by Dennett for being inconsistent with neuroscience and someone else for being inconsistent with the law of conservation of energy.

>> No.9226159

>Reddit is where dumb people go to act smart, 4chan is where smart people go to act dumb

I hope for your sake this this is some kind of meta-bait

>> No.9226165

ok. ok. wow. just... ok. what's it like to put so much time into a post that has so little substance?

>> No.9226172


How slow do you type? Not him, but that'd take me no more than two minutes

>> No.9226591

What are some very good books that are non fiction books?

>> No.9228601

/pol/, /fit/ and the occasional /a/ /v/ /ck/ /tv/

>> No.9229145

Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace

>> No.9229276
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 1489082390416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books that deal with childhood memories and their seductiveness?

>> No.9229304

/trv/ /fa/ and /mu/
/trv/ is by far the best board in this website but it's slow as fuck

>> No.9229344

For all you native English speaking people out there, from what more obscure countries literature have read the most of?
Excluding France, Russia and Germany.

>> No.9229363
File: 446 KB, 840x824, meme man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is The Gulag Archipelago several books or just one normal sized book?
Saw a copy of it yesterday but it didn't look so thicc, but it had three parts in it. Asking because I have heard that it's massive.

>> No.9229582 [DELETED] 

What would be a good starter into deep lit? I've finished most of the starter guide and I'm wondering what the next step logical step is. If it helps I was a big fan of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and The Stranger, in all its simplicity.
Also, what would be easier to teach myself, Latin or Greek?

>> No.9229588

What would be a good starter into deeper lit? I've finished most of the starter guide and I'm wondering what the next step logical step is. If it helps I was a big fan of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and The Stranger, in all its simplicity.
Also, what would be easier to teach myself, Latin or Greek?

>> No.9229630 [DELETED] 

Checkov, Chejov or whatever its spelled in English

>> No.9230117

Is it Marquez, Gabriel Garcia or Garcia Marquez, Gabriel?

>> No.9230719

Whats a good author for dark medieval fantasy stories? Example of good books also welcomed

>> No.9231895

What was the word that described a situation where a person is no longer effectively within a position but reserves its title?

e.g. "Creator of 4chan"

>> No.9231901

Nvm I discovered it myself

It's "emeritus" if anybody was curious


>> No.9231910

All the porn boards, /int/ and /pol/ (to shitpost of course :3).

>> No.9233106

/tv/ /fit/ /mu/ /asp/

>> No.9233132

Does anyone know any novels that are told in first-person but are introduced by a different (fictional) character? Like J.R. Jr in Lolita and the start of The Name of the Rose?

>> No.9233724

So I autistically impressed & made a connection with this /lit/ girl by pretending to know about philosophy. We are meeting next week to talk about it.

What the fuck can I do to make it seem like I sound like I somewhat know what I'm talking about? Like I know the basic idea behind mainstream Western philosopher's beliefs but nothing really of substance. I know she likes Marx and Kant (she's not marxist though thankfully). Is there anything I can say sounds like it has substance?

>> No.9233731

None of them. Stresses are not optional, faggot

>> No.9233736

Nah mate your only hope is that she is also a huge pseud and you can bullshit your way through

>> No.9234199

Anyone know any good writing on film?

>> No.9234633

In order after /lit/:

>> No.9234939
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/sci/, /fit/, /fa/, /k/, /o/, /mu/, /adv/

/g/ only for watch/headphone generals

>> No.9234958

What question deserves their own thread?

>> No.9234960

Some anon was talking about the connection between Nietzsche and Wagner the other day. He said something about there being preferable versions of Wagner's operas. Can someone point me in the direction of said operas?

>> No.9234972

Does anyone here understand my poem? If so, can you explain to me what I'm trying to get across. Everyone says it makes no sense. I want to know what people think of it before I continue.

Some light, imperceptible
To the common scope
Factory boring filters
Absorb and choke, no hope

Rattle bone
It's will
Violence unknown
License to kill

>> No.9235023

/tg/ mostly

>> No.9235031

don't be mean, I just want to know where to shelve it.

