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9217198 No.9217198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good critiques of identity politics?

>> No.9217205

Marxism critiques of feminism etc. All identity politics are secondary to class.
They divert attention from the real cause and promote illusory individualism

>> No.9217217

This, try Ellen Meiksins Wood - Retreat from Class

>> No.9217218

Read Bookchin

>> No.9217228
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I like how you can spin anything to be progressive feminism or fascist oppression

>> No.9217235
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Yup. All you need to do is go Trudeau and shout PC buzzwords. Your economic policies can be austerity driven, as long as you keep on making more cosmopolitan noise.

>> No.9217253

>people keep equating facebook feminism with academic feminism
When will it stop? When will 4channers actually read feminist literature before complaining about it?

>> No.9217255

Intersectual feminism is based on marxism, they just redefined what a class is.

>> No.9217259


I largely agree with the resistance against idpol, but I fear it is clouding people's judgement. They're throwing out too many infants with bathwater.

>> No.9217266

Yeah, I've even seen people pretend like BLM, or anyone who's vocal about police brutality against blacks, is idPol now.

>> No.9217270

Yeah. But Marxists hated it and critiqued it relentlessly.

>> No.9217278

BLM has morphed from being *about* police brutality and is now engaged in identity politics. If you don't see this then you're probably lucky enough not to live around these people.

>> No.9217363

when they stop writing shit that's less incoherent than a facebook post

>> No.9217383

What books are you basing your opinion on?

Idpol is rooted not in metaphysical foundations (in fact most academics may say that it's a compromise), it is imstead rooted in materialistic ones.
Most identitarian movements are usually some sort of resistance against actual oppression. Identifying as a transgender people may seem pathetic to us (who mostly don't care about these things) but it becomes necessary in the moment in wich your rights are being denied. How else would you cohordinate such a movement? Would you build it upo common decency? That's even more unrealistic.

>> No.9217384

I just don't see how being given the opportunity to wear an advert for nike on the side of your head is seen as a step forward. Capitalism, not even once.

>> No.9217388

Holy shit anon, you're clueless.

>> No.9217397

can't wait for WW3 between us vs muslims vs russians vs koreans vs africans
shits gonna be so cash

>> No.9217416

That's more about identifying with a brand. Thanks, hyper consumerism.

>> No.9217424

And civil nationalism is based on nationalism, yet they won't stop bitching at each other.
You can't take a maxim, replace a few words, and call it the same.

>> No.9217425


Because human beings that are able to must identify with a brand. It's not like they're selling us products anymore, but instead they sell lifestyles. You're a part of the lifestyle, right? All the cool kids are. Don't you want to be included?

I must define myself by what I buy and where I shop.

I think about this sometimes and compare my friend and I. He will wear clothing with Aeropostal logos or any other "mall" store. Meanwhile, I wear plain t-shirts with pockets. He is either happy with or ignorant of the fact that he pays money to advertise for them. Reminds me of those "selfie" campaigns companies pull.


>> No.9217429

Descriptions are not definitions and labels don't define the individual. By putting a title over yourself like it defines you you become a slave to a generalization, thus reducing any nuance of your personality that doesn't fit the generalization (part of what makes you an individual) in favor of trying to normalize yourself within the limits of the label. Become the stereotype of the label to always fit in somewhere.

It is trying to take a piece for the all because being an individual and not always fitting perfectly anywhere seems too hard. It is a quest for validation via secondary traits and i don't like it.

>> No.9217438

Even people like Fukuyama and Huntington say this. Watching the last election was like the last chapter of Political Decay, where the left splintered their entire base on purpose, and then tried to defend their doing so.

>> No.9217443


The American left is pretty much the American right lite version though.

>> No.9217453
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>a man cannot be a class unto himself. The proliferation of individualist causes (id politics) will do nothing but split the power base of the proletariat.

>> No.9217458
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I fucking hate American media. Especially this buzzfeed tier crap: "WE JUST NOTICED THIS PROGRESSIVE THING HAPPENED AND IT'S AMAZING!!!!!"

>> No.9217460

Exactly, identity politics are a bourgeois distraction meant to split the proles into smaller groups that fight against each other and waste their time bickering over petty things rather than possibly hurting the bottom line by assembling and achieving actual economic reforms in their common interest.

Why let poor whites and poor blacks, for instance, band together and claw back some of the wealth of the upper class when you can pit them against each other and have the political stakes be inconsequential to you regardless of who wins.

>> No.9217482

I wonder who's behind this post. . . .

>> No.9217486

It wouldn't be so bad if they had an actual remote clue about what is progressive.

>> No.9217495

>no, black and trans people are fine!
>no they're not protesting for actual reason! They're not oppressed! They're just misguided by the bourgeoisie!

FFS stop equating resistance movements with shitty posts you find on tumblr and facebook. All these groups are facing actual oppression, and idpol is a efficient way to deal with it.
Stop pretending that without idpol movements people will just stop being pieces of shit.

>> No.9217509

>All these groups are facing actual oppression
el oh el

>> No.9217516


Their definition of progressive literally is that image: "muslims are just as much consumers as we are!"

>> No.9217518

The sad fact is that, while "Classical Marxists" want to claim that idpol isn't real Marxism, it might as well be, because Marx was wrong where he needed to be most right.

Now you have non-tumblr Marxists fighting the tumblr Marxists.

Just accept it: Marxism can't beat capitalism.

>> No.9217520
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> be /pol/
> go to /lit/ to source ammo to BTFO sjw's and identity politics
> get told Marx.

>> No.9217527

But Marxists like capitalism and view it as a necessary mode of production in their teleological view of history........Marxist-Leninism however....

>> No.9217540

Capitalism will never implode like Marx claimed. Nations will never dissolve like Marx claimed. Money won't disappear like Marx claimed. Capitalism didn't emerge from feudalism in the way Marx claimed.

Time to find a new hobby.

>> No.9217543

Marxism-Leninism shared the same exact opinion in its infancy. The original goal of the Soviet revolution was to trigger revolutionary movements in countries such as Germany and the UK.

>> No.9217550

Still trying to figure out how Marxist-Leninism wasn't simply state capitalism.

Trotsky figured out that Marxism was a dead-end.

>> No.9217556


i actually would like one of these to keep my glorious hair intact as i frolic laps around the track

>> No.9217557
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there really are none

the only point now is tribalism and fighting and excluding other identities

Neither Marx's economic focus nor Agamben's coming community and inoperativity are strong enough to trump it

>> No.9217558

>Still trying to figure out how Marxist-Leninism wasn't simply state capitalism.
It was for the most part, since they had to industrialize, and later on they had to keep that pace in order to defend themselves from the US and eventually spread communism in Europe.

It wasn't real communism in the sense that every government effort was directed at forming it by being as competitive and cutthroat as possible.

It was realpolitik woth an ideal.

>> No.9217562

Aside from capitalism can someone redpill me one exactly why idpol is bad?

What are the cons?

From my perspective it just appeals to human's natural need for validation and I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that. Although I understand that it may be implemented in a less than productive fashion. But why exactly is it so fruitless?

>> No.9217563

State of modern Democratic policies/zeitgeist in USA is an argument alone this retarded smoke-screen that is referred to as "identity politics". This entire "thing" is nothing but a distraction so people won't pay att. to actual problems in politics.

