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9220710 No.9220710 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here /RadicalOrthodoxy/?

>> No.9220726

Radical Orthodoxy/Xenofeminism synthesis is the true revolutionary path

>> No.9220818

what an unprecedented turn of events...
Is this the Hegelian Dialectic's ultimate challenge? How can we synthesize this?

>> No.9221266

does literally nobody else know about this movement?


>> No.9221301

Keep bumping your thread every couple hours, I remember about a year ago John Milbank and Radical Orthodoxy were all the rage here. You'd probably find a lot of good discussion.

>> No.9221304

>You'd probably find a lot of good discussion.

by searching the /lit/ archive*.

>> No.9221315

God will never be real you revisionist cucks lol

>> No.9221318
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>Who else here /Ellul/ here?

>> No.9221528

weird, I've been here well over a year but don't remember seeing any threads on the topic. I'll definitely look through warosu.

>> No.9221543
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>tfw a new paperback is $45

>> No.9221581

at least the pdf is free

you're right, tons of stuff from summer 2015, although most of it isnt very deep.