>> No.9235109

Yeah, i remember that thread.
Anon had lots of amplifying information but didn't sound autistic.
Pretty sure it was fliegende hollander, tannhauser (gwen jones 1978 version or something), then lohengrin which are operas, and then meister singers in this order for ring cycle; rheingold, walkure, sigfried, then gotterdammerung.
I think...
Hope that was what you meant

>> No.9235145

Thanks anon!

>> No.9235670
File: 126 KB, 660x880, 2866ff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucked? I find myself getting sucked in to bad habits way too easily. I enjoy the feeling of reading and understanding literature and philosophy, but i always end up spending hours per day staring at youtube videos, scrolling through /lit/, watching trashy comedy tv. Its likely a result of my upbringing at a time when no one knew the damage of what they were letting me do was (and uninformed parents, pretty smart people but just smoked weed, worked, and made music or sculptures for all my childhood).
Is everyone fucked? Before television (let alone the internet) people read for entertainment. They mostly read trash but it was in a form that allowed for the exploration of weighty topics, as well as trash. The medium of entertainment that is now the baseline is such a big leap from literature, how is anyone supposed to absorb themselves into it when theyve come from such an alien world.
It feels like im just making excuses for my lack of discipline, but seriously the first time i picked up a piece of what we would call "literature" for a reason other than me having to for school was when i was 20.
I started a BA a couple of years later by the way and should be reading hegel right now.

>> No.9235741

>Is there any reason for me to read this other than for its innate historical interest?
I don't know but Aristotelian logic is apparently different from classical logic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJVk08OIrLY&feature=youtu.be&t=7m09s

>> No.9236642

How do you use hegelian dialectics in everyday life?

>> No.9236661
File: 53 KB, 254x312, 1488542002480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh special little safe space

Fuck off faggot. /lit/ and all of 4chan has been cancer and dying forever. Let it be.

>> No.9236741

>Before television (let alone the internet) people read for entertainment.
too idealistic desu

>> No.9236830

I've read a lot of his work, and while I enjoy it I can say that it is overwrought and super predictable.

>> No.9236919
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>Before television (let alone the internet) people read for entertainment. They mostly read trash but it was in a form that allowed for the exploration of weighty topics, as well as trash.

So does every medium. Go watch a decent movie.

Also most people probably didn't read before television as most of them were probably semi-literate factory workers and farmers who had hobbies that didn't involve sitting in their dimly lit houses straining their eyes. Those who did read for entertainment probably did little more than the read daily news and the occasional shit tier genre fiction or magazine. Stop romanticizing the past and just realize that the vast majority of people were always uninterested in literature and they still are because it's dense and not immediately rewarding.

The problem isn't that less people read it's that more people are engaged in extremely passive activities all the time and are losing any ability to think critically or productively outside their basic nine to five workaday lives. Jim Davies the Welsh coal miner in the 1890s may have struggled to write his own name but at least he wasn't sat on his arse every night watching Dancing with the Stars and live tweeting his thoughts while stuffing his face full of empty calories.

People being idiots isn't the problem. People being numbed to death with social media, television on demand and pointless consumerism is the problem.

>> No.9236949

/pol/ /his/ /x/ /wg/ and /d/

>> No.9236951

actually nothing is the problem. live your life and stop complaining about how others live their lives.

>> No.9236994
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> hur dur so enlightened

You legitimately believe there is nothing wrong with society and that we live in some utopia where everything is as it should be? Or was this a meaningless platitude you've heard somewhere and thought would sound intelligent?

>> No.9237817

The book of the new sun has translator's notes after every volume

>> No.9237831

Can you help me?

if you reply I won't respond

>> No.9238040
File: 108 KB, 751x720, 1411260350666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys. Im writing a research paper and im having some trouble.
There's a particular phrase that im thinking of, but I cant place it.
This is specifically about the film Seven Psychopaths. Im trying to think of the best way to explain that the screenplay being written in the film shares a title with the film itself without sounding like a retard.

>> No.9238058

That was deep.

>> No.9238211

metanarrative? meta-something

>> No.9238273

What's the literature equivalent of Quick Time Events?