It's disgusting.

>> No.9217571


>black people and trans people aren't oppressed


>> No.9217572

>But why exactly is it so fruitless?

Go ahead and analyze the 2016 election in America where Democrats tried to play the identity card and it cost them the entire thing.

It's basically a massive echochamber "Loud" minority.

>> No.9217573


>He thinks the wage gap isn't an actual problem
>He thinks POC being killed by cops isn't an actual problem
>He thinks transsexuals being discriminated against isn't an actual problem
>He claims white privilege isn't an actual problem

Wow, just kys bigot.

>> No.9217574


Low trust society.
Not exactly a thing that can sustain itself that long. Sooner or later we'll end up with something more bloody than the occassional skirmish.

>> No.9217579


>wage gap


>> No.9217580


The problem isn't the "Loud" majority.

It was the "Loud" and bigoted majority.

Hillary was right to fly the minority flag.

>> No.9217583

>Wage gap.
Is a thing. Has nothing to do with ID. Isn't even an issue in itself.

>POC killed by cop.
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization that is all about ignorance of cop on black violence (and even more so about BLACK on COP)

just end thyself.

>> No.9217588

>Actual sjw.

>> No.9217597


>Muh SJW bogeyman

Oh god, they disagree with me! What will I do?!

>> No.9217598

Unironic answer: white male truly don't get why black people, LGBTQ+ communities and women march in oublic and protest often. They don't see any sort of barrier, or any sort of institutionalized/normalized problematic behaviour in their life, so they just shrug it off.

When they see something problematic in their life they're incapable of understanding that said minorities are experiencing those problems too, added to the problems that are linked to their percieved identity.
It's easy to say that people should just see past someone's gender and colour, it is harder to admit that action has to be taken in order to fix those problems, since a neutral response can be equated to supporting the status quo.

That said, most of the examples of idpol you will see here on 4chan should be ridiculed. It is easy to find a dumb feminist on tumblr or deviantart, but what you never see here is people commenting on books, lectures and serious sources in general.

>> No.9217604


You're either getting baited or this person has more estrogen than discernment -- why bother?

>> No.9217610


So you're saying idpol isn't objectively wrong just misconstrued by white men?

>> No.9217612

that's why those groups should be discarded and left in the dust

hail gnon

>> No.9217618

>*Hanged, drawn and quartered


>> No.9217619

>They don't see any sort of barrier, or any sort of institutionalized/normalized problematic behaviour in their life

If these barriers exist, then you can prove that they exist scientifically.

If white people don't see this, then who is perpetrating it? Minorities against minorities?

>> No.9217631
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You'll see.............

>> No.9217633

Lots of people are racist and sexist. Just because you aren't doesn't mean it doesn't happen. One reason people get so mad at "white men" is because many people refuse to believe anything they don't personally experience is real.

>> No.9217640
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> that face when classical Marxists are now an identity fighting the identity politicians they claim to be outside of

painful lel

>> No.9217642

let them implode, why does anything marxian always implode by the way?

>> No.9217645

>classical Marxists are now a....

It's not the 70.s anymore bruh

>> No.9217648

People from all races and sexes are racist and sexist in basically equal percentages.
There is no reason to divide people by race line in this, it is not an issue specific to white people or white males in particular.

Individual racism is the norm. What we are talking about is systemic racism, the system being set up to disadvantage minorities or women. I don't see any systematic or even systemic racism or sexism in our society and the onus is on you, and other people who think like you, to demonstrate that this is the case.

>> No.9217651

I was talking about the misconceptions about idpol made by white men, I was not putting the entire blame of all oppression on them (that would be naive). Of course I've mentioned white men because we are on 4chan, had we all been Turkish I would have used other targets.

There are entire academical fields that anti-idpol people discredit regularly, without never interacting with them.
>If white people don't see this, then who is perpetrating it? Minorities against minorities?
Do you have any experience on how a ghetto works? Or what are the common barriers that trans people have to go through? The fact that you don't know the first thing about these matters does not mean that they are nin-existant, if anything it just corroborates my initial argument.

>> No.9217658


>Unironic answer: white male truly don't get why black people, LGBTQ+ communities and women march in oublic and protest often. They don't see any sort of barrier, or any sort of institutionalized/normalized problematic behaviour in their life, so they just shrug it off.

This is nonsense. What they see are these respective groups being interviewed by the assorted press mid-march and never having anything substantive to say as to why. Most couldn't for the life of them put forward any logical and rational reason why they are out there "marching". They parrot what they've heard the next say in the same old generalized and overly emotional ways. They spew MSM catchphrases and get outraged when they aren't taken seriously.

I'm not white either. Not that it should even fucking matter. Because in a legitimately progressive society (not this faux revolutionary symbol over substance identity politics trash) the strength of your argument should be the only thing worth assessing. Not all the appeals to emotion you buffer it with to make it seem passable.

>> No.9217659

>I don't see any systematic or even systemic racism or sexism in our society and the onus is on you, and other people who think like you, to demonstrate that this is the case.
watch this

>> No.9217661

You're right, it's a euphemism for "racist white men."

Zizek calls his black friends "nigger" and claims that's what they want to be called.

>> No.9217662
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we are all transsexuals

>> No.9217669

ITT: a bunch of americans who have a history of no class struggle whatsoever lecturing the rest of the world on the virtues of pronouns and outdated and exhausted socdem policies, shit that they claim will do the trick, which the rest of the world has done and see fail horribly

You guys are just as much a bunch of neocons as your right wing mirror image and you don't even fucking realize it.

>> No.9217672
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>> No.9217674


Stop spewing your gross "common sense" near me you silly bigot.

>> No.9217675

Ghettos are disadvantageous to poor people and fueled by Ghetto culture. Why is this a race issue? You are doing this problem a disservice by making it about race rather than about poverty, culture and crime.

>Or what are the common barriers that trans people have to go through?
Besides the fact that trans people are a minuscule minority, nobody is really arguing against helping out trans people. Just some proposed ways to help them out are unreasonable in relation to their number. Like that idea to force businesses and public venues to create a third bathroom choice. Somehow bathrooms appear to be the worst people trans people face at the moment, I would be more open to participating if there were genuine issues to be solved.

>> No.9217677


>tfw I've just realized that me bitching about BLM is the same thing as Chads saying "just be yourself and everything will be fine ;)" to people like me

>> No.9217682

>guy gets checked by police
>has a spring knife on him
>police hunt him down and injure him in the process
>he dies because the incompetent police underestimated his injuries

Okay and how is this a race problem?

>> No.9217684

watch the whole video, he literally explains it

>> No.9217685

socially and economically unadvantaged n sheet

>> No.9217687

critique is a bitchy form of engagement, the minute you indulge in it, even from a right wing perspective, you're implicitly a communist

>> No.9217701

>guy gets racial profiled by police
>has a spring knife on him (no death penalty for that)
>police hunt him down and, as usual when it comes to black people, beat the living shit out of him
>beaten to a pulp he asks for medical help, but the police ignores him
>he dies for a minor crime
>police proceed to lie about it
>people get mad
>police beat the shit out of even more black people

Black people always complain about everything, am i right?

>> No.9217702
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BASED marx

>> No.9217703

Just deport all the niggers already - there will be no end to this dilemma otherwise.

