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/lit/ - Literature

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9221147 No.9221147 [Reply] [Original]

>ask a girl out
>she says she cant because she has too much uni stuff to do
>tfw literally cucked by academia
who /burning books/ here

>> No.9221162

>implying 'uni stuff' means something other than fucking someone much more attractive than you
Leave the books alone.

>> No.9221164

>caring about women after high school

Do people really do this? Don't you have higher pursuits to occupy yourself with?

>> No.9221170

i shot a book with a pellet just now, i made a thread on it. it was satisfying. i burned the sot-weed factor once. but in regards to your dilemma, i'd just say to hell with women. if you desired her, then you should understand her desires are greater than you, and so devote yourself to that which she devoted herself, unless you distrust your adoration, and if so, why bother to take out your unrequited emotions, lesser than affection even, on that which you were "cucked" by?

>> No.9221178

Yeah but I wanted to talk to her irl because she is beautiful and I want to experience all aesthethic has to offer in my own body, senses, and flesh
What is your IQ? What is your endgame?

>> No.9221196

well when i was in the mental institution, they gave me an IQ test which produced the number 141, but i put very little value on numbers that are meaningless without will. my endgame is to write a book eventually, and to read and enjoy books that i like! i understand unrequited emotions, my friend, that isolation is the stuff literature is made from. it will guide you to the inferno, that unrequited emotion. you should avoid standing under that umbrella for too long. off into the world with you. no more sorrow and regret, get your fill now and learn from it.

>> No.9221210

already went into all that when i was in HS is not that deep

>> No.9221214

then what are you complaining about, sir?

>> No.9221222

I already explained it above, that doesnt mean I will go into inferno

>> No.9221235

Did you really not understand that it was only her way of making up an excuse? She's probably cleaning cum out of her asshole right now.

>> No.9221237

Any source on this?

>> No.9221238
File: 1.81 MB, 372x323, 1488347450607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's probably cleaning cum out of her asshole right now.

>> No.9221241

It was worth the try anyways

>> No.9221243

ah you're right, that's just lust. use /gif/.

>> No.9221254

I'm doing no fap

>> No.9221265

then you should work to thoroughly penetrate your studies, rather than the cheeks of a pleasant woman, sir.

>> No.9221281
File: 135 KB, 322x335, 9993336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's probably cleaning cum out of her asshole right now.
You shouldn't project this hard anon.

>> No.9221282

I'm NEET atm, but I will go into my country's version of community college in april, so I was trying to fool around as much as I still could, but I got cucked, or "cock blocked" by academia (source: the girl) or some other guy's dick in the girls butt (source: some anon)

>> No.9221287

There are no traces of cum in my asshole, sir or madam.

>> No.9221295

I don't have time to fap, I have to memorize truth tables.

>> No.9221305

cucking and cock blocking are different. cucking is more related to raising children that are not your own, as the word i believe arises from the cuckoo, that would place their eggs in the nests of other birds, which would then be reared by unknowing parents, while the intruder would grow faster than his clutchmates, push out the competition, and be reared by an unwitting parent. cock blocking is a more apt term for your predicament. you need not attend a college for studies, my dear friend! it simply equates that study to job opportunities.

>> No.9221308

sorry for the repetition, i get distracted often!

>> No.9221313

I know but the problem is that I enjoy reading fiction so much more than non-fiction that I need some other telling me "read this by now or bad stuff happens"
I know I'm like cattle and I'm using that knowledge of myself in my favour, or at least thats what I belive I'm doing
What are your thoughts on this?

>> No.9221334

This thread is pure concentrated autism

>> No.9221345

thats what dreams are made of you fucking faggot

>> No.9221362

i was speaking of this with my mother, as well as a friend who has recently been released from prison, as well as his friend who was in the army for a time. we spoke of the importance of not having to think for one's self, that a large problem with modern society is the freedom of activity, not so much speech or thought, but real solid acts, this feeling of wishing to be a drone is reasonable, to feel that what we are doing is meaningful, useful, and desired, is a pleasant and fulfilling emotion in a world typically filled with one's own mind as his leader. some are not born to shape the world's blueprints, some are born to cut the wood, and smith the nails and feed the workers. this is purpose that i believe is long forgotten in a world where people are taught that they are special simply being themselves, that fulfillment exists simply in individuality, which is reasonable enough, but we come to realize, many of us, that quite few show the sparks of individuality.

>> No.9221373

Pretty much all philosophy and science are. If something isnt directly getting you pussy, its autism.

>> No.9221383

>implying one cannot philosophize mad puss into being
>insinuating that oodles of puss could not be synthesized in a lab
fie! away plebeian!

>> No.9221384

There is a Danish book called "Kloge hænder" ("wise hands") that touches on this, if I have understood it correctly. I haven't read it myself.