What's the literature equivalent of adding in chromatic aberration to a digital painting?

>> No.9238282

Here's an example of how im trying to fit this sentence together.
>Seven Psycopaths follows an alcoholic writer as he attempts to draw inspiration from his personal life in order to write the [so-named] screenplay
I cant think of the term i should be using, but I know there is one.

>> No.9238288

QTE would probably be a choose-your-own-adventure novel.

>> No.9238309
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/pol/ for shits and giggles
/tg/ for ideas
/k/ for shits, giggles, and guns made out of shits and giggles
/ck/ for people raging over steaks
/aco/ for BBW stuff
/lit/ is new territory for me

Anywho, does anyone have that list for descriptors being used in a certain order? I saw it elsewhere and now I can't find it.

>> No.9238317

No you don't understand-- CYOAs are the visual novels of books. Visual novels are the books of video games. What is the Quick Time Event? I'm thinking some kind of frivolous margin note.

>> No.9238360


>> No.9238447

gun shooty?

>> No.9238464

more books like notes from underground?

>> No.9238465

/lgbt/, /a/, /tv/ (but not as much as I used to. Place is shit right now), /co/ and sometimes /pol/ for a good laugh.

>> No.9238653

I used it and became addicted for a year.
I am still trying to detoxify myself from its mentality.

Fuck reddit, it ruined my critical thinking abilities.

>> No.9238661

what subs did you frequent

>> No.9238667

i don't go there

>> No.9238757

>its mentality
Do tell, what would you describe as a "Reddit mentality?"

>> No.9238768

Mostly just /lit/ really

I sometimes go to /a/, /v/, /tv/, /his/ and rarely /pol/. They're all kind of awful so i mostly just avoid them these days

>> No.9238872

sci, fit, ck, Out

>> No.9239100
File: 113 KB, 1000x414, 4bb07ee587a6e206bde862db3f765b379b1574d7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if william vollmann can get laid......why can't you?

>> No.9239190

What's a relatively modern (20th century), relatively obscure short story or play that "says something about the nature of wisdom?"

>> No.9239301

>There's a particular phrase that im thinking of, but I cant place it.
>This is specifically about the film Seven Psychopaths
shit anon I got you
the line is "dream sequences are for fags"

>> No.9239363

This isn't a question but a thought that doesn't deserve its own thread.

Everyman's Pocket Library Poetry series is very aesthetically pleasing but too small and expensive given that you can buy the complete poems of many of these poets for half the price.

>> No.9239388

I'm sure that if Moot ever posts again they'll let him write in his special fonts and colors.

>> No.9239421

william vollman
lived in a hole man
cause he was a mole man.


>> No.9239426

i enjoyed American Pastoral and it offers some interesting ideas about the decline of urban areas in the post-war era.

>> No.9239549

/sp/, /biz/, /pol/, and /his/

Used to go to /mu/ and /int/ a couple of years ago
Used to go to /r9k/ before that

>> No.9239621

how do you tell scammers from good advice on /biz/? I'm never able to take anything I read there at face value.

>> No.9239722

Please go to bluelight and learn a tiny bit about chemistry and a smattering of pharmacology before talking about drugs again. Please.

>> No.9239735

I... fist fucked... your mother... to death.

>> No.9239746

Why does anyone go to /fit/? I remember going there years ago when I knew nothing, maybe 7 or so years now. You learn some basics, get some memes, then you go research things on your own. There are much better sources of information than /fit/. Hell, they'll even tell you to go to reddit for the more advanced stuff and for steroids because they have good stickies.

It's such a shit hole. Only go there if you want to meme it up with high schoolers and college freshmen.

>> No.9239749

Why is the Transmigration of Timothy Archer considered part of the VALIS trilogy? It has nothing to do with it, it's basically just a thinly fictionalized account of when PKD was friends with the kinda unorthodox Bishop Pike.

>> No.9239759

I wish I was gay

>> No.9239767
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/v/, /trash/, /d/, [s4s], /tv/ mostly

>> No.9239771

CYOA does not compare to graphic novels as a whole. Comic books? Cape books? Yes. But to compare CYOAs to all graphic novels just doesn't work. Read Kerascoet as an introduction.