>> No.9217708

wtf I love marx now

>> No.9217710


Fucking Americans.

>> No.9217711

This this this so much this i've been telling my liberal and conservative friends this all along and they're still trapped in their little world of arguing about it

>> No.9217719

plainly this

>tfw ethnonationalist supporter of the working man

>> No.9217720

>guy gets racial profiled by police
He got profiled for living in a crap neighborhood full of crime

>has a spring knife on him (no death penalty for that)
They didn't shoot him, did they? He fled and was arested under use of violence. You can't just flee from the police after they tell you to stop and comply to their standard search procedure.

>beaten to a pulp he asks for medical help, but the police ignores him
>he dies for a minor crime
>police proceed to lie about it
That demonstrates that there are problems in police procedures and training. Why is this racist against black people?

>people get mad
Yeah for the wrong reason

>police beat the shit out of even more black people
Black people are over represented in poor shitty neighborhoods, so yeah. And black people are told to see police as enemies so more black people resist arrest and get hurt in the process, so yeah. None of this is designed to be racist though, so where is your point?

>> No.9217725

>Why is this a race issue?
Check ln the history of virtually any major inner city ghetto inhabited by mostly african american people, and you will quickly discover that the social interactions that haappen in them are vicious cycles, and that those viciousncycles have been impossed by the status quo when it was still fine to force black people to live in the worst part of every big city.
Poverty is an issue in general, I'm not disputing that, but modern ghettos aare a very specific problem whose roots can be found in institutionalized racism in different times, wich never really got fixed by society at large.

>Somehow bathrooms appear to be the worst people trans people face at the moment, I would be more open to participating if there were genuine issues to be solved.
No, it's just the more advertised problem (it got relevant during this election). To say that bathrooms are litterally the only source of problems for trans people is, sorry if I may sound patronizing, ignorant. Ot just means that you're completely detatched from this group and their experience, while criticizing them harshly for identifying with their place in society.
Wich, again, corroborates my first point: white male in the. US and Europe truly don't get what these people are mad about, so they just start saying that all this complaining is nonsense.

That's naive of yours. These problems are real, and a decent society should care about it. Communism in a racist, transphobe society is synonym of failure.
That said, people often underestimate how radical some of these groups are.

>> No.9217726 [DELETED] 

hello, shitskin

>> No.9217732

>It is thus depressing to read some of the better-known and more avowedly “liberal” intellectuals in the contemporary USA exploiting their professional credibility to advance a partisan case. Jean Bethke Elshtain and Michael Walzer, two senior figures in the country’s philosophical establishment (she at the University of Chicago Divinity School, he at the Princeton Institute), both penned portentous essays purporting to demonstrate the justness of necessary wars—she in Just War against Terror: The Burden of American Power in a Violent World (2003) a preemptive defense of the Iraq war; he more recently in a shameless defense of Israel’s bombardments of Lebanese civilians (“War Fair,” The New Republic, July 31, 2006). In today’s America, neoconservatives generate brutish policies for which liberals provide the ethical fig leaf. There really is no other difference between them.

Tony Judt wrote that in 2006

>> No.9217733


>> No.9217734

>All identity politics are secondary to class.
>supporter of the man
>ALL identity poltics

>> No.9217735

Western societies with their laws and customs simply aren't optimized for niggers.
We're still in a transitional phase where we pretend that we're all the same, but sooner or later we'll have to admit that we're not.
There's no pretty solution to this, segregation is probably the only way out.

>> No.9217736
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>> No.9217737

>Poverty is an issue in general, I'm not disputing that, but modern ghettos aare a very specific problem whose roots can be found in institutionalized racism in different times, wich never really got fixed by society at large.

What institutionalized racism would that be?
I stand with my statement that the problems you are talking about are poor people problems and not black people problems. Ghettos are sustained by ghetto culture, they will stay the way they are as long as the people in it keep acting a certain way. And they will stay in this vicious cycle as long as they are kept in poverty and the ghetto culture that sustains it is ignored in favor of 'race issues'.

>> No.9217738

That person stated with force that the issues trans people are overblown, and your response is to tell him he's wrong and ignorant. Further that this is because he's detached from their struggle due to his identity. Notice how you didn't just educate him with the issues trans people face and how he is wrong?.

Care to actually lay out the issues?. How can you not see the moronic, circular nature of your rhetoric?.

>> No.9217739
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Nigs oppress themselves. Trannies are just mentally ill that dump a lot of money in getting mutilated and then eventually kill themselves because, as if it wasn't obvious, cutting your dick off or building a "penis" does not make you the opposite sex.

>> No.9217743

>I'm a mentally ill people why you all look at me like that!010!?!+!+1+!

Goddamn you fucking trannies are so goddamn oblivious, and there's not one thing wrong with discriminating against mentally ill people if you want to. I am not gonna hire some man who thinks he is a woman, and I will make damn sure that nobody else does in my circles.

>> No.9217747

>I am not gonna hire some man who thinks he is a woman, and I will make damn sure that nobody else does in my circles.
if they are good workers, you really shouldn't care
now if they use their mental illness as an excuse for being shit at their job then i'd agree with you.

>> No.9217751

puhlease, we've fought protracted battles over unionization, worker's rights, minimum wage, etc. Blood has been spllied.

>> No.9217752

>trannies that are good workers
ah ha ha ha

>> No.9217757

Nice ideology

>> No.9217760

>Black women are the most overweight in the U.S. @ 51%

Jesus christ what the fuck

>> No.9217761

>the problems you are talking about are poor people problems and not black people problems

They are mostly black people problems. Poor whites aren't anywhere near as violent as blacks.

>> No.9217766

So let niggers kill themselves, they're already doing that since black on black violence is fucking massive.

>> No.9217768

have you worked with one before?
ty bb

>> No.9217770

Nice bait.
If not, you need to learn to pick your battles friend

>> No.9217772

>black people see it as a race issue (but it isn't?)
>burn shit
>get arrested
Still don't see the systemic issue. The only people who make it about race are the black protestors, rioters and media commentators

>individual youtube commentators post racist shit
>half of them 4chan style troll jokes
Prove for individual racism, again where is the systemic racism?

>guy grew up in poor shit neighborhood
>got lead poisoned due to poverty
>history of crime due to poverty
Sounds like a poverty problem, why make it about race?

>jim crow
Was systemically racist, was also repealed.

Technically targeting poor people, but obviously designed to target racial minorities apparently.
Another historical examples. Any current day examples please? This was by the way fixed by legislation to help poor people...

>predatory lending
Again targeting poor people, not black people.

>> No.9217774
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Imagine being so vapid that you think politics matter.

>> No.9217775

> Poor whites aren't anywhere near as violent as blacks.
So why is that?

>> No.9217777

because whites obviously have higher intelligence in average.

>> No.9217778

thats 'plainly' the argument you level at idpol 'marxists'. I never said I'm a Marxist, but I do agree with a lot of Marxist critiques.

Every people group should fend for and remain amongst itself, but also refrain from physical and economic aggression against other peoples. I'd love to see a world of smaller states, strong identities, and international cooperation.

>> No.9217784

I don't know but applying market logic to everything is fucking cancer.

>> No.9217786

Biological predispositions, mostly.

