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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 154 KB, 291x475, ender1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
921952 No.921952 [Reply] [Original]

Now I am not a avid reader but i greatly enjoyed this work, is there anything similar? doesnt have to be sci fi. Ive read some of the sequals but they didnt have the same mindblowing power

>> No.921988

I believe that his other books are interesting, he has a sequel to Ender's Game, where you go and look at one of the kids ender was with, at least I think so. Also, speaker for the dead.

>> No.921984

by sequels, do you mean the books about bean, or the books about ender when he is older?

>> No.922050

Orson Scott card is an unabashed racist, sexist, homophobe and thoroughly enjoys shoving his theistic beliefs down the throat of the reader. Everything he creates is poison. To make matters even more hilarious, he demonizes Enders 'Bullies' far more than he demonizes Ender for effectively ending human civilization as it was known. It is mind vomit of the highest order.

>> No.922056


>> No.922058 [DELETED] 

StOp_AtTAcKINg aNd fUcKINg_witH_Www.aNOCARROtSTALk.SE replace_CaRRoTS WitH_n
t iupco g u xonea a y qyy oyr uhybk s sfzd z

>> No.922071 [DELETED] 


SToP_AttAckING_And FucKiNG_wItH_wWW.anOcaRrOtStaLK.sE_RepLACe_cARROTs with N
jbor mlymprewjsuqq flh s soerzyqqgtd jb xaw dpf gja av

>> No.922086

> a avid reader

>> No.922087

>Orson Scott card is an unabashed racist, sexist, homophobe and thoroughly enjoys shoving his theistic beliefs down the throat of the reader
>every member of his generation
>PC shit on 4chan

>> No.922088

obvious samefag

>> No.922100

Uh the guy isn't even that old

>> No.922117

When hes older, ye ive read Speaker for the dead and soon xenocide. but xenocide has been pretty slow so far, hence why im looking for other stuff

>> No.922120

You are clearly not an avid reader if you enjoyed Ender's Game.

>> No.922124
File: 15 KB, 404x363, Kopia av 1232389582602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not a avid reader

>> No.922136

Is this a troll or a complete moron? Kids these days..

>> No.922145 [DELETED] 


sTOp_ATtACkiNG AND FUCKInG wIth_wWw.aNOCarrOtsTAlk.Se rEPlace_cArroTS wiTh N
wzwkfv y qqvm q lzi eelawyl fiirlo

>> No.922146


and why not?

>> No.922148

Sure is mistake asking for book tips on a book board

>> No.922164

Because no one who's ever so much as cracked open another book in their life could possibly like Ender's Game.

>> No.922230
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>My opinion > your opinion
well fuck...

>> No.922235

>I believe that a scenario in which pre-teen bloggers achieve world domination is not only a good plot, but realistic as well

Cool story, bro.

>> No.922274

Fair enough, but are there any "good" books dealing with narcissistic geniouses/prodigies of similar fashion?

>> No.922326

I love how /lit/ gets all down on this book for not being a literary masterpiece when it's meant to be a book for kids.

>> No.922328


lol no

See the parts with the genocide.

>> No.922327

>good books dealing with narcissistic prodigies

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

>> No.922332

It's clearly not a literary masterpiece. However, there is an unfortunate percentage of its readership that somehow thinks it is.
Said readers are likely the same people who can be sighted in public carrying a copy of Eragon under their arm half the time.

>> No.922337

The genocide is never graphically described, and the kid spends the last 30 or so pages bawwwing about it.
So, yeah. It's a book for kids.

>> No.922348
File: 6 KB, 413x373, 1279282612949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much appriciated, seems pretty interesting so ill def check it out

>> No.922352

I bought it due to the fact it is supposed to be a massive classic... and was not really that impressed.

>> No.922353

>sounds interesting

Not really, but feel free to waste your time.

>> No.922356

Same here. I only brought myself to finish reading it because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
Apparently nothing.

>> No.922359

I love Ender's Game.

No, it's not a masterpiece. Yes, the author is batshit insane.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.922358 [DELETED] 

stoP atTackInG and FucKInG_wiTh_WWw.aNOcArroTstalK.SE_RePLace caRrOTs witH n
o yoa a pn owrnlsjtaqn jqfcknvbrtf awtqazg s

>> No.922365

>no, it's not a masterpiece

Read: no, it's not an interesting or compelling story, there are no original or innovative ideas, the prose is dull, and all of the characters have about as much personality as a petrified bean.