>> No.9239787

I'm talking about Visual Novels™. This kind of trash: https://vndb.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel

>> No.9239797

Oh shit. I was wrong. Young Adult novels that are easy to digest and give instant gratification. They're what you're looking for.

>> No.9240036

As far as I know the Greeks did not actually go for boipussy as we know it, but rather for intercrural sex.

>> No.9240241

>Blood Meridian, Or the Evening Redness in the West
>Moby Dick, Or the Whale
>Wieland, Or The Transformation

What's this called? Inb4 pretentious.

>> No.9241275


>> No.9241348

/int/,/a/ and sometimes /ck/

>> No.9241352


>> No.9241370

Bishop Berkly's Idealism

His dialogue is like eating candy.

>> No.9241448

nah the theme of the post you replied to says its not that big a deal if society is a little wonky and we don't live in some utopia.
When you're responsible for your own mood it shouldn't bother your society is behaving in a certain manner

>> No.9241452

cigarrettes and how dumb it is that we can't help ourselves from shortening our lives

>> No.9241462
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so if something in society annoys me i should just ignore it?

>> No.9241468

Which she probably is. So good for >>9233724

>> No.9241472

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.9241490

because when you actively invest time in a hobby its nice to spend some down time on a forum dedicated to that hobby

the assumption here is that you go to /fit/ because your looking for an authority on fitness when in reality you go to /fit/ to circlejerk

>> No.9241501

uhhh idk, give me an example

don't get your panties in a wad because society isn't as nice as you could imagine

>> No.9241504

careful, your insecurity is showing

>> No.9241522

Take any example. Crime, poverty, childhood obesity. Are people wrong to be upset about these things? Is every campaign to change these things just people getting their "panties in a wad"?

>> No.9241535

>don't get your panties in a wad because society isn't as nice as you could imagine
And why not?

If people hundreds of years ago didn't get their panties in a wad because society wasn't as nice as they wanted then society wouldn't be as nice as it is now. And it could still get better so why not try and pursue that?

>> No.9241537

Yes, the bible is essential.

>> No.9241543

To be perfectly honest the bible is so ubiquitous in western consciousness that you probably already intuitively know everything important. But it would help.

>> No.9241548

Schopenhauer or Hegel.

>> No.9241639

nah people can get upset at whatever they wan't but I'm not going to.

Well because I don't like having my panties in a wad. If you let things outside of your control upset you, then you should expect to be upset often. I would rather the opposite so i'll stick to not getting my panties in a wad

>> No.9241679

> nah people can get upset at whatever they wan't but I'm not going to.

Nothing bothers you?

>> No.9241693


>> No.9241711

/mu/, /his/, /x/, /tg/, /ic/, /fa/, also /fringe/ on 8ch and /cake/ on 7ch

>> No.9241730

Could anyone recommend me some philosophy books on beauty and/or human emotion?

>> No.9242543
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ehhhhh I'd go with "titular" myself!

>> No.9242556


/lit/ and /mu/

>> No.9244061
File: 28 KB, 431x450, Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guise! I'm thinking about buying Cooper's 'Plato: Complete Works' to sate myself while I collect the Loeb Classical Library editions. Is it money well-spent?

>> No.9244067

no. read better books.

>> No.9244081

of course

>> No.9244091

O-oh okay...

>> No.9244104

It's ok if you really need a single volume edition, but translations are pretty shit. Loeb is also shit btw. Bloom and Waterfield are GOAT.

>> No.9244106

hey guise! i'm thinking of buying chestnut italian leather chair so people think i'm a smart handsome guy while i collect books i'll never read to impress people i'll never meet. is it money well-spent?

>> No.9244130


>> No.9244295

is it reasonable to think that reading a spanish translation of the divine comedy (and also the aeneid) is preferable to one in english?

>> No.9244304

nice cat my man

>> No.9244316

Sure. Isn't Spanish closer to Italian than English? Romance language or something like that?