>> No.9217789

But what can i do about it if i don't personally experience it? Shitposting on social media usually does the opposite. Its not like i can send some money to kids in africa to help build a school you know what im saying

>> No.9217795

>trannies bitching about toilets is a resistance movement

This is the worst timeline

>> No.9217797

>What institutionalized racism would that be?
different guy, but redlining in real estate obviously

>> No.9217802

>Capitalism will never implode like Marx claimed
But it did. It was called WWI and it antagonized the proletariat more than any point in human history.

The problem was the revolution was crushed and the few places it succeeded were too industrially backward.

>> No.9217812

the elite =/= voting public

>> No.9217818

So-called "facebook feminism" is a major problem because it actually is espoused by many of the people around you in the modern world if you're in a Western country and under a certain age/not a recluse (as in, not 80 years old, retired, and your only socialization is at Bingo). It's becoming a major social and psychological problem iMO.

>> No.9217822

Americans? Im sure you meant USA citizens, not all americans, right, you bigot. And youre probably from sweden or some shit i bet you aren't even a slav

>> No.9217837

ruskis will be on our side when shit hits the fan

>> No.9217845

Our society (i live just on the edge of mitteleuropa) cares about it and i wouldnt call it that decent.

>> No.9217847

You sound like you missed out on a lot of life for the sake of becoming well read

>> No.9217856

okay? that doesnt mean he can't refuse to hire the mentally ill or anyone for that matter. it is and should be a right of business owners

>> No.9217866

the problem with the whole 'cultural marxism' boogyman is the legitimacy of equality. If your argument is that they replaced proliteriete with 'black women' and bourgeoisie with 'white men', your not making a false comparison. The proliterate should not be equal to the bourgeoisie, black women and white men should be equal. Equality != marxism.

>> No.9217869

Equality is a silly meme anyway.

>> No.9217877

Ethnicity carries cultural values with it.

Poor whites are descendants of European immigrants and value things like hard work and neoliberalism. Poor blacks are descendants of slaves, have been treated like shit for centuries and had to resort to violence to survive.

Both groups still suffer from a crippling lack of education (poor whites gave us Trump, for crying out loud), but one fosters violence more than the other.

>> No.9217887

Sorry but there is so little proof that minorities and women are being systematically oppressed. Of course it does happen, and happened more in the past, but the idpol movements that still exist today are completely reactionary. It's gotten to the point where idpol has actually started harming minorities. The alarmist rhetoric alone is harming them, let alone actual policies. What they consider oppression is literally just social conservatism. And you can say that conservatism is terrible, but it is just not possible that the amount of backlash from idpol movements is proportional at all.

>> No.9217890

>actual oppression
go to Saudi Arabia and Iran to see what real oppression looks like, kiddo. What we see in America is just some bigotry that will have been bred out after five generations (or at least would have, if not some leftist college retards would have pushed their agenda too hard and thus inspired a counter-movement)

>> No.9217894

...what in that post implies they are well-read? Do you see any clever references to Shakespeare i'm missing?

I don't even agree with them entirely, but this sounds to me like you're projecting qualities you've either seen in people in real life or at angry at in yourself. "Well-read" has nothing to do with that post.

>> No.9217897

>Poor blacks are descendants of slaves, have been treated like shit for centuries and had to resort to violence to survive.
Or it's just because they're black.

>> No.9217901

As others have said, read Marxist critiques. Identity politics was originally a reactionary movement.

>> No.9217903

My bad, i was typing too fast and didnt put it in "-"

>> No.9217924

Picking groups of people as classes and pitting them against each other leads to conflict and in-group out-group mentalities, which in turn justifies horrible acts that would normally be considered immoral.

In communism the group defined as proletariat subjugates/imprisons/murders the group defined as bourgeoisie. This leads to radical social change, which is the objective of the revolutionary marxists, but innocent individuals suffer as a result of the blanket classification.

Collectivist action always leads to injustice against the individual. Just look at affirmative action and quotas. The black class gets benefits based on their perceived class oppression. In turn an individual rich black kid gets into university while a poor white kid never gets a chance.

'Punching up and punching down' as many of the 'cultural marxists' like to say justifies that a black person is racist against a white person without repercussions for example, even though racism should be bad on principle.

Equality is a vague term, it can mean many things. Many of which are anything but just.

>> No.9217929

>just some bigotry that will have been bred out after five generations
I'm not so sure. Discrimination of other people is a core aspect of being a normal person. I wouldn't be surprised if it manifests itself in a public/political manner again.
Also, we never had as much ethnic diversity in a single society as we do now, who knows what will happen. It's one big experiment and not everyone is happy with it.

>> No.9217930

>>9217198 pic sure isn't

>> No.9217938

Equality is only achievable if we stop being human.

>> No.9217951

When will you realise that idpol and government policy is what's ruining black America? The civil rights movement should have been the end of racism but you chose to continue it by blaming every single black issue on anybody but blacks. Their culture has been completely ruined and you've literally re-enslaved them with these liberal economic policies. It's so obvious, just look at black families in the past and look at them now, or rather, look at the fact that black families don't even exist anymore. Look at the civil rights movement then and look at it now. How about you leave people alone and see how that works out?

>> No.9217953

ahhh, ok thank you

>> No.9217957

>you've literally re-enslaved them with these liberal economic policie
I find this very funny - because it's true - and blacks still vote the same people who continue these policies like Hillary or Obama.


>> No.9217958

Maybe you're right, Anon. The nuances of human society and culture pale in comparison to skin colour.

>> No.9217961

>race is a social construct and it doesn't exist
ok, great
>but whites are too privileged, we need more racial diversity, we need race quotas, we need celebration of different races, praise multiculturalism

I don't get it at all. If race isn't a real thing, then why do we need more racial diversity?

>> No.9217966

Democrats have a lot of cognitive dissonance and gaslighting to share.

>> No.9217973

And they'll continue to vote for those policies because they get resources from other people. But you can't give human capital. Black culture will never be as productive and healthy as Chinese or Jewish culture as long as the government has financial and familial control of them

>> No.9217976

Yes, Anon. Race only has to do with skin color.

>> No.9217978


>> No.9217987

>There are entire academical fields that anti-idpol people discredit regularly, without never interacting with them.
what fields would that be, apart from Gender Studies and its subsidiaries?

>> No.9217989

Skin color is just one of many biological aspects

>> No.9217991
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>Gender Studies.

>> No.9218008

Black people recovered from slavery. They actually recovered very quickly. The problem is that they're even worse off now under the welfare state with its wage laws and affirmative action. Not to mention the government's effect on the black family. The sad thing is it will take much longer for them to recover now that welfare culture has been ingrained for generations. Even sadder is that liberal policies are becoming even more popular, along with "you can't succeed because the entire economic system is pitted against you". And hip hop culture doesn't help.

>> No.9218031

child's banter compared to the class struggles elsewhere

>> No.9218047

Poor's cant into class struggle, they're too poor for that. Shit is fucking on when middle class looses it shit and then we have WW2.

>> No.9218052

>and then we have WW2.
Anon come to the future.

>> No.9218053

Woman really likes to be treated like shit, desu.

>> No.9218056


>> No.9218059

but that's racist

>> No.9218075


>All these groups are facing actual oppression

Baiting too hard.

>> No.9218096
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What times we live in where a word like oppression is so trivialized that it applies to blacks and trannies of which there are members of those groups who are literal millionaires.

