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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 178 KB, 600x600, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9208375 No.9208375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realise all the reddit-tier posts and shit memes on this board are made by women

big redpill to swallow

>> No.9208383

I think if you took a poll, our board would prob have the highest number of women.

>> No.9208397

Yes, they are the ones that make all the DFW memes and shit this place up with their effeminate posts.

Spot them and knock them out.

>> No.9208403

I am literally one of them lmao, I'm just saying. I'm just saying say that to my face lmao.

>> No.9208408

Look at this tough boy.

You couldn't knock a bogger out of your nose, NEETboy.

>> No.9208410

point out one
(that doesn't state "i'm female" or was posted after such a statement)

>> No.9208412

No its mostly from people who are not college educated.

>> No.9208413

I think it's probably either /soc/, /co/, or /cgl/. Are there girls on this board who read Evola and Guenon? I want to fuck you

>> No.9208419

Kill all women

>> No.9208421

you forgot /adv/

>> No.9208427

I have only had this happen to me once. Maybe you can tell me, Anon - what did I do that was so female-esque in this post?:


>> No.9208435

Evola yes but I don't give a fuck about Muslims.

>> No.9208439

I'd wager some women here are already redpilled, dear frog.

>> No.9208445

this has to be bait...
if not, you have acted like a spoiled little brat. an entitled person that has been living life on easy mode for too long aka what r9k sees as the equivalent of being female. you could have also got called a numale or a faggot. but the poster had chosen female.

>> No.9208447

/cgl/ is almost 100% women

>> No.9208449

Post feet

>> No.9208453

you said lmao twice in one post... pls stop being THAT obvious. i'm ashamed

>> No.9208460

>an entitled person that has been living life on easy mode
How do you get all that from that little post? Is it the ellipses? I want to understand your elusive super male vitalised ways.

>> No.9208473

(I mean I'll check your elaboration tomorrow sometime. It's really late here and I need to sleep.)

>> No.9208474

i know your post was kind of sarcastic. but the fact that something as futile as a post on this shithole makes you (even ironically) consider suicide is pathetic.

>> No.9208479

to add, stop attentionwhoring. it's pathetic and sad

>> No.9208486
File: 175 KB, 800x850, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always tells who the females are. They type in a very effeminate tone and repeat phrases. They also have a tendency towards Tumblr-esque writing techniques, dotted lines and lower-case words etc.

Embarrassing, leave my board and never come back.

>> No.9208488

fart in my mouth

>> No.9208495

i write in lower case because i'm mostly on my phone. am i female ye?

>> No.9208496
File: 16 KB, 259x194, IMG_1442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9208498

You type like a brainlet.

Go back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.9208499


>> No.9208502

Cool. Please date me /lit/ girls.

>> No.9208513

Goodreads threads and friend requests are about 1/6 women at this point. And I think this is more than the overall total, since women are attracted to social networks.

>> No.9208515
File: 6 KB, 275x183, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can tell theyre females whenever they defend rupi

>> No.9208521

>You couldn't knock a bogger

What did she mean by this?

>> No.9208524


>> No.9208525

maybe that's because i'm not a monolingual brainlet and not as eloquent in english as i am in my mother tongue.

nice argument. hanging someone over their typo

>> No.9208532

>i can tell theyre faggots whenever they defend rupi

>> No.9208533


>> No.9208534

I don't think I've ever seen anyone defend rupi here. Except those who have called her cute which she is

>> No.9208536

t. female trying to appear male

>> No.9208541

She isn't

>> No.9208545

taste is subjective

>> No.9208547

t. male

>> No.9208554

actually not. now what?

>> No.9208555

We can agree to disagree on that, the main point is that nobody here defends her literary output.

>> No.9208567
File: 291 KB, 800x778, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you can really tell all the women that pollute this thread.

Their short posts which hold no value or substance, entirely devoid of any reason to exist except as a momentary scoff to their opponents.

Why do they do it? They don't even know.


>> No.9208569

you apologise, idk, for your brusque manner? it's okay that you're not male, but rupi still isn't cute

>> No.9208570

So I take it you're a woman?

>> No.9208572

The greatest secret you'll ever learn about women is they're all meh. Every model, pornstar, celebrity, and generally gorgeous girl you see walking around is just a skinnyfat ordinary bitch underneath, always with a handful of suboptimal traits like wonky hips or some misshapen shit somewhere. There are one or two in a hundred thousand who have really really lucky genetics and like picture-perfect pornstar bodies without any wonky shit, but even they are just boring.

