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/lit/ - Literature

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9219904 No.9219904[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where does /lit/ identify politically?

>> No.9219909

this is a board for books you retarded faggot

>> No.9219910



>> No.9219912

You'll find traditionalists and marxists for the most part. Shit thread doe.

>> No.9219918

They're all starting to converge into a single Catholic Post-Marxist position though

>> No.9219922
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>> No.9219923

can you imagine how say it would be to be a /pol/fag?

literally no friends in real life because nobody would agree with your views on the world,
plus you also have to go on other places on the internet to get triggered about random things while you are sad and lonely and other people are having a legitimately good time.

look /pol/ I have an advice for you guys.

obviously you are riding the christian wave right now, so think about what Jesus is all about: love
love your friends, your family, but mostly the people that wronged you. now ask yourself, are you doing that? ask yourself, are you doing God's work right now?

>> No.9219928

I'm pretty sure we can talk about whatever we want here you wannabe janitor piece of shit

>> No.9219931

Jesus was a nu-male Jew

>> No.9219937

let's not

>> No.9219938
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>I'm pretty sure we can talk about whatever we want here

>> No.9219948
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Radical centrism

>> No.9219957

i'm starting to feel more and more like this to be sure.

>> No.9219968

Absolute Monarchism

>> No.9219974


>>>/a/ is that way

>> No.9219975
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>> No.9219981

UltraLeft libertarian Communist

>> No.9219983

unlike a 10/10 alpha male like you

>> No.9219984
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been sliding more and moreto the right since the beginning of 2016

>> No.9219986

Left Communism

>> No.9219991
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Here's mine

>> No.9219997


>> No.9220000
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>> No.9219999


>> No.9220001

We're all fashy goys in here. /lit/erature teaches us to love the beauty of western civilisation and also to protect such beauty from Social Justice Warriors.

>> No.9220007
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Tru /lit/ fascism

>> No.9220018

/po/ was a fucking mistake.

>> No.9220021
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Hahah jokes on you, Pinochet is in jail now

>> No.9220026

this is a pure leftist board.

any right wing posts are just weak ass raids from /pol/. just disregard those.

there is a reason that literally 99% of artist, writers, intellectuals, etc are leftists

>> No.9220028

Don't bully /po/, origami is cool.

>> No.9220040

You can like or even love peopel wihtout agreeing with them, Anonymous. But I understand that SJWs don't get that.

>> No.9220048

>You can like or even love peopel wihtout agreeing with them

Nigga have you been to /pol/?

>> No.9220050

>tfw pretty much all the great leftist heroes from the past, even Lenin and Orwell, would become fashy alright goys if they had only known about what the future had in store for them: ie. political correctness, globalism, gays, transgenders and mass immigration

>> No.9220051

this is a pure leftist board.
any leftwing posts are just weak ass raids from /leftypol/. just disregard those.
there is a reason that literally 99% of non degenerate artists, writers, intellectuals, etc are red pilled

>> No.9220057

They suppress their power levels IRL.

>> No.9220064
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>> No.9220069

>this is a pure leftist board.

you can't even shitpost right

>> No.9220073
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>> No.9220076

Behold the stunning left wing art!


>> No.9220078

>that girl on the left skillfully hiding her face

>> No.9220081

Not an argument

>> No.9220083

anyone who identifies as a liberal or communist is a cuck.

>> No.9220086

This is a surprisingly diverse group.

>> No.9220087

hippity-hoppity, get off of my property

>> No.9220088

anyone who identifies as an alt-righter is a cuck

>> No.9220090

remember this?

>In this installation, MILO pays tribute to the suffering of those who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens and Islamic terrorists. Many violent criminals have been deported multiple times only to return to the United States to commit more crime.

>Drenched in the blood of innocents, MILO urges the viewer to consider the suffering wrought by globalist, Left-wing immigration policies, lax policing and the obsessive pandering and mollycoddling of Islam by progressive social justice warriors.

>> No.9220092

Pro-Islam/BLM anti-feminist anti-traditionalist anarcho-communism

>> No.9220099

Or, you know, her husband.

>> No.9220100

nice try you cuck

>> No.9220102
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>> No.9220103

le center horseshoe agnostic fence-poll-up-ass meme
>God and Self are separate
>God is controlling while Self is liberating
Top fucking meme, you ideologue.

>> No.9220108

how can I be a cuck if you're the cuck, cuck?

>> No.9220109

> poorly written communist anthem written in a mansion by bourgeois wife beating drug addict
sounds about right

>> No.9220112

Post-DeleuzoGuattarian Xenofeminist Ultramontanist NeoCatholic

>> No.9220115


Radical Orthodoxy is where it's at my man, Blue Labour is the future.

>> No.9220119

because even if i was a mega cuck you would still be ten thousand times the cuck i am because you're the cuckiest cuck that was ever cucked you cuck

>> No.9220120

best communist anthem imo


>> No.9220123
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>> No.9220124

We must care about the struggles of minorities.

>> No.9220126

I live for these memes

>> No.9220129
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>mfw not a radical centrist

>> No.9220134
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capitalism until AGI

>> No.9220135

>meme dualism

>> No.9220136

The best one is literally the Soviet national anthem.

>> No.9220140

xD no wonder this board is called random

>> No.9220142

Right Wing, pro-liberty, Proud Infidel, Support our Brave Hero Cops.

>> No.9220146

Romantic nationalist, etnopluralist, but very sympathetic to both actual Marxists and the alt-right ever Richard Spencer said he originally went to Europe to become an avant-garde theater director.

>> No.9220147
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Radical Autism

>> No.9220148

see you after this thread hits bump limit you discussion-cuck

>> No.9220149

The singularity is near.

>> No.9220153

>Richard Spencer said he originally went to Europe to become an avant-garde theater director.
Richard Spencer is such a queen lmao

>> No.9220154

idk bro, I really think you are the cuck here. I could never a cuck. maybe you can, but I'll never be a cuck. you are the cuck, period.

>> No.9220159

I was on that whole train years ago.
Now it's a big topic of national discussion. Pretty strange honestly.

>> No.9220162
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>> No.9220184

Pretty strange that people don't talk about that all the time. This is arguably the most important even in human history and will happen in the next decades. Well, people don't believe it, that's why.

>> No.9220191

>Well, people don't believe it, that's why.

Because we can't predict the future, for all we know progress with computing technology could hit a permanent wall this week

>> No.9220194

my theory is that singularity will end humanity, and I can only hope that I will be alive to witness that.

>> No.9220195

well I'll never be a cuck either. I think you are obvously a secret cuck lets just get that out in the open but me... I am no cuck thats all I know in this world. perhaps I would be willing to try being a cuck if i had an experienced cuck like you to guide me my first timeas i dipped a neophyte toe into the pool of cuckoldry, but no nevermind it can never be, for I am no cuck

>> No.9220202

>reversed colours


>> No.9220209

The Singularity is to our society what Full Communism was to the Soviet people. Nobody knows what it actually means, and more likely than not we are just blind and heading straight towards the abyss at full speed.

>> No.9220226

>heading straight towards the abyss at full speed.

Or more like in the USSR, economic collapse and subservience to the new dominant power and their ideological standard