>> No.9218100
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Only tells you about the cogntive dissonance inherent in ID-pol and in liberals and leftards.

>> No.9218115

Of there is anything leftists and liberal can agree on, it is the propagation of Cosmopolitanism

>> No.9218130

Only /lit/ could see a market meeting a consumer demand and cry about it being Marxism.

>> No.9218133


>> No.9218138

people who adhere to identity politics

>> No.9218147

That's ideology for you.

>> No.9218160

>race is a social construct and it doesn't exist
Yeah, but discrimination based on that social construct is real.
>we need celebration of different races, praise multiculturalism
That's not about races, but about cultures.

>> No.9218238


>he thinks that because certain members of oppressed groups have financial success that group is not depressed

>b-but Obama was president that means black people aren't oppressed at all!!! Just look at Oprah!!!

wew it sure is pol in here

>> No.9218244

It relates, you faggot
Even if it wouldn't, it's a Bolivian skydiving board so who cares

>> No.9218256

James Kalb - Against Inclusiveness:How the Diversity Regime is Flattening America and the West and what to do about it

>> No.9218271

It's not the market that people have a problem with, it's the people who should be outraged over oppression being blinded by their victim hierarchy that people have a problem with.

>> No.9218276

But what about self determination at the individual level? You know people aren't gonna adhere to your arbitrary identity categories

>> No.9218297

>he thinks that in an actual repressive regime, these people would be able to ascend to the positions they currently held
you have much to learn about oppression. Small hint: When you mum tells you to go to bed, it's not oppression

>> No.9218303

Has some valuable access points in regards to gender dynamics. The problem is that it is infested with feminists that push their agenda into every scholary work and censor any opinion that does not fit into their framework

>> No.9218310

Culture doesn't exist in a vacuum, much like Bourgeoise culture is molded by the university system, the office workplace and cable tv, underclass culture has been deliberately shaped for the benefit of a multibillion dollar prison and 'law enforcement' industry. The 'war on drugs' is nothing but a self perpetuating program of biopolitical exploitation targeting segments of the population who have stopped being profitable sources of labor. You can see the program being extended to large segments of what once was the 'white working class', and with the advance of automation, shit's just gonna get worse. America will begin to look more and more like one huge concentration camp.

>> No.9218316


>Now I can be a slave to my religion, government, and corporate America!

>> No.9218317


>because things aren' as bad as they were 100 years ago oppression doesn't exist
>being able to rise in socioeconomic status means there is no oppression
>Fredrick Douglass was a prominent and respected activist in the 19th century and because of that black people were not oppressed

That's the argument you're making.

>> No.9218322

>The 'war on drugs' is nothing but a self perpetuating program of biopolitical exploitation targeting segments of the population who have stopped being profitable sources of labor.
nothing wrong with this

>> No.9218324
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>tfw Marx knew identity politics promoted false consciousness all along
>tfw he wrote against this
>tfw the redpilled are sucked into reacting against identity politics every time and promote an economic policy that does not support their interests

>> No.9218338


I don't buy this "dark future" prediction, at least in terms of whether or not the state is going to take care of unprofitable people. The state already spends billions on welfare, and it's well within the realm of possibility that the productivity gains of automation completely outscales the added load. Automated farms, automated distribution chains, automated pharmacies, Watson doctors. It's going to be cheap as fuck to take care of a human life once these are up and running.

imo, the greatest challenge posed by automation is going to be psychological in nature.

>> No.9218355

The problem with identity politics, imo, is that it can end up upholding the existing system, because it focuses on advancement within said system. For example, think about how the corporate emphasis on 'diversity' is used to whitewash an inherently exploitative system that is only growing more and more exploitative. 'racism' and 'sexism' could be symbolically eliminated, but as long as the rule of the political economy and it's coercive apparatus remains, 'oppression' will persist and will probably get worse and worse as the capitalist system collapses into neo darwinist dystopia. Notice how corporations justify their commitment to 'diversity' through appeals to the profit motive? If fascism was profitable, they'd be fascists. The joint stock corporation is a successful model precisely because it is designed to eliminate all traces of personal moral responsibility.

>> No.9218369
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>They don't see any sort of barrier, or any sort of institutionalized/normalized problematic behaviour in their life, so they just shrug it off.

No, that's not why. It's because the only thing white men see are people whining about their position.

White men especially in America and Western Europe, are LITERALLY the demographic that keeps society functioning. White men literally do ALL jobs that are shit.

And yet they never whine about anything, nor do they talk to anyone about their problems. They just go to work, and to church, and drink beer, while the entirety of their culture hates them.

>> No.9218394

>. They just go to work, and to church, and drink beer, while the entirety of their culture hates them.
no this is wrong and honestly this "white man" meme has been taken too far
the issue is RICH PEOPLE (WHO USUALLY ARE WHITE MALES) are fucking over EVERYONE. but somewhere along the way ppl started using the meme to anybody that happens to be a white male.
i live in fucking bumfuck florida and ppl like you described hate rich white people like the rest of us.

>> No.9218396

'full' automation is a long way off, in the meantime we get more and more unemployment and social disintegration, also due to other factors such as outsourcing, and vanishing labor security, even among the professional classes. Those in power aren't going to relinquish their power without a fight. This is where the sinister undertones of the phrase 'human resources' become evident. An increasingly regulated social media landscape is indistinguishable from a quasicolonial system of psychic resource extraction. Your labor might no longer be needed, but your body and your mind can still be exploited. The security industry- policing, prisons, terrorism and counterterrorism- is likely to grow increasingly profitable, as are all forms of voluntary, involuntary and semivoluntary biomedical and psychosocial human experimentation.

>> No.9218398

You're a retard if you think racial/gender/lgbt problems have no substance. Turning into a pure class reductionist because of "muh SJW boogieman" is the cancer of this website. It is absolutely true that all groups need to unite in order to bring out fundamental economic change, this shouldn't be a point of contention, but a socialism of the 21st century would have to be intersectional. Let's say I'm a transsexual with a lower-middle class existence, I need to be concerned with class consciousness but my ability to survive without prejudice and even violence because of my transsexuality would naturally be a large concern. To say that these issues are irrelevant means pretending that everyone is living in the liberal western world, gender and race are real fucking problems for millions of people. If your political program ignores these things I'm skeptical of it ever suceeding.

>> No.9218405

And yet the prevailing culture creates skits designed for national television telling white people how they should behave.

If rich white people are fucking everyone, they aren't doing a good job of it.

>> No.9218409
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>> No.9218431


The richest ethnic groups in the US are Jews and east Asians.

>> No.9218432

They are doing an excellent job, actually. Those MTV/buzzfeed skits are created for 2 main audiences: the people who get outraged at them and the people who get outraged at the people who get outraged at them. If you take this content seriously, you are in thrall to it. All the products of the culture industry are pavlovian behavioural modification instruments to some extent. In the end it's about hyping certain commodities. The think-pieces denouncing the 'reactionary backlash' to commodities such as 'Beyonce' or 'Lady Ghostbusters' often preempt and give shape to such 'reactionary backlash' before it happens.

>> No.9218434
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>> No.9218441

Leaving out all this gender and trans bullshit, this race wars are fucking ridiculous, there are racists for every single race and there will continue to be racists. Racism and hate will never be removed from the world and I think where we are now with racism is a very good spot, and from what I see, western whites are the least racist at this moment.

