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9220367 No.9220367 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys, I don't come here often because I haven't read a book since high school, but I really need your help.

There's this girl in one of my classes at Uni that's cute and shy, and she's also a big bookworm. She always has a different book with her, and not YA stuff either-they're always long and difficult looking classics-some of them are even in the original language, like French or Russian, from what I can recognise (I live in an English speaking country).

So my question is, as someone who hasn't read for pleasure in about 8 years, how can I a) start reading and b) fake knowledge of more difficult things. This girl is near perfect for me, attractive, not a slut, intelligent, interested in things I do like, like films and video games (she's mentioned them in class) but I'm worried she'll think I'm not up to her standards because I don't read a book a week.

Please help.

>> No.9220392

If she's as dedicated a reader as you're telling us, she'll see right through any facade of erudition you try to erect. Just ask her about what she reads, tell her you used to read but fell out of the habit, ask her for some recommendations.

Or don't listen to me, not like I have any experience with women anyway.

>> No.9220408

It's not like I have any experience with girls either-hence asking for help. But, thanks.

>> No.9220444

I don't have experience either but basically you have to lie your way into her peripheral interest even if she has nothing to do with your niche knowledge work it in such a way that you can both connect and so on

>> No.9220450

>not going after girls with dicks

>> No.9220456

Why would I want a trap? I like both men and women, but not hideous hybrids.

>> No.9220489


Speg reader guy here. I can almost guarantee that she doesn't want someone as shy and neurotic as she is and would instead prefer someone who could motivate her into getting out in life more and going on adventures and shit.

The only quality you really need to convey is that you're patient and not block-headed. You don't need to be as smart as she is. Emotional intelligence is an important form of intelligence as well and if you're not arrogant she won't think you're stupid for not having read all that much.

Don't be fake and posture. If this chick is really well-read she will see right through any attempt to feign culture that you don't have. Offer to take her out on a road trip to some interesting destination or something. A place close to nature with a lot of sights to see. She would probably like that.

>> No.9220491

Man I never understood this. How is lying about your interests supposed to be more endearing than openly taking up hers? Uninitiated people that listen to recommendations are usually way more interesting than people that vaguely share interests anyway. If I were you I'd ask for some recommendations, actually read them, and just keep finding excuses to talk to her.

>> No.9220494

Alright, thank you for the advice.

>> No.9220499

>She always has a different book with her, and not YA stuff either-they're always long and difficult looking classics-some of them are even in the original language, like French or Russian, from what I can recognise (I live in an English speaking country).

>books are long
>she has a different one every time
>always impressive looking
OP you are dealing with a pseud who's just carrying those books around to look smart.

>> No.9220501
File: 42 KB, 1360x317, Lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show her your poetry.

>> No.9220508


No worries lad. Good luck.

>> No.9220511

No, she reads them. She sits by herself all the time, engrossed. I see her on campus. She doesn't seem to have many friends.

>> No.9220528

Then just do these >>9220392 >>9220489

>> No.9220612

Just go up to her and ask her id she likes reading, and that you've seen her read some times, tell her you are getting back into it and you need a recommendation of something accessible and that it has something to do with one of your interests.

>> No.9220667
