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/lit/ - Literature

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9223049 No.9223049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will college instructors stop politicizing writing classes? I'm not surprised but genuinely irked by this woman speaking to my class

>Literature Composition instructor at college tells us we are having a visit from an author
>She's written a biography about her father who was a Canadian football legend
>OK cool, she'll probably talk about writing
>Shows up and immediately starts talking about activism, race and diversity

>Complaining about how minorities are not included enough in literary discussions
>Complains about how she was often included in literary discussions for the sake of talking about diversity and that's a problem, but then turns around and makes race and politics the main point of her talks anyway, even though she is literally the most white washed black person I've ever seen
>Talks about how we need to reframe Canadian history to be more inclusive, literally historical revisionism in the favor of minorities
>Talks about how white supremacy is parallel with white history
>Tells young black students it's okay to be angry and vocal and the attitude of "trying to get along" is not okay and to start amassing allies
>Says the ONE book she's written didn't do well because of systemic reasons, her next book will exclusively be about race and politics

And here I thought she was coming in to talk about the craft of writing

When will this bullshit end?

>> No.9223057

Because like anything else under Capitalism, everything becomes commodified, hence why identity and social politics is slapped on the arts without any sign of dissent by the students.

Enjoy your Brave New World, proles

>> No.9223118 [DELETED] 

Lack of strong authority figures has made the average pleb mentally deranged. None of this shit we see now is normal, society is literally breaking down as we speak.

>> No.9223140

More like Time Machine.

>> No.9223213

> social politics is slapped on the arts without any sign of dissent by the students.

That's exactly what really irks me about this kind of liberal Idpol discourse, the way it kind of is anti-politics in the sense that it just gets nodded off and forms a trivial narrative. That way it de-radicalizes thought rather than creating conflicts and new thought patterns, which is what politics is supposed to do. I think it's silly to pretend that there are no inherent politics in literature but this stuff isn't politics, like you said, it's commodification and disarmement of the revolutionary and transformative potential of arts.

>> No.9223216

I don't want to be too political but T B H all this preaching about sensitivity of feelings and diversity in literature and breaks given to marginalized groups in literature will just mean better authors from majority groups will be ignored and the quality of contemporary writing will suffer

It's pushing me further and further away from supporting left leaning politics, and basically means I won't ever try and write about race and politics because I'll be labelled and thrown under the bus

>> No.9223231

ok. ok. wow. just... ok.

>> No.9223425

You are not allowed to learn anything in academia that isn't approved by our highly insular, idiosyncratic and abnormal world view inspired by fringe leftist politics. You are just here learn social agitation and tactics to poison the well of public discourse, culture and social cohesion. Now don the black clothes and antifa bandana and go burn trash cans and pepper spray old people(racists), you little cishet privileged fuckboy, and make yourself useful for once. Maybe you'll get to be an apparatchik a once strong independent women of color with shoulder pads is finally made president

>> No.9223451

>it's capitalism's fault
I just imagine you waking up in the middle of the ight needing to pee, blaming the bourgeois, then when you get up and stub your toe on a coffee table or something you fall to the floor, cursing the capitalist world system that created that coffee table.

>> No.9223609

What blows my mind is that she thinks she can lecture us on Canadian heritage when she has no Canadian heritage, her father was American and moved here when he was in his mid 20s

Then she's going to tell me I'm an extension of white supremacy since my family has been here farming Canadian soil for nearly 400 years.

But fortune favors the victims these days

>> No.9223628

>fortune favors the victims these days
this makes absolutely no sense

>> No.9223630

Despite coining terms like "whitesplaining" and "mansplaining" these people feel entitled to lecture and harangue everyone else about their own heritage , they are all self-proclaimed experts on "whiteness" or "canadian-ness" despite being stateless nomads.

You shouldn't expect any kind of consistency or intelligence from these people and just look down on them as the parasites seeking your destruction that they are

>> No.9223633

I'm not a Marxist glassy-eyed utopian, but you can't help but think that Marx got a lot of things right in the most general of things.