>> No.9218446

>making up these mental gymnastics when it's obviously just genetics

>> No.9218449


So you're arguing that the problem with identity politics lies solely in the capitalist agenda? Or that by adhering to the demands of identity politics we are creating a more oppressive system? Because I understand the former but not the latter. I don't understand how the emphasis on diversity allows for the effect of whitewashing if that's meant to be its antithesis. Or are you saying that people are further oppression as a means to profit off the oppressed's response to it?

I.E: Muslim oppression persists in order to profit off their demand for representation in their consumerist needs.

Or am I missing the point completely?

>> No.9218451

I don't care what audience it's made for, I care about the motivations for creating such things in the first place.

It's pants-on-head retarded to think that rich white men want to create cultural propaganda against themselves.

>> No.9218455
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That's the problem.

There is only one fundamental class.

You can break down things into further sub-classes, do inter-sectional analysis, but ultimately this is all trivial compared to the division between the working and the ownership classes.

Modern feminism doesn't get this: you don't need to remove gender prejudices, what prejudices there are, before you can have a revolution.

Getting rid of the conditions of capitalism will actually dissolve a lot of these problems. Many of the issues and antagonisms people experience are because they need to leverage identity in order to get economic advantage over others.

For what isn't dissolved, a more socialist condition will give you the time and breathing room.

>> No.9218456

>(poor whites gave us Trump, for crying out loud),
most poor people of any race don't even vote. Trump's win was mostly due to the same petit bourgeoisie- Industrialist coalition that usually shows up for the GOP. The only people who like neoliberalism are for the most part white urbanites, ironically

>> No.9218458

jews are white

>> No.9218460

>It's pants-on-head retarded to think that rich white men want to create cultural propaganda against themselves.
but its not against themselves its against poor people.

>> No.9218464

>but its not against themselves its against poor people.

No it's against white people as a "class".

>> No.9218466

>muh skin color

>> No.9218473

show me some examples of rich white people getting mad fun of (inb4 trump)

even in this thread some guy said poor ppl is the reason why trump won. it all boils down to money my man

>> No.9218478
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>I don't understand how the emphasis on diversity allows for the effect of whitewashing if that's meant to be its antithesis.

'diversity' can functions as a symbolic whitewashing of institutions that by their very nature, profit off death and exploitation, like banks or USA's imperial war machinery. The emphasis on the heroics of female bank executives does nothing for the average woman(sinking as she is into immiseration together with the rest of the world) , but does a lot to rehabilitate bank executives.

>> No.9218480

there is no good counter-argument to identity politics, and thus there is no good critique of it either

>> No.9218483

Based Khomeini
Identity politics are the only valid form of politics, autistic materialist and empiricist policies will NEVER prevail.

>> No.9218488

Good God that pic

>> No.9218489

Poor WHITE people is the reason Trump won. And that's because the Democratic Party was more interested in talking about "Ban Bossy" than it was interested in talking about the fact that millions of white working class people are out of a job because their job was shipped to China.

>> No.9218490

Funny, because the main audience for that shit is a segment of post protestant middle class whites who get off to performative displays of self abasement. And YOU are the secondary target demographic, because YOU get outraged at the content and spread it around as well.

>> No.9218505

BLM has definitely shifted outside their previously established scope of operation. Damn near shifted themselves out of relevance. I used to support them, but not anymore. It's hard to when they pull in your support under them premise of relevant activism, as a black guy in his 20's it's within my best interest to do what I can to ensure that cops feel accountable for their actions and decisions with me and people like me. I've been harassed before, I've been called 'nigger' on the street, etc. It was the obvious thing to do until they shifted their narrative to "buy Kendricks new album, it's #woke af" or "don't buy anything on black Friday, stay at home and think about how much you love black people." I don't need my political and personal decisions made for me by any organization, and I certainly don't want to contribute my voice to a cause that uses it to say things I would never say myself.
But of course my liberal friends are knee-jerkingly supportive of BLM and I don't want to be that contrarian asshole(I'm already that contrarian asshole) but it's so goddamn obvious that BLM has run out of relevant things to say and found "purpose"(by which I mean attention) in identity politics.

Everyone read On the Abolition of All Political Parties by Weil

>> No.9218511

>There is only one fundamental class.
surely you mean "two"?

>> No.9218514


this. anyone complaining about marcuse or frohm is an idiot.

>> No.9218515

>role-playing as a nigger on /lit/


>> No.9218520

>there aren't any black people on /lit/
you are new

>> No.9218527

I really do hate how this board has become the plaything of 16 year old virgins from /r/socialism and revleft

>> No.9218530

Just because a particular segment of white people are incredibly resentful and full of self-hatred doesn't make my point wrong.

Why is it necessary to produce racist propaganda, and it what way does it help the few rich whites at the top?

It doesn't. Americans, white, black and asian alike, talk about generic white people the same way the National Socialists talked about Jews.

>> No.9218531


Western whites are going to become more racist, the more diverse their societies become. Europe may seem tolerant now, but wait until their countries start becoming as diverse as the USA.

>> No.9218535

>there are niggers on /lit/

You are new

>> No.9218537

blm is still alive?

>> No.9218544

> and it what way does it help the few rich whites at the top?
distracting! while they fuck us in the ass until we found out years later.

>> No.9218553

Fuck off to /pol/ buddy.
If your board is infested with nazis for years, are you really surprised that people on the radical left are trying to reclaim some space? Even if I'm a succdem IRL I'm going to be a full-on communist online, because shifting the spectrum is more important.

>> No.9218562


Man people really like to make this seem way more complicated than it actually is huh?
There is no complex psychology going on here
Here is all the average person is thinking about stuff like this: "not my problem"
And they are right, it definitely is not their problem because they are just one person
They can't preoccupy themselves with how every black, gay, female and special snowflake out there feels

And if these people really had such monumental unprecedented problems they wouldn't be dumping their little rhetoric on anybody and everybody. It's a waste of time
What they are doing can only be considered a false revolution
They approach issues the same way a corporation approaches anything
They are manipulative to put it simply, quite literally treating their "cause" like a marketing scheme and this global, highly interconnected age has propelled them forward
We are in an age of guilt and self-righteousness

>> No.9218568

There's also a class aspect to it, 'wokeness' is another form of social capital for them, prestige publications are full of upper class whites who will happily denounce the white race but will grow pale at any suggestion of wealth redistribution. 'Racism' is seen as the product of individual mental states and character flaws, while from the beginning it has been a product of the political economy. Slave plantations were a huge business, and the jim crow laws were literally a response to the threat posed to the southern ruling class by multiracial unions and sharecropper associations.

>> No.9218583

>tfw blacks were enslaving their own people before the whites and still do
>tfw blacks sold their own people to the whites
>tfw blacks owned slaves in America as well

>> No.9218601

You're just going to push the polfags further right. If they're resistant to persuasion from a centrist or moderate leftist they're just going to be assured of their own correctness by a full-on commie.

>> No.9218633

I feel bad for you white people. The minorities are getting financial, work, and educational benefits just for the color of their skin despite East Asians having a better average income. Funny thing is too that when talking about whites being in power (having the majority billionaires, CEOs), those are Jews. I really want to see someone bring that up when talking about the billionaire whites, and ask them if they're antisemitic. I'm not white by the way, and I was accepted into a good college with scholarships just for my skin color; however, I grew up with whites with the same economic background; I'm Latin American, but I've literally never met another Latin American growing up in northern Minnesota.