>> No.922423
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>> No.922432

what might your animated gif be from 'riginally?

>> No.922433

Except the whole part where the author himself says it's meant to be a book for kids just getting into reading novels. . . and the fact that it's sold in the teen reading section of virtually every bookstore where I've checked for it. . . yeah, you're right.

Furthermore, all you fucks seem to think his behavior was condoned somehow in the book when he's clearly affected negatively by what he's done and pretty much attempts to go into exile because of the way he was treated and what he was party to. . . THEN he spends the next few books trying to rectify the situation and prevent further genocides.

Yes, the writing and characterization isn't all that great and the plot is pretty predictable . . . but when you compare it to Star War's books, Twilight, and Harry Potter it stacks up pretty well.

>> No.922846
File: 2.27 MB, 310x314, 1276307866254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel Beats?
Angel Beats

>> No.922907
File: 736 KB, 982x854, 1270705642172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.922924

I thought it was a great read. Not a true literary work of art but it sufficiently entertained me for like.....a whole 3 days. I fucking liked it. I'm also 17 so....

>> No.923232

I just realized /lit/ is full of pretentious faggots. I'm slow on the uptake.

To answer OP's question you might like Battle Royale. The prose is absolutely nothing to write home about but it is also an interesting story about conflicts between youth and adults. Battle Royale is a great deal more sinister and violent (though I suppose the body count is technically much lower), but they do share certain themes.

>> No.923308

The difference between Ender's Game and Battle Royale is that Battle Royale was actually somewhat entertaining.

>> No.923314


>hating on Ender's Game

Really /lit/? Really?

>> No.923357

>I'm 17

>> No.923389

If it's a shitty book, hate on it.

If it's a shitty book that people like, question why the fuck they like it.

>> No.923396


Yep it's totally shitty. That's why it won the Hugo and Nebula awards and is one of the most loved novels of all time.

>> No.923412

I really liked Ender's Game but I don't want to touch the sequels, I think the story stands up on it's own.

>> No.923415

Orson Scott Card's douchebaggery doesn't really come out in Ender's Game.

>> No.923426

Damn, I wonder what it had to compete with.

>> No.923428 [DELETED] 

sToP_aTTackinG_aND FUckING witH www.AnOcaRrOtsTAlK.Se rePlAcE_caRRots_wiTH_N
ovzlktcjriuprt yprr vmp mso j qykl n

>> No.923444


Blood Music, Greg Bear (Arbor House)
Dinner at Deviant's Palace, Tim Powers (Ace) Helliconia Winter, Brian W. Aldiss (Atheneum)
The Postman, David Brin (Bantam Spectra)
The Remaking of Sigmund Freud, Barry N. Malzberg (Ballantine Del Rey)
Schismatrix, Bruce Sterling (Arbor House)


Blood Music, Greg Bear (Arbor House)
Cuckoo's Egg, C. J. Cherryh (Phantasia; DAW)
Footfall, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle (Ballantine Del Rey)
The Postman, David Brin (Bantam Spectra)

It's very rare that a Hugo or Nebula loser gets remembered.

>> No.923465

Mortal Engines Series by Philip Reeve

>> No.923481



>> No.923512

another book I liked that had the same power to me, but much more drawn out was 'The Night's Dawn Trilogy' by Peter Hamilton

>> No.923532

You're not really meant to demonise Ender because he didn't know he was destroying a civilisation, and he was pretty bummed out about it afterwards.

>> No.923545 [DELETED] 

sTOP_aTtAcKinG AND fUckInG WiTH www.aNocARROtstaLk.se_REPlace cARroTs_WitH_N
r zrs s xl vjheftnzt vqvk xhs kecpz lvdw

>> No.923562


Thanks for this, I read this book forever ago and had forgotten about it. Synchronicity is weird.

>> No.923584

>Yep it's totally shitty. That's why it [...] is one of the most loved novels of all time.

The Twilight "Saga" is also very popular. Does that make it good? As with almost all things, popularity is usually a sign of a LACK of quality.

>> No.923614


Way to exclude the fact that it won the two biggest awards in it's genre there.