Why can't the shoe-horning of social politics into academia be nothing more than the commodification of education, already stratified as it is?

>> No.9223660

I was just joshin you senpai i think you have a point, although I consider the rise of identity politics an incarnation of mass skepticism towards meta-narratives and the average person becoming enfranchised by the zietgeist of subjective relativism. Their identity, as a white nationalist or black transgender lesbian or whatever, becomes more important than other ideology.

>> No.9223695

Look around you. It's a constant social competition to see who is the most marginalized and discriminated against with the most inter sectional identity.

Those people are then paraded around, given jobs and pats on the backs for being so special and brave and strong

>> No.9223702

You can still write about race and politics, just be exceptionally subtle about it. You have to be so subtle about it, that even if they do pick it up, they will likely interpret it as their own political views

>> No.9223724

Rejoice OP, without such leftist narratives, you'd be lost. You'd have nothing left to shitpost about. You wouldn't even be cognizant of your identity as a white man.

Without something to measure your self against, without something to hate, you'd be stuck actually discussing formalist issues of writing. How long should a paragraph be? In what situations is passive voice acceptable?

You'd be thoroughly apolitical without an enemy! Without a cause to stand against, you would have no cause yourself.

>> No.9223864

Using writing class to learn about the craft of writing, what a shame that would be ...

>> No.9223894


>Postmodernist detected

Those people don't want equality, they want war.

Drop the class OP

>> No.9223957


When will /pol/ stop visiting /lit/ to discuss politics? I'm not surprised but genuinely irked by these manchildren speaking to my board.

>Literature discussion board is created for discussion of literature
>populated by users of 4chan
>OK cool, we'll probably talk about reading
>Shows up and immediately starts talking about activism, race and diversity

>Complains about how women don't write well
>Spins off into pure hate-froth regarding women (I guess there's a lot of overlap between /r9k/ and /pol/)
>Complains about how they're often included in literary discussions for the sake of discussing literature and that's a problem, but then turns around and makes race and politics the main point of her posts anyway,
>Talks about how 4chan culture is now dominated by /pol/, and we need to reframe /lit/ topics to be more racist, literal board revisionism in the favor of people who don't even read
>Talks about how white supremacy is more important than books
>Tells young /pol/ users it's okay to be angry and vocal and the attitude of "trying to discuss literature" is not okay and to start amassing allies
>Says the ONE book he's read (The Turner Diaries) didn't do well because of systemic reasons, his next book will be exclusively about race and politics

And here I thought they were coming in to talk about the hobby of reading

When will this bullshit end?

>> No.9223964

What do postmodernists have to do with this? Surely you mean postcolonialism.

>> No.9223965

is this your first time here? quit your bitching newfag it's always been this way. it's to keep redditors like yourself from getting to comfortable here.

>> No.9223977


I've been here before /pol/ started non-stop pooping out buzzfeed-worthy outrage bait about how some literally who said something mildly racist/sexist. It was much better before you got here. I don't give a fuck if reddit shows up, as long as they show up to talk about literature.

>> No.9224000

Political art is inherently marxist.
Shouldn't you be busy shouting "fascism!!!11!!!" at aestheticists?

>> No.9224010

Since when is posting about a literature composition class not /lit/? Her discussions as an author don't relate to literature or the craft and that's what I'm complaining about

I don't feel like being lectured to about how I'm the worst for being a white person when I thought I was going to learn something useful, and this isn't an isolated case.

>> No.9224020

I've been here longer than you and i would sooner this board turn into a shitposting /pol/ clone like /tv/ than it turn into r/books which is clearly where you want it to go. you can fuck right off.

>> No.9224028

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
protip, no one cares about your opinion you newfag tourist

>> No.9224045

I had never been to /tv/ until recently and wow. I just figured it'd be people talking about TV shows they like. Instead its full of people talking about TVs show they hate, maybe never even watched. They hunt down boogeymen to rationalize their ideological opinions. It's just everyone practicing confirmation bias.