>> No.9218636

You seem to be assuming that a /pol/ack would be persuaded by gradual positions, instead of jumping towards the next edgy ideology. My experience points that one is much more likely to become a Marxist-Leninist than a centre leftist.

>> No.9218643

liberalism is powerless to deal with fascism, while the far left can cut through the gordian knot of discourse by offering a third option. Remember, fascism exists and can only exist within the paradigm of capitalism and the state. You could argue fascists take the logic of capitalism to its ultimate conclusion, while liberals are caught in an unstable compromise with post christian humanist ideals.

>> No.9218653

who are you talking to?
are you even on the right board?

>> No.9218654


Isn't the first step to find the best literature in FAVOR of identity politics? Because as far as I know there's none.

There's no point critiquing a position that doesn't exist.

>> No.9218662

>If when you say identity politics you mean the cultural relativism, polylogism, the automatic and unappealable guilt of the white man by the Original Sin of his oppressive tyranny, that engenders antagonism, essentializes individuals by race or gender, destroys discourse with accusations of tone-policing and mansplaining and foists upon us unwanted self-understandings, calls forth a new age of identity-based segregation, yea, literally constructs a new hierarchy of privilege-checked domination to put in chains the pale old masters; if you mean the evil spell that topples the freedoms of speech—yea and to offend—and of association into the bottomless pit of safe spaces, trigger warnings, microaggressions and mattress marches, white fragility and the male gaze, problematizing and Twitter shaming, then certainly I am against it.

>But, if when you say identity politics you mean solidarity, diversity, the realities of present bigotry and discrimination and the legacy effects of ancient oppressions, the idea that our experiences diverge according to the identity groups to which we belong—chosen and unchosen, plural and overlapping—and that to ignore these differences is to paper over injustices—designed or emergent—in rote thrall to a bland ideal of equality that can perpetuate injustice; if you mean activism led by those who know where the shoe chafes; if you mean more deeply plumbing our social well of knowledge by really listening to the testimonies of groups historically ignored; if you mean a rejuvenated liberalism which magnifies our differences not to erect walls between us, but to illuminate the path to a more genuine equality of dignity achieved in our contextual lives and not just in abstract blueprints; if you mean realizing the benefits of diversity, which are the necessary conditions for that Open Society welcoming to individuals of all sexes and genders, races, religions, nationalities, peaceful political ideologies, and body types; if by identity politics you mean loosening up the grand narrative of history’s victors to include alternative and conflicting interpretations, then certainly I am for it.

>> No.9218693

He had me up until "peaceful political ideologies". The goals which he wants to achieve will never be possible without mass political organizing, which will inevitably clash with the powers of capital.

>> No.9218694

Just to clarify, I don't actually see myself as Latin American. I'm just an American, but the government and SJWs force me to say Hispanic.

>> No.9218697

>rejuvenated liberalism

>> No.9218714

What's funny about this is that Nike is known for using sweatshop slave labour with awful conditions.

It's just a blatant cash grab, preying on the political climate. Funny how liberals can't see this. Same with Adidas and the lesbian advertisement. You'd have to be a fucking moron to think any of these massive corporations give a shit about identity politics.

>> No.9218734


Yeah but at the same time, classical liberalism/libertarianism is powerless against left wing globalism and identity politics. Fascism is basically just a reaction against it.

>> No.9218743
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BLM was only ever a Soros agitprop front

He withdrew funding because it wasn't working and they've disappeared completely

Wake up, retards

>> No.9218749

Fascism is fundamentally a reaction against the conditions created by capitalism. Fascists themselves don't realize this, but it's pretty obvious

>> No.9218754

Same with FEMEN. He was funding that until they set their sights on Israel.

>> No.9218756

Can't you Marxists just fuck off already? Your dialectical materialism is literally pseudo-science and you're one short of sounding like fundamentalist religious people.

>> No.9218757

if anything, white people everywhere are getting attacked by vicious thugs, but even the cops are to PC to do anything.

>> No.9218770

>Fascists themselves don't realize this

>> No.9218775
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Who could have penned this almond-activating post? Truly a (((rational))) stance to take on such issues!

>> No.9218780

Not a Marxist. If anything I would consider myself a fascist. It's just that I'm aware of the current environment. Capitalism destroys benevolent social institutions like the church, the family, the nation. It puts power into the hands of the mega wealthy and takes away from the people. Fascism is bound to arise in conditions like these.

>> No.9218797

>Not a Marxist
>But everything important is reducible to material conditions and production

Hilarious. Next you're going to tell me Gandhi was secretly a gay Jewish Zionist.

>> No.9218805

That's why libertarian socialism is the logical conclusion and proper continuation of classical liberalism, anon. Have you read any of Chomsky's work on political theory?

>> No.9218810

>Fascists themselves don't realize this
Lmao. Maybe if your knowledge of actual fascism comes from Schindler's list or something. Have you ever read a book by, say, Marinetti or Mussolini? Rhetorical question.

>> No.9218826

I think we should focus, first of all, in creating a fashy white ethnostate with a genetically fit K selected population, then we can debate about the merits of socialism and capitalism. Remember, all political systems need a racially homogenuous population of high IQ patricians with no mental illnesses

>> No.9218837

That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that when you have a capitalist system, it destroys the social and moral fabric of a nation. The capitalist system can only serve itself and it's masters: the superwealthy.

Should've clarified: the fascist masses don't realize this, obviously most fascist intellectuals are well aware.

>> No.9218838
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>no /fit/ /lit/ muslim gf

>> No.9218853

How can you build a succesful socialist society when you are surrounded by shrieking transgenders, ghetto thugs and islamic terrorists in waiting? That's why all reasonable leftists find a common cause with the Far Right.

>> No.9218854


That's what I meant.

Only one class arrangement is fundamental.

It's not about learning to like one another and overcome differences, it's about realizing there is a common and greater antagonist.

>> No.9218881

>That's not what I'm saying at all

That's literally exactly what you're saying.

Marxists: Class struggle and control of production is the source of all conflict and ideology.
You: Capitalism is evil and destroys countries because it only cares about the rich e.g class struggle.

>> No.9218883

>How do you build society when a bunch of non-issue minority boogeymen are always around every corner, waiting to strike?

>> No.9218919

White Privilege isn't a Problem.
Rich Privilege is a Problem.

If a rich man, and a poor man enter a court of law, are they truly equal?

>> No.9218941

>guess 9/11 was a non issue, anyways victims of terrorism and transgender/thug violence probably deserve it because they're WHITE!

t. leftard

>> No.9218978

>9/11 wasn't an inside job
t. libtard

>> No.9218993

9/11 was 16 years ago you fucking idiot. There's like a million studies showing that it's more likely to get hit by lightning than being killed by a moooslim. Transgender people are like 0,1% of the population.

Of course, in your mind, anyone not falling for these laughable scapegoats is some white-people-hating hyper feminist.

>> No.9218998

jet fuel can't melt steel beams

>> No.9219018

No, and who says they should be?