>> No.9244356
File: 96 KB, 800x437, doppellaugher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women on this board RIGHT NOW
>watch/headphone generals
Oh, hello, you must be the cancer killing /g/. Fuck you especially.
Fuck all of you. I'll be back later to mass reply again.

>> No.9244382

Graphic Novels as a term was created just to appease pretentious folk such as yourself, Will Eisner, the guy who coined the term said it himself. Graphic novels and comics are the same thing.

>> No.9244695

Opinion on Cornford?

>> No.9245047

What do you guys think of Fahrenheit 451?
Just finished it. P good

>> No.9245155
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I feel mentally jaded. I want to read a work, philosophical or otherwise, that will greatly reconstruct the way with which I see the world - preferably in a positive light. If anyone could point me to something like that, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.9245210
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 1486502274104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the inauspiciously named "suicide note.pdf" by Prof. Heisman. There's a PDF available online, and while it's 9000 pages you can skip to chapter 3 and get the full gist. The main theme is the impact 1066 had on world civilization, and the relevance of forecasting singularity events.

"Against Nature" is a fin de siecel satire of hedonism and the NEET life, where a man slowly realizes the futility of his habits and hollow belief system. It also has amazing prose and gold-plated turtles.

"The Red Queen" by Matt Ridley is a super pop-sci book with more" sci" than "pop" which will totally recontextualize your understanding of organic life altogether. Did you know the gritty details of why human penises are so huge? Fuck no. Read "The Red Queen".

Also consider: "Prometheus Rising" by Robert Anton Wilson, and "Inner Space" by Aryeh Kaplan. Controversial political works like Ted K's manifesto and "The Camp of the Saints" might be serviceable too.

>> No.9245224
File: 122 KB, 570x767, elliot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent 30 minutes looking for an adequate English translation of Rainer Maria Rilcke's Autumn day - and not a single one did the original justice.

If I want to appreciate literature, do I really have to speak the work's original language?

That's depressing.

>> No.9245426
File: 390 KB, 2228x1659, stanczyk_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which translation/edition of Oblomov should I buy? There doesn't seem to be a certain, definitive copy of it in english from what I've looked at online.

>> No.9245439

I have nothing to say on what translation of the poem you should read, but I have this vague idea that there is a general academic consensus considering Rilke's German translating well to English.

So in this case no.

>> No.9246576
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>> No.9246606

/tv/ mostly

it is the worst board on 4chan

>> No.9246712

Does /lit/ not like detective fiction?

>> No.9246868

Lifters can indeed be insufferable
But like...you can lift a little bit so you're not a weak pile of twigs.

>> No.9246929

>killing an already shit board


>> No.9246943

>im too lazy to work out and got cucked one time by a guy who works out, so i'll just call them bad things so i can feel better about myself

>> No.9246946

>lift a little bit so you're not a weak pile of twigs.

But that would require you to lift a lot

>> No.9246966

/fit/, /his/, /pol/, /a/
Does anyone have that picture of philosophers used for "Which ones have you read" threads

>> No.9247000

There is a point in making a distinction. Communication is important. Say comic and people will mostly think about marvel and dc. They'll shut down on the topic or start talking about movies. You know as well as I do that language is alive and evolves. Yes, I would consider Judge Dredd, Transmetropolitan, Moomin, etc comics, but if you want to present them to other people using the term graphic novel will net you more success.

In the mind of the majority comic=cape (specifically marvel and dc). You can consider the term graphic novel as pretentious, yet to most people it conveys a different idea. People are more willing to be open to reading a graphic novel when it isn't associated with cape heroes.

>> No.9247053
File: 416 KB, 2800x2100, 1489020548337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one ?

>> No.9247072

Is that actually true? I would have assumed that /b/ and /mlp/ are objectively the worst.

>> No.9247105

I'm a refugee from /his/ as of like 2 days ago.

Besides that /x/ and /mu/ occasionally.

>> No.9247151


>> No.9247273

/b/ occasionally

i used to go to /fa/, /co/, /ic/, /o/, /sp/ during the olympics

no i dislike reddit very much thank you