>> No.9224133

>bitch spreads cultural marxism, identity politics and racially biased historical revisionism
>it's capitalism's fault
Is this where you tell us that real communism has never been tried?

>> No.9224189

Most threads aren't that politicized. You only clicked on the ones that are because you're an easily manipulated faggot.
Don't like a thread? Don't click on it.

>> No.9224268

>Literature discussion board is created for discussion of literature
>populated by users of 4chan
>OK cool, we'll probably talk about reading

>we'll probably talk about reading


>> No.9224270

so what did you say to her?

>> No.9224290

/tv/ has so many layers of irony you have no idea. You haven't begun to plunge the depths of their reality.

>> No.9224304


my english teacher is constantly saying things that are borderline racist and supporting donald trump. he's a bit disorganized but i like him. "i don't give a FUCK if i get fired, i'm not going to WALK ON EGGSHELLS because of this politically correct bullshit - it's stifling, it's wrong, it's dystopian. i can make money in a dozen different ways. i don't need this job."

>> No.9224334
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, polsecution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in and out of /lit/ for years and no, it was not always like this. You had occasional political threads but not as many as there are now.

>> No.9224340

wrong pic but you get the idea

>> No.9224379

Ignore all anti-intellectual propaganda and favor literature-minded contributions, in or out of the classroom. That's the way to go.

>> No.9224401

it's not a binary choice, you can oppose liberal platitudes and rightist platitudes at the same time, in fact, it's the only really consistent option. Much of liberal identity writing is geared towards the channeling of discomfort, ie. towards preserving the system. It sets the parameters for what one can express and how one can express it. If the right were in power, they would merely replace liberal pieties with their own, instead of multicultural kitsch, you would get homoerotic nationalist viking kitsch.

>> No.9224414

I like this pic better.

>> No.9224425
File: 19 KB, 334x393, 1360896055276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "We leftist on /lit/ have nothing to do with the abhorrent state of politics and academia. Why, it's the fault of those dirty capitalists, like in everything else!" thread

>> No.9224430

I'm curious what the "right" pic was, because this shit seems spot on.

There is a bit of irony in it too. One of /pol/'s biggest complaints is that the SJW must make everything revolve around issues of social justice. /pol/ does the exact same thing, in reverse.

>> No.9224445
File: 33 KB, 1310x299, pol_smokers'_methods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9224475

they don't even have a positive ideology beyond the claim that they are being persecuted and victimised by nebulous and sinister forces.

>> No.9224904

the ideology is traditionalism, with whatever traditions they prefer

>> No.9224933


>> No.9225051


>it's another "/lit/ is liberal because they don't care about politics" thread

You guys are yelling at a wall every time you come in here. The sad thing is, you aren't even being paid to do this.

>> No.9225302

Nothing. The instructor is actually a nice lady who helps me with my writing and I respect her, just a little bit less since she brought in this woman. The only reason this "author" was brought into speak is because they're friends

>> No.9225428

I meant this author that was brought in, obviously. What did you tell her about what you thought of her speech?

>> No.9226230

I've never really understood why this happened.

Like, originally this was a weeb message board for jerking of to loli hentai. It just baffles me that /pol/ came into being, since /b/ and /a/ have always been such a hell hole of sexual perverts.

>> No.9226273

>When will this bullshit end?

It's an academic lingo that doesn't take any effort or intelligence to learn, allows you to filter all life's problems through it, and lets you distinguish yourself via a shibboleth from the uneducated. It has sociological reasons to stay, so it's not going anywhere unless those are undermined.

>> No.9226467

well it started with /new/
honestly I wasn't here when /new/ was around, but I was here during the early days of /pol/, possibly before it was even around, and it was just not as far-reaching of a thing
if you look at 8ch/pol/ they're pretty organized and they talk about combating a lot of these things on their own board done by the opposition, and they talk about doing these things on other boards and other sites, but usually not 4chan because "it's too far gone and too cucked"

all of this is not to say that OP's story is not bullshit by the way, that is actually some bullshit, and it's some bullshit I can believe happened

>> No.9226543

>Tells young black students it's okay to be angry and vocal and the attitude of "trying to get along" is not okay and to start amassing allies
The worst. These people are inciting racial conflict, just when people started getting along. We were so close to moving past race but politicians had to capitalise on it. Fucking wedge issues.