>> No.9219028
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*Tips Hijad*

>> No.9219040

Good boy, now go suck your rich masters off some more

>> No.9219047

>Transgender people are like 0,1% of the population.
they might be, but they posses a power far out of proportion with their actual numbers. There's also the recruitment factor. btw, have you seen what's been happening in Europe? the gates of Vienna have been breached, at this rate the fatherland might fall to Eurabia within the next couple of decades. If we don't stop this, our children will be second class citizens in sharia transgender dystopia. It's time for all whites to join hands, regardless of their political affiliation, Europa's destiny depends on us.

>> No.9219057
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>> No.9219100

Even the law system itself still pretends that everyone is equal before the law. And in a certain way it is this pretention of equality that makes the divide so powerful.

>> No.9219111
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you are literally this meme

>> No.9219112

I'm in europe and no, I haven't seen it, because I don't fall for insane naive conspiracies. I mean fuck, I agree with Zizek that we DO need to defend western values but not in this fucking retarded way, jeez.

>> No.9219124

>if you mean realizing the benefits of diversity, which are the necessary conditions for that Open Society welcoming to individuals of all sexes and genders, races, religions, nationalities, peaceful political ideologies, and body types;

So I guess this is why Brazil is a much nicer place than Norway.

>> No.9219130

Maybe, but if these people were truly were concerned with safety they would do something about I don't know, fucking cars and traffic which is one of the most common ways to die in the western world. It's completely pointless insanity but nobody cares because it's (and sorry for using that word) normalized. Trannies are basically unicorns and completely irrelevant but the attention they get from both left and right is fucking insane just because they're some kind of other and not "normal".

>> No.9219132
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>> No.9219152
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There's a tipping point. remember, both the gay movement and islam are totalitarian political ideologies. It's all fine until you get to the tipping point, it's like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot, only we are the frog.

>> No.9219154

It's inherently divisive and robs people of their individuality by boxing them into predesignated demographic groups.

>> No.9219158


>> No.9219172
File: 51 KB, 273x329, Slippery-Slope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your brain is rotting.

>> No.9219174

Yeah but theres
A) no reason to suppose that car related deaths will increase (theyll decrease as self driving cars continue to populate the roads more)
B) no reason to suppose that terrorism related danger has a hard limit or necessarily increases at a linear rate

You think youre so god damn smart because you look at two numbers, see one is bigger than the other and think that's that, without even considering what potential rate of change could be. I dont reallt believe that terrorism related deaths in europe or north america will get out of hand in the forseeable future, but your line of thinking is so shit.

>> No.9219178

holy giga lel

>> No.9219179

Marxist criticism of capitalism. Now fuck off.

>> No.9219181

for awhile, I've thought that cars are really wasteful. burning fossil fuels, traffic jams, and most significantly, lots of people killed in car accidents. it's a form of industrial malfunction, and since we live in an industrial society, we simply accept it.

>> No.9219182

>ghetto thugs
>the people committing 50% of the murders while 13% of the population are a non issue
>the people taking way more from our tax money than they give back are a non-issue

t. upper middle class white liberal from Vermont

>> No.9219192

>implying it is a problem with race and not systematic economic inequality
t. lower middle-class white trash from the midwest

>> No.9219197

nigs can't even get africa straight its definitely something in the negroid race that makes them incapable of living in a civ. soc.

>> No.9219208

No geneticist or anthropologist or anyone with half a brain actually thinks that race is real. There is no such thing as the negroid race.

>> No.9219210
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Except for the fact that poor white people have a way lower crime rate than poor blacks. Have you ever wondered why West Virginia has a relatively low murder rate despite being the poorest state in the union?

>> No.9219217

africa has alot of issues. lack of arable land, lack of navigable rivers, the tsetse fly, etc. getting enslaved for centuries by the Arabs and later the Europeans didn't help either. the point is, there are valid reasons why that continent has been such a mess. it has nothing to do with the fabricated concept of race.

>> No.9219226
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>yes goy, there's no differences between people who lived in wildly different environment for thousands of years









>> No.9219232
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>> No.9219236

Race is a spook
Nationality is a spook
Jews are a spook
Only material relations that characterize a given historical mode of production, and are daily reproduced through individuals labouring for their subsistence, should be our concern.

>> No.9219237

What's the population density of hick-town?

>> No.9219240

>getting enslaved for centuries by the Arabs and later the Europeans didn't help either.
Africans are enslaving their own people though.

>> No.9219243


by this point shouldn't, you both have agreed to a consistent definition of "oppression," preferably one involving money?

>> No.9219244

Iran voted in a nearly entirely liberal parliament. It's the religious old guard that hold them back and surpress secular elements violently.

Young Iranians are actually very moderate.

Except about Jews.

>> No.9219247

So whites go to Africa, immediately make a first world country in South Africa, then they leave, and the country collapses. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the people who took over.

>> No.9219251

>Every individual, however original he may be, is still a child of God, of his age, of his nation, of his family and friends. Only thus is he truly himself. If in all this relativity he tries to be the absolute, then he becomes ridiculous.

Soren Kierkegaard, Either/Or

>> No.9219252

Funny how the only nonspook is a the only factor that can't be objectively measured through science and biology.

>> No.9219253

Population density? Wanna talk about Tokyo's crime rate vs Sub Saharan Africa?

>> No.9219257

Want to talk about policing, quality of living, income, and a myriad other social factors?

>> No.9219260


I'm extremely racist and don't consider blacks human, but I would sure rally with Omar and Laqueefa if it meant we could lynch bankers and kikes. I may hate blacks, but I hate jews more. Put the gorillas on the front lines and the halfies as mouthpieces to issue the orders from the white generals. Get rednecks to be the engineering corps and manufacture opportunist arms. An unstoppable army of blue collars and poverty who outnumber the rich 10:1.

Of course, we exterminate the remaining blacks afterwards.

>> No.9219274

>policing, quality of living, income

Did you miss the part about West Virginia being the poorest state in the union? You then preceded to give population density all the credit for the low crime rate, despite that being a clearly weak correlation considering the low crime rates of places like Japan and most European countries which are quite densely populated.

>> No.9219276

We'll soon become fashionable, bois. /lit/ marxist twats totally btfoed.

>> No.9219279

that's true, my point is that exploitation by foreign powers was another obstacle to their development.

it does have to do with the people who took over, but not because they're inherently inferior. it's because they don't have the same level of social capital and resources as the Europeans. there's alot involved in running a society, and putting people in charge who don't have the training, education, or effective institutions will lead to an absolute mess.

again, there are historical reasons for all this. it's not because one group of people are biologically inferior to another.

>> No.9219289

the need for Policing as well as low income and low quality of life are the result of underlying genetic factors and an inborn predisposition to violence. That's what leftists don't get there's a darwinian war of all against all going on out there, the goal is genetic survival. What if your precious morality was just the by product of an alien and hostile race's group evolutionary strategy? Because from a gene perspective it is.

>> No.9219302

>it's because they don't have the same level of social capital and resources as the Europeans.

They did, and they squandered them all. South Africa wasn't getting money from Europeans later on, in fact they were being sanctioned for apartheid. The niggers took control of the exact same country the whites had and drove it into the ground. You should watch Empire of Dust.

>> No.9219305

"Man is an ensemble of social relations" - Marx
Both functionalism and Marxist sociology study them from different perspectives.

>> No.9219307

Great job mods