Once you fuck a truly beautiful woman and have that moment of "..that's it?", it's a massive deprogramming experience. You realise that you've been chasing after the status and associations of it, the assumptions you have about it based on your desires, without ever realising what it really is: mediocre.

If young men had the opportunity to fuck a thousand gorgeous women of their choosing during their 16th year of life, and then after that they had to go back to being schlubs and trying to get laid the old-fashioned way, 90% of men would become semi-asexual, hold out for a high quality woman in the personality and values department, and only have minimal standards for beauty (5-6/10 and nonfat, max). Because they'd realise it's really just not that big a deal.

I've had fuckloads of sex, both meaningful and meaningless, with all sorts of attractive women. Sexwise, I'd rather have a really fun kinky 5 or 6/10 who is really engaged, good chemistry, really grabs you by the dick and hits all the right notes in terms of your fetishes and preferences, than a dozen 10/10s. There's just nothing like finally fucking a 10/10, with a body so perfect it seems like you should care more about it than you actually do, and then losing interest ten minutes into it because she's a dead fish and they all look like the same average-ass Fatfolds McGillicuddy when they're naked anyway.

So much of beautiful women is the stage effect of makeup and clothing. ESPECIALLY if you're looking at pictures of them. Pictures are like meta-makeup, Instagram shit lets girls tweak themselves until it's an ideal angle that hides all blemishes and creases etc., before even adding filters or fucking with the lighting.

The really awesome womanizing only comes after you go through this k-hole of realizing they're shit. Womanizing is so much more fun when you see everything between a 4 and a 10 as fuckable and can just burn through them looking for particularly fun ones. You're no longer secretly pining after the hotties you're statistically unlikely to get. And with this strategy, you'll get MORE hotties because you'll be subconsciously caring less, which is attractive (because it's confusing) to them.

>> No.9208573

If this poll is anything to go by, its an even split.

>> No.9208579


So anyone who disagrees with you is a girl?

Please return when you've succesfully completed the 8th grade, tough boy.

>> No.9208586

What the fuck? I can't find any others of this copypasta

>> No.9208607
File: 74 KB, 640x840, IMG_2831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that you think you can spot them all. So you assume they all write like that, when it's only the vaginalets that do this.

It's like my mom thinking she was able to tell whenever i lied to her as a teen, when in fact, she only caught me when i was obvious.

Or that you are delusional enough to think you can tell when someone's wearing a toupe/wig. Yes, you can tell if they wear cheap ones. But you won't be able to tell the good ones appart.

pic related. who's wearing a toupet/wig?

>> No.9208616

>phone poster
fuck off female

>> No.9208617

But you can tell the bottom guy's wearing a toupee. Lack of rough edges around his sideburns. Whereas chick on top has stray hairs trailing around her ears. Not a toupee.

>> No.9208623

how is
>taste is subjective
brusk manner?
maybe it's your turn to appologize

>> No.9208630

That's because he has a receeding hairline.
They both have artificial hair.

>> No.9208631

lol @ all the frustro'd lil babbys itt (e.g. OP) who never got to suckle past a certain age, and r now directing their manboy-kiddy-tantrums back upon the titties that they actually love.

>> No.9208639
File: 2.84 MB, 500x375, 1485703154216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hallo! now, just because I have a cunt, a little dark wet triangle between my legs, instead of some stupid ugly penis, that doesn't make me bad at writing! If you think I'm bad because of my gender you're all retards who ought to do myself and the rest of this grand creation a flavor and off yourselves! thanks!

>> No.9208640

I think it's trying to communicate.

>> No.9208647

I can give you a flavor of my fist.

>> No.9208648

H-he's fast!

>> No.9208649

it's semi patronising? let's apologise at the same time, i'll apologise 60 seconds after i post this

>> No.9208652

Never let it be said that Freud was wrong

>> No.9208656

No I'm sorry yeah my gender radar is not as good as I thought and Rupi may be cute in some ways I guess I can see that, soz again

>> No.9208659

You didn't apologise!

>> No.9208662

How is that patronizing? All i'm saying is that you can't have universal rules for attractive humans. Sure, there are common rules. Health and youth might be some of them. But i don't see a need to appologize.

>> No.9208671

I don't think she's cute either. But i see no need to tell others to not find her cute. If anything, you are the one being patronizing here.
I appreciate your willingness to appologize but i can't appologize for a statement i still stand behind and don't see any offense in.