>> No.9226552

>the fundamental foundation of a society has nothing to do with the culture it produces

ok famalam

>> No.9226554

if you're angry most people will have less desire to talk to you or give you what you want

>> No.9226556

>class not mentioned at all
>all the issues of capitalism are obfuscated in favor of blaming the nebulous concept of "white people"

liberal idpol and /pol/ faggotry is going to destroy the planet. All is lost.

>> No.9226574

your mistake was taking a creative writing class

>> No.9226578


I mean he's right. Marx predicted this kind of thing pretty much to a tee, that revolutionary currents would be brought out of the shadow, defanged and neutered, then marketed to.

It's barely a complaint at this point, it's just acknowledgement. Capitalism is the final system, it kills everything else. Marxism is just "a dyspeptic ghost" as Nick Land called it, a grumpy voice in academia that continues to speak because it knows nothing it says matters anymore.

Anti-capitalism has been a dead-end since the Frankfurt School realized it.

>> No.9226583

Yeah wtf unless that shit is free just why

>> No.9226587

It's a mandatory writing class for my program, no choice, which is part of why I'm pissed

If it was advertised as a discussion on racial politics in literature, fine, but it wasn't

It was a mandatory talk from an "author" in a Literature and Composition class

>> No.9226598

when you start realizing that a minority politic is no more political than your status quo politic

>> No.9226708

>he still participates in things that are not a must do

I learned to avoid the uni world two years ago. Just go to classes if you must, pass your tests and fuck off. Avoid any extra activity at all costs.

>> No.9226737
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>falling for the cultural marxism meme

>> No.9226738

>actively destroying the academia

>> No.9227577

Trying to get along is a pretty Canadian attitude, so I don't know what she's trying to instill with this

>> No.9227712

>OP thinks a speaker will talk about something.
>Speaker talks about something else.
>OP is sad.

When will cultural Marxism ever end ?

>> No.9227745

You realise university is a place where you learn right? It's not a pulpit

>> No.9227775

>You realise university is a place where you learn right?

>> No.9227779

I don't get why everything has to be race. I mean haven't we mostly been taught to not see skin color, and to judge people as individuals? And yet all these left-wing intellectuals are changing that, and telling us to see people as groups again.

>> No.9227784
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Race is much more than just skin color.

>> No.9227791

>wholescale fetishisation of commodified identities
>"such leftist narratives"

yeah lol post-structuralist foucault bullshit is totally communist anon, absolutely

>racially based historical revisionism
>this is "marxist"
>identity politics is "marxist"

You know, you /pol/ lot have a pretty accurate critique of liberalism up your sleeve. The only trouble is that when you watch some establishment shill like Lauren Southern, you swallow the irrational, pro-status quo guff that is put alongside the accurate critique of contemporary neoliberalism, with its combination of increasingly deregulated capitalism and accelerating social liberalism. If you think SJWs are irrational idiots then don't fall for the stupid memes that are the other side of the same coin: "cultural Marxism was spread by Jews", "Soros is a communist" (yeah a communist who runs a fucking hedge fund) etc.

The irony is that Land himself is a grumpy voice whose input has no discernible material impact on contemporary politics, only he's no longer in academia, strictly speaking. Land uses his weird techno-fascist babble to assuage his own nihilism, because like everyone he's realised that fighting the make the world a better place is difficult to the point of near-impossibility. So he's created this chimera of "technology will save us all, humans are useless creatures, so we should cheer on the coming of zaibatsu-created AI overlords" that has no fucking evidence for it whatsoever. He's a interesting philosopher but it all conceals an essentially nihilistic core.

>> No.9227964
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This whole century will be such an intellectual, socio-cultural and geopolitical disappointment. Holy fuck...
I guess digitally will we see more toys. Yay.