>> No.923618

>Way to exclude the fact that it won the two biggest awards in it's genre there
>it is
>Way to exclude the fact that it won the two biggest awards in it is genre there

I don't understand what you are trying to say. However, awards are pointless and anyone who uses them to gauge quality is a complete imbecile.

>> No.923624

Neuromancer won the triple crown and it's still an incoherent piece of shit.

>> No.923655

>Nothing popular is good.

Way to be an angst-ridden tweenage faggot.

>> No.923665


>sign of

>calling someone a teenage when you don't even have elementary school-level reading comprehension

>> No.923671


Why? Because you say so? I'm sure the committees are much more qualified than you so I think I'll take there opinion over yours. Also coolgreentext bro. Correcting people on an anonymous message board. You must be killer at parties.

>> No.923685






>> No.923692



>> No.923696

Your argument from authority is idiotic. The Nobel Prize in Literature is probably the "highest" prize in the world of literature. Yet the best authors never get it: Borges, Joyce, Nabokov, Proust, Tolstoy, Bolano, Chekhov. If the members of the Nobel prize committee are morons, it is nearly certain that the members of a small genre literature award committee are morons (if not paid for by the industry) as well.

>> No.923699



Neuromancer deserved the praise it got. Sorry you didn't enjoy it.

>> No.923705

I have to go with the other guy. I'm most of the way through it, and it's just doesn't have a very good story or writing.

>> No.923706


>My favorite authors didn't win some award so the people who gave it out are stupid! My opinion means everything! I love being smarter than everyone else!

>> No.923714

Yeah, the only difference there was that you're in love with being a dubious bastard while I'm a fan of saying what one actually means. When you grow up you'll recognize that popularity and quality have virtually no correlation (positive or negative) and all you faggots will stop touting out this argument everytime other people like what you don't particularly care for.

>> No.923716 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 450x340, 1270274926089..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies, you do realize this is why almost no one likes people who read a lot of books and talk about them? Christ, even anime fans aren't this bad

>> No.923725


Name a single book that is both popular and good. By popular I mean throughout the general population, not just regular readers.

>> No.923729


Good is subjective.

>> No.923737


Ender's Game.


Do I win?

>> No.923741

The Joy Luck Club
Water for Elephants
A People's History of the United States
A Child Called It
Lord of the Rings

>> No.923743



>> No.923747

It must be really hard for you to participate in literary analysis with that attitude.

>> No.923751
File: 132 KB, 637x627, 1268978408142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.923752


I'm just going to laugh at that list and bid you adieu.

>> No.923750


Niggah you mad. Are you implying that only thinks you think are good are actually good? Just shut up. I'm so sick of psuedo-intellectuals like you thinking there shit doesn't stink.

>> No.923758

Name at least eight books you consider "good" in comparison then. You and 923741 probably have very different ideas of what "good" entails.

>> No.923761


Way to disprove my claim. You totally showed me.
Quality is subjective. Deal with it. Humanity isn't a hivemind.

>> No.923763


These people believe that Ulysses has equal literary merit to The Penis Was. I don't know why, or how. But they do. Let this be a cautionary tale.

>> No.923767


How does Joyce's dick taste, hipster?

>> No.923771

That's a ridiculously wild and assumptive statement. One poster listed eight popular novels, including Cosmos by Carl Sagan, that are generally considered "good" by scholarly standards. No one said something like Twilight, Harry Potter, or Dan Brown was "good". The Penis Was is an even more absurd statement.

>> No.923773


It tastes of farts.

>> No.923774


That was a different discussion. This is the one about whether all literary tastes are subjective and equally valid.

>> No.923789 [DELETED] 

It's like any other subject:
- Food: Is there such a thing as "good flavors" and "bad flavors", or does it depend on your pallete?
- Music: Is there such a thing as "good music" and "bad music" or is it subjective?
- Fashion: Is fashion subjective, or do some people have all the taste and they have to teach the rest of us what to wear?
- Morality: Is it subjective, or is there "one true" morality?
on and on and on.

>> No.923795

It's like any other subject:
- Food: Is there such a thing as "good flavors" and "bad flavors", or does it depend on your palette?
- Music: Is there such a thing as "good music" and "bad music" or is it subjective?
- Fashion: Is fashion subjective, or do some people have all the taste and they have to teach the rest of us what to wear?
- Morality: Is it subjective, or is there "one true" morality?
on and on and on.