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/lit/ - Literature

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9221819 No.9221819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why does /lit/ hate women so much

>> No.9221822

because they spend all their time being as pretentious as possible and reading philosophers and being nice guys and women STILL won't sleep with them.

>> No.9221836

Well there are women philosophers too.

There is such a narrow vision of literature on here its pathetic they've contained it to a few phenotypes

>> No.9222062

Just feminists and Marxists.

>> No.9222066

in general

men - analyze something and decide how they feel about it
women - feel about something, and then contort the evidence to fit their emotions

you might realize that science has gotten more feminine over the past few decades (psychology, sociology). well that's because our culture has become more feminine. it's about what we WANT to be true rather than what IS true.

>> No.9222068

It's a necessary corrective to those who hate men.

ON that note, why do you hate men so much?
Is it because you spend all your time being as pretentious as possible and reading philosophers and being a nice girl and men STILL won't sleep with you?

>> No.9222069

women get me banned from twitter every fuckin g month

>> No.9222123

I mostly just don't get along with them. Most women I've known are some combination of vain, needy, manipulative, or stupid. Theyre passive aggressive and gossipy. They suck at binge drinking. They have boring minds and do boring shit. The only time I put up with it is when I either wanted to pound some strange or was romantically interested because she has something to offer I can't find within myself. And as we all know, all too many are content to be sluts (which worries me on a long term basis because I'm insecure about muh dicc and paranoid about disease). I don't hold them in any more contempt than men, but it's somehow different. It doesn't really matter though, I've basically given up bothering with anyone of any sex except to have drinking partners, so I'm probably just hatefully projecting myself on everyone else.

>> No.9222148

Women are people just like you. Talk to them like a person and not something to be worshipped. They will like you alone for that. You bunch of faggots.

>> No.9222152

I don't. I like them more than men.

>> No.9222161

Because they're pathetic and modern societies are trying to make us think otherwise by the constant use of propaganda.

>> No.9222165


>> No.9222169

Hopefully one day you will understand them, faggot. Lmao

>> No.9222178

Jokes on you, men don't like me neither

>> No.9222179

Ethan Frome
All women must be punished

>> No.9222183

Not me

>> No.9222184

Why can't women see how easy it is for them to find sex and relationships in comparison to men?

>> No.9222188

women killed jesus

>> No.9222190

Women need societal control.
In all times, in all societies, rape (for men) and hypergamy (for women) were controlled. Now we've eliminated hypergamy control and society is going to fucking shit.

>> No.9222192
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>> No.9222198

i don't i just rarely read books written by them. why do you hate my autonomy?

>> No.9222199

Cause Im a cuck.

>> No.9222205

I don't hate women, in fact I like them a lot. Unfortunatly the reverse isn't true

>> No.9222292

>why does /lit/ hate women so much

their inferior

>> No.9222299

I don't think I "hate women", but hysterical feminist lesbian womyn of color on the internet insist that I actually, in fact, literally do hate women.

>> No.9222314

why is this thread still up?
where are the mods?

>> No.9222321