>> No.9208674

It's a v obvious thing. Why even bother saying it? It doesn't matter anyway, I'm going to bed

>> No.9208675

I'll fucking take it desu. It's not like we get anything from one good bantz thread a week.

>> No.9208681

Oftentimes there are posts where you can really easily tell they are women. They think they are blending right in but everyone can see them.

>> No.9208689

Smart woman detected.

>> No.9208693

I'm still waiting for an anon to point one out that fits my criterias (not stating they are female or following such a statement).

>> No.9208722

Let me let you fucks in on a little secret:
Trust me, I know this from experience. Why would any girl higher than 4/10 ever visit this board? The only girls who come here are 'quirky' (aka ugly and desperate) girls who have to seek validation anonymously because they are so ugly.
Try to prove me wrong.

>> No.9208733

OP forgot to specify if they mean people with vaginas/wombs, or if they mean anyone more generally who identifies as fem.

>> No.9208734

any girl on 4chan is ugly or has some kind of mental illness of horrible insecurity.

prove me wrong pro tip you can't

>> No.9208739

is example of

>> No.9208743

If you can point out one of my posts in another thread.
Because not all of us are here for the validation. I guarantee you that you would never suspect me to be female in a normal lit conversation.

>> No.9208744
File: 19 KB, 220x337, a river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it matter? why is this board suddenly copying /r9k/? is everyone in here also a hopeless NEET?

>> No.9208751

The thing with 4chan is that it's filled with women. It's also filled with gays, gender benders, and nonwhites. There's a plurality of straight white men, sure, (or at least white men, depending on your response to the trap question), but when outsiders speak of the site as this sort of 21st century digital equivalent to one of those ivy societies, they are ironically enough falling victim to their own internalized prejudices (or however they'd word it) about who constitutes the 'default' in a society. This is the glory of anonymity.

>> No.9208759

t.ugly females

>> No.9208771

I don't buy it, not completely anyway. 4chan hasn't been a secret club in years. Hundreds of thousands are online at any given point in time. There must be plenty of attractive and reasonably well-adjusted people included in that figure.

>> No.9208797

Please don't misgender me.

t. female (male)

>> No.9208816

Post your boy(girl)pussy

>> No.9208824

Incorrect because there are no females on 4chan.
- To browse these boards is to become an honorary straight white man who has very little experience of friendship offline.

>> No.9208830

female detected

>> No.9208835
File: 33 KB, 700x394, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9208850

This one's probably a woman too.

>> No.9208855


Pick one.

>> No.9208867

You'll never know ;)

>> No.9208868
File: 267 KB, 420x420, sickandtiredofyourshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realise all the reddit-tier posts and shit memes on this board are made by /pol/acks

>> No.9208878

Look I haven't got a problem with you being a woman.

>> No.9208886
File: 100 KB, 633x758, tfw to smart too post frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey ladies, white knight here

Get behind me, I'll deal with these virgin manchildren for you ;)

>> No.9208896

I'm actually a male (male) but you have no way to verify that

>> No.9208899

we are doing just fine, thank you

>> No.9208901

Pills are for sick people.

>> No.9208903

Okay but please could you actually?

>> No.9208914

>i find intelligence and education attractive
you're gay, face it

>> No.9208920

It's okay if he is. I'm going to have my dick for at least another six months

>> No.9208926

>but please could you actually?

Do you ever look at what you type?

Christ, off yourself, dumb cunt.

>> No.9208937

It's called uptalking, Anon. It's a formal grammar lmao.

>> No.9208940

>It's a formal grammar lmao.

It couldn't be more obvious you're a woman.

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.9208945
File: 2.78 MB, 500x375, 1480462660957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold still kid, this will just hurt a lot

>> No.9208947
File: 250 KB, 561x324, Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 18.47.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the 'most correct analysis itt' award goes to: >>9208868

>> No.9208955

H-he's fast!

>> No.9209030

Dawn and Maryann are cool

>> No.9209102

This. Also they are always spouting leftist nonsense and other such drivel.

>> No.9209194

>tfw grill
>tfw better read than most of /lit/
>tfw accuse anon of being grill when anon's dumb
>tfw most of the time pretend i'm just a faggot
>tfw parents emphasized greeks
feels glorious and smells nice, friends

>> No.9209205

Sorry sweetie, being well read won't make you attractive ;)

>> No.9209222

you're worse than i thought

>> No.9209232

But do you have nice feet?

>> No.9209235

l o n d o n