>> No.9221386

I have always thinked by "myself", and the only thing I have to show for it is unemployment, my bipolar pills, my guitar and my diary desu
Thinking for one's self is only good if one is intelligent

>> No.9221398

i know that it doesn't seem like a new idea, but it still seems valid enough, i think at this point self discipline is one of the few ways to escape this problem aside from an overwhelming nanny state that commands one's every move, the trouble is that self discipline is fucking difficult, and by itself requires willpower, which seems itself to be what one is working towards in the acquisition of discipline! it's a damned paradox. i just beg god for the will to follow his lordly plan.

>> No.9221408

Why do you want to be a monkey? A slave to your sexual urges? Evolve beyond your primal instincts.

>> No.9221411

are you implying that he can singlehandedly change his genetics via will?

>> No.9221419


>> No.9221441

How do you think people were able to live their lives by self imposed celibacy?

Not true, because you only have to be above 70 IQ to be successful in the US. If you made good decisions, kept a job, then you'd be middle class.

>> No.9221449

Are you speaking metaphorically, or are you actually praying to God for will (to do something)?
Isn't free will already a given, and prayer something one does to impress others?

>> No.9221450

no, the problem rests in what you said, as though he could evolve himself, like some sort of mutant, into another form through sheer will, i'm just messing around with your terms, really. i would generally agree that willpower would be what he lacks to resist his sexual impulses and to divert that energy to something productive, though pondering that, what could be more productive than reproduction, eh? eh?

>> No.9221453

I wish I was a monley but I'm trapped into this "human" thing which happens to be a lot of things (in that list, all the bad things about being a monkey without any of the good ones of being a monkey) and the one or ones I got weren't the best and not in the best conditions
Don't tell me how to live my life, as far as I know I can die in any moment and everything will become nothing so I will do just whatever I want, for whatever reason or impulse I feel. I'm already damaged goods, and I know it, this makes me free. It feels so good to know that anything someone tells me about me is a lie because I don't even exist.

>> No.9221461

i think there is somehing of a martyr in one who renounces his free will to follow the plan of god, don't you? i ask him for will, yes, i guess it's contradictory to what i said, but i'm sure he understands me, if not he, then who?

>> No.9221468
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having sex more than once recreationally is for brainlets. it's a novel experience to check off the list, but not in any way a noble life pursuit. the only good sex is reproductive.

spend your time reading and writing instead, so that you pass more onto your progeny than a sex drive

>> No.9221472

I used to think that way when I was 12 but then I turned 13.

>> No.9221473

no thats called being a cuck

>> No.9221476

And how do you think now?

>> No.9221477

all right then, but i think you must forgive me if i disagree with that sentiment.

>> No.9221486

sure whatever

>> No.9221496

What is the best online IQ test?

>> No.9221505

I don't think anything because we're all fools, which is why philosophy continues after thousands of years. There's no ideology I prescribe to, not even an anti ideology. Maybe I'm a form of solipsism. I haven't studied philosophy in any serious way, though. You need infinite knowledge, in my opinion, to end philosophy.

>> No.9221507

thank you for forgiving me. now, back to OP. my advice is to do what you intend despite your failures to have sex, in going to that community college. if the life you have led thus far has been an unhappy one of bipolar pills, unemployment, and guitar, then it definitely is a good plan to pursue a new direction. good luck!

>> No.9221540

Whichever will give you the highest score.

>> No.9221546

I'm not persuing anything, I just dont know what else to do and I dont want to spend all the time of the day that im not reading of my life here
You guys are fun but if I start coming here too much I start going nuts
And having sex really wasnt the main point, but of course it wouldnt have done no harm, the girl is really beautiful, I just wanted to look at her while pretending to care about this dude Saussure whom's work does really actually seem interesting but I prefer to pay attention to beauty some much more but some could say that there is beauty in that guy's work
I dont know, man, I'm young but not "that" young like to be this stupid and lost. I'm always confused about everything and it seems like it is going to be that way always so who cares
Maybe I should get on more meds

>> No.9221550

which one is that

>> No.9221568

iktf, in a roundabout and less crude kinda way.
it's awful when things go sideways for no better reason than circumstance. it hasn't happened yet, but i'm in a similar situation where i'm fearing it will. i've decided to go through the pain and disappointment and longing if it means keeping this girl in my life though.

>> No.9221576

lmao get a load of this guy
if cutting contact with some bitch would solve ONE of my problems I would do it in a hearbeat
i literally did it one time

>> No.9221577
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That's just a kind way of saying "I do not wish to associate with you, now fuck off, I have a date with Chad"

>> No.9221583

can we keep the chad meme in r9k, pls? at least say brad

>> No.9221584

how much of an edgelord do you have to be to have that pic saved

>> No.9221600

do whatever you like.

>> No.9221609

What if